I just looked up health adverts from the 1940s on Google images and the irony is palpable.
To look back at a time where people so… moreught to gain weight and comparing it to today's world where you have to be so unhealthily thin in order to be attractive is maddening.
Welp it's been a long time since i posted anything here so might as well post something that i been meaning to share.
On sunday i watched the Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 2 'JSS'. In my opinion one of the best eps the show has ever produced. However my experience with the ep is apparently rather unique. No, no it's not that it's disliked (On the contrary people all over are praising it). It's just that through the entire episode i found myself connected to one character.....Morgan. I felt so completely attached to his struggle. He's trying to save everyone even the bad guys....just like me.
Well i should explain what i mean by that. It all started with one of my favorite games Assassins Creed 2. I have loved the AC franchise for years now, with its amazing characters, it's passion for historical events and just being overall awesome. I played the AC games for days and i was ENTIRELY merciless. One time i killed everyone in a fort, wasted an hour on it since they kept finding me and i lost the optional objective. But one time i noticed AC had a very particular undermentioned mechanic, knockouts. Nearly everyone forgot about them unless they HAD to use them. When i noticed the mechanic i started using it against people to prove that i didn't need a sword to fight opponents. After my success i found myself enjoying the sight of those guards shaking on the ground from side to side. So i then began to use knockouts on fights instead of the various weapons i had at my disposal. After a while of doing this to ALL the normal guards, sometimes just for the laughs i had about how they would be when they woke up.
It was just for fun. Until one time i was doing a mission and Ezio pulled out his sword to fight the enemies. I was about to attack, but then my feelings changed. After thinking about it i found out i didn't want to kill the guards anymore. I was even more surprised that i suddenly felt sad for a guard a companion killed. Then i decided that i would only kill guards when i had no other choice which with my skills in the game turned out to be when i faced the fully gold armored guards. But eventually i found myself even avoiding that, managing to knockout fully armored guards. This gaming morality of mine carried over to other games. In Skyrim the once blood thirsty warrior nord started telling bandits to run away and tried to look for any alternative to killing people (And found very little). The Connor who once massacred and entire towns guard TWICE found himself sparring people even when he was hired to kill them (I was the first AC fan to discover that apparently just knocking the person out still gives you the reward). Hell i even managed to find a way do non lethal air takedowns from roofs (Equip 'fists' and drop down on someone). I even started to use this mentality for interactive stories on the forum, wanting everyone who could to live. I became so non lethal in games that i nicknamed myself 'the spare card'.
But all of this made the experience feel.... different. I suddenly felt that my character was fighting the world. Almost everyone killed without blinking an eye, but not me. My mindset changed (and remains) from 'how do i get out of this alive' to 'how do i save as many people as possible'. It gave me a new excitement, a new challenge no one else ever thought about. But with this came a burden. The best example i can give you was that time i played 'The Battle of Forli DLC' for AC 2. By this point i liked to repeatedly acknowledge the fact i was not killing people. I liked to respond to characters with "Have a nice night", "When you Awake you'll be in chains", "Yeah i dealt with them, i hope you're cells can handle this many people" or just simply " Yeah they're not dead i just made sure they can't hurt anyone till the wake up". I had just finished beating the hell out of two guard squadrons (One guy fell with one punch) and opened the door for the troops to come in. What followed was a gaming experience i will never forget.
The second the cutscene ended i was with the troops and we started marching to retake the city. I took one guard down instantly. But as i was finishing a second guy someone shoved a sword through his chest. I was completely shocked. What made me even more shocked is that no one seemed to care, they just kept fighting guards. Then i realised they were killing all the guards. Do to the new gaming morals i had i started to prioritise on saving the guards. I ended up realising the only way i could do that was by knocking the out before any of the soldiers did, it was an odd experience. Infact i started to HATE my own army since they not only kept killing the guards but also kept killing the ones i almost took out. I was so mad i began to yell 'Stop!', 'There's no need to kill them!', 'I don't want to kill them i want o lock them away' , 'YOU IDIOT, the guy only had half a shield he was DONE'. By the time we reached the scene we were fighting the tower guards i wanted to beat the living hell out of both the soldier's captain and the town leader because they kept killing everyone. I found myself telling the guards to attack me. To my sadness most of them didn't. I did however get the satisfaction of knocking a guy out right before they killed him.
As you can probably guess during the walking dead i kept getting flashbacks to the dlc. I was actually happy in that scene Morgan let the wolves go. And according to nearly every other fan that was a 'wtf' moment.
I don't really like the guy, he's a bit of a cunt sometimes, and I'm not a fan of his vids, however, I do hope he gets through this, would suck pretty bad if he died.
This is terrible. I hope he can fight this long enough for some good treatments to be developed. Good luck TB.
