The Vent/Help Thread



  • Well i was drunk, and i regret hitting him. I bought him flowers the next day as a joke.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Exactly and me too the fact also you got the few punches in showing your friend your future relationships must be respected for me that's the end of that problem and now that friendship sounds ok to me with no grudges

  • I f**king hate those stupid Truth anti smoking commercials. I get smoking is "bad" and everything, but can you at least make a good ad instead of that dumb hipster crap. Dumb commercial probably make people want to smoke more than quit.

  • Well I loved my girlfriend and she is like 9/10. I sorted things out with my best friend though, ended up putting his face through the wall. As for my girlfriend, well lets just say she will remain lonely for a long time :)

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I don't know man. This happened to me too but i wasn't in love with the girl. She was just a girl i was interested in , and my best friend e

  • XDD nice fistbump

    Well I loved my girlfriend and she is like 9/10. I sorted things out with my best friend though, ended up putting his face through the wall. As for my girlfriend, well lets just say she will remain lonely for a long time

  • enter image description here

    Should I go now? Yeah, I think I'll go now.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    Just finished Tales from the Borderlands. Dear God, what am I supposed to do now?

  • (Calmly discuss problems over a nice cup of tea)

    (Punch friend in the fucking nuts)

    Personally, I think these are the only two plausible options, depending on the type of person.

    Ok, I'll be serious now. That sucks. I don't think I've ever gone through any emotional trauma of this type, so maybe I'm not the person to be giving advice, but I really think you should have a calm discussion with them about this. I would at least try to get them to apologise. If everything doesn't work out, and I'll try to say this as nice as possible - Let go. Life has it's ups and downs. This is just one of them. There are always times when you feel like nothing goes your way, and you can appreciate when it does. There are plenty of fish in the sea and plenty of friends who can help you along the way.

    Hey guys, I just want to ask for really important advice here about an incident that occurred to me a month ago. Hope you're willing to list

  • edited October 2015

    So the way people kiss their love interest is by tapping multiple places on their mouth while the other person just sits there? Not the way I'd do it but everyone has their own styles :P

    The kind where the controller is your mouth and the screen is someone else's mouth.

  • It's been shown that when anti-smoking commercials and images are too stressful, smokers like to recover by calming down with a cigarette!

    I f**king hate those stupid Truth anti smoking commercials. I get smoking is "bad" and everything, but can you at least make a good ad instead of that dumb hipster crap. Dumb commercial probably make people want to smoke more than quit.

  • edited October 2015

    Just reading this made me incredibly pissed off... damn.. I can't imagine how you feel... If the guy was really MY best friend, I'd talk to him about it then probably never talk to the fucking asshole again. People who do that shit are NOT worth your time. I pretty much say they are both lost causes and say fuck'em. However... seeing the girl with him is going to be devastating, as well as a good friend being gone.. but its something that just happens unfortunately, and your gonna have to move on.

    Hey guys, I just want to ask for really important advice here about an incident that occurred to me a month ago. Hope you're willing to list

  • Eh i think minecraft is one of the best TTG so far iMO

    Cope49 posted: »

    Yeah . I believe minecraft proved that they aren't perfect.

  • UH


    And let's not forget

    here in my garage with my lamborghini...

    I f**king hate those stupid Truth anti smoking commercials. I get smoking is "bad" and everything, but can you at least make a good ad instead of that dumb hipster crap. Dumb commercial probably make people want to smoke more than quit.

  • Dumb commercial probably make people want to smoke more than quit

    There was an episode of South Park which was EXACTLY about this.

    I f**king hate those stupid Truth anti smoking commercials. I get smoking is "bad" and everything, but can you at least make a good ad instead of that dumb hipster crap. Dumb commercial probably make people want to smoke more than quit.

  • here in my garage with my lamborghini...

    I despise this guy, a leech if ever I've seen one.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    UH MAJOR TOBACCO COMPANIES BE LIEK HUE HUEHUEU And let's not forget here in my garage with my lamborghini...

  • So.. some backstory.. I've never technically dated anyone. I've been close, but the question was never asked. Or... so I thought I was close.. I've told this story to people I trust. I finally think I've gotten over the events, but I came out with plenty of scars.

    Let me just state that I tend to exaggerate- no. Hm.. Embellish. A lot. Nothing that will change the story, but basically I use metaphors in place of actual events. Also, let it be known shortening down a story that has a timeline of almost 1 year that usually takes me about 1-1.5 hours to finish up is pretty damn hard. So.. I guess here goes.

