Would you rather?
I thought I'd start up a would you rather thread, feel free to put your own would you rather and just to get it started of, would you rather use sand paper for toilet roll ( wiping your Arse after taking a poo with sandpaper) or have have to have 3 eye drops of vinegar on your eye each day? (You would have to do both for the rest of your life).
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I do both everyday. :P
Would you rather kiss a horses butt? Or cut off your head?
Cut off my own head.
Would you rather:
A) Be penetrated by Donald Trump
Live for eternity with Iggy Azalea
Would you rather kick a puppy? Or kick a kitten?
didn't even give me credit for my contribution smh
If I had to for the sake of the world, I would go for the puppy (sorry puppy).
Would you rather..........
a: Get lost deep in the Odessa Catacombs with no chance of escape or rescue?
b: Be executed by via blood eagle?
Credit to: this whiny piss baby
I'd rather Kick a puppy. I've done it a few times (Lightly, it was in my way, and I didn't mean to), and I love kittens way too much.
Would you rather:
Battle a horde (around 200) of the undead with one silenced assault riffle (only 2 clips) and a machete,
Be locked in an abandoned Mansion with a Xenomorph for 1 hour?
Are we talking sword penetration, or NSFW penetration? Wait... If it's with Donald Trump at all, I'd rather go with Iggy. Besides, I love her music, and she seems... 'Swallows vomit'... Nice....
Battle the horde
Would you rather:
Netflix and chill with Ron Jeremy
Eat a large (KFC sized) bucket of fried tarantula?
You just completely skipped @RammsteinFürImmer would you rather.
I would chill and Netflix with Ron Jeremy, pretty risky move but what can you do...
Would you rather:
Visit your ancestors in the past (you can't go back to present for a while)
Get stuck in the deep future with your future relatives and family (can't come back at all)
I would most likely opt for the past. For one, I have the eventual opportunity to return to the future. Also, as much as the past (depending how far back I am going in question) would be hard to adapt to, at least we have records showing what people would have done and what the general decorum was. As a history nut, I am versed enough that I MIGHT be able to fit in and not be executed as a heretic (or end up in a similar scenario thereof). If I am heading into the distant future, it would be a massive gamble. The world by then could be in any state, ranging from a Mad-Max style wasteland to a totalitarian world order to a generally civil and happy society. I would feel better, living as a Victorian-Era Aussie battler knowing that I can return at some point rather than facing the uncertainty of the distant future without any way back.
To whoever answers below, I ask thusly: would you rather living in complete poverty for the rest of your life until you die at the age 98 or becoming a multi-billionaire, only to die at the premature age of 55?
Definitely the sand paper. You can turn that around and use the side that isn't sandy or just scrape most of it off with the edge of it or be super clever and hold your cheeks apart so nothing gets on there.
Would you rather have a snake for a tongue or lobster claws for hands? (A would you rather from The Walking Dead: 400 Days lol)
Tarantula is actually meant to be quite alright, tasting like a combination of chicken and cod.
Oh. Whoops, I didn't notice his.
Well, Dead or Alive, you kinda ruined it but mistakes were made
I would rather have lobster claws for hands for... some personal reasons
Would you rather:
Battle a bear with a stick
punch a police cop? xD
EDIT: Move along, nothing to see here.
Punch a cop.
I'd get the shit beaten out of me and wind up in prison for a couple years, but it beats getting eaten alive.
Would you rather lose an arm or leg?
Goodbye leg.
Would you rather be blind or deaf?
Now, mah favorite from Mass Effect (just can't miss an opportunity to post this in threads like these):
Would you rather be a snitch or a corpse?
A snitch.
Would you rather have terrifying nightmares every night or see scary things that aren't there?
This mainly pertains to the guys, but if you're a girl just imagine if you were a guy.
Keep in mind that this isn't meant to be logical in any way.
