The Vent/Help Thread



  • I know and that's exactly what I'm trying to do. But the thing is, in the last four years I've only met like, three new girls. I see girls I like everyday though, but what am I supposed to do? Just go there and say hi? It's easier for me if we have something in common, like I did with her.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    My recommendation is to just move on. It's hard and shitty, believe me I know, but I'm sure you can find somebody who is better and more ho

  • Well, that can be tough. Have you tried online dating or speed dating? Don't let taboos over that stuff get in your way, and they're really, really great and helping to break the ice, so you don't have to approach somebody out of the blue. Girls are everywhere. You are bound to share stuff in common with many of them. Plus, your profile pic is Castiel! Do you know how many girls like Castiel and Supernatural?!

    I'm awful at approaching people I don't know. I still am, but I am much better. The way I get myself past it is like getting into a cold swimming pool. You can try to wade in, but that is scary and slow. But you have nothing to lose if you just dive in, right?

    And then... well, I've got to tell you, one of the worst mistakes of my life was getting hung up on one girl who wasn't interested in me. It nearly tore me apart (along with some other issues). And even though I'm still single, I've learned to accept that things have worked out for the best and now I am free to meet other people, and meanwhile, she is still a very close friend and ally. Nobody is unique or special enough to be the only possible companion for you. It's statistically impossible.

    Finally, and I'm sorry for the long post, but I found dialing expectations back helped immensely. The media as a whole creates the illusion of constant sex, but it's much better to just socialize and let whatever happens, happen. Find people who you have a lot in common with. Hang out with them. See where things go from there. Nobody is obligated to be with you, so you have to find somebody who wants that too. This girl, and I hate to say this, clearly doesn't want this. And that's her loss, not yours.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    I know and that's exactly what I'm trying to do. But the thing is, in the last four years I've only met like, three new girls. I see girls I

  • edited October 2015

    Have you tried online dating or speed dating?

    Yes, and I never will again. But the thing is, I could meet plenty of girls irl ,but I don't. I don't think online dating is really a good choice for an 18yo.

    Do you know how many girls like Castiel and Supernatural?!

    You'd be surprised that it's not really popular here.

    I'm awful at approaching people I don't know.

    This. I saw this one girl waiting outside class. I really wanted to talk to her, but I didn't cause I don't even know anything about them except that she goes to the same uni as me.

    Thanks for answering though.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    Well, that can be tough. Have you tried online dating or speed dating? Don't let taboos over that stuff get in your way, and they're reall

  • What kind of person? Most.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    What kind of a person befriends a guy, talks to him because she's lonely, but then meets a new guy and just blatantly ignores the first one? Screw you, Adriana, screw you.

  • People are overrated. Atleast I have my dog, right? She won't leave me.

    What kind of person? Most.

  • I really don't get most American's irrational hatred and/or fear of socialism. I'm far from a socialist myself but it doesn't seem as insane and hateful as others describe it.

  • You're completely right about that. Socialism has a huge taboo status in the U.S. that doesn't really exist in the rest if the world.

    We've been educated to view Socialism as a monolithic evil and capitalism as a the wellspring of all things good. It's simply not true and it's simply not that simple.

    We've really come far though. The fact that a self-proclaimed socialist is able to pick up a significant number of American votes is indicative of the crisis capitalism is in.

    I really don't get most American's irrational hatred and/or fear of socialism. I'm far from a socialist myself but it doesn't seem as insane and hateful as others describe it.

  • I literally lost a friend for not viewing socialism as the ultimate evil.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    You're completely right about that. Socialism has a huge taboo status in the U.S. that doesn't really exist in the rest if the world. We

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited October 2015

    Unfortunate, but not surprising. We live in an age of unreason.

    I literally lost a friend for not viewing socialism as the ultimate evil.

  • Okay, so, this vent connects to my earlier vent comment about the college problems. I didn't think things could get worse so quickly... -__-

    Anyways, so yesterday before even walking into class, I was being bombarded with bull crap from fellow students about the professor and other people in the class. I have gotten to the point where I just force myself to have a blank look on my face, and I just listen and immediately change the subject afterwards.

