The Vent/Help Thread



  • So she went through an emo phase. Or whatever you kids are calling emos nowadays. Now she thinks you're pretending like she was. I tend to think that everyone is completely fake. Even myself. But I'm fake in the way that when someone asks, "How are you?" I say, "I'm alright" when really I want to peel my face off. It seems like most people are lying to themselves more than others though.

    I'm pretty down lately. I'm usually depressed half of the time at school and usually nights, my real life friends don't understand me that w

  • Or you rewinded after telling me.

    I know your secrets.

    Tried. Nothing happened.

  • I wouldn't call it an emo phase. I totally agree that everyone is lying to themselves in one way or another, I'm also like that whole peel my face off thing.

    So she went through an emo phase. Or whatever you kids are calling emos nowadays. Now she thinks you're pretending like she was. I tend t

  • enter image description here

    I'm pretty down lately. I'm usually depressed half of the time at school and usually nights, my real life friends don't understand me that well and I rather not talk to my family about it. I've been in a real pile of shit lately, I get insulted every day up to 7 times a day, give or take. These come from people ranging from complete strangers to people I know to friends and it hurts, I usually wouldn't care but if you're told every single day by others that you're a piece of shit, you get to thinking it.

    In my experiences... having family to talk to these things can be tricky. My mom is understanding but tries to walk more by faith than logic, which works for her but not for me 100%. My dad and sis are always too consumed with their own problems, so I generally come to the forums if I have really bad issues I can talk about with my family or close friends. To be fucking honest, it sounds like you need to get some new 'friends'. Trust me, no friend would ever tell you you're worthless and certainly not a pile of shit. Let me ask you, what is it that they're doing that's so great? Why are they so much better a life than you? What the hell makes them more valuable and not a pile of shit? If you ask me, anyone who tells someone shit like that is shit themselves. You are not a pile of shit, you are a smart young man and you are capable of many great things. Fuck those other people.

    You're right, its them. High school is the worst. It was the worst period of my life, and I made it through it. But it still sucked majorly. Kids that age are so insecure and mean, and they're KIDS! You are mature for your age, so you know already that it's them, and not you. So please, please believe me when I say you are NOT worthless. You are NOT a piece of shit.

    Seriously, I could ask any people I know if they were my friend and they would either give me yes or no, but not her, NOPE. She wants to act like shes trying to teach me that it doesn't matter what other people think of you, it's what you think. However, thinking that everyone wants to be your friend and it doesn't matter If they want to or not is stupid, and you are just acting like a fool.

    I am a 23 year old in her 5th year of college, and I'm STILL dealing with people whom I can't actually call a friend. Y'know why? Because they're not the kind of people I actually want to befriend. But I have made other great friends. They're super hard to find, but if you have to ask if they're your friend, do you really want to stay in that sort of relationship with someone? Sure we have friends in our lives that stay for certain periods of time, but real friends, true friends will never leave you questioning, "Are we even friends?" You will find the real ones, it's hard, but you will find them.

    People like her make we question if it's me or them, because the way I'm looking at it. I'm possibly one of the few mature people here, the ones that under stand others and my actions have consequences.

    Sir, you have already elaborated the answer for yourself.

    At this tender age, all we want to be accepted, to feel like we're part of a group. To feel like, we belong somewhere. And I can tell you, high school is not where we belong. Let me tell you something, all those people I damn near idolized and worshiped in school, all turned out to peak in high school, and nearly all of them are drug addicts, alcoholics, still partying every night on mommy and daddy's money, and still living the same high school drama life. Me? I had literally NO friends. No one liked me because my mom worked at the school, so I was always alone. I hated myself, and I was convinced everyone else did too. But then, I got into college, into the real world, and I grew up and realized I wasn't worthless. People didn't like me? Fuck them, I ain't got time for them. I made real friends, and I met people who liked me for me. Now, I'm a junior in college with a successful art business and a incredibly bright and exciting future. Where are some of them now? I don't give a fuck.

    You can always PM me, I have family with depression and I know it's not a switch you can turn off. I will offer my best advice, and I will be a brick wall if you need to vent to someone. So you're not alone on the forums, I promise you that! I know I'm not the only one who feels that way too. :)

    And one final thing, think about these lyrics. And think about how going through these tough times can make you stronger, and that the easy life isn't always totally worth it. In our darkest moments, I believe we have the greatest chances to become stronger.