    If it wasn't like completely obvious already, it's probably a cheesy love story, and if you don't like those well don't mind me. I'm not asking for sympathy, just wanted to vent out. So this girl... we can call her Asiana. In 7th grade, about May or April, she walks in the room. I'm not lying, I looked I was like deeeyuuuuum. Sexier den a mug. But you know, that can't determine much. So guess where THE ONLY AVAILABLE SEAT IS? Huh? Yes, the seat across from me! How lucky, right? I thought I was, anyhow. We talked, and I developed the feeling. The phase called "Crushing".

    We didn't have much time together, she had a shaky schedule. Leave school early, didn't come at days, I guess she had a lot on her plate. Still, before 8th grade started, I never added her to facebook so we could "text" if you will. So I would rely on seeing her at school. I would create a fictional storyline about a character, a bizarre version of myself with mainly comical moments. She told me she loved them. I had a motive, I'd take time after I get my work done to write these. It's corny, I know. She'd take the looseleaf papers from me at times to read over the few paragraphs I had. My teacher assigned fairly simple work, not the work you get done too fast or too slow, the right balance. So in this class I was mainly in a good mood, which really did help.

    The 2 of us related towards a lot of things, we were both conveniently 4'8 and 4'9 at the time. I'd try to taunt her for being the taller one, but she'd reply with how I should tell that to her 6'5 brother. We were both lefties. We both enjoyed talking. We had both liked to attempt drawings but failed most of the times. Heh.. stupid kids we were, stupid kid I was. Anyways, in about 8th grade I add her on facebook, I know. I made it to -1st Base. We talked more frequently, and I felt a connection. Corny addition, my color is light blue, her's was pink. I would call out how it was like cotton candy, she remarked they were "nice colors". More cheesy stuff like that. At this point I want to go back in time and yell at myself "JUST. DO IT." On the many days I would chicken out.

    One day, though. My 'good life' really turned around. So we had this program called Sherwin-Williams Christmas. The day before this one, I was being a good person and decided to help unload the packages. So, everyone that helped, including me, were sent to one of the classroom alcoves. Girls were put in the ISS room, guys were put in the Computer Lab. We were all pretty confused, the principal walked in and wanted to fucking behead all of us. I still remember the situation, some poor 1st graders had some asshole rip open their gifts and shove them in the girl's bathroom's toilet. And BOY did the principal's dumbass self mainly suspect the MALES over the females. I still believe she's sexist, she shamed us and literally said we were going to have to apologize about our wrong doings in a public area if no one fessed up to it. She glared at us for about 20 minutes, thinking one of us would say. Then, moved on and calmly asked the girls to fess up. No one spoke within 30 seconds, so she left them alone and went back to her office. I wish, I just wish we knew who did it. The sack of scum deserved to be displayed in a popular area with the sign "I damage innocent kid's toys" in huge letters attached to them. But they were never caught. We were unable to collect our Christmas gifts that Sherwin-Williams generously wasted their time to get, for us random strangers. I'm not lying, I broke down in tears, I felt I should tell this part first because it would make it seem like I was crying over nothing. But earlier in the morning...

    I walked in the breakfast/lunch/auditorium/gymnasium we had for our school. I was boosted with confidence, and figured I was ready. I sat in a seat, keeping the next one open for Asiana. She never came until 5 mins before breakfast ended. I was throwing away the plastic baggy I had that was full of wrapped Snicker's bars, our personal favorites. Don't ask why I put them in a baggy. Really, I have no clue. When I came back, one of her besties had taken my seat. I didn't care though. I was distracted. I came at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Everything was wrong. When I heard the words "My girlfriend was taking all of the blankets last night! I was sooo mad..." I wanted to drop to the floor right then and there. I wanted to just curl up and have no one bother me. My mind was racing with questions, what did I do wrong? why did she never tell me she had a girlfriend? how long was this going on for? was she doing this on purpose? They were never answered. And that.. still burns a hole in my soul to this day. I would like to say it ended there.. but it didn't.

    Unfortunately, she came back to me for advice, support, and lots of things. I did the same for her, I was obviously the more reliable source since I didn't take 3 hours to reply and I listened. I should have caught on to the fact that I was being used like a pre-owned game. I would just get turned back in for the next person, the cycle continues. I felt like that, anyways. If I can skip, 2 days after Sherwin Williams day, I woke up at my cousins house. I had my 50 dollar android tablet with me, in case she needed to talk. I moved over to the outlet in the wall, since I had to constantly leave the thing plugged in to the charger. I logged into facebook, and the first post I saw ran a chill down my spine. Asiana's arm was on a bed... with a hospital ID wrapped around it.. and the hospital bed was recognizable. I immediately checked the "Friends" side-bar to see if she was on. Thank God, I thought when I saw "Active Now". I texted her and she took her time to reply. I was told she woke up and was puking all over, and nearly passed out in her hallway. I wanted to shower her with questions, but considering my spot I calmly asked "what happened?" She was alone in the hospital, her family went home. They told her for now they could diagnose her with dehydration, they were running further tests. She told me she was scared, I was trying to comfort her. She told me it had worked, that I was helping her.

