Jesus Christ. Do you really think telltale are gonna look at my comment and think well if he likes it Should be fine. All I'm saying is that people like you are too obsessed with a video game. Is there seriously nothing else in your life you can do but wait for episode 6?!
"iI MEAN WE HAVE BACON AND A RELEASE DATE But on a serious note, now at least we know we have it coming out. I do understand it is a long wa… moreit but don't you have anything better to do with your time than constantly waiting??"
People like you are why telltale will never change and why there games are over rated. You're so greatful to be getting the episode at all that you don't mind how long it takes even if you paid for it with a season pass. Do you honestly believe that the game would take as long as it has taken to be released if telltale worked on one game series at a time? When they worked on two season 1 the game had less delays because it was given more focus. That game put telltale on the map, was game of the year and still probably their best work to date. I still play telltale's games but I waitbuntil they are available for purchase before I pay for them. I like a lot of the games they have made but I refuse to make excuses for them and the delays for episode releases since I'm not on their pay role.
I'm not really sure, i think it would have been better for them to have waited to release all the episodes together on disc but i guess they had a deadline to release the retail version so they went the same route as they did for Minecraft Story Mode and released a season pass disc that will give access to episode 6 when it becomes available.
I'm not really sure, i think it would have been better for them to have waited to release all the episodes together on disc but i guess they… more had a deadline to release the retail version so they went the same route as they did for Minecraft Story Mode and released a season pass disc that will give access to episode 6 when it becomes available.
I've known for a month it was November 17th. When you go to Gamestop, and check their preorder list, it lists "Game of thrones SD" for November 17th. And since no one else is manufacturing a Game of Thrones game it was obvious that was the release date. Still in the 0.0001 percent chance I was wrong, and it WAS some other game I didn't want to be the A-hole who bragged about knowing, and turned out to be wrong.
Diamonds are HARDER than steel. While steel is more abundant, and easier to manipulate, for something like nipples diamond strength would be the preferred level of hardness.
I also waited until the four episodes were out. But I got lucky. Just as I finished episode 4 episode 5 came out. So i didn't have to wait as long to play through that episode. Still I was just as surprised as any it took this long to get out. But look at it this way. If telltale has the resources to work on three games at once it must mean they are expanding. Which means more job opportunities, and more games to be produced at once. Or a faster production of multiple projects at once.
I waited until the first 4 episodes were available to download before I started buying the GOT episodes, having learned the hard way with tw… mored series. I didn't expect ep6 to take this long though. I actually forgot all about it and thought I'd check to see if it was out after realising the life is strange game series finale was out. GOT was ok but for me telltale's games have dipped in quality since they started working on 3 games at a time. The last game I was impressed with was TWAU and I waited until episode 3 was available before I started playing that series.
He rode in on his black horse. His arms raised from his sides, and the dead rose with them. He proclaimed "I am death"... And hell followed with him...
If you put the episodes together the telltale games are really big projects. And telltale games themselves are not a big company like microsoft, sony, squarenix, or many other producers of video games. And even the big companies take a while to release a fully made game.
I think if Telltale games did the whole "do the whole game at once" thing the games would be sorely disappointing. Especially since the episodes would all have the same quality as the first episode. By releasing them one episode at a time telltale can fine tune and improve the games as they go. Making the later episodes better.
Also if they released the games all at once their profits would take a huge cut and it would take longer to produce any games. This way they can collect profits more frequently to foot the bill for other games.
I have not played "Until Dawn" so I can't give educated comments, but I do agree with DaveTheArakin. Comparing two games from different companies is unproductive. Whoever made "Until Dawn" may have more resources than telltale games. Or a larger income to hire a larger staff, or far more qualified staff. For what telltale has, and what they do, I think they do a tremendous job. Plus their finales are always pretty good. Especially the Wolf Among Us. THAT was a pretty good finale. Though I bought the disc version, and once I got to the final showdown with the crooked man all my options were in Spanish. Except for that one line that was in German. Luckily I speak German so I was able to decipher the line, but the Spanish was difficult. thank you google translate for giving me a rough idea of what I was choosing.
