Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • edited October 2015

    I liked the episode, it had glorious moments, I was so angry, sad, laughed so much during that nightmare moment, then it got sad again. I know that almost all the things that happened in this episode were already easily predicted, but they still made it in a way that was satisfying.

    Now let's talk about what I hated about this episode. I always thought that I would get to replay this game over and over so I could discover all the endings, the fact that there are only 2 endings alone made me furious, then I see that ALL the choices I made had no effect on the endings. I really thought that Dontnod took their time to release this episode so that they'd make more endings, or was that sacrifice Arcadia Bay added in the last minute? Cause it really seemed like it. it was so short and empty, I waited for something to happen, then the credits showed up.

  • edited October 2015

    I think Jefferson could have had successful criminal career with "white" papers if Max didn't successfully meddle with his plans.

    After Jefferson family is out of the picture thanks to Nathan's case, his hideout is damn well hidden to be discovered by an accident (Daniel ends up coming alone as usual and loses the fight, so nobody is left to tell outside of the culprit.)

    Since Nathan was goner, he had no way to leech Jefferson family's money (seems that Nathan is quite rich too, probably got a lot of money from his father) he can just start selling his pictures to black market (plenty of fellow rich "sickos" who want see that stuff.)

    They say crime doesn't pay but unfortunately that isn't always true.

  • "Bitch do not mess with Frank or me. You got a snack?"- Pompidou

    Too good lol

  • A very cringey comment reply on youtube after I shared my final choice.

  • I can't express how satisfied I was that Alyssa's stupidity was fully realized in the finale.

  • I'll just add another comment, that's just been on my mind. I truly believe Dontnod will release some sort of DLC... they have to, that ending just seemed way too abrupt to me, I don't think Dontnod would end their first huge success of a game just like that. There has to be a DLC or something that should go into it more... or hey, maybe it'll be fleshed out in Season 2. I don't know, but I'm just upset that Season 1 is over, and now we probably have to wait a year for more LiS. ;-;

  • Well good news and bad news. Good news Dontnod MIGHT make a dlc. Fan request for them to make it could help a lot.

    Bad news: While a season 2 IS hugely possible, they said it would have a completely different cast. Which makes sense do to....that final choice.

    JohnBuro posted: »

    I'll just add another comment, that's just been on my mind. I truly believe Dontnod will release some sort of DLC... they have to, that endi

  • Did Alyssa just die from the fall? Or was she stuck down there until the storm killed her?

  • Let me guess. You sacrificed Chloe?

  • Yeah I said that a few pages ago.

  • edited October 2015

    Decisions.. Decisions..

    Save your city

    enter image description here

    Save your true friend.

    enter image description here

  • Please read the spoiler reply to this post ONLY if you've played episode 5. I need major help

  • Yeah, that'd be great, haha.

    And yep, I've heard that everywhere. If that's the case, I will definitely miss the original cast. But, as long as it means for more LiS, then I'm all good.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Well good news and bad news. Good news Dontnod MIGHT make a dlc. Fan request for them to make it could help a lot. Bad news: While a seas

  • So I'm worried that I have spoiled the finale for myself, so could someone please tell me if I have more to look forward too when I play the episode? I have to wait until at least Friday to play it,but like the idiot I am, I watched some of the beginning of it as well as saw some spoilers in youtube video titles as well. So this is the stuff I know: Mr. Jefferson dies, There is a choice to kiss Warren, and the final choice is to sacrifice Arcadia Bay or Chloe for some reason that I don't know about, although I know nothing of the complete ending besides those two choices. So, have I totally spoiled the finale for myself, or do I have a lot more to look forward to?

    Please read the spoiler reply to this post ONLY if you've played episode 5. I need major help

  • Those are some big spoilers... should of stayed off youtube.. but you still have a bit to look forward too.. some shocking twisted moments and character revelations..but yea.. shame.