    But yesterday was particularly bad, and that means that Friday (tomorrow) is gonna be pretty bad too... -_-

    Anyways, a little bit of backstory... so again... STORY TIME!

    So, I'll be setting up some players in my story, using different names.

    Kyle, it what we will call this paritcular dude. Kyle is a 32 year old, probably the oldest person in the class. Since day one he has made it his goal everyday to sit next to me. Not only that, but he is kinda a creeper. Many times during the class we will get into small groups to talk. Due to where I sit, and since he sits next to me, we usually get stuck in a small group together. Each time the professor puts us in a group together, this kid just leans in closer to me, and stares, waiting for me to look at him. I can see him grinning creepily beside me, and it's really unsettling. So, finally when we talk, he'll laugh and say,"Oh, I didn't do any of the readings." And then proceed to talk BS. This is hard for me to deal with, because I sit next to the Professor, so, it's super easy for the professor to hear him clearly not talking about the subject material and then I get in trouble by association if the professor ever does decide to say something. Not only does Kyle not read or discuss class material, when the professor is talking he still tries to talk to me an engage me and try to make stupid jokes. Asking me questions, and bs like that. Well, Kyle ended up getting someone whom was sitting next to him in trouble one day because he was doing that same bullshit of trying to talk with someone over the professor. The professor whom is always calm, lost is on the kid he was engaging with, and not Kyle who initiated the conversation. I felt bad for the kid who got in trouble, because:

    it was Kyle's fault.

    And get this, as described by other students in the class, Kyle has a total thing for me. Which explains his creepy stares and always sitting really, really close to me. But everyday, he usually tries to challenge me on my views. And each time, it's total BS. He tried to challenge me one day in front of the entire class, thankfully some other people were willing to tell him he was wrong after I told him off myself. The professor just listened, and I was glad he didn't tell us to settle down because Kyle really was just trying to patronize me and he got shut down not only by me, but other students.

    Yesterday, Kyle once again tried to challenge me in front of others. He got onto me, saying that I was bothering a librarian by asking her for help. Um, excuse me, that's what librarians are there for! Especially since the material I needed can't be handled by a student, so it's her job specifically to help students with this material.

    I told the dude that it's her job to help me, and he just laughed and said "No, it's her job to get paid to do nothing and you interrupted that." So I just super mad, and I didn't want to blow up in front of 13 other people, so I just ignored him from then on out.

    But he didn't stop, he laughed and just said, "What, you don't want to get paid to do nothing?" I didn't know what to say, so I said "No, I'd rather be working than sitting around doing nothing." He again just laughed condescendingly, and kept on hounding me about bothering her.

    When we got into our groups, we had a new comer in the group for that day, we will call her Sally. Sally is a sassy girl, she is super expressive and asks like a total B whenever anyone tries to challenge her in class. Which most of the time, when people challenge you in class we all listen with anticipation to see who wins and who loses. Sally is decent and smart, but she's all to eager to hound on people and make fun of others who disagree with her. Not only is she eager to talk crap, it turns out that the dude who sits next to her (whom is my friend 'Mike') has started sitting next to me instead of her (since now other people think he likes me too... wtf?). I like Mike, he's fun and we're pretty similar and we get along and have other classes together. One day she was talking about Mike having moved around, and I said, "Oh yeah, Mike sits by me now." She was obviously pissed because Mike doesn't sit next to her anymore. Which is BS, I don't think he likes me, but she does so that pisses her off.

    Yesterday, Sally, Kyle, and me were in a group with another dude whom is quiet but very smart. Quiet smart dude just listened to the three of us go back and forth since Sally and Kyle ganged up on me, saying me methods of historical research/interviewing someone were wrong. I was defending myself, when the professor called for us to split up and listen to him discuss the issue himself. I very much respect and admire this professor, so I listen to him whenever he speaks. Sally and Kyle though, were still talking over the professor. So, me, already being pretty pissed at Kyle and frustrated with Sally since she had walked into class and immediately talked crap about a fellow student I liked and had also ganged up on me with Kyle to validate my opinions, I turned around and went, SHHHH!!

