Episode 2 achievement confusion

So, the achievements for episode 2 were just uploaded for episode 2, and unless they forgot an achievement or something there doesn't seem to be an achievement for completing chapters 2 or 3. With this in mind it looks like acquiring Ellegard and Magnus is chaper 2 and 3. Which kind of sucks since that will take away the choice factor since we'll just be getting both members in 2 consecutive chapters. Unless there's an effect like the Wolf Among Us where things may differ in locations due to going in different times.

enter image description here


  • Ok will that ruins it.

  • I think you won't be getting the "Occam's Razor" if you decided to go and find Magnus, and you won't be getting the "Griefer Madness" if decided to go and find Ellegaard. The whole episode is probably gonna be about finding one of them, like Telltale twitted it, the last choice will change the whole episode.

  • That doesn't explain where chapter 2 and 3 went unless we just skip either Chapter 2 or 3 (Ellegard or Magnus). Eh, I don't know.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    I think you won't be getting the "Occam's Razor" if you decided to go and find Magnus, and you won't be getting the "Griefer Madness" if dec

  • Unless there's an effect like the Wolf Among Us where things may differ in locations due to going in different times.

    I'm guessing it will be kinda like that mixed with Tales from the Borderlands Episode 3, where the main plot is the same but a large amount of minor changes tailor the story for players across Episode 2 and beyond.

  • I think that it's just the way they've numbered the parts. Just because one is labeled as part 2 and one is part 3, doesn't mean we will experience both parts in one play through. It DOES make me concerned that in order to create the divergence, the episode will be shorter, but I personally am ok with sacrificing some length in order to increase overall re-playability.

    That doesn't explain where chapter 2 and 3 went unless we just skip either Chapter 2 or 3 (Ellegard or Magnus). Eh, I don't know.

  • Good point. I actually have this theory where chapter 2 is going to be about finding the member of the order you chose to go and look for, and chapter 3 will change how you're gonna find the other member (the area, the way you have to find them, maybe you can even bring the rest of the crew with you to look for Magnus or Ellegaard).

    That doesn't explain where chapter 2 and 3 went unless we just skip either Chapter 2 or 3 (Ellegard or Magnus). Eh, I don't know.

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