Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • It is, it's just in the nightmare sequence of episode 5, and you have to take a picture of it. Again Warren might not actually have this, and he probably doesn't, but it's odd that Max would imagine that he does.

    Jake360 posted: »

    I'm pretty sure that's not real? I never found that in any of my play throughs!

  • Argh OK! I only played the final episode once, and that sequence freeked me out so I got out of there asap.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    It is, it's just in the nightmare sequence of episode 5, and you have to take a picture of it. Again Warren might not actually have this, and he probably doesn't, but it's odd that Max would imagine that he does.

  • I missed it as well. Need to go back for it as it's the only photo I need. I watched a guide for it. Max when taking the picture:"Just in case I need evidence".

    Jake360 posted: »

    Argh OK! I only played the final episode once, and that sequence freeked me out so I got out of there asap.

  • edited October 2015

    So, back in January, I purchased the first episode of LiS, and I fell in love with it. So without writing reviews or anything about it, for the past few months, I've been playing the game in the background, without posting on this awesome thread, and without telling anyone. (Especially my subscribers, who never shut up about asking me to play the game on the channel.) So today, though I am a little late, I had officially purchased Episode 5, and played it. I'm gotta say, The last time I was this emotional about anything was when my grandmother died. This entire episode is just, so damn amazing, and fits so perfectly with the rest of the episodes. So I played through it, and got both endings. I'm going to write a short review about the 5th episode now.

    Eh hem. So, episode 5, I felt opened in a weird way, it didn't feel very right, and was kind of tedious, along with every single other scene taking place in the "Dark Room". The rest was just fucking amazing. I think my favorite part out of anything in the episode is the Nightmare sequence. It was so AWESOME. It felt like a horror game, it was super disturbing, and I loved everything about it. I loved how Max traveled all the way back to the beginning, and then stopped it all. But you see, the thing that never made sense for me, was why she didn't go about the "Stopping Mark" thing a certain way.

    What she could have done, was go back in time, Rip up the photo, Text David about Mark, get him arrested, and then Max wouldn't have gone to San Fransisco, and nobody would have died. Granted, the storm would have still happened, but Max still could have evacuated SOME people to the Lighthouse (with the exception of Victoria, because fuck Victoria) couldn't she?

    Either way, the episode was amazing, the series as a whole was fantastic, Both endings made me cry my eyes out, (Especially the "Sacrifice Chloe" ending, though I did choose the "Sacrifice Arcadia Bay" ending first because I'm selfish, dirty, Max X Chloe shipping bastard.) and it's honestly in Second place for my GOTY. Fucking fantastic game, amazing score, beautiful art style, awesome voice acting, and hilarious throwbacks to shitty puzzles in their 5th episode. XD Please tell me I wasn't the only one who cringed when I saw the bottles.

    Overall, I'd rate it a 10/10. And I rarely give a true 10/10 to most series. The most I usually do is a 9. If you want a game with beautiful music, confusing as shit plotlines/time travel things, and a story 6 times as emotionally destroying as anything Telltale has ever made and will make you cry and make you smile at other people crying about it, this is the game for you, Ya fuckin' sadist.

  • Also, My choices were...

    • I did not tell David the truth. Why would I do that when I was going back in time to save Chloe anyway?
    • I didn't save anyone. NO TIME! THE SHIP MUST SAIL!
    • I helped Joyce to believe in David again. Idk, I liked David. People should believe in him more.
    • I also consoled Kate because dammit, I've lost too many real friends to suicide, I couldn't let Kate die.
    • I kissed Warren because dammit, He's just so cute.
    • And I did both endings, But the one I'm sticking with is "Sacrifice Acadia Bay", I went through the whole fucking series saving Chloe. She is NOT dying so easily
  • What she could have done, was go back in time, Rip up the photo, Text David about Mark, get him arrested, and then Max wouldn't have gone to San Fransisco, and nobody would have died. Granted, the storm would have still happened, but Max still could have evacuated SOME people to the Lighthouse.

    I may be wrong, but from what I can understand, as soon as Max leaves the area she travelled to, it kinda creates a sorta stand-in Max that doesn't remember anything at all from the Max we play as, which is why Alt Max didn't seem to be aware of what she did for Chloe 5 years prior. She still could've texted David before ripping the picture though.