I don't know what an AMA is or what the devs are, but it seems TFTBL gets better reviews than GoT. It's probably because there's a larger fanbase for TFTBL. The reason for that is probably because Borderlands is ALREADY a video game. So obviously anyone who plays telltale games has probably played Borderlands. Game of Thrones, while huge in its fanbase, is a tv show based off of a book. Not everyone who reads books plays games, and not everyone who watches tv shows plays games. Although the three circles do have a wide area of overlapping. Still it is far easier for gamers to like games about games they have already played, than gamers who play games based on shows they've seen or books they've read. Especially in Alternate Universe settings like this one.
Still an award (I assume that's what an AMA from the devs is) is not the only deciding factor of a game's worth. Frankly I find games that boast "this game won this award" pretentious. A game should boast the positive features of the game rather than "This group of people decided this game was better than all the games in this category". Who is this group to decide the standard for video game greatness? I did not elect these people to be "the deciders" for which games are great. I'll decide that for myself thank you very much. Let the sheep follow the Alpha sheep (or whatever the head sheep is called that leads all the other sheep) to their mutton chop doom.
It's quite amazing how different the Tales From The Borderlands and Game of Thrones sections of the forum are. This side is heading down Th… moree Walking Dead's path, and this is in no way a compliment. There's a reason why TFTBL got an AMA with the devs, and I'm quite sure GoT won't get one. There is a way to express varying opinions without seeming hostile and having forum tantrums. I'm also sensing a large amount or bitterness because TFTBL finished before GoT as if the later had some sort of entitlement before the former.
You guys can stop it before it's too late. Post your opinions, but keep in mind that everyone can see what your posting.
What was wrong with episode 5? The episode started off after a major cliffhanger, synced up the Glenmore soldier storyline (although it does kind of suck for Arthur). It revealed who the traitor was, related that decision back to an episode 1 decision (I assume. I never did have a save file where I chose the sentinel, and then took the opposing character to the Whitehill's castle) along with visiting Tyrion in his cell. That's always amusing. Plus Gerad's story progresses. Not that far, but it progresses.
What if you slaughter the whitehills and Ramsay Snow comes up and slaughters you just because he's f**king Ramsay Snow and that's what he does? And the only way to save your character is to not kill Ludd Whitehill so his daughter defends you, and Ramsay kills her because he's Ramsay Snow. Causing Ludd to rebel against Ramsay and your two houses finally uniting against a common enemy.
People should not say they can do something and have it released way after schedule and expectations. Otherwise they are bullshitting themselves and everyone else. And the fact that a retail copy of the full game is releasing the same day we have access to episode 6, I think is a slap in the dick for the people who purchased the season pass. Ahh it stings, but at least we get it cheaper in the end.
If you put the episodes together the telltale games are really big projects. And telltale games themselves are not a big company like micros… moreoft, sony, squarenix, or many other producers of video games. And even the big companies take a while to release a fully made game.
I think if Telltale games did the whole "do the whole game at once" thing the games would be sorely disappointing. Especially since the episodes would all have the same quality as the first episode. By releasing them one episode at a time telltale can fine tune and improve the games as they go. Making the later episodes better.
Also if they released the games all at once their profits would take a huge cut and it would take longer to produce any games. This way they can collect profits more frequently to foot the bill for other games.
Also... Kingdom hearts 3... Enough said...
What if you slaughter the whitehills and Ramsay Snow comes up and slaughters you just because he's f**king Ramsay Snow and that's what he do… morees? And the only way to save your character is to not kill Ludd Whitehill so his daughter defends you, and Ramsay kills her because he's Ramsay Snow. Causing Ludd to rebel against Ramsay and your two houses finally uniting against a common enemy.
Ramsay Snow.