    I'm pretty down lately. I'm usually depressed half of the time at school and usually nights, my real life friends don't understand me that w

  • To be fucking honest, it sounds like you need to get some new 'friends'.

    Most of the time, the insults can be chocked up to misunderstandings when they're from friends, not when they're from strangers or others though.

    You are not a pile of shit, you are a smart young man and you are capable of many great things. Fuck those other people.

    Thank you, It's good to hear this. I do plan to do a lot.

    Sir, you have already elaborated the answer for yourself.

    I tend to do that when I rant. haha

    Me? I had literally NO friends. No one liked me because my mom worked at the school, so I was always alone. I hated myself, and I was convinced everyone else did too. But then, I got into college, into the real world, and I grew up and realized I wasn't worthless. People didn't like me? Fuck them, I ain't got time for them. I made real friends, and I met people who liked me for me. Now, I'm a junior in college with a successful art business and a incredibly bright and exciting future. Where are some of them now? I don't give a fuck.

    I feel that. Even now, I still hope that one day I'll be a person in power and people would have wished they got to know me better, hopeful wishing on my part partially. I'm also glad you're going better than before, I hope you keep this positive attitude, it suits you.

    You can always PM me, I have family with depression and I know it's not a switch you can turn off. I will offer my best advice, and I will be a brick wall if you need to vent to someone. So you're not alone on the forums, I promise you that! I know I'm not the only one who feels that way too. :)

    Thanks, I was actually going to PM you but I thought it might be better to just post it publicly. I'm also glad someone understand the brick wall method, I thought I was the only one who thought that. Sometimes people don't need advice or help and they just want someone to listen and care so they can figure out their own problems, people these days think that people come to others for help, a lot of my friends don't realize that despite what they tell me, I won't take it to heart until I figure it out. The Forums are a great place to be, I'm glad I'm here.

    And one final thing, think about these lyrics. And think about how going through these tough times can make you stronger, and that the easy life isn't always totally worth it. In our darkest moments, I believe we have the greatest chances to become stronger.

    I love Tales and I've been listening to this song the last couple of days.

    I thank you for responding so well, it makes me feel better. You're a great person Hollay.

    I'm pretty down lately. I'm usually depressed half of the time at school and usually nights, my real life friends don't understand me that w

  • It was emo when I was in middle school in 2004. XD

    Oh God... I need to go cry now...

    enter image description here

    So she went through an emo phase. Or whatever you kids are calling emos nowadays. Now she thinks you're pretending like she was. I tend t

  • :0

    Or you rewinded after telling me. I know your secrets.

  • Most of the time, the insults can be chocked up to misunderstandings when they're from friends, not when they're from strangers or others though.

    It's a stranger, they don't know you! Lol I know it still hurts, but seriously, I have come to just laugh this crap off when strangers insult me. Most of the time it's shitty people to begin with. I'm having some issues with strangers whom have been talking crap about me because I actually like our professor and enjoy his lectures, they on the other hand, hate him (and now me for enjoying his class) and him for being their professor. I personally know he's not a bad guy (due to going to see him during his office hours more than anyone else for questions), so, are they even right in the bull crap gossiping? Does that make them right in crapping on you?

    I feel that. Even now, I still hope that one day I'll be a person in power and people would have wished they got to know me better, hopeful wishing on my part partially. I'm also glad you're going better than before, I hope you keep this positive attitude, it suits you.

    Humble brag bro, gotta remember that humble brag. ;) LOL but I know what you mean. They will be jealous but never admit it when they see you succeeding despite them trying to bring you down. But the looks on their faces is amazing. I can't tell you how great it feels to see someone whom you idolized, totally failing at life. I mean that in the nicest way possible... lol I don't want to see anyone totally fail, but suffer at least... lol

    And I try to keep it up, sometimes I get sad and need somewhere to vent. This place has been great for many of us to find support and sometimes kicks in the ass, I agree. :) (Tough love hurts, but it generally spurs us into action.)