  • Yeah, it was just being REALLY weird, I got it working and just finished.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Is it out? I checked the other day when I saw a bunch of vids pop uo on u2b, figured the u2bers got a leg up. Now I'm confused

  • edited October 2015

    Okay, after cooling off from the episode, I can finally share my thoughts!

    I thought it was a remarkable episode! It was creepy, emotional, tense, etc. However, there were a few things that made me wonder if this could've been better...

    I also chose to sacrifice Chloe.

    + Jefferson's creepy personality.

    • Max's development from teenager to gifted savior.

    • Max's confrontation with herself (in the nightmare).

    • The nightmare sequence.

    • The ENTIRE cast's performances.

    • Darker tone.

    - While still existent, choices didn't effect much as before.

    • Sacrifice Arcadia Bay ending (Max and Chloe just ride off into the distance even though Max killed basically EVERYONE in town, even Chloe's MOTHER. They're even smiling).

    • There was only one major choice (which ending you received). Some of the minor choices could have been used as major choices.

    • You can only save four people in the storm hub level, and three of those people you've only encountered briefly. And Alyssa being someone in danger was predictable. You can say five if you count the homeless woman, but you have to warn her WAY earlier.

    Regardless, it was an amazing finale! And I still, personally, believe that DONTNOD is better at the "choice matters" concept that TellTale. I was laughing at the whole Chloe hating Max in her nightmare. I didn't expect her to hook up with Warren and Victoria. xD

    I do have a few questions, though. Did anyone have Victoria appear in the beginning of the episode for them? Does she appear if you warn her, but doesn't believe it? I couldn't understand what Jefferson meant by "letting [her] go," he was being vague, did he kill her? Lastly, when I chose to sacrifice Chloe, she and Max kissed. However, in a play through I watched of the same ending, they hugged. What triggers this?

  • edited October 2015

    Okay, I can't say I'm not disappointed. It was a good episode overall, and both save Bay and save Bae endings were just good. I was expecting so much from this episode, so yeah, I'm a bit disappointed. Honestly, I don't care if the ending was too predictable, really. We were all expecting that since EP1, and I wasn't expecting a mind blown ending, just an emotional one... and they certainly could've done better.

    The first hour was AMAZING, the dark room scenes, max going to san francisco, etc. But after that... I don't know, I was expecting more. Much more.

    Anyway, how did Nathan know about the tornado? In EP4 trailer he mentioned it, and I know it was cut off in EP4, but does that mean the ending rewritten or something? Did Rachel also have powers?

    I'm confused.

  • edited October 2015

    Does she appear if you warn her, but doesn't believe it?

    She appears if you warned her and she believed you (ironic, I know). She says that after you warned her, she went to Mr Jefferson for help. And then you know...

    However, in a play through I watched of the same ending, they hugged

    They didn't kiss in my playtrhough, and I kissed her in EP3. But I kissed Warren in this episode too, so I guess kissing warren = not kissing chloe.

  • I'm VERY happy with the finale, I may be one of the few that was. There were ups and downs but I was overall satisfied with the ending. I sacrificed Chloe and it felt like a true ending to the story, some of the story wasn't wrapped up completely but that allows me to stay in the universe and just make it up for my story...This isn't for everyone though so I understand the frustration of some people.

    The only thing that bugged me was how they expect you to love Chloe. I only liked her episode 4 and her heroic sacrifice this episode. It made the last choice very easy, although I guess if you liked Chloe it was harder.

    Oh well, over all I give the episode 7/10 and Life is Strange over all a 9/10.

  • I kissed Chloe and Warren this episode.. I also kissed Chloe in episode 3 and I also still got the kiss at the end.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Does she appear if you warn her, but doesn't believe it? She appears if you warned her and she believed you (ironic, I know). She sa

  • do you have a vid?
    couldn't find it on youtube

    Did anyone else think this episode was funny? Like the fight between David and Jefferson. David just kept getting killed. And when Max had t

  • What the fuck hahah. Lol, I have no idea then.

