Episode 3 Waiting Thread - Out Now on PC/Mac/Xbox Live/PSN/iOS/Android, Coming Nov 26 for PS4 EU

JenniferJennifer Moderator
edited July 2016 in Minecraft: Story Mode

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Release Dates

  • PC/Mac - November 24th
  • Playstation Network USA (PS4/PS3) - November 24th
  • Xbox Live (Xbox One/Xbox 360) - November 24th
  • iOS - November 24th
  • Amazon App Store - November 24th
  • Google Play Store - November 24th
  • Playstation Network EU (PS3) - November 25th
  • Playstation Network EU (PS4) - November 26th

Update on November 24th: Telltale has announced a minor delay for Playstation Network EU users:

UPDATED: Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 3 - 'The Last Place You Look' will be available for PS4 in PSN SCEE territories (Australia, New Zealand, Europe, India, Middle East, South Africa) starting November 26th, and for PS3 in these territories starting November 25th. We previously announced that the episode would be available on all platforms today, however, due to unforeseen circumstances, there is a 48 hour delay releasing the PS4 version in SCEE territories. We know the Minecraft community is excited to play the next installment in the series, and we're working with Sony to get it in your hands as soon as possible. We thank you for your patience, and we'll have you playing very soon!


November 23rd

November 18th

November 16th

November 14th

November 11th

November 10th

November 9th

November 4th

November 1st

  • Evidence of Episode 3 activity on the Steam database.

October 27th

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  • That's just an editor from another website summarizing what Job Stauffer said. That tweet isn't from a Telltale Staff member.

    Karnedg2013 posted: »


  • Okay, sorry!

    That's just an editor from another website summarizing what Job Stauffer said. That tweet isn't from a Telltale Staff member.

  • Wait, this year?
    Did Telltale FINALLY listen to everyone complaining about how long the episodes took after what happened with Tales/GoT?

  • More than likely they're releasing the episodes earlier because of the younger audience playing it.

    Wait, this year? O_O Did Telltale FINALLY listen to everyone complaining about how long the episodes took after what happened with Tales/GoT?

  • Heh heh ep 2 came WAYYY before thanksgiving

  • That... honestly makes a lot of sense too.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    More than likely they're releasing the episodes earlier because of the younger audience playing it.

  • Not in 2 weeks but this year?Hope it's not december 31st.

  • I'd guess mid to late November.

    Not in 2 weeks but this year?Hope it's not december 31st.

  • November 10th or 24th is what I'm saying, based on how fast these episodes have been coming out.

    I would have said the 17th, but that's when GoT comes out.

  • The 10th of November is in two weeks, so the earliest is November 24th. I'm guessing that will be the release date, or maybe they'll let the GoT hype cool down first and release it on December 1st.

    November 10th or 24th is what I'm saying, based on how fast these episodes have been coming out. I would have said the 17th, but that's when GoT comes out.

  • edited October 2015

    Woah, Really? I was thinking mid December.

    I'd guess mid to late November.

  • Episode 2 was pretty fun. I'm just hoping episode 3 is a little bit longer.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited October 2015

    Even though episode 3 probably won't be out in two weeks, they'll most likely still be able to develop it quicker than their usual series because of the simpler art design than their other seasons.

    This isn't the first series that Telltale ever released in a roughly two week schedule. Law & Order: Legacies also had a simple art design (and game design, in this case), and the episodes for that series were released about two weeks apart, give or take.

    Woah, Really? I was thinking mid December.

  • Weren't those episodes also only a hour long...I hope I'm not seeing a pattern.

    Jennifer posted: »

    Even though episode 3 probably won't be out in two weeks, they'll most likely still be able to develop it quicker than their usual series be

  • Hey the faster they get this over with the better. Maybe they will go back to TFTB or TWAU after this.

  • edited October 2015

    Holy cow, how is Minecraft Story Mode coming out so quickly? Episodes are dropping left and right. The game will be finished by early 2016 at this rate!

  • I enjoyed episode 2. But I hope that Telltale take their time on the next one. The fast release makes me feel uncomfortable and unprepared.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited October 2015

    They had crime scene investigation in the form of finding evidence at crime scenes and talking to witnesses, so it really depended on your level of skill with casual adventure games, but, yeah, you could finish them in an hour or so (and a lot less if you knew what you were doing on a replay, or were incredibly skilled at those types of games).

    I agree with you though in hoping that the next few episodes of Minecraft: Story Mode are longer. According to Steam, I logged 3 hours for both episodes (and that includes a second save that generated random choices for episode 2 so I could play through Boom Town).