  • That does make some sense I guess. I don't know though, there are a lot of instances in this game that could have been solved by changing one thing instead of another.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    What she could have done, was go back in time, Rip up the photo, Text David about Mark, get him arrested, and then Max wouldn't have gone to

  • Yeah, they probably could've, but who knows if somehow they'd lead to something worse. I'm guessing Max only realized that her stand-in would forget about everything after Jefferson captured her again. Must be why she told Chloe to remind her of everything that happened. "Will you believe me?" "I'll always believe you, Chloe" . <3

    That does make some sense I guess. I don't know though, there are a lot of instances in this game that could have been solved by changing one thing instead of another.

  • is it normal i liked life is strange finale more than tales finale?

  • edited October 2015

    No. You need help.

    Edit: Hope you caught that sarcasm.

    is it normal i liked life is strange finale more than tales finale?

  • Nah, I'd say you are normal. It depends on your tastes really.

    is it normal i liked life is strange finale more than tales finale?

  • WTF!?!?

    Nah its cool. To each their own

    is it normal i liked life is strange finale more than tales finale?

  • Youtube comments = no chill

    enter image description here

  • "And someday Chloe will destroy-" said other reality Max before getting distracted by Chloe's sudden arrival.

    That other Max also implied depending your dialogue choices at least that she basically knows what Rachel did, abused the same power basically and also learned hard way.

    It wasn't simply "nightmare." Not entirely anyway.

  • was that a joke?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I'm pretty sure that's the joke.

  • Is anyone disappointed with how Jefferson turned out as a villain. I loathe IGN but even they noticed how uninteresting and generic of a villain he is. Anyone else kinda bummed out he wasn't better written?

  • Tbh, I feel most of the male characters in the game are not well written. Especially when compared to the female characters. I thought the actor that played Jefferson did a fine job though.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Is anyone disappointed with how Jefferson turned out as a villain. I loathe IGN but even they noticed how uninteresting and generic of a villain he is. Anyone else kinda bummed out he wasn't better written?

  • The story of Max and Chloe shall continue in Mad Max: Fury Road.

  • Do you have a link to IGN's review? I can't find it on their site.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Is anyone disappointed with how Jefferson turned out as a villain. I loathe IGN but even they noticed how uninteresting and generic of a villain he is. Anyone else kinda bummed out he wasn't better written?

  • I wouldn't waste the time. IGN is trash imho however here's a link. GO APE

    Do you have a link to IGN's review? I can't find it on their site.

  • What she could have done, was go back in time, Rip up the photo, Text David about Mark, get him arrested, and then Max wouldn't have gone to San Fransisco, and nobody would have died.

    The point is their are too many variables, you can change dozens of things in the right order, something else would go wrong.

  • I didn't hate it, but definitely it could have been better than he is just a psycho. I think he should've been a more calculating "normal" character villain. Like how the Crooked Man in Wolf Among Us was.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Is anyone disappointed with how Jefferson turned out as a villain. I loathe IGN but even they noticed how uninteresting and generic of a villain he is. Anyone else kinda bummed out he wasn't better written?

  • Well to be fair, the dog is fiercely loyal to his owner and is known to attack people he doesn't trust

    I love dogs, but I'd hesitate to pet him too. And knowing me, I'd rather I get permission from Frank first.

  • I don't know about you guys but Life Is Strange is definitely my GOTY 2015,

  • It's a contender for me definitely, but not sure for sure yet. Gotta wait till ROTR releases to be sure.

    I don't know about you guys but Life Is Strange is definitely my GOTY 2015,

  • i know its not a ttg ...just wanted to say telltale never made me crie, not even with lee

    Crips posted: »

    Um, Life is Strange isn't a Telltale game.

  • edited October 2015

    Wait.... I just realized something. Wouldn't saving Chloe not fix everything? I mean wouldn't she still be destined to die no matter what? Am I missing something or wouldn't that basically mean Max would have to watch over her 24/7 and rewind Everytime she is killed? Or is it just as simple as the storm destroying the town fixed that?

  • It's possible that the storm was caused just by saving her in the bathroom, but yeah she would probably have to carry on saving chloe all the time..

  • edited October 2015

    I'm buying the hell out of that Hot dog man shirt when it comes out and I would also love the Chloe guy shirt.