A comment on this I agree with
What's your opinion on this?
A comment on this I agree with
What's your opinion on this?
This is terrible. I hope he can fight this long enough for some good treatments to be developed. Good luck TB.
A comment on this I agree with
What's your opinion on this?
I have the same experience myself on GTA Online. At first I started as a dangerous psychopath that just destroyed and killed anything in my way, and act very aggressive. However early this year I started to get a bit soft in the game. As I leveled up higher and higher, the softer I became. I now find myself helping lower levels fend off the ones over a hundred since I know the high levels (and with red on their blip) loves to prey on the weak (although sometimes the lower level starts it, so I won't get involved if they were asking for it). I would fend the big ones off, and take the newbies with me to escape the area, and would drop them off to a safe spot. And if I see a player get ganged up on with 2 or more, I try to help the player to even the odds. I believe in fairness during battle. Although, I will get weaker levels coming after me at times so I just try to scare them off with my big guns. I will stop if they run away or message to stop. However, I still show no mercy to tanks and jets. They're my mortal enemy. haha
Welp it's been a long time since i posted anything here so might as well post something that i been meaning to share.
On sunday i watched… more the Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 2 'JSS'. In my opinion one of the best eps the show has ever produced. However my experience with the ep is apparently rather unique. No, no it's not that it's disliked (On the contrary people all over are praising it). It's just that through the entire episode i found myself connected to one character.....Morgan. I felt so completely attached to his struggle. He's trying to save everyone even the bad guys....just like me.
Well i should explain what i mean by that. It all started with one of my favorite games Assassins Creed 2. I have loved the AC franchise for years now, with its amazing characters, it's passion for historical events and just being overall awesome. I played the AC games for days and i was ENTIRELY merciless. One time i killed everyone in a fort, wast… [view original content]
It's a nice read.
I have the same experience myself on GTA Online. At first I started as a dangerous psychopath that just destroyed and k… moreilled anything in my way, and act very aggressive. However early this year I started to get a bit soft in the game. As I leveled up higher and higher, the softer I became. I now find myself helping lower levels fend off the ones over a hundred since I know the high levels (and with red on their blip) loves to prey on the weak (although sometimes the lower level starts it, so I won't get involved if they were asking for it). I would fend the big ones off, and take the newbies with me to escape the area, and would drop them off to a safe spot. And if I see a player get ganged up on with 2 or more, I try to help the player to even the odds. I believe in fairness during battle. Although, I will get weaker levels coming after me at times so I just try to scare them off with my big guns. I will stop if they run… [view original content]
I just completed Valient Heart best 15 euro I ever spent the game is an absolute masterpiece 10/10 my feels what a beautiful representation of the troubles of war and the hardships soldiers go through all within a fun point and click adventure learning about history and admiring the soldiers of the past for their bravery.
Whoever made that game I hope is a very rich man now this game I'm just so happy was made and people could see what life was like as a soldier that many were forced into that position.
But no spoilers
Buy this game and I promise whatever is spent on this will be the best thing you ever spent that amount of money on learn about history and play an awesome game doet just perfect :P
It's a nice read.
I have the same experience myself on GTA Online. At first I started as a dangerous psychopath that just destroyed and k… moreilled anything in my way, and act very aggressive. However early this year I started to get a bit soft in the game. As I leveled up higher and higher, the softer I became. I now find myself helping lower levels fend off the ones over a hundred since I know the high levels (and with red on their blip) loves to prey on the weak (although sometimes the lower level starts it, so I won't get involved if they were asking for it). I would fend the big ones off, and take the newbies with me to escape the area, and would drop them off to a safe spot. And if I see a player get ganged up on with 2 or more, I try to help the player to even the odds. I believe in fairness during battle. Although, I will get weaker levels coming after me at times so I just try to scare them off with my big guns. I will stop if they run… [view original content]
Welp it's been a long time since i posted anything here so might as well post something that i been meaning to share.
On sunday i watched… more the Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 2 'JSS'. In my opinion one of the best eps the show has ever produced. However my experience with the ep is apparently rather unique. No, no it's not that it's disliked (On the contrary people all over are praising it). It's just that through the entire episode i found myself connected to one character.....Morgan. I felt so completely attached to his struggle. He's trying to save everyone even the bad guys....just like me.
Well i should explain what i mean by that. It all started with one of my favorite games Assassins Creed 2. I have loved the AC franchise for years now, with its amazing characters, it's passion for historical events and just being overall awesome. I played the AC games for days and i was ENTIRELY merciless. One time i killed everyone in a fort, wast… [view original content]
I just completed Valient Heart best 15 euro I ever spent the game is an absolute masterpiece 10/10 my feels what a beautiful representation … moreof the troubles of war and the hardships soldiers go through all within a fun point and click adventure learning about history and admiring the soldiers of the past for their bravery.