    I must have blacked out during their kiss, lol

    Legendary12 posted: »

    I kissed Chloe and Warren this episode.. I also kissed Chloe in episode 3 and I also still got the kiss at the end.

  • I just finished as well. Kinda predictable end. Lol

    Yeah, it was just being REALLY weird, I got it working and just finished.

  • edited October 2015

    Well. . . that was a let down. The time jumping was fairly interesting but the rest of the story was just boring, and the dialogue was pathetically cringe worthy. The ending was the worst part. Terribly predictable and hardly satisfactory. The only redeeming portion was the little blue butterfly landing on the coffin before the screen went black.

    6-6.5 for all the episodes, 5.5-6 for the finale. Telltale has yet to have a competitor.

  • edited October 2015

    That ending choices was hard as hell, but I had to sacrifice Arcadia Bay. I love Chloe too much for her to die :*(

    If there is one thing negative I have to say about the ending is that it just didn't feel like an ending. Like there was something missing I don't know maybe dlc? Besides the endings I loved it though

  • I wouldn't say you are one of the few. Based on everything I've seen (outside of Mainstream reviews and this site) everyone seems to dig this episode

  • Yeah, that episode was tedious and idiotic 5/10. I'll say this, If you didn't save Chloe everything was for nothing. It didn't make any sense to give her the power in the first damn place!! This series should have ended in episode one. Chloe gets shot, THE END. Soooo predictable and irritating. I hope borderlands finale is better.

  • I'm happy with it too, the only thing that bugs me is that Chloe dies thinking Max and Rachel both left her in that bathroom.. hopefully there is a Chloe out there that remembers it all.. or Chloe is the butterfly at the end on that coffin.. but the ending of this series is by far not the worst we have seen.. I think maybe people expected too much from it.

  • While I agree the episode wasn't close to being the greatest, I gotta disagree with the series ending in episode one. It had a good plot for the most part, did not understand episode 5, though.

  • edited October 2015

    Michel Koch, one of the games' directors answered to the question about the Pricefield romance in the "Save Chloe" ending, as well as to the question why that ending was short. Here is what he said.

    "The ending where Chloe lives does not feel ambiguous to me. You sacrifice everyone for Chloe, they leave together, saying they will be together. I don't know, maybe that was a mistake but to me it was clear enough, and beautiful. This kind of choice and sacrifice you do it for love, I didn't feel it was necessary to show more as the message and feeling felt powerful enough. And their smiling in the car felt enough to me to induce what will happen next. Sorry if this wasn't showed enough though.
    I also thought that with all the destruction and death it would not have been the right moment for a kiss. This will happen after the ending, the next days, to me this is where it is leading for sure. And this is also the point, their relation is so strong and the player connected to Chloe if he did this choice, so I didn't think anything more had to be shown, because the player knew how both characters felt.

    And to be honest we thought a lot about more variations in the car ending, but the production reality and budget also kicked in, so we tried our best to make it work having in mind what I told you. But for sure this ending is only the beginning for Max and Chloe, like in a good book what happens next is also in your own imagination :)"

  • It had the basic plot of butterfly effect, nothing spectacular. I thought they'd do something a little different at the end, but no, same basic idea plus a few things ripped straight from the movie.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    While I agree the episode wasn't close to being the greatest, I gotta disagree with the series ending in episode one. It had a good plot for the most part, did not understand episode 5, though.

  • So basically the reason the Save Chloe ending was "weaker" was because basically they didn't have the budget? I wish they went into more detail in that ending like was there really no survivors at all? And why weren't Chloe and Max morning their friends and family

  • edited October 2015

    we don't know how much time had passed from the storm to the car scene.. it could of been the next morning.. the next 2 days.. the next 4.. we don't know.. its also unclear on who died and lived. Shame they had budget problems..

    So basically the reason the Save Chloe ending was "weaker" was because basically they didn't have the budget? I wish they went into more det

  • edited October 2015

    I thought the finale episode- especially the endings- was pretty meh. The nightmare sequence was cool though

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