    Thanks, I was actually going to PM you but I thought it might be better to just post it publicly. I'm also glad someone understand the brick wall method, I thought I was the only one who thought that. Sometimes people don't need advice or help and they just want someone to listen and care so they can figure out their own problems, people these days think that people come to others for help, a lot of my friends don't realize that despite what they tell me, I won't take it to heart until I figure it out. The Forums are a great place to be, I'm glad I'm here.

    I'm always here to talk! Sometimes I'm slow at responding, but I'm a very busy woman these days. ;A; lol So never hesitate to ask me for help, or just vent and do a mind dump. And I agree very much with the brick wall method, I do that daily with my sis and mom. XD So I totally understand what you mean about the brick wall.

    I love Tales and I've been listening to this song the last couple of days.

    I thank you for responding so well, it makes me feel better. You're a great person Hollay.

    enter image description here

    LOL this song came at a perfect time for me too. Life is rough, but keep on keepin on and you will be fine. So many great things are further up your road, I promise you. Takin' the easy road is far less rewarding than takin' the hard road. ;) And I had a rough week... so I'm glad to know someone thinks so. ;A;

    To be fucking honest, it sounds like you need to get some new 'friends'. Most of the time, the insults can be chocked up to misunder

  • Depression isn't something you can heal with the things in a first aid kit

    You're right, it isn't. It really makes me angry when I see people say that depression is a choice, because it's not. It's hard and it hurts and it sucks really fucking bad. But I know, and you will too, that it passes and things do get better, even if it hurts right now. You're stronger than you think, I promise.

    People will always try to fit in somewhere, and pretending to be something you're not is an easy escape from their insecurities and sadness inside. Sometimes it's hard to figure out who your real friends are in life, but I know for a fact that if they are true friends, they won't give up on you, even if you make mistakes. They should never hate you for who you are because nobody's perfect. Everyone has flaws. Everyone messes up and everyone has bad days. But if they're still by your side through all of it, don't ever let them go.

    I'm pretty down lately. I'm usually depressed half of the time at school and usually nights, my real life friends don't understand me that w

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    Your posts always cheer me up. :) And I also agree with everything in your post! XD But I can't quote everything... lol

    She jelly because she sees you as a threat that’s good mean’s your awesome and she feels threatened you go get mike HOLLAY u go gurl aw yeah

    LOL I actually think she is. She is just pissed that he didn't sit by her anymore, and instead sits next to me. And Mike is nice, but he just got in big trouble with the school and it makes me not really want to be associated with him in a romantic sense... Let's also just add I have a huge crush on another person at the school, so I want to stay available... XD

    Guy has a serious crush on you men don’t know how to express emotion I’m a guy I know so he trying to tease you and be mean to get your attention his a douche stay away

    He's a douche. I'm in no way attracted to him. lol

    Sally acting so mean afterwards she was wrong. But the second you texted her it allows her to victimize herself and create a problem with you that doesn’t exist she wanted validation for her dismissive actions and you gave it to her.

    Text her your reasons for your actions and why you felt the need to do it don’t give her the opportunity to create further problems or hold a grudge she was not perfect either. If you show conviction for your actions and confidence no one will treat you like you’re the one who is always wrong they know you have a voice and will not be bullied. Next time they give a mean stare smile and wink back show you are not to be messed with

    I know... I'm a bit upset that I texted her. I hated having too, but I thought about it and really I was directing the shush at Chris. And that comic you put up is epic. XD Thankfully we have the next three weeks out of class, so I don't have to see any of them. And then after that, I'll be taking the same professor for a lot of classes because he's such a great professor and all of them hate him. So I'm safe hopefully. lol But yeah, i'm trying to show more that I'm not a force to be reckoned with. I hate being mean, but I won't stand for shit anymore. D:<

    Don’t let their childish behaviour affect you or pay any attention to it remember why your there and full steam ahead to your dreams don’t let douches or back stabbers stop you being who you are, saying your opinion or affecting your long term goals you deserve more concentrate on your education and laugh at the haters you’re the best holly and I know you will be the best teacher there is you will and can do it.

    Thanks so much Mark! :,) I know these are minor distractions, but it still hurts to know people can be so petty.

