Lukas Will Be A Traitor 100% (Or maybe not?) [EDIT: 2]

Come on, he is way too nice. You know how these kinds of characters work in fiction, especially movies and video games. The super nice guy turns out to be a mega douche and betrays the protagonist(s) in some way or another.

From this point in time, I know it sounds far-fetched, but there may be plenty of situation I can imagine him becoming a traitor, no matter how nice you treat him (kinda like Handsome Jack in Tales From The Borderlands). Either it will be for some power that might destroy the "antagonist(s)", to stick with his group of douchebags, or something else (maybe for 'his girlfried' wink wink)
In the end, it will turn out we should have trusted Alex all along, no matter how douchey he actually acted. Lukas probably overcomes his fears and makes a full 180, turning a similar way like that idiot that summoned the monster in the first place (I am not good with names).

It is just soooo done already, TellTale. Come on; you can do better than this 'twist'. ^3^

But seriously, who else thinks this is totally going to happen?

EDIT: Just for the record, I really really really don't want him to be a traitor.

EDIT 2: HEY! REJOICE MY FRIENDS! FOR I HAVE BEEN; HEAVENS HAVE BEEN WITH US, WRONG! I humbly thank thee, Telltale, for having good people just being good people ^3^



  • Lukas is perfect, how dare you say he will betray us. Shame. SHAME!

  • Oh come on, it's not my fault media does not like very nice people. Either they die or turn out to be douches after all!
    I'd prefer Lukas being the nice guy, but you know how these stories usually go.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Lukas is perfect, how dare you say he will betray us. Shame. SHAME!

  • This title made me laugh

  • If anyone would become a traitor, I believe it would be... Axel.

  • If, unlike Handsome Jack, that would actually matter, that'd be great!

  • Lukas betraying us... Nah, it's impossible. He's too cool for that. He's too innocent for that! And, and just because he is nice, doesn't mean anything... Why can't he just be a nice guy? D:

  • NO! In games, there are no cool, nice people anymore T.T People hate nice guys, that is why : (

    Kateis posted: »

    Lukas betraying us... Nah, it's impossible. He's too cool for that. He's too innocent for that! And, and just because he is nice, doesn't mean anything... Why can't he just be a nice guy?

  • Nah, he is the gold-hearted dumb pal that is jealous on Lukas. He is likely more the guy keeping stuff together in the end : 3.

    If anyone would become a traitor, I believe it would be... Axel.

  • Maybe you'll be the traitor

    enter image description here

  • I don't think I, Rhys the glorious leader of Atlas and Neo Hyperion, will spent my time with Minecraft, but of course if Zer0 plays it.

    Maybe you'll be the traitor

  • edited October 2015

    similar way like that idiot that summoned the monster in the first place

    enter image description here

    Anyway, that's not a bad idea actually. As much as I want him to be the last one to turn out as a traitor (since he's my favorite besides Axel), that would make a good twist. Not bad!

    enter image description here

  • No, that'd be a horrible 08/15 cliche twist xD

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    similar way like that idiot that summoned the monster in the first place Anyway, that's not a bad idea actually. As much as I wa

  • But it would be the best at cliche twists!

    enter image description here

    (don't ask what's that gif...)

    No, that'd be a horrible 08/15 cliche twist xD

  • Why is that?

    (I like this gif)

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    But it would be the best at cliche twists! (don't ask what's that gif...)

  • @Poogers555 your avatar is ... kind of sexy.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Lukas is perfect, how dare you say he will betray us. Shame. SHAME!

  •  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Enigma12 posted: »

    @Poogers555 your avatar is ... kind of sexy.

  • People used to say the same about Luke, and really, Lukas is basically Luke. Hansome Jack wasn't a "nice guy", he was a power-thirsty maniac so his betrayal was kinda obvious.

    I really don't think Lukas would betray anyone. I will be very surprised if it happens.

  • You are handsome as well : 3

    Enigma12 posted: »

    @Poogers555 your avatar is ... kind of sexy.

  • Don't quite know who Luke is because Borderlands and Minecraft are my only ones, but okay, if you say so ^^
    Well, Handsome Jack was more the "Please give him redemption" kind of guy for me, with that sense of "Yeah, if I am kind that might actually work", and then of course "F off writers; me wants good Jack." xD

    Abeille posted: »

    People used to say the same about Luke, and really, Lukas is basically Luke. Hansome Jack wasn't a "nice guy", he was a power-thirsty maniac

  • Lukas and Ivor have already both been called cowards, and so parallels could start there. Whether or not he betrays us, I think that kind of thing would be addressed.