    Kyle and Sally both glared at me, and shut up. Later on, after class I walked out and went down a less traveled stair well that none of the other students take. Sally was with one of the other girls in class whom despises the professor and was almost talking crap about him yesterday right in front of him. As I was walking by them, they both got really quiet and looked at me. Sally was quiet and glared. I acted nice since we were done with class, and I was tired of the BS and shit-flinging.

    So, last night I was feeling bad about Shushing Sally when I was really Shushing Kyle, since I didn't want him to get me and Sally in trouble. So I texted Sally and apologized. No response. I've seen her before with her phone, she never puts it away. So, it's not like she's busy and just hasn't seen it. She's actively ignoring me.

    I just have had so many bitchy, fake, and back-stabbing friends in the past few months. I was excited about starting at a new college since my friends at the college before had excluded me from their group for some reason. Not only are those old friends fake and hurtful, my Best Friend of 15 years is moving away for at least 1 - 10 years. She may never come back either, if she finds a husband, at where she is going.

    Ugh. I don't want to see them all tomorrow and know that they were talking crap about me, I guess I was stupid for ever thinking that people didn't talk crap about me behind my back. But I am so mad now. And I needed to vent this entirely stupid story because Kyle is a creeper who likes me but tries to belittle me by making his own opinions and views superior while making me seem immature and somehow needing guidance by him. Sally and the other girls talk crap about anyone whom is in the class, and I'm done with hanging out with gossipers who want to treat others that way. Mike was a nice friend, but he's been acting weird lately and almost avoiding me. I'm so confused. What is wrong with me? Why are people like that? What have I done that made me like I'm some sort of plague? I have social anxiety, and I do act weird sometimes but I go out of my way to help others. Why would people still talk crap about you then? Ugh... it's raining in TX, and this weather always makes me blah.

  • Honestly, the absolute most terrible aspect of my time in undergrad and grad school had to have been my spoiled, stubborn, stupid, and lazy peers.

    I thought the worst aspect would be the workload, but no, it's the kids whom bitch and moan about their own lack of hard working ethic and sheer laziness and blame that on a professor whom is only trying to teach.

    Some were great, worked hard, and cared about the material. Others expected to be spoon fed everything and had the worst attitude about everything. You sir, should feel validated in your venting.

    I always get along with my professor, and I generally try to help the other students, but too often I find them trying to take advantage of me. And thank you, I'm glad to know I'm not alone in seeing how shitty these other little college kids are.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    Yes... you just reminded me of the worst part in university. Our interesting profs and TAs were constantly bitched at by other students. H

  • A lot of people I know hate it but when I ask them what they think it's about they won't say anything, lots of people don't even know what it is but kinda conform to others opinions and act like it's "evil"

    I really don't get most American's irrational hatred and/or fear of socialism. I'm far from a socialist myself but it doesn't seem as insane and hateful as others describe it.

  • Eh, fuck 'em.

    Okay, so, this vent connects to my earlier vent comment about the college problems. I didn't think things could get worse so quickly... -__-

  • It's like people are afraid of anything they don't understand.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    A lot of people I know hate it but when I ask them what they think it's about they won't say anything, lots of people don't even know what it is but kinda conform to others opinions and act like it's "evil"

  • I told the dude that it's her job to help me, and he just laughed and said "No, it's her job to get paid to do nothing and you interrupted that."

    That's when you laugh in his face and say "You're everything wrong with America. When I'm being successful in the world, you'll wonder where you went wrong, and when you do, you'll remember me. So fuck off."

    That's what I would've done anyway. The life lesson here is that there are assholes out there, just show them that you're in power and they'll back down.

    Okay, so, this vent connects to my earlier vent comment about the college problems. I didn't think things could get worse so quickly... -__-

  • Not their fault, really. There's a massive anti-socialist circlejerk in American education.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    A lot of people I know hate it but when I ask them what they think it's about they won't say anything, lots of people don't even know what it is but kinda conform to others opinions and act like it's "evil"

  • people are afraid of anything they don't understand.

    Cue the rest of the Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer

    It's like people are afraid of anything they don't understand.

  • True, most people I know LOVE Bernie Sanders but once they're told he's a socialist, they suddenly jump ship...

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Not their fault, really. There's a massive anti-socialist circlejerk in American education.

