The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I still can't believe the unpopular opinion thread was shut down. Where else can we post our unpopular opinions?

  • Anime are just TV shows like cartoons, there are some really good ones and some bad ones but the majority of them are just mediocre much like the rest of tv shows.

    I have the deepest affection for intellectual conversations. The ability to just sit and talk. About love, about life, about anything, about

  • Not the only one, it's not like I don't like anime in general, there are quite a lot of anime that I like but that's because those specific shows merits not because they are anime.

    Reconn posted: »

    I'm glad someone agrees.

  • Nicely done :)

    For my second video, this turned out really well. enter link description here

  • Keep them locked up inside like the mods expect from us.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I still can't believe the unpopular opinion thread was shut down. Where else can we post our unpopular opinions?

  • Don't be fooled by extremists.

    Feminism. It's a fucking disgrace.

  • 4chan? lol.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I still can't believe the unpopular opinion thread was shut down. Where else can we post our unpopular opinions?

  • Quite surprised Justin Bieber is actually making decent songs now.

  • edited October 2015

    Don't express them; hide them away, holding them in and never letting go, like one's repressing, dark fantasies.

    Seriously, though. If we are assuming that these opinions are outside of the political norm, I really do not know where one can safely express these opinions on the internet, or anywhere else in real life for that matter.

    enter image description here

    Clemenem posted: »

    I still can't believe the unpopular opinion thread was shut down. Where else can we post our unpopular opinions?

  • I still do not like him, but I agree that his work has improved in its quality.

    Quite surprised Justin Bieber is actually making decent songs now.

  • I recently heard news that he helped a girl who was drugged at a party when he was supposedly in Australia.

    I have faith that he'll change into someone better.

    I still do not like him, but I agree that his work has improved in its quality.

  • I had not heard this. If this is true........I need to go and verify this.

    I recently heard news that he helped a girl who was drugged at a party when he was supposedly in Australia. I have faith that he'll change into someone better.

  • If this is true, then I'm all for giving him another chance.

    I recently heard news that he helped a girl who was drugged at a party when he was supposedly in Australia. I have faith that he'll change into someone better.

  • I feel really sorry for you. This is horrible. I think I wouldn't handle it. I really admire you for having strength even to talk to people online, I guess I would disappear from the social life for good after such a tragedy... I'm not really a believer but I truly believe that when people die, they go to a better place than our cruel (cruel in my opinion, of course) world. Thank you very much for answering my comment though, man, I wish you all the best.and I really hope you'll be feeling better soon. I'm here to listen, too.

    Know that we're here to listen. My friend, uncle and grandpa all passed away this week and I feel like crap. Life is Strange really taught me alot of things esp. on the fifth episode of the series.

  • Just know that if you need to talk I'm here too, I didn't come here only to complain about my life and just use other people not giving anything back. And I also hope we both someday will forget (hopefully for a long time) how does overwhelming anxiety and sadness feel...

    I know what it's like to be sad and anxious, so I hope I can be of some help. You're welcome! ♥

  • You can post them here or the vent thread :)

    Clemenem posted: »

    I still can't believe the unpopular opinion thread was shut down. Where else can we post our unpopular opinions?

  • Thank you so much, buddy. Same to you. I just read your post in the Vent Thread (too bad I found it so late) and I want you to know that you're not alone. I know it's only internet, but tbh, I sometimes feel like people here are way better than in real life... And I also feel like we've known the same person, your friend that you described in your post just reflects my "friend" too much... so, if you want, you can always talk to me.

    I understand how you feel. We are all here if you want to talk.

  • enter image description here

    This is a cross we all have to learn to bear in life it's an important lesson and you will build strength from this and learn in time to be happy don't worry your going to do great :)

    My inner sadness and anxiety have been killing me for a long time and I truly forgot how it is when you feel happy. My family doesn't really

  • I really hope so, though I'm very scared of the future. Thank you for understanding <3

    Markd4547 posted: »

    This is a cross we all have to learn to bear in life it's an important lesson and you will build strength from this and learn in time to be happy don't worry your going to do great

  • My god this person is stupid, I actually replied back to him because of this, nothing he said here was right at all.

    Green613 posted: »

    So I was browsing through Steam and was looking through some of the reviews for Tales from the Borderlands, and I go in the negative reviewe

  • awww <3 :)

    I feel really sorry for you. This is horrible. I think I wouldn't handle it. I really admire you for having strength even to talk to people

  • I like that you pressed no.

    Green613 posted: »

    So I was browsing through Steam and was looking through some of the reviews for Tales from the Borderlands, and I go in the negative reviewe

  • Facebook? To your friends? Reddit? Twitter?