    And one last thing...

    It's Hollay. ;)

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    Depression isn't something you can heal with the things in a first aid kit You're right, it isn't. It really makes me angry when I s

  • edited October 2015

    I'm a piece of shit.. I accidentally hit a poor cat with my car yesterday evening :( :'( I can't believe it. I can't look in the mirror. I love cats so much and I would never want to hurt an animal. I'm still shaking and crying. I can't forget that "feeling" . It was fking dark and when I saw the cat I stepped on the break immediately but omg he jumped right under the tire... I feel so sick. I have to live with this now. :(

  • It happens. Nothing you could have done.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    I'm a piece of shit.. I accidentally hit a poor cat with my car yesterday evening I can't believe it. I can't look in the mirror. I love c

  • I know this may be unpopular, but I hate Telltale fans that act like telltale is God's gift to video gaming and act like they make the best games ever and can do no wrong. I mean alot are great don't get me wrong, but come on nobody is perfect.

  • edited October 2015

    I know these are minor distractions, but it still hurts to know people can be so petty.

    Nothing is ever petty if it hurts you and anyway if life was easy it would be boring

    enter image description here

    I'm not worried at all for you, your a smart girl and your going to do awesome :) Hollay :P

    Your posts always cheer me up. And I also agree with everything in your post! XD But I can't quote everything... lol She jelly becaus

  • edited October 2015

    I hate this so much I remember I said I didn't enjoy one of the telltale games and I got so many angry responses calling me a liar with lots of review sources etc saying look everyone says its an awesome game so your completely wrong plus look all the responses here saying it's awesome that's 7-1 so confirmed your wrong. So frustrating explaining a personal opinion does not have the match the majority to be right to extreme fanboys that to respect opinions on the beloved games even if you dislike the comment everyone's personal opinion is just as important as anyone who has commented.

    enter link description here

    I know this may be unpopular, but I hate Telltale fans that act like telltale is God's gift to video gaming and act like they make the best games ever and can do no wrong. I mean alot are great don't get me wrong, but come on nobody is perfect.

  • You should not feel bad at all there was nothing you could of done you did nothing wrong it's just a case of the cat being in the wrong place at the wrong time don't worry at all I hope your ok

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    I'm a piece of shit.. I accidentally hit a poor cat with my car yesterday evening I can't believe it. I can't look in the mirror. I love c

  • edited October 2015

    As someone who loves cats with a nigh religious fervour, allow me to tell you that you have done exactly nothing wrong. It was an accident, and these things do happen.

    Having killed something is not easy thing to deal with. Hell, I feel guilty when I kill a spider of all things, believe it or not. I cannot imagine - nor do I wish to - how it would feel to run over a cat. I can tell you this, though; you are not a peice of shit. It was, as you said, an accident. You are not needing absolution of any kind, nor was this anyone's fault. The cat and you were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Do not forget that you have done nothing wrong and that it was not you, nor the cat. It just simply, "was". I cannot give you any coping stratagies, except that you do not forget this profound truth.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    I'm a piece of shit.. I accidentally hit a poor cat with my car yesterday evening I can't believe it. I can't look in the mirror. I love c

  • Just finished Tales from the Borderlands. Dear God, what am I supposed to do now?

  • back in a relationship with my boyfriend.

    He's keeping me company while mom and dad are away.

    (okay i really did not stare when he was shirtless outside watering the lawn)

    (fine, i stared.... for awhile)

  • enter image description here

    It's human nature for one to seek dominance over the other. Whether it be best intentions or the worst. When push comes to shove, as the world pushes you, push it back harder than it can.

    There will be those who use others for their own gain. It is how some functions. To understand what started the battle for dominance, one must look back to it's origins and study it as you would with a history book. Perspective can cloud one's judgement, which is why one must instead look from above and not from the pieces on the board. You'll then find the answers.

    As for the girl, she was merely using you for her gain, whatever that may be. She searched for spoils. She's merely fooling herself for believing grief is a choice. There is no choice for grieving.