  • Funny thing is, mostly socialists don't consider Bernie one of them. He's a Social Democrat (basically Socialism lite).

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    True, most people I know LOVE Bernie Sanders but once they're told he's a socialist, they suddenly jump ship...

  • Well sorra, but more like a neutral way. If you kinda come up to her all confrontational you'd probably scare her off. Try to have a more comforting approach. If she ends up using then fire away. But it's best not to spark a fire if she has no ill intentions.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    How would I start the conversation tho? 'Hey, I see you're spending more time with other guys than me. Why's that?' That wouldn't turn out good.

  • Sad that he doesn't have much of a chance- I'm not exactly sure who I want but I would take him over a good number of the other candidates.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Funny thing is, mostly socialists don't consider Bernie one of them. He's a Social Democrat (basically Socialism lite).

  • edited October 2015

    If people like to play mindgames with you, smack them down with a hammer. (not literally, that'd be kinda messy >_>)

    There's assholes everywhere that just love to belittle people, it makes them feel, hurr durr, more powerful. Show them what's up, outsmart them, and they'll feel stupid and be the ones pissed off. Whatever echo is made, thou shall expect it to be returned.

    I sometimes unwillingly got in trouble of some stupid pricks, had to put up with that shit. I also hated gossip, uncalled shit talking, and belittlement. I've been on the victim end of it so much that I hated it.

    Anyway if they like to take the hard way, let them. They're buring their own future anyway. Once immature, always immature.

    Okay, so, this vent connects to my earlier vent comment about the college problems. I didn't think things could get worse so quickly... -__-

  • Try sitting next to quiet smart guy. At least he's quiet, so maybe you'll hear the professor.

    Don't worry so much about what people you don't like care about you. You were polite to text an apology about the shushing, and it's OK that you didn't get back a response. As long as you're able to work with them at some reasonable level when you're in a group.

    One good thing to look forward to: Once you get to the higher and graduate level courses, everyone else there also takes them seriously. Just get through the undergrad stuff as best you can.

    It wasn't that long ago that you were posting thinking no one would ever want you, and now it sounds like you're fighting 'em off! Hopefully some day it will be someone you like back that way. :)

    Okay, so, this vent connects to my earlier vent comment about the college problems. I didn't think things could get worse so quickly... -__-

  • No worries. Regardless of what you do good luck, and my condolences.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    Have you tried online dating or speed dating? Yes, and I never will again. But the thing is, I could meet plenty of girls irl ,but I

  • The Soviet Union was a socialist nation, as was the Third Reich. The U.S. Government demonised everything about these nations during WWII and the Cold War, especially socialism. Today, the effects of this propoganda have yet to effectively wane. To compound this, people oft-times take what information they are fed without question.

    I really don't get most American's irrational hatred and/or fear of socialism. I'm far from a socialist myself but it doesn't seem as insane and hateful as others describe it.

  • smack them down with a hammer.

    I recommend a Saltlick

    If people like to play mindgames with you, smack them down with a hammer. (not literally, that'd be kinda messy >_>) There's asshol

  • Even better! takes out phone and calls the St. John Dairy, and then Kenny's home Done. ;3

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    smack them down with a hammer. I recommend a Saltlick

  • So, she was walking home today all alone, and I just ran up to her, just like the bitch I am.
    We ended up having a nice conversation and laughed a bit, like nothing ever hapenned.
    So, I guess that's nice.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    No worries. Regardless of what you do good luck, and my condolences.

  • It wasn't that long ago that you were posting thinking no one would ever want you, and now it sounds like you're fighting 'em off! Hopefully some day it will be someone you like back that way. :)

    enter image description here

    This really moved me reading it and remembering them threads I'm so proud of Hollay reading this story you Go hollay and she will be an awesome teacher :)

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Try sitting next to quiet smart guy. At least he's quiet, so maybe you'll hear the professor. Don't worry so much about what people you

  • edited October 2015

    First off I love the structure of the story I always do the same the use of gifs to break up long posts and add a visualize representation of sections of the stories helps me understand the story more and relate to the issues as from the gifs I understand the feel and what messages your trying to get across in each section it reinforces it

    enter image description here

    I like Mike, he's fun and we're pretty similar and we get along and have other classes together. One day she was talking about Mike having moved around, and I said, "Oh yeah, Mike sits by me now." She was obviously pissed because Mike doesn't sit next to her anymore. Which is BS, I don't think he likes me, but she does so that pisses her off.