Whoever made that game I hope is a very rich man now this game I'm just so happy was made and people could see what life was like as a soldier that many were forced into that position.
But no spoilers
Buy this game and I promise whatever is spent on this will be the best thing you ever spent that amount of money on learn about history and play an awesome game doet just perfect :P
Well, if you think so, would you mind presenting evidence?
I mean, if you're so certain about that, I'm sure you must have some kind of proof to support your argument.
I say thi… mores because Bethesda games on Playstation are usually poorly optomized, so I'm worried I'll be shit out of luck.
EDIT: Nevermind about this. I've decided to just stick with the PS4 version because it's not worth buying a whole different console for like $300+.
Well, I don't really care about the mods portion. I just want to be able to play the game at its best. I know someone will say PC, I just don't have a high end one so yea.
I recently asked my friend about this, and he suggested it would better to get it on PS4 since I already have that. Looks like I'm buying the Gold Edition with the special socks from Best Buy.
99% of the stuff has been done already,the government has hidden it though...
Wish we could go back to those days. Ain't nothing wrong with some meat on your bones.
Welp it's been a long time since i posted anything here so might as well post something that i been meaning to share.
On sunday i watched the Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 2 'JSS'. In my opinion one of the best eps the show has ever produced. However my experience with the ep is apparently rather unique. No, no it's not that it's disliked (On the contrary people all over are praising it). It's just that through the entire episode i found myself connected to one character.....Morgan. I felt so completely attached to his struggle. He's trying to save everyone even the bad guys....just like me.
Well i should explain what i mean by that. It all started with one of my favorite games Assassins Creed 2. I have loved the AC franchise for years now, with its amazing characters, it's passion for historical events and just being overall awesome. I played the AC games for days and i was ENTIRELY merciless. One time i killed everyone in a fort, wasted an hour on it since they kept finding me and i lost the optional objective. But one time i noticed AC had a very particular undermentioned mechanic, knockouts. Nearly everyone forgot about them unless they HAD to use them. When i noticed the mechanic i started using it against people to prove that i didn't need a sword to fight opponents. After my success i found myself enjoying the sight of those guards shaking on the ground from side to side. So i then began to use knockouts on fights instead of the various weapons i had at my disposal. After a while of doing this to ALL the normal guards, sometimes just for the laughs i had about how they would be when they woke up.
It was just for fun. Until one time i was doing a mission and Ezio pulled out his sword to fight the enemies. I was about to attack, but then my feelings changed. After thinking about it i found out i didn't want to kill the guards anymore. I was even more surprised that i suddenly felt sad for a guard a companion killed. Then i decided that i would only kill guards when i had no other choice which with my skills in the game turned out to be when i faced the fully gold armored guards. But eventually i found myself even avoiding that, managing to knockout fully armored guards. This gaming morality of mine carried over to other games. In Skyrim the once blood thirsty warrior nord started telling bandits to run away and tried to look for any alternative to killing people (And found very little). The Connor who once massacred and entire towns guard TWICE found himself sparring people even when he was hired to kill them (I was the first AC fan to discover that apparently just knocking the person out still gives you the reward). Hell i even managed to find a way do non lethal air takedowns from roofs (Equip 'fists' and drop down on someone). I even started to use this mentality for interactive stories on the forum, wanting everyone who could to live. I became so non lethal in games that i nicknamed myself 'the spare card'.
But all of this made the experience feel.... different. I suddenly felt that my character was fighting the world. Almost everyone killed without blinking an eye, but not me. My mindset changed (and remains) from 'how do i get out of this alive' to 'how do i save as many people as possible'. It gave me a new excitement, a new challenge no one else ever thought about. But with this came a burden. The best example i can give you was that time i played 'The Battle of Forli DLC' for AC 2. By this point i liked to repeatedly acknowledge the fact i was not killing people. I liked to respond to characters with "Have a nice night", "When you Awake you'll be in chains", "Yeah i dealt with them, i hope you're cells can handle this many people" or just simply " Yeah they're not dead i just made sure they can't hurt anyone till the wake up". I had just finished beating the hell out of two guard squadrons (One guy fell with one punch) and opened the door for the troops to come in. What followed was a gaming experience i will never forget.