    I'm pretty down lately. I'm usually depressed half of the time at school and usually nights, my real life friends don't understand me that w

  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Swiggity swooty, Megami's coming for da booty!

    back in a relationship with my boyfriend. He's keeping me company while mom and dad are away. (okay i really did not stare when he was shirtless outside watering the lawn) (fine, i stared.... for awhile)

  • Currently eating pizza while watching national geographic.

    I told him: "babe can you wash the dishes so i can get ready in the bedroom?"

    His face was like:


    I was kidding , but if he's serious then good ;)))))))

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Swiggity swooty, Megami's coming for da booty!

  • xD

    Currently eating pizza while watching national geographic. I told him: "babe can you wash the dishes so i can get ready in the bedroom?" His face was like: :0 I was kidding , but if he's serious then good ))))))

  • Man, it was an accident. You're not a piece of shit nor a bad person, it just happened. I understand that you feel bad for the cat, that's fine, but you can't blame yourself. People who hurt animals purposely can be called pieces of shit, not people like you.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    I'm a piece of shit.. I accidentally hit a poor cat with my car yesterday evening I can't believe it. I can't look in the mirror. I love c

  • edited October 2015

    I pre-ordered Fallout 4, as PSN finally got the season pass edition, and since PSN EU doesn't charge for pre-orders straight away I wanted to add funds to my wallet so I wouldn't forget to later before the release date. Let me tell you, it's like Sony desperately doesn't want my money, I had to google 'how to add funds to your ps4 wallet' to learn where the damn option actually was. Not anywhere logical, that's for sure. :|

    Also, I really hope there'll be pre-loading.

  • Hey guys, I just want to ask for really important advice here about an incident that occurred to me a month ago. Hope you're willing to listen to my problem and that I don't take too much of your time.

    So, I had a girlfriend who I started dating back since early February. I felt so comfortable and amazing whenever I was around her. I truly loved her with all my heart, I mean it was a pretty average relationship, you hang out together and you spend hours doing everything you can do in a day. I felt like I was in heaven and I was thanking god for giving me such a person to love me for who I am. Or so I thought..

    Like I said, about a month ago, things started getting odd, she wouldn't answer all my phone calls, we spent way less time than before. I don't know, it felt the relationship isn't as powerful as it used to. I was always aware of this fact, but I never said anything because I thought she had something to say or some sort of problem that she doesn't want to tell me. So, I decided to give her a surprise visit with some of our friends to attempt to cheer her up and just generally talk with how things are. The day we all went over to her, was one of the most revolting and disgusting thing I've ever seen a person can do to another.

    Yeah, she cheated on me. I guess a part of me always knew, but I never admitted it until I saw her cuddling with another guy. Specifically, that guy was my best friend. The three of us would hang out together sometimes, and after I saw that disgusting scene and what they were doing together, just makes me sick. He was my best friend since freshman College and she is my girlfriend! They both agreed to do this to me. And for a whole month she never said anything or him! You know, if she wanted to break up, I would understand, sometimes its not meant to be. But she had me around like I'm some sort of doll that she can manipulate and use whenever she feels like it. After I saw them together, I immediately left her home with my friends, and I have been ignoring them this whole time.

    I don't want to get into much detail, but this is my first time I had a relationship where my girlfriend cheated on me. They both lied to my face and pretended to be the closest people I have in the world. Thinking about all the happy memories I shared with them really piss me off. I mean how can such people do this to you? I gave advice to this kind of thing to some other friends, I told them to move on and find a different crowd to chill in. But me? The crowd that I chill in are friends with them, well actually I'm not sure anymore, I haven't been up to date with my social life since that awful scene. So this is what I'm trying to ask.

    What do I really do? Do I go back to my girlfriend and best friend to confront them about everything? Do I continue with me just ignoring them? I'm not so sure anymore. Both them made me so happy, betrayal is one of the WORST things that can happen to someone. I really hope you don't go through it.

  • edited October 2015

    Yeah, she cheated on me. I guess a part of me always knew, but I never admitted it until I saw her cuddling with another guy. Specifically, that guy was my best friend.

    enter image description here

    That asshole I'm so angry just reading that ur best friend and your girlfriend FFS oh man I'm sorry this for me is the ultimate betrayal I’m so angry for you just thinking about the total break of trust and the care you had for those who just ripped your heart apart like a f**ked up game and not giving a shit

    Now if my best friend did that what I would do

    Best friend

    I would say no hard feelings bro and fist bump him and say ok let's go for a walk to discuss things I'd go to a part of town or estate with no camera's or police or people around.