    She jelly because she sees you as a threat that’s good mean’s your awesome and she feels threatened you go get mike HOLLAY u go gurl aw yeah

    Yesterday, Kyle once again tried to challenge me in front of others. He got onto me, saying that I was bothering a librarian by asking her for help. Um, excuse me, that's what librarians are there for! Especially since the material I needed can't be handled by a student, so it's her job specifically to help students with this material.
    I told the dude that it's her job to help me, and he just laughed and said "No, it's her job to get paid to do nothing and you interrupted that." So I just super mad, and I didn't want to blow up in front of 13 other people, so I just ignored him from then on out.
    But he didn't stop, he laughed and just said, "What, you don't want to get paid to do nothing?" I didn't know what to say, so I said "No, I'd rather be working than sitting around doing nothing." He again just laughed condescendingly, and kept on hounding me about bothering her.

    Guy has a serious crush on you men don’t know how to express emotion I’m a guy I know so he trying to tease you and be mean to get your attention his a douche stay away

    Sally and Kyle ganged up on me, saying me methods of historical research/interviewing someone were wrong. I was defending myself, when the professor called for us to split up and listen to him discuss the issue himself. I very much respect and admire this professor, so I listen to him whenever he speaks. Sally and Kyle though, were still talking over the professor. So, me, already being pretty pissed at Kyle and frustrated with Sally since she had walked into class and immediately talked crap about a fellow student I liked and had also ganged up on me with Kyle to validate my opinions, I turned around and went, SHHHH!!

    Your completely right what u did, ganging up on you and disrespecting your opinion is stupid when their methods could be just as wrong or right, stuff like this is objective so no right way to do it, so it's wrong of them to call your methods wrong they should just respect your opinion and offer alternatives and explain why this is a good method then all decide as a group what is the best choice. Then them talking over the teaching is affecting your education your paying top dollar for of course they should shut up great way to remind them also to respect you as well you have a voice.

    Yesterday, Kyle once again tried to challenge me in front of others. He got onto me, saying that I was bothering a librarian by asking her for help. Um, excuse me, that's what librarians are there for! Especially since the material I needed can't be handled by a student, so it's her job specifically to help students with this material.
    I told the dude that it's her job to help me, and he just laughed and said "No, it's her job to get paid to do nothing and you interrupted that." So I just super mad, and I didn't want to blow up in front of 13 other people, so I just ignored him from then on out.

    I would of done the same as shown below in most of them situations

    enter image description here

    Kyle and Sally both glared at me, and shut up. Later on, after class I walked out and went down a less traveled stair well that none of the other students take. Sally was with one of the other girls in class whom despises the professor and was almost talking crap about him yesterday right in front of him. As I was walking by them, they both got really quiet and looked at me. Sally was quiet and glared. I acted nice since we were done with class, and I was tired of the BS and shit-flinging.
    So, last night I was feeling bad about Shushing Sally when I was really Shushing Kyle, since I didn't want him to get me and Sally in trouble. So I texted Sally and apologized. No response. I've seen her before with her phone, she never puts it away. So, it's not like she's busy and just hasn't seen it. She's actively ignoring me.

    enter image description here

    People who don’t respect you always have a superiority complex over you, You had completely valid reasons for your actions you have nothing to apologize for but Sally acting so mean afterwards she was wrong. But the second you texted her it allows her to victimize herself and create a problem with you that doesn’t exist she wanted validation for her dismissive actions and you gave it to her.