    To this day, I don't know if she lied about that, too. Her so called girlfriend never checked in on her. I was determined it wasn't gonna work out. I was wrong. I shouldn't have kept talking to her. My motives quickly turned from wanting to date her to wanting to keep her from going insane. Her mom had epilepsy, her dad was always away from her. I'd tell her stories about how my mom and dad were never there for me, I live with my grandparents. Another thing we related on. All this, you'd say "Gee bigdog. It seems like she trusted you. What could possibly go wrong?" Everything possibly went wrong, except for death of course. Let's skip ahead since I'm taking a lot of space already. I did skip some minor details but it's basically all just lovey stuff. Yeah.

    Day before promotion, we had a "bond" I guess. She told me I have to go to promotion, because if I didn't she wouldn't. She casually shows up late. As usual, late. I gifted her with the usual snicker bar, she gave me a hug and I whispered "it'll be fine. Stay strong." in her ear. To be honest, I really needed someone to boost my strength myself. But I thought it should be fine. I was chosen to do a speech about the school, mid speech I see this he-she in the crowd giving me the luigi death stare. What have I done to him/her? I asked myself. If only I knew.

    Next day, a lot happened. I figure "fuck it. day after promotion, let's just get this over with. only 1 day until school's over." I began after school, told her we had to talk by the side of the wall adjacent to the playground. I started with "So.. I gotta tell you somethi-" I got cut off by my 2 best friends, one of them picked me up and slammed me on the dirt. The other was making WWE noises. We fought like this a lot, this time wasn't the time though. I told them I was gonna do this. I got ballsy, being the weak guy I was. I shoved them out of the way and looked for Asiana. She was walking out of the front gate, her way home. I just simply stormed off, walked home. She texted me, asking what I was going to tell her. I said I will tell her tomorrow, it's supposed to be told in person. She said if I didn't tell her on messenger, she wasn't going to school tomorrow. I sent a huge paragraph about my true feelings, all we would say was "i love you" to each other before we'd sleep at night. It was a lot more than I love you. I loved everything about you. Her smile... her laugh... eyes.. all that good stuff. Good personality.

    But a few minutes after I told her this I got a friend request. It was "-her girlfriends name- VS Asiana" obviously it didn't take a brain to figure out it was her girlfriend. I accept it and immediately get a message, asking me if I was doing anything to her girlfriend. I reply no no nono and encouraged the fact I wasn't doing anything to get Asiana. And I wasn't really lying, I had lost my intention to date her. I wanted to keep her happy, since her girlfriend had one fucking job and failed it. I got some threats sent to me, stay away. I agreed. The he-she in the crowd was her girlfriend. Long story short, I got pissed and called Asiana out on sending our chat messages to anyone else outside of us, without my consent. I officially 'lost' my motive to also keep her happy. I felt like shit, what I sent her was just criticism. I still feel like shit, I thought I was right for it. I'm still not sure who was right, but I was confirmed that she was using me for chocolate and other things I did for her. My best friend may have been trying to save me when he tackled me that day after promotion.

    Yeah, this was a shortened version of the story. It's still fairly long. Left details out, I just wanted to vent out, not sure why. Thanks for reading if you did. Yeah, Asiana has continued to let her girlfriend influence her. She's getting her hair cut to match her girlfriend's, they go to the same highschool (her girlfriend is 18 and is a junior), the sweet and innocent Asiana I knew was now posting selfies of her giving the middle finger to everyone on facebook, and she now uses way more ghetto terms. Do I really care anymore? No... ANYMORE though. I cared way too much, I feel like. It was mostly my fault, I should have just cut it off. But I didn't. And I could have, too. I don't beg for sympathy, I just want to know from credible sources some more details if anyone can provide. Like what could have been done, etc. I'm off to bed now.

  • I only smoke at parties bro.

    God I just want to find who made those ads and dropkick them.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    UH MAJOR TOBACCO COMPANIES BE LIEK HUE HUEHUEU And let's not forget here in my garage with my lamborghini...

  • edited October 2015

    I don't know about your country, but here in Australia, the Anti-Smoking advertisments by the Quit Helpline are blunt, shocking and sometimes gruesome.

    I f**king hate those stupid Truth anti smoking commercials. I get smoking is "bad" and everything, but can you at least make a good ad instead of that dumb hipster crap. Dumb commercial probably make people want to smoke more than quit.