    I'd then grab him by the scruff of his jumper maintain eye contact and say you are going to explain to me why my best friend F**KED my true love now think carefully bro if your answer is not good enough you’re getting smacked you got my heart broken so I will break your nose then we are even there are no people, camera;s or police around to prove anything I have my eye on my new biatch and you have pretty eyes needs a little black though.

    Depending on his answers will decide how many smacks he is getting

    enter image description here


    I'd just explain to her how much I loved her how much I had planned to do for her and how awesome our future would be shake her hand and say thank you the best thing you ever did in my life was help me by doing this get rid of an a-h*le of a best friend and a cheating toxic girlfriend the best present a guy can ever have, I'll replace you with a better looking, funnier and more loyal girl I don't need to waste anymore time on you now gfto I never want to see or hear from you again you will regret cheating on me but idc anymore I've moved on enjoy my friend.

    Don't let her see you hurt over her the most powerful thing you can do is move on and let her see what she is missing and how big a mistake she made leave her with a smile and wink hurt in private.

    enter link description here

    But that’s what I would do to get my closure if that happened to me I see cheating as the ultimate betrayal of love and care for someone and adding a best friend makes it the worst thing possible a people could do to me but I’m a boxer who trains at a club every week.

    So in your case I have no clue that is just me depends on you but personally get that girl and friend as far away as you as possible they will only do more damage and hurt you more. You deserve a loyal girl and a good friend they are horrible people for doing this make no mistake. Don't undervalue yourself to fall into that trap again

    enter image description here

    Hey guys, I just want to ask for really important advice here about an incident that occurred to me a month ago. Hope you're willing to list

  • edited October 2015

    What do I really do? Do I go back to my girlfriend and best friend to confront them about everything? Do I continue with me just ignoring them? I'm not so sure anymore. Both them made me so happy, betrayal is one of the WORST things that can happen to someone. I really hope you don't go through it.

    Holy Shit, that sucks- what did they say to you initially?

    For your best friend, if you play your cards right you'll have a fight (expect it to be brutal) or an emotional talk and then will realize that one chick isn't worth destroying your friendship.

    For your girlfriend, confront her AFTER you've confronted your bf and if you and him have made up- you both can call her a slut before walking away (this is if she was a complete bitch about cheating on you)

    I actually know a thing or two about this (I'm in high school so yeah...) but I don't know the people you know so I'm not sure if you and your friend would be willing to make amends or if you don't like each other anymore but I just wish you good luck.

    enter image description here

    Hey guys, I just want to ask for really important advice here about an incident that occurred to me a month ago. Hope you're willing to list

  • edited October 2015

    What would you do if your best friend slept with your girlfriend Salt?

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    What do I really do? Do I go back to my girlfriend and best friend to confront them about everything? Do I continue with me just ignoring th

  • What would you do if your best friend slept with your girlfriend Salt?

    Is this because you disagree with my response or you're just curious?

    First off, my best friend doesn't know my girlfriend (now is the one I told you about over steam) But hypothetically, it's a fucked up situation to begin with and honestly, it would depend on their personalities as I know them and how they would respond to me- everyone knows different people so I bet this situation would be different for each one. With my people, I couldn't imagine them doing this but it would probably go like how I said it, my bf and I have been friends since we were little so I would probably get into a fight with him before one of us yells something from when we were little and then would stop (cliche, I know but again, this is only if he acted sorry for it and didn't act like a douche- if he was a douche then it would go differently) and for the girlfriend- I would probably move on after calling her a bitch and find a way to leak something of her so everyone else knows she's a cheater or same thing with my bf if he acted like a douche when confronted. This is a pretty broad area so would need specifics to think exactly but it would depend on their responses

    Markd4547 posted: »

    What would you do if your best friend slept with your girlfriend Salt?