    Text her your reasons for your actions and why you felt the need to do it don’t give her the opportunity to create further problems or hold a grudge she was not perfect either. If you show conviction for your actions and confidence no one will treat you like you’re the one who is always wrong they know you have a voice and will not be bullied. Next time they give a mean stare smile and wink back show you are not to be messed with

    enter link description here

    Ugh. I don't want to see them all tomorrow and know that they were talking crap about me, I guess I was stupid for ever thinking that people didn't talk crap about me behind my back. But I am so mad now. And I needed to vent this entirely stupid story because Kyle is a creeper who likes me but tries to belittle me by making his own opinions and views superior while making me seem immature and somehow needing guidance by him. Sally and the other girls talk crap about anyone whom is in the class, and I'm done with hanging out with gossipers who want to treat others that way. Mike was a nice friend, but he's been acting weird lately and almost avoiding me. I'm so confused. What is wrong with me? Why are people like that? What have I done that made me like I'm some sort of plague? I have social anxiety, and I do act weird sometimes but I go out of my way to help others. Why would people still talk crap about you then? Ugh... it's raining in TX, and this weather always makes me blah.

    Don’t let their childish behaviour affect you or pay any attention to it remember why your there and full steam ahead to your dreams don’t let douches or back stabbers stop you being who you are, saying your opinion or affecting your long term goals you deserve more concentrate on your education and laugh at the haters you’re the best holly and I know you will be the best teacher there is you will and can do it.

    enter link description here

    Okay, so, this vent connects to my earlier vent comment about the college problems. I didn't think things could get worse so quickly... -__-

  • I think it has something to do with the debt. Big government, causes more waste.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Unfortunate, but not surprising. We live in an age of unreason.

  • As my grandfather said, two tears in a bucket.

  • enter image description here

    what George is back finally this place was getting boring without a bit of crazygeorge around the forum :)

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I think it has something to do with the debt. Big government, causes more waste.

  • I'm being accused of doing something that I didn't do and it's really making me mad -_- I feel like beating a bag of potatoes with a hammer.

  • I feel like Life Is Strange is talking to me since the first episode, with the graffiti on the first episode: “Just Gotta Let Go”

    The game taught me to value the time we have with someone.

    And not sure if coincidence or not, but I saw a blue butterfly today.

  • Tell us if you start to time travel.

    I feel like Life Is Strange is talking to me since the first episode, with the graffiti on the first episode: “Just Gotta Let Go” The gam

  • A serious thing or small time?

    I'm being accused of doing something that I didn't do and it's really making me mad -_- I feel like beating a bag of potatoes with a hammer.

  • OMG George I was getting worried you were banned for good! ;A;

    Welcome back man!

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I think it has something to do with the debt. Big government, causes more waste.

  • I'm pretty down lately. I'm usually depressed half of the time at school and usually nights, my real life friends don't understand me that well and I rather not talk to my family about it. I've been in a real pile of shit lately, I get insulted every day up to 7 times a day, give or take. These come from people ranging from complete strangers to people I know to friends and it hurts, I usually wouldn't care but if you're told every single day by others that you're a piece of shit, you get to thinking it.

    It's high school, and I really have gotten to thinking if it's me...or them. Quite frankly, I'm pretty mature for my age when I want to be. I've just been wondering if It's my problem or theirs.

    For example, last year, I met this girl who was like me. She was depressed, looking for answers, and looking for understanding. We looked towards each other for advice and understanding, but eventually she stopped. She acted like she found answers in acting how everyone else wanted her to act, I asked for her help and she was rude and mean, acting like I had a choice in depression. Depression isn't something you can heal with the things in a first aid kit, and she acted like it was my choice to be depressed. She now acts like I'm some kind of weird person and I'm a bad memory for her. I asked her if I was her friend and she responded "Are you?"...This...This was fucking tip to me that she isn't.

    Seriously, I could ask any people I know if they were my friend and they would either give me yes or no, but not her, NOPE. She wants to act like shes trying to teach me that it doesn't matter what other people think of you, it's what you think. However, thinking that everyone wants to be your friend and it doesn't matter If they want to or not is stupid, and you are just acting like a fool.

    Now that I look back on it, she was never depressed. She had literally everything, she acted as if she was ugly despite everyone telling her she's not. She acted like no one wanted her around even though she was invited to every party and always included. She was nothing but hypocrite. It's kinda funny how I didn't realize this from how the only real things she had to complain about what how small her boobs were.

    People like her make we question if it's me or them, because the way I'm looking at it. I'm possibly one of the few mature people here, the ones that under stand others and my actions have consequences.

  • Tried.

    Nothing happened.

    Tell us if you start to time travel.

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