    Ivor: Face it! You're just like me!

    Lukas: I'll never be like you!

  • Ohh okay, sorry. I just kinda assume everyone played both The Walking Dead seasons. Luke is a character from The Walking Dead season 2 that is just as nice as Lukas and is voiced by the same person.

    Well, I wasn't expecting Jack to be redeemed in the same way I don't expect Ramsay in GoT to be redeemed. Maybe I just don't have much faith on people, heh.

    Don't quite know who Luke is because Borderlands and Minecraft are my only ones, but okay, if you say so ^^ Well, Handsome Jack was more t

  • I know about them, but I really don't enjoy TWD. But well, maybe they let them be kind as well, which would be neat. I just smell that story cliche to come, even though I do no want it to occur.

    I tried to have faith in Jack because... I saw this spark of goodness, especially because the Pre-Sequel made most former protagonists unlikeable, outright despicable C****. I was just not sure who was right and maybe Jack was simply portrayed in a terrible light due to your perspectinve in Borderlands 2. I dunno, I just... wanted a man fallen from grace find his way again. (Because Borderlands is very inconsistent on how Jack actually was before the events of the Pre-Sequel)

    Abeille posted: »

    Ohh okay, sorry. I just kinda assume everyone played both The Walking Dead seasons. Luke is a character from The Walking Dead season 2 that

  • Gosh, considering everything, Ivor might be the Jack and Lukas the Rhys of this adventure (You get what I mean if you have played TFTB)

    PaulKenneth posted: »

    Lukas and Ivor have already both been called cowards, and so parallels could start there. Whether or not he betrays us, I think that kind of thing would be addressed. Ivor: Face it! You're just like me! Lukas: I'll never be like you!

  • aww thanks bb <3

    You are handsome as well : 3

  • No problem, bro : 3

    Enigma12 posted: »

    aww thanks bb

  • Its like, even if he did betray us, I would always love him. <3

    Abeille posted: »

    People used to say the same about Luke, and really, Lukas is basically Luke. Hansome Jack wasn't a "nice guy", he was a power-thirsty maniac

  • Yeah, something I (since TFTB) refer to as HandsomeJack-Stockholm-Syndrome xD

    Its like, even if he did betray us, I would always love him.

  • lolz

    Yeah, something I (since TFTB) refer to as HandsomeJack-Stockholm-Syndrome xD

  • I'm with ya. I was being a jerk to Lukas the entire time cuz I am 90% sure he will turn on us. Even after you kick him out of the treehouse/hut he comes back for no reason and offers everyone apples? HE POISONED THEM! THEY ARE POISONOUS I TELL YOU! I was cool with Axel all the time so I feel like another alternative is Olivia/Axel be that traitor depending on who you trust and listen to more. The biggest plot twist would be for Reuben to be a traitor but i somehow get the feeling he will turn into a pigman which would be really cool :D

  • We all know how episode 2 is gonna start...

    enter image description here

    cindaquil posted: »

    I'm with ya. I was being a jerk to Lukas the entire time cuz I am 90% sure he will turn on us. Even after you kick him out of the treehouse/

  • Or the traitor will be determinate between either Axel or Lukas depending on some minor and inconsequential choice... nah, Telltale wouldn't do that amirite

  • Luke betraying us?

    Shit-- I mean Lukas. I swear.

  • Is this gonna go like Game of Thrones. Petra will tell us we have a traitor in our order and we're all gonna think it'll be Lucky Luke. But we'll find out that is Reuben!

  • Interesting perspective if you treat him like shit. Yeah... there is just something off about it all. Nobody is that nice without an impetus ^^

    cindaquil posted: »

    I'm with ya. I was being a jerk to Lukas the entire time cuz I am 90% sure he will turn on us. Even after you kick him out of the treehouse/

  • I dunno, TellTale is quite inconsequential about choices in my opinion.

    Or the traitor will be determinate between either Axel or Lukas depending on some minor and inconsequential choice... nah, Telltale wouldn't do that amirite


    Luke betraying us? Shit-- I mean Lukas. I swear.

  • The pig? Now that would be a bit weird though, right?

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Is this gonna go like Game of Thrones. Petra will tell us we have a traitor in our order and we're all gonna think it'll be Lucky Luke. But we'll find out that is Reuben!

  • Not. At. All.

    enter image description here

    The pig? Now that would be a bit weird though, right?

  • Lucas is a cinnamon roll, he won't betray them...he'll just, die an anti-climatic death ;_; like, l-like in his previous life! [collapses down on floor crying.]

  • I... see what you mean.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Not. At. All.

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