    Clemenem posted: »

    I still can't believe the unpopular opinion thread was shut down. Where else can we post our unpopular opinions?

  • I decide to check out the "For Everyone Who's sick of the Negativity" thread and find 60 walls of text for me to enjoy.

    I think my supermarket is about to run out of popcorn and pasito.

  • edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    Wow I can't even build a good 2 floor house in Terraria

  • enter image description here

    We've all had it really rough, but here there's always a chance to make friends, much like in real life. Internet can help lives. Welcome to the forum. I hope you have a nice stay, and know there's always people to talk to here. :3

    My inner sadness and anxiety have been killing me for a long time and I truly forgot how it is when you feel happy. My family doesn't really

  • edited October 2015

    I feel like the only one who never really cared about the unpopular opinion thread. Hm... (shrugs) oh well.

    (waits for pitchforks and torches ._.)

    Clemenem posted: »

    I still can't believe the unpopular opinion thread was shut down. Where else can we post our unpopular opinions?

  • I was mayor and surrounded by mafia, 3 of them, so they were about to lynch someone innocent but I used my votes to safe them, and then voted for the lead mafia guy. One of his buddies voted with me, and we killed him. So funny. So funny.

    Few things are as satisfying as winning a game of ToS, when you reveal as mayor when it's just you and the Godfather left alive.

  • enter image description here

    I'm so sorry Meg. It's awful what you're going through. I hope for sunshines and rainbows very shortly for you. You definitely need it after all this. You have my condolences. Stay strong!

    I just woke up to a text today, and my grandpa passed away already. I really appreciate the support you guys are giving to me. I know that I'm not saying much, but I honestly feel like home here.

  • You misspelled "your" by the way.

    My god this person is stupid, I actually replied back to him because of this, nothing he said here was right at all.

  • To be honest I sometimes think that Internet is even better... I've met too many bad people on my way in real life, I believed they were my friends and then suddenly I got stabbed in back. Now I don't even think about making any big friendships, all I am looking for is understanding and someone to talk about hobbies and serious things too if needed, knowing that the other person won't spread bullshit behind my back when we're finished talking, and I feel like it's easier to find some good people online than in real life, though it is possible that I'm just living in a wrong place with wrong people... thanks, I already really enjoy the forum, it kinda makes me think less about my inner darkness. :)

    We've all had it really rough, but here there's always a chance to make friends, much like in real life. Internet can help lives. Welcome to the forum. I hope you have a nice stay, and know there's always people to talk to here.

  • Sometimes, finding the one who will be a real friend is very difficult. I had that kind of problem. Took years to find a real best friend (previous one turned into a jerk, but my real best friend of today helped make life better). Sometimes they come to you, but sometimes you also have to look yourself. You'll be able to make friends here, don't worry, and I know that people on the internet were able to physically meet each other and hang out. So this will help. And yeah, it's just the place I think, remember, there's always someone out there who'll care, no matter the distance. c:

    To be honest I sometimes think that Internet is even better... I've met too many bad people on my way in real life, I believed they were my

  • Oh man, how I wish I could meet people like you and some other persons from the forum in real life. I hope that someday I'll be able to move to another place (and another country, I truly hope) and start a new life with such good people near me.

    Sometimes, finding the one who will be a real friend is very difficult. I had that kind of problem. Took years to find a real best friend (p

  • Yeah I noticed, too lazy to go back and change.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    You misspelled "your" by the way.

  • I'm impressed. I couldn't build anything good. I must suck at that game :000

  • Thanks, not everyone on here is better than people in real life but I can sure as hell say that most of us are.

    Thank you so much, buddy. Same to you. I just read your post in the Vent Thread (too bad I found it so late) and I want you to know that you

  • But for most of those they would have consequences, don't you know that's what they don't want?

    Flog61 posted: »

    Facebook? To your friends? Reddit? Twitter?

  • Ah true. They want a place to say what they want without people disagreeing.

    But for most of those they would have consequences, don't you know that's what they don't want?

  • My greatest creation in Terraria was probably a mud house with two rooms (Not to mention the thousands of weapons and beds that I put in my game through cheating), so two floors is still something! :D

  • edited October 2015

    Yeah, of course not everyone, but I'm happy to be here though. It's like a different life. In real I'm usually stressed, I have "friends" who only wait to stab me in my back, and here I'm calm, relaxed, feeling like that's one of a few places that I like to be at.

    Thanks, not everyone on here is better than people in real life but I can sure as hell say that most of us are.

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