  • Eh i think minecraft is one of the best TTG so far iMO

    enter image description here

    zeke10 posted: »

    Eh i think minecraft is one of the best TTG so far iMO

  • How dare i have a different opinion

    Cope49 posted: »

    Eh i think minecraft is one of the best TTG so far iMO

  • Oh don't start that.

    zeke10 posted: »

    How dare i have a different opinion

  • Well respect others opinion

    Cope49 posted: »

    Oh don't start that.

  • I do .

    I'm in a good mood now. Thanks for making me laugh.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Well respect others opinion

  • K. Not gonna bother with you

    Cope49 posted: »

    I do . I'm in a good mood now. Thanks for making me laugh.

  • Well I know what I'm gonna be doing in a couple weeks

    enter image description here

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    Just finished Tales from the Borderlands. Dear God, what am I supposed to do now?

  • I'd say confront them, if you feel comfortable. They need to answer for what they did, and while you might not like the answers they give you, you'll at least have some closure and can move on for sure.

    If you do confront them, be calm but direct. Be the bigger man and try to to let it escalate. Try to be the reasonable one. Maybe they'll be more open to discussing things with you.

    Hey guys, I just want to ask for really important advice here about an incident that occurred to me a month ago. Hope you're willing to list

  • edited December 2021


    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    So.. some backstory.. I've never technically dated anyone. I've been close, but the question was never asked. Or... so I thought I was close

  • enter image description here

    I'm going to be completely honest and try to relate to the situation

    Don't ask why I put them in a baggy. Really, I have no clue. When I came back, one of her besties had taken my seat. I didn't care though. I was distracted. I came at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Everything was wrong. When I heard the words "My girlfriend was taking all of the blankets last night! I was sooo mad..." I

    I was confused as to why your mad with a girl your'e not even going out with but when you look closer you both got so close yet she never told you I can understand being upset this is a MAJOR red flag here she is going to manipulate you plus the added fact you were convinced she loved you to so there was a feeling of rejection here

    Unfortunately, she came back to me for advice, support, and lots of things. I did the same for her, I was obviously the more reliable source since I didn't take 3 hours to reply and I listened. I should have caught on to the fact that I was being used like a pre-owned game. I would just get turned back in for the next person, the cycle continues. I felt like that, anyways. If I can skip, 2 days after Sherwin Williams day,

    I know what a lot of people would say you don't want to be her friend because she has a girlfriend ur evil hur dur. she is not an object

    But I'll speak from experience not a regular girl you’re in love and spent so much time on her when you care so much for someone it's near impossible to be close friends knowing someone else has their heart it will just hurt you so much everyday and NEVER ends well when love is involved it’s a poison chalice.

    Unfortunately, she came back to me for advice, support, and lots of things. I did the same for her, I was obviously the more reliable source since I didn't take 3 hours to reply and I listened. I should have caught on to the fact that I was being used like a pre-owned game. I would just get turned back in for the next person, the cycle continues.

    I know the type she had a few guys at that moment I can tell she purposely never mentions she has a girlfriend to manipulate guys to do stuff most likely still does completely toxic stay away

    "So.. I gotta tell you somethi-" I got cut off by my 2 best friends, one of them picked me up and slammed me on the dirt. The other was making WWE noises. We fought like this a lot, this time wasn't the time though. I told them I was gonna do this. I got ballsy, being the weak guy I was. I shoved them out of the way and looked for Asiana. She was walking out of the front gate, her way home. I just simply stormed off, walked home. She texted me, asking what I was going to tell her. I said I will tell her tomorrow, it's supposed to be told in person. She said if I didn't tell her on messenger, she wasn't going to school tomorrow. I sent a huge paragraph about my true feelings, all we would say was "i love you" to each other before we'd sleep at night. It was a lot more than I love you. I loved everything about you. Her smile... her laugh... eyes.. all that good stuff. Good personality.

    In person would of been so much better I know the type she would of snipped, saved and shared your text everywhere she is a drama queen and without that evidence you could of isolated the incident. To make sure it doesn’t blown out of proportion

    But a few minutes after I told her this I got a friend request. It was "-her girlfriends name- VS Asiana" obviously it didn't take a brain to figure out it was her girlfriend. I accept it and immediately get a message, asking me if I was doing anything to her girlfriend. I reply no no nono and encouraged the fact I wasn't doing anything to get Asiana. And I wasn't really lying, I had lost my intention to date her. I wanted to keep her happy, since her girlfriend had one fucking job and failed it. I got some threats sent to me, stay away. I agreed. The he-she in the crowd was her girlfriend. Long story short, I got pissed and called Asiana out on sending our chat messages to anyone else outside of us, without my consent. I officially 'lost' my motive to also keep her happy. I felt like shit, what I sent her was just criticism. I still feel like shit, I thought I was right for it. I'm still not sure who was right, but I was confirmed that she was using me for chocolate and other things I did for her. My best friend may have been trying to save me when he tackled me that day after promotion.

    enter image description here

    This is a hard situation you texted your love for her even though you knew she has a girlfriend not sure if good idea but I understand you think her girlfriend is a bad influence I think ok nip this in the bud been going on to long send the text get you answers then you’re done with this forever.