What was wrong with episode 5? The episode started off after a major cliffhanger, synced up the Glenmore soldier storyline (although it does… more kind of suck for Arthur). It revealed who the traitor was, related that decision back to an episode 1 decision (I assume. I never did have a save file where I chose the sentinel, and then took the opposing character to the Whitehill's castle) along with visiting Tyrion in his cell. That's always amusing. Plus Gerad's story progresses. Not that far, but it progresses.
Well it has been a couple of weeks so it's not unexplainable. (Though I'd rather see Gryff fucked up)
It depends on how you look at it. Ramsay is a psychopatic yet very psychologically complex person. He was trying to see how far Rodrik would went. It's about how you play Rodrik. They WANT you to think that the "refuse" option is a good option, but in reality, the "stab" option proved to be more benefical. (And it felt frickin' good)
Depends on your choices, my made sense and I had no problem with it. See my previous comment on this thread.
O rly? We don't know that 'till episode six and I am pretty sure it felt great to talk to Tyrion again. His interactions with Mira are my favourite part.
Yes, Gared and Mira's parts were considerably shorter, but so was the episode. Asher had way more screentime though. All of the parts were still enjoyable.
discussed this matter thoroughly here in the thread posted by (you know who), it's couple pages back. It's quite long so I don't want to write it here again.
Well the point is, she had her actions planned 'till the begining and she was never gonna give them to us. Our choices didn't affect this part since they can't. There are other things this affects and you know it.
adressed in point 7
determinant, came as a suprise, wouldn't say "boring". I thought people got used to this?
What was wrong with episode 5?
According to the forum:
* Gryff's eye was bugged and his face looked undamaged even if you maime… mored him.
* Stabbing Ramsay or not was a pointless major choice because we all know we can't hurt him.
* The traitor scene wasn't well written and was one of the most horrible scenes in the game.
* Talking to Tyrion was a complete waste of time.
* Mira and Gared's sections were way too short and added nothing to their storylines (almost nothing).
* You can't avoid the ambush even if you know about it.
* Daenerys doesn't give the Second Sons to Asher, Beskha and Malcom even if you didn't let Beskha kill her master.
* Arthur dies even if you took him and the rest of the Glenmore army with you at Highpoint in episode 4.
* Finn's death was boring.
Not sure if there are more cons but... oh well...
Probably not good to trust Ramsay on anything he says, though. Let's hope he has better things to do than get involved with two smaller Houses from here on out.
I don't know what an AMA is or what the devs are, but it seems TFTBL gets better reviews than GoT. It's probably because there's a larger fa… morenbase for TFTBL. The reason for that is probably because Borderlands is ALREADY a video game. So obviously anyone who plays telltale games has probably played Borderlands. Game of Thrones, while huge in its fanbase, is a tv show based off of a book. Not everyone who reads books plays games, and not everyone who watches tv shows plays games. Although the three circles do have a wide area of overlapping. Still it is far easier for gamers to like games about games they have already played, than gamers who play games based on shows they've seen or books they've read. Especially in Alternate Universe settings like this one.
Still an award (I assume that's what an AMA from the devs is) is not the only deciding factor of a game's worth. Frankly I find games that boast "this game won this award" pretentious. A… [view original content]
Only three weeks left guys. Just think, starting October, there was also 3 weeks to the Tales from the Borderlands finale. And it was so fast! I don't know why people are angry... At least they give us a release date.
So, it will be released tomorrow?
Only three weeks left guys. Just think, starting October, there was also 3 weeks to the Tales fro… morem the Borderlands finale. And it was so fast! I don't know why people are angry... At least they give us a release date.
So, it will be released tomorrow?
Only three weeks left guys. Just think, starting October, there was also 3 weeks to the Tales fro… morem the Borderlands finale. And it was so fast! I don't know why people are angry... At least they give us a release date.