You are in an avalanche and you've been injured. You come to and you realize that your left arm is broken. You can't move it. You've got this huge wall of rock and ice, whatever. And behind it, you've got your right arm, which is for some reason holding on to a knife. And you've got your dick.
Your right arm you can kinda struggle out, but you have to let go of the knife. And your dick is just hopelessly stuck, you can't get it out. So, there is a news helicopter that's flying by - that if you could just wave to them with your right arm,you could flag them down and it would take them about three hours to get to you. Now, here's the twist: is there's a very horny Silverback gorilla behind you that is going to buttfuck you for all three of those hours on live television as the news broadcasts it until they rescue you.
Now your other option, the only other option, is to use the knife that's trapped behind the ice wall to cut off your dick. And you'd just lose it forever, but you can run and make it back just fine, but you have to lose your dick. So, you cut off your dick or do you enjoy three hours of televised gorilla buttfucking?
This is so random lol
I would rather take 3 hours of televised gorilla buttfucking cause I could NOT cut off my own dick and would't want to- besides if you cut if off then you would die from blood loss VERY quickly unless if you somehow avoided major stuff.... Wait a sec, but I'm a Saltlick...this might not apply lol
Would you rather experience a sharp pain in your side each time someone says your name or have a bell sound each time you are aroused?
Bell sound.
Would you rather cut out your right eye or left eye. (lol)
Probably, my left. I tend to use my right one noticeably more.
Would you rather lose your legs below the knee or be have an arm of your choice rendered imobile below the elbow?
I'd rather lose my legs below the knee.
Would you rather:
Starve yourself to death
do suicide?
Would you rather:
Drink a Cockroach smoothie
Get pushed off the top of the Empire State Building
My! What a delicious cockroach smoothie!
Would You Rather... Climb up Mt. Everest with your bare hands (A 3-day trip) OR Have a trip around the world on a Mo-Ped (A month-long trip)?
Sign me up with the mo-ped
Would you rather be attacked by a shark or attacked by a lion?
Lion, I can move faster out of the water, there's no escape in the ocean.
Would you rather change sex for a year or not being able to go on internet for a year?
Not being able to go on the internet? Been there, done that. I am intrigued by the idea of changing my sex (despite the periods).
Would you rather be stranded for three days until rescue in the Sahara or Antartica
Change sex, being male would be cool..and easier.
Would you rather have no real friends your whole life or never find a true love (a partner, soulmate)?
I'd rather not find a true love (partner) in my whole life.
Would you rather:
Read books (any kind of books) for the rest of your life
watch educational shows for the rest of your life?
Shows. Reading sucks.
For many days you're drifting at sea in lifeboat. Parents are with you. Food is finished.
Would you rather eat mommy or daddy?
Change sex obviously, I'll just walk around naked.
If you had to wear a noticeable steel collar and carry on your life or be restrained for a day like some kind of mental patient, which one would you choose?
Ok heres another one, but this one is more detailed: Skip to the Bold words if you just want to get to the "Would you rather"
You walk along the streets. When suddenly somone walks up to you and knocks you out. You wake up in a prison, and you see nothing but blood on the walls. You stand up still feeling dizzy. You call for your life, but no one comes. You sit quietly in your cell, slowly dying from starvation. When suddenly a guard comes and opens your cell door. He grabs and handcuffs you and pushes you out of the cell. He puts a gun to your back and says "Walk". As you walk, you see dead bodies hanging from the ceiling...and none of them had heads. The guards takes you outside. You then see some old guy. And then you see a innocent man, chained up to a rock. Other guards point guns at you, and the guard who lead you outside unhandcuffed you. The old guy hands you a shotgun. He says "if you shoot that guy's head off, you will keep your life and set free. If you don't, there are snipers up there that are aiming for you and that chained up guy and will shoot your head along with the guy" You can shoot the guys head off and be free, but you will have to live with that horrible moment for the rest of your life. If you don't, the 2 snipers will shoot you and the man. The chained up man will die either way.
So would you rather kill the chained up man or refuse and you both die?