If you expect too much you may become disappointed. Either way I'm sure they haven't been spending all that time scratching their arses and … moreeating Cheetos.
It's a finale, the other ttg game finales I've played were good, and I'm sure this one will be aswell.
No it wouldn't be since they're 2 different games that have nothing to do with eachother, nor do they have the same team working on it. There would be no connection to call it absurd.
So it's not next tuesday, but the tuesday after that, and the tuesday after that, and the tuesday after that.....
"Telltale doesn't think people want episodes that are long."
Huh? What in the world led them to believe that silly nonsense? I want a very long game! One of my complaints with episode five was that it felt rushed.
This had better be one hell of a good, and very long, episode.
Reposting my response to another comment:
Telltale doesn't think p… moreeople want episodes that are long, so I wouldn't count on that. I'm not defending that entirely, I'm just pointing that they are typically adverse to longer episodes so you don't get your hopes up too much. As of Walking Dead, they typically aim for games that more resemble cinema, so the longest they would probably make an episode with their current design process is 2.5 hours, or maybe 3 if they were open to being experimental.
"Telltale doesn't think people want episodes that are long."
Huh? What in the world led them to believe that silly nonsense? I want a very long game! One of my complaints with episode five was that it felt rushed.
I just checked, the TWAU wait was actually a few days shorter, because first episode came out on Friday. So yeah, the TWAU wait lasted 16,5 weeks, the GoT wait is 17 weeks.
I never imagined they would actually top the TWAU wait, but here we go.
Ah, honestly, I loved Tales' finale, so if it's anything like it, it's totally worth the wait,for me.
I feel like it was one of the longest episodes yet.
Game of Thrones is the longest wait by 1-2 days, i did the calculations with this website and the durations below are how long it was between the longest waits.
Game of Thrones is the longest wait by 1-2 days, i did the calculations with this website and the durations below are how long it was betwee… moren the longest waits.
* Game of Thrones Ep 5-6: 119 days
* The Wolf Among Us Ep 1-2: 117 days
* Tales from the Borderlands Ep 1-2: 112 days
I'll be there loving it since I like MCSM.
What a great Birthday gift for me ;3
I liked the first episode too, but two episodes of that before the GoT finale is absurd.
Hey at least we have 6 episodes instead of 5.
So it's not next tuesday, but the tuesday after that, and the tuesday after that, and the tuesday after that.....
No it wouldn't be since they're 2 different games that have nothing to do with eachother, nor do they have the same team working on it. There would be no connection to call it absurd.
Called it N17
At least we have a release date, november 17th, i feel better. [SCREAMING IN THE INSIDE]
Maybe telltale will reward us with more shipping? A little Mira-Morgyn action would be nice.
Remember when we thought that the episode would be released on O27? Good times...
Right? I literally resorted to taking shots of vodka because I'm too cool to cry. xD
September 27:
"Job Stauffer has Fan Q&A on Twitter for future Telltale news...
Fan asks: Do you know when the final GoT episode will premiere?
Response from Job: Not long after the 'Tales from the @.Borderlands' finale - the team is working hard on the biggest episodes yet! News soon!"
October 21 (A.K.A. "The Future"):
"Ep 6 Release Date Discussion: Episode Available November 17th"
was a lie?? ;;((((((
Ah, honestly, I loved Tales' finale, so if it's anything like it, it's totally worth the wait,for me.
I feel like it was one of the longest episodes yet.
"Telltale doesn't think people want episodes that are long."
Huh? What in the world led them to believe that silly nonsense? I want a very long game! One of my complaints with episode five was that it felt rushed.
Love the actor, hate the character. No more Ramsay! No more!
I swear, this episode better be made of the purest pixels from tralalalalaleeday.
They want their current titles to resemble cinema, not only in presentation but also in length. Older titles were 3-6 hours long on average.
Ah fuck. I am most displeased.
O27 will always carry on in my heart.
The End
My excitement when it releases 2 days before my birthday...
and me preparing for episode 6...
November! ha! I was right!
Current state of this thread
That is entirely accurate.
O27 is the new F17.
We all love you, Telltale... why do you hurt us like this? ;_; (Nah I have faith this finale will be incredible!)
We must be strong, my son... and prepare to slaughter the babes in their beds.
And they even said that what happened with TWAU E2 won't happen again, those liars.
Math time!
Episode 1 release date: December 2nd 2014.
Episode 6 release date: November 17th 2015.
Number of weeks between initial release and final release: 50.
Number of episodes after initial release: 5.
Mean wait time between episodes: 10 weeks.
So glad to see an optimistic comment.
So...Is this the longest episode gap ever? Or is Tales from the Borderlands gap between ep1 and ep2 still the longest?
Yep, GoT wait is actually a day longer than the TftB one.
EDIT: Goddammit Ozzy, I trusted you.
Game of Thrones is the longest wait by 1-2 days, i did the calculations with this website and the durations below are how long it was between the longest waits.
Game of Thrones Ep 5-6: 119 days
The Wolf Among Us Ep 1-2: 117 days
Tales from the Borderlands Ep 1-2: 112 days
Thank you both for the calculation.
Well, at least Ice Dragon has that honor. Despite the long wait, it wasn't as hard as Tales from the Borderlands Ep 1-2. I can handle another month.
Wow thanks I just spat my coffee across the room XD.
Telltale just give us the trailer now that should satisfy us until N17.