  • That's one of the big problems I have with the save Chloe ending, that and the fact that Max lets tons of innocent people die and allows thousands of dollars in property damage to save one person. She didn't fix anything, Chloe is still destined to die, if it wasn't the storm, it's just going to be something else, and she'll have to keep using her powers over and over and over again to save her. It really doesn't make a lot of sense.

  • edited October 2015

    Okay, I got down from my little cloud of feels, time to point out the flaws.

    First things first, Jeff the Killer wasn't handled in the best way. Calm and emotionless Jefferson wouldn've had more impact, his sudden outbursts just felt out of place and his "why I do this" mandatory vilain explaining wasn't great either. It's disapointing that he felt like a generic vilain.

    Next, some plot clues were completely looked over. Mainly, all the canfood in the Dark Room and Max's comment on them "ready and stocked for the apocalypse" led many people to believe that either the Prescotts or Jefferson knew about the storm coming, which implied that someone else had rewind powers. Unfortunately, the idea seemed to have been abandonned.

    The dream sequence now, it was pretty cool... but also useless.

    I didn't have a lot of problems with the endings but more closure for the characters would make them better. Also, the mysteries remaining like how Max got ger powers and how is a fantomatic doe, presumably Rachel, guiding her were left unanswered but I didn't really mind that.

    Overall, I would still give a 9/10 to Polarized and LiS in general. Even with its flaws, it's still a damn good game.

    EDIT: Another thing unexplained was the lighthouse, why is it so important? And how the hell was the double moon possible? I can get behind the tornado, whales and such but a double moon is more um... impossible. The only answer I can get behind is that it was a group hallucination, it's even mentionned in EP5 that there has been no photos or recordings of the phenomena. But how could screwing with time cause mass hallucination?

  • So, now that all episodes are out, I suppose it's safe to talk about the leaks, right? Here are the chapter names for episode 5, that were leaked after 1 came out, I think:

    1. Episode5Sub1=“Dark Room”
    2. Episode5Sub2=“Dark Room - Focus”
    3. Episode5Sub3=“Art Class - Focus”
    4. Episode5Sub4=“Plane To San Francisco”
    5. Episode5Sub5=“San Francisco’s Art Gallery”
    6. Episode5Sub6=“Max’s Room - Focus”
    7. Episode5Sub7=“Chloe’s Truck - In The Storm”
    8. Episode5Sub8=“E5_5B MainStreet”
    9. Episode5Sub9=“Diner - In The Storm”
    10. Episode5Sub10=“Swimming Pool - Focus”
    11. Episode5Sub11=“Cliff - In The Storm”
    12. Episode5Sub12=“On The Road - Ending”
    13. Episode5Sub13=“High School Toilets - Focus”
    14. Episode5Sub14=“Cliff”
    15. Episode5Sub15=“Hospital - Ending”
    16. Episode5Sub16=“Nightmare”
  • We don't know unless the developers confirm or we get a game from them where it's indirectly explained.

    It might be that Chloe was just under threat until the storm passes or maybe she was just too reckless because of Max. She trusted Max's power which made her to take unreasonable chances. Also let's not forget that she was too reckless in the first place, even before Max saved her from the first time.

    That's one of the big problems I have with the save Chloe ending, that and the fact that Max lets tons of innocent people die and allows tho

  • A little, I really didn't understand why they felt the need to give him a weird psycho voice when he's in the Dark Room.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Is anyone disappointed with how Jefferson turned out as a villain. I loathe IGN but even they noticed how uninteresting and generic of a villain he is. Anyone else kinda bummed out he wasn't better written?

  • edited October 2015

    Also what happened to Prescotts plot.

    They set up this mysterious father figure who basically almost owns the town at this point. If there could have been one "real" villain for Max, it would have been sudden appearance of that guy.

    It would have been interesting to have some kind of rewind battle going on.

    What happened to Pan Estates being story relevant? Well, you get flier lol. ;)

    Way previous episodes made it seem that Prescotts family has someone who has some kind of powers and knew that the town would get "bulldozed" and that would give them chance to claim the area and build the Pan Estates.

  • enter image description here

    Hey, I said that I was going to do a GIF with Max and Chloe kissing :p ^-^

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