Yes. He was squished by a horse and rolled in on a corpse cart. Lol, they are the last ones within the portucullis. What happened to the men that serve him? They got scared and ran ahead like cowards. Leaving there lords vulnerable. Didn't they. BTW an example: Japanese warriors would rather die than surrender or be captured by the enemy. So yes... Kill him.... Or not....
Exactly why you shouldn't believe he's just going to let you walk away. Sure he MIGHT have better things to do, but I'm pretty sure he had better things to do than his castrating Theon act. he wasted a lot of time setting tha tup.
Plus you'll recall there was one question Theon forgot to ask. 'Is Ramsay a LIAR?!" which he is. flays finger
Probably not good to trust Ramsay on anything he says, though. Let's hope he has better things to do than get involved with two smaller Houses from here on out.
Very rude
wot? isnt the disc version coming out the same day as episode 6 thus having all episodes on it? xD
Episode 6 will not be included on the retail disc.
Screengrab from the video in the OP.

Jesus Christ. Do you really think telltale are gonna look at my comment and think well if he likes it Should be fine. All I'm saying is that people like you are too obsessed with a video game. Is there seriously nothing else in your life you can do but wait for episode 6?!
Why would they omit the last episode of the game on the disc version? What's the point of that?
I'm not really sure, i think it would have been better for them to have waited to release all the episodes together on disc but i guess they had a deadline to release the retail version so they went the same route as they did for Minecraft Story Mode and released a season pass disc that will give access to episode 6 when it becomes available.
They'll eventually sell a disc with all six episodes on it right?
I'm not sure, i guess it's a possibility.
Way too rude.
Then they better be hard as steel.
Dude this is a release date thread, not a "shit on a game i don't like" thread.
I've known for a month it was November 17th. When you go to Gamestop, and check their preorder list, it lists "Game of thrones SD" for November 17th. And since no one else is manufacturing a Game of Thrones game it was obvious that was the release date. Still in the 0.0001 percent chance I was wrong, and it WAS some other game I didn't want to be the A-hole who bragged about knowing, and turned out to be wrong.
Diamonds are HARDER than steel. While steel is more abundant, and easier to manipulate, for something like nipples diamond strength would be the preferred level of hardness.
I also waited until the four episodes were out. But I got lucky. Just as I finished episode 4 episode 5 came out. So i didn't have to wait as long to play through that episode. Still I was just as surprised as any it took this long to get out. But look at it this way. If telltale has the resources to work on three games at once it must mean they are expanding. Which means more job opportunities, and more games to be produced at once. Or a faster production of multiple projects at once.
He rode in on his black horse. His arms raised from his sides, and the dead rose with them. He proclaimed "I am death"... And hell followed with him...
If you put the episodes together the telltale games are really big projects. And telltale games themselves are not a big company like microsoft, sony, squarenix, or many other producers of video games. And even the big companies take a while to release a fully made game.
I think if Telltale games did the whole "do the whole game at once" thing the games would be sorely disappointing. Especially since the episodes would all have the same quality as the first episode. By releasing them one episode at a time telltale can fine tune and improve the games as they go. Making the later episodes better.
Also if they released the games all at once their profits would take a huge cut and it would take longer to produce any games. This way they can collect profits more frequently to foot the bill for other games.
Also... Kingdom hearts 3... Enough said...
I have not played "Until Dawn" so I can't give educated comments, but I do agree with DaveTheArakin. Comparing two games from different companies is unproductive. Whoever made "Until Dawn" may have more resources than telltale games. Or a larger income to hire a larger staff, or far more qualified staff. For what telltale has, and what they do, I think they do a tremendous job. Plus their finales are always pretty good. Especially the Wolf Among Us. THAT was a pretty good finale. Though I bought the disc version, and once I got to the final showdown with the crooked man all my options were in Spanish. Except for that one line that was in German. Luckily I speak German so I was able to decipher the line, but the Spanish was difficult. thank you google translate for giving me a rough idea of what I was choosing.