    Weren't those episodes also only a hour long...I hope I'm not seeing a pattern.

  • edited October 2015

    I feel like there isn't enough hype coming with these episodes like there was with Tales because there's so little time in between them. But I guess I'm just not used to such fast releases.

  • And here we are. Playing the waiting game. (again)

  • I just didn't like the stealth release...I normally download Telltale episodes as soon as they're available...but I didn't find out about episode 2 until late that night...honestly if I didn't visit video game sites often I probably wouldn't have known about episode 2 for a few days

    I enjoyed episode 2. But I hope that Telltale take their time on the next one. The fast release makes me feel uncomfortable and unprepared.

  • edited October 2015

    Page 3's gotta come soon.

    In other news,


    Yes I am joking.

  • Looking at the title of Episode 3, 'The Last Place You Look', Episode 3 should be longer than episode 2 since a journey to the End might be involved. So, looking at the time difference between the release of Episode 1 and 2, my guess is that Episode 3 should be released at the near-end of November

  • Why is there always a mindset like this?

    When TWAU was released everyone complianed that it was slowing TWD2 and the same happened with TFTB. Why don't people just give the new games a chance?

    Minecraft Story Mode might not be perfect but it's good

    Hey the faster they get this over with the better. Maybe they will go back to TFTB or TWAU after this.

  • Or they can continue to make new releases, besides i am loving this series so far.

    Hey the faster they get this over with the better. Maybe they will go back to TFTB or TWAU after this.

  • Same here.

    Episode 2 was pretty fun. I'm just hoping episode 3 is a little bit longer.

  • I wish they finish their other games before releasing the first episode as well, so that they can push them out as quickly as they're doing now. If they wouldn't announce them so frigging early, then that would actually work since we wouldn't even know about their existence until close to the first ep!

  • My guess is November 24, one week after GoT's last episode is released.

  • ٩(๑ᵒ̴̶̷͈᷄ᗨᵒ̴̶̷͈᷅)وྉྉྉ

  • ....wait, episode 2 is already out? Damn Telltale you getting these out fast! o_o

  • Why the hell am I readin' this forum.. Ep 2 hasn't come for me yet (PS3 Sweden). Back to my lonely hole at Ep 2 release discussion. See ya tomorrow, I hope...

  • i was so surprised that episode 2 came out this week! didn't find out until yesterday when i started seeing episode 2 lets plays on youtube! i was confused at first lol

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited October 2015

    They have different groups of people working on the different games, so them waiting to release Minecraft wouldn't have made the finales of Tales of Borderlands or Game of Thrones come any faster. Likewise, the release of the finales for Tales from the Borderlands or Game of Thrones wouldn't make the Minecraft: Story Mode episodes come out any faster either.

    The release schedules of their games have nothing at all to do with one another, it just has to do with the differences in complexity of the various seasons, such as differences in the graphics, the lengths, the amount of dialog, the amount of music, voice acting, locations, story design, etc. that makes the release dates differ so much between series.

    LineLiar posted: »

    I wish they finish their other games before releasing the first episode as well, so that they can push them out as quickly as they're doing

  • b4 thanks giving? =0

  • edited October 2015

    These are ALL the possible release dates:

    1. 24th November <-- My actual guess
    2. 1st December
    3. 8th December
    4. 15th December
    5. 22th December
    6. 29th December

    Wich one of these do you think Ep3 is gonna fall in?

  • This is not what I meant at all. Let me rephrase it:

    I would like them to complete their games before they even release the very first episode, so that they can have a short release schedule like Minecraft: Story Mode is currently having. For example, I'd prefer they finish The Walking Dead: Season 3 before they bring out the first episode, then do a bi-weekly/monthly release like this where they can iron out any bugs, glitches or problems with the game that might be appearing at said state. That would make the waiting for me much more enjoyable since I know they will have a consistent and shorter schedule unlike with TFTB.

    Jennifer posted: »

    They have different groups of people working on the different games, so them waiting to release Minecraft wouldn't have made the finales of

  • I hope it is a little after November 19th, since that is my birthday and this game is too awesome for me to resist spoiling it by watching Youtube Letsplays as soon as I can.

    I usually have a lot more self restraint than that.

    Also this will be the first Telltale game I will ever own.

  • Probably the top one.

    Since this is a game that actual kids will be playing Telltale has to deal with an audience with a lower patience rating probably.

    I think most of the waiting and game creation was out of the way as soon as Episode 1 arrived.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    These are ALL the possible release dates: * 24th November <-- My actual guess * 1st December * 8th December * 15th December * 22th December * 29th December Wich one of these do you think Ep3 is gonna fall in?

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