  • Hey! No joke I actually laughed at some of the things you said xD all jokes aside though, thank you for the support! And be careful out there, you never know who someone really is. They actually tried contacting me, I guess I'll have to respond soon then. Thanks again bro! fistpump

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Yeah, she cheated on me. I guess a part of me always knew, but I never admitted it until I saw her cuddling with another guy. Specifically,

  • Thanks! Well I will try to talk to them speratly soon when I get the chance. And stay strong, you're still strong and have a long life ahead of you!

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    What do I really do? Do I go back to my girlfriend and best friend to confront them about everything? Do I continue with me just ignoring th

  • Is this because you disagree with my response or you're just curious?

    Not at all your post was awesome great advice

    I'm just interested your posts are always really fun to read so seeing what you would do in such a situation would be fun to read and great answer :)

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    What would you do if your best friend slept with your girlfriend Salt? Is this because you disagree with my response or you're just

  • edited October 2015

    Hey! No joke I actually laughed at some of the things you said xD all jokes aside though

    enter image description here

    .....................erm yes joke

    And be careful out there, you never know who someone really is. They actually tried contacting me, I guess I'll have to respond soon then. Thanks again bro! fistpump

    No problem bro I'm so sorry this happened to you we are all here to support you in this hard time that was a terrible thing they did I'm speechless good luck

    enter image description here

    Hey! No joke I actually laughed at some of the things you said xD all jokes aside though, thank you for the support! And be careful out ther

  • This is really minor compared to everything else here but I've become obsessed with Snapchat lol

  • Sorry for responding so late, I'm here now though!

    Does that make them right in crapping on you?

    You're right, it doesn't make them right. I guess it just frustrates me how people take what they see at the base for everything...However, they don't know my brain the way they know my face.

    Humble brag bro, gotta remember that humble brag

    Always gotta throw it in one way or another, I'm not going to forget all my self worth over a few assholes.

    Life is rough, but keep on keepin on and you will be fine. So many great things are further up your road, I promise you. Takin' the easy road is far less rewarding than takin' the hard road. ;) And I had a rough week... so I'm glad to know someone thinks so. ;A;

    We're like sharks, always gotta keep moving to survive.

    Most of the time, the insults can be chocked up to misunderstandings when they're from friends, not when they're from strangers or others th

  • But I know, and you will too, that it passes and things do get better, even if it hurts right now. You're stronger than you think, I promise.

    Heh, I think I'm pretty damn strong to make it through half the junk I have in my life so far, if I'm even stronger than THAT, I must be strong.

    They should never hate you for who you are because nobody's perfect. Everyone has flaws. Everyone messes up and everyone has bad days. But if they're still by your side through all of it, don't ever let them go.

    Very true, we can't hold every mistake over someone but we shouldn't forget things. I hold that idea very close to my heart.

    Thank you for the response, it's very helpful.

    Depression isn't something you can heal with the things in a first aid kit You're right, it isn't. It really makes me angry when I s

  • Nice dragon wisdom!

    We need to push back when the world pushes us but we can't forget to help the world up when it asks, not to let the bad times corrupt us.

    To understand what started the battle for dominance, one must look back to it's origins and study it as you would with a history book.

    When you look back and see how everything started and how it changes allows you to understand all of it. It's a good thing to do, so many people either don't care enough to dig deeper and see the whole truth or refuse to.

    Thank you for your response too Tobi.

    It's human nature for one to seek dominance over the other. Whether it be best intentions or the worst. When push comes to shove, as the wor

  • Yeah, she cheated on me.

    Ugh, horrible. It hasn't happened to me yet, maybe because I can't get a girlfriend for them to cheat, but I can understand how horrible it must be to feel such a betrayal.

    Specifically, that guy was my best friend.

    He obviously wasn't your best friend if he did that to you. Look at the silver lining, at least you finally saw him for what he was.

    What do I really do? Do I go back to my girlfriend and best friend to confront them about everything? Do I continue with me just ignoring them?

    Closure is what everyone needs. I say talk to them, confront them on it but don't get to wild with it. Find out why they did this and any other questions you might have. After that, fuck them...Not literally,unless you're into that...But seriously, just ignore them after the confrontation, make them realize what they've done and how they can't fix this.

    Hey guys, I just want to ask for really important advice here about an incident that occurred to me a month ago. Hope you're willing to list

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