I don't know what an AMA is or what the devs are, but it seems TFTBL gets better reviews than GoT. It's probably because there's a larger fanbase for TFTBL. The reason for that is probably because Borderlands is ALREADY a video game. So obviously anyone who plays telltale games has probably played Borderlands. Game of Thrones, while huge in its fanbase, is a tv show based off of a book. Not everyone who reads books plays games, and not everyone who watches tv shows plays games. Although the three circles do have a wide area of overlapping. Still it is far easier for gamers to like games about games they have already played, than gamers who play games based on shows they've seen or books they've read. Especially in Alternate Universe settings like this one.
Still an award (I assume that's what an AMA from the devs is) is not the only deciding factor of a game's worth. Frankly I find games that boast "this game won this award" pretentious. A game should boast the positive features of the game rather than "This group of people decided this game was better than all the games in this category". Who is this group to decide the standard for video game greatness? I did not elect these people to be "the deciders" for which games are great. I'll decide that for myself thank you very much. Let the sheep follow the Alpha sheep (or whatever the head sheep is called that leads all the other sheep) to their mutton chop doom.
What was wrong with episode 5? The episode started off after a major cliffhanger, synced up the Glenmore soldier storyline (although it does kind of suck for Arthur). It revealed who the traitor was, related that decision back to an episode 1 decision (I assume. I never did have a save file where I chose the sentinel, and then took the opposing character to the Whitehill's castle) along with visiting Tyrion in his cell. That's always amusing. Plus Gerad's story progresses. Not that far, but it progresses.
What if you slaughter the whitehills and Ramsay Snow comes up and slaughters you just because he's f**king Ramsay Snow and that's what he does? And the only way to save your character is to not kill Ludd Whitehill so his daughter defends you, and Ramsay kills her because he's Ramsay Snow. Causing Ludd to rebel against Ramsay and your two houses finally uniting against a common enemy.
Ramsay Snow.
Even now, I still can't make Rodrik stay behind. I try to do it yesterday, but I really really can't...
People should not say they can do something and have it released way after schedule and expectations. Otherwise they are bullshitting themselves and everyone else. And the fact that a retail copy of the full game is releasing the same day we have access to episode 6, I think is a slap in the dick for the people who purchased the season pass. Ahh it stings, but at least we get it cheaper in the end.
Do it!! Make that ”bloody cripple" reclaim his honour.
Well, Ramsay said he was going to just leave us alone and let the strongest house tear the other apart. dying?
According to the forum:
Not sure if there are more cons but... oh well...
SaveRodders2k15 ;_;
And if we don't kill each other he'll kill us both. That's why I'm so conflicted about how I'll play EP6.
Eh, for me that scene is geared towards Rodrik. I still can't leave Asher even though I accidentally left him the first time
Probably not good to trust Ramsay on anything he says, though. Let's hope he has better things to do than get involved with two smaller Houses from here on out.
An AMA is where the developers are asked questions by people/fans.
So, it will be released tomorrow?
Only three weeks left guys. Just think, starting October, there was also 3 weeks to the Tales from the Borderlands finale. And it was so fast! I don't know why people are angry... At least they give us a release date.
Are you on drugs? x)
Yes. He was squished by a horse and rolled in on a corpse cart. Lol, they are the last ones within the portucullis. What happened to the men that serve him? They got scared and ran ahead like cowards. Leaving there lords vulnerable. Didn't they. BTW an example: Japanese warriors would rather die than surrender or be captured by the enemy. So yes... Kill him.... Or not....
They're already releasing MCSM Episode 2 or announcing news on it tomorrow? What a massive troll job.
Exactly why you shouldn't believe he's just going to let you walk away. Sure he MIGHT have better things to do, but I'm pretty sure he had better things to do than his castrating Theon act. he wasted a lot of time setting tha tup.
Plus you'll recall there was one question Theon forgot to ask. 'Is Ramsay a LIAR?!" which he is. flays finger
Same here
Even episode 5.