What Voice Actors would you like to hear moving forward in TWAU?
Since the universe of Fables is much more open-ended in terms of introducing more characters.
Which Voice Actors would you like to hear, voicing which characters?
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Well all of the original voice actors of course
I think Troy Baker could voice a good Prince Charming actually!
Maybe Nolan North as Grimble? :P
They both have such broad ranges of work that they're a bit hard to pin down
but I can definitely see what you mean.
Perhaps if King Cole makes some appearances in the future, I personally would like to hear J.K. Simmons voice him. Not to say that I wanna hear Cave Johnson whenever I play
To be brutally honest I just want Troy Baker and Laura Bailey....
preferably as an in game couple
Laura Bailey is already in The Wolf Among Us...
Laura Bailey voices Aunty Greenleaf in TWAU :P
Maybe we'll discover that there's actually an 'Uncle' Greenleaf. ;p
Lol :P
Voiced by Troy Baker.
Johnny Yong Bosch as Prince Charming