The second the cutscene ended i was with the troops and we started marching to retake the city. I took one guard down instantly. But as i was finishing a second guy someone shoved a sword through his chest. I was completely shocked. What made me even more shocked is that no one seemed to care, they just kept fighting guards. Then i realised they were killing all the guards. Do to the new gaming morals i had i started to prioritise on saving the guards. I ended up realising the only way i could do that was by knocking the out before any of the soldiers did, it was an odd experience. Infact i started to HATE my own army since they not only kept killing the guards but also kept killing the ones i almost took out. I was so mad i began to yell 'Stop!', 'There's no need to kill them!', 'I don't want to kill them i want o lock them away' , 'YOU IDIOT, the guy only had half a shield he was DONE'. By the time we reached the scene we were fighting the tower guards i wanted to beat the living hell out of both the soldier's captain and the town leader because they kept killing everyone. I found myself telling the guards to attack me. To my sadness most of them didn't. I did however get the satisfaction of knocking a guy out right before they killed him.
As you can probably guess during the walking dead i kept getting flashbacks to the dlc. I was actually happy in that scene Morgan let the wolves go. And according to nearly every other fan that was a 'wtf' moment.
Thanks to anyone that actually read this.
I just want to give this thread as much coverage as I can so that everyone can have their say. Please keep it civil.
I agree that a man wouldn't last a second being a woman .
This is terrible. I hope he can fight this long enough for some good treatments to be developed. Good luck TB.
I agree that you wouldn't last a second in a warzone.
I don't really like the guy, he's a bit of a cunt sometimes, and I'm not a fan of his vids, however, I do hope he gets through this, would suck pretty bad if he died.
A comment on this I agree with
What's your opinion on this?
The school principal doesn't understand how elections work. Typical US education system.
enter link description here
This is awesome
I really fucking hate identity politics. Can these idiots stop making everything out to be about race or gender?
Well, shit. I actually like his videos, even if he is a bit.............off-putting.
How's your day, skiddo?
Welcome to San Francisco, the most overrated city in America.
It's a nice read.
I have the same experience myself on GTA Online. At first I started as a dangerous psychopath that just destroyed and killed anything in my way, and act very aggressive. However early this year I started to get a bit soft in the game. As I leveled up higher and higher, the softer I became. I now find myself helping lower levels fend off the ones over a hundred since I know the high levels (and with red on their blip) loves to prey on the weak (although sometimes the lower level starts it, so I won't get involved if they were asking for it). I would fend the big ones off, and take the newbies with me to escape the area, and would drop them off to a safe spot. And if I see a player get ganged up on with 2 or more, I try to help the player to even the odds. I believe in fairness during battle. Although, I will get weaker levels coming after me at times so I just try to scare them off with my big guns. I will stop if they run away or message to stop. However, I still show no mercy to tanks and jets. They're my mortal enemy. haha
I've always been like that in GTA online. I almost never attack another player unless they're red or attack me first.
The most aggressive I get is buzzing tanks and insurgents in my mallard. It freaks people out.
I just completed Valient Heart best 15 euro I ever spent the game is an absolute masterpiece 10/10 my feels what a beautiful representation of the troubles of war and the hardships soldiers go through all within a fun point and click adventure learning about history and admiring the soldiers of the past for their bravery.
Whoever made that game I hope is a very rich man now this game I'm just so happy was made and people could see what life was like as a soldier that many were forced into that position.
But no spoilers
Buy this game and I promise whatever is spent on this will be the best thing you ever spent that amount of money on learn about history and play an awesome game doet just perfect :P
If more women were in charge . There would be fewer warzones .
But like always . The wrong people are in charge.
Glad im not the only one
This site has 'unreliable clickbait' written all over it.
There are no shields in Assassin's creed 2??
Happy Back To The Future day!
EDIT: Also time to play TFTB Episode 5. I'm scared.
I call their health shields.
You clearly don't understand human nature.
Women are just as insane as men are.
Not going to lie, ending made me tear up.
Ah yes, like the man on that one plane?
Sounds like drugs to me.
Please let's not revisit that ugly topic. That mess of a human being namely Bruce .
Of course you'd say so.
Of course I would! I'm rational. Thanks for noticing.
Well, if you think so, would you mind presenting evidence?
I mean, if you're so certain about that, I'm sure you must have some kind of proof to support your argument.
Why do you do that?
What? Trying to have a civil and respectul discussion with you?
I was just asking for you to present evidence to support your claim, otherwise I don't see why you'd believe that... I'm just really curious.
Did I offend you or something? :P
I say this because Bethesda games on Playstation are usually poorly optomized, so I'm worried I'll be shit out of luck.
EDIT: Nevermind about this. I've decided to just stick with the PS4 version because it's not worth buying a whole different console for like $300+.
There's mods on Xbox One, so there's that.
Well, I don't really care about the mods portion. I just want to be able to play the game at its best. I know someone will say PC, I just don't have a high end one so yea.
I recently asked my friend about this, and he suggested it would better to get it on PS4 since I already have that. Looks like I'm buying the Gold Edition with the special socks from Best Buy.
Thanks anyway.