    Personally I had a girl I loved in school she loved me back flirted with me all day yet I never said anything to her because I knew she had a boyfriend and for me she not relationship material atm even if she was Emma Watson if she has someone I have a huge respect for people's relationships.

    But your situation I can understand your reasons and I'm glad you got your answers I wish you said it sooner or completely avoided her so not wasting anymore time or getting yourself hurt

    I know the type of her girlfriend I'd usually say ignore and not add but she would of came to your school to kick the crap out of you if she never could reach you through social media.

    Long story short, I got pissed and called Asiana out on sending our chat messages to anyone else outside of us, without my consent. I officially 'lost' my motive to also keep her happy. I felt like shit, what I sent her was just criticism. I still feel like shit, I thought I was right for it. I'm still not sure who was right, but I was confirmed that she was using me for chocolate and other things I did for her. My best friend may have been trying to save me when he tackled me that day after promotion.

    I'm so happy you realised this and got away from her imagine if you were too scared to have ever said it to her and was still in that situation RIGHT NOW scary taught right? Your bravery in the end saved you in this story well done

    Yeah, Asiana has continued to let her girlfriend influence her. She's getting her hair cut to match her girlfriend's, they go to the same highschool (her girlfriend is 18 and is a junior), the sweet and innocent Asiana I knew was now posting selfies of her giving the middle finger to everyone on facebook, and she now uses way more ghetto terms. Do I really care anymore? No... ANYMORE though. I cared way too much, I feel like. It was mostly my fault, I should have just cut it off. But I didn't. And I could have, too. I don't beg for sympathy, I just want to know from credible sources some more details if anyone can provide

    She chose that life I feel no sympathy for her the thing about life is things always catch up with you in the end being manipulative to people of course your will get momentary benefits but when you reach the end of that road you will be left alone with no one who cares.


    You deserve so much better than her I know the type you’re really lucky only to have pissed off her girlfriend if she was in with any of your friends she would of sent it to them with a big sympathy story about you trying to get her to cheat and are really clingy to get them to turn on you.

    She would of sent an army of everyone you care about to attack you believe me completely breaking your trust then after she wrecked everything in your life she will still play the victim and squeeze every bit of drama as possible out of this because she is sweet little Asiana she could say anything and everyone will instantly believe it no matter what you say she caught you in her web.

    This type of girl really annoys me sweet as sugar to make you a slave when behind the social manipulated mask she looks to messes with people for fun you never knew the real Asiana she became what she saw you needed to get you under her spell.

    Beware of the wolf in sheeps clothing

    A lot of grey area decisions here down to perceptive personally I would of preferred you said it to her at the start of the story just to get over this relationship and not have to go through all the hurt, manipulation and evil of that girl.

    I knew a similar girl forget about her and I can tell you it’s all awesome from now on I met girls after who were loving and caring who adored everything about me without me even trying even my faults there are girls out there who deserve and want your love you just have to find them good luck and I can tell you, you will feel really stupid for falling for a girl like that when you do see how awesome genuine girls are.

    enter image description here

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    So.. some backstory.. I've never technically dated anyone. I've been close, but the question was never asked. Or... so I thought I was close

  • Yeah... First girl I ever liked before to be honest. I had girls that were obsessed with me but you could tell they weren't into me. And I wasn't into them. It's... I live in a weird area. I never asked her out after I found out. I felt she deserved so much better, but that was really just my mistake.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm going to be completely honest and try to relate to the situation Don't ask why I put them in a baggy. Really, I have no clue. When

  • Yes. She's bisexual, she communicated with my best friend a lot.


  • End up on the Maury Povich Show.

    I'd rather not say it, lest I get banned.

  • I smoke because i went to war and got ANGRY PTSD. Then they tax me one dollar extra on cigarettes. Why don't they start taxing Large soda pops. Wait until there is a agenda against pop. It'll happen once cigarettes have been outlawed.

    I f**king hate those stupid Truth anti smoking commercials. I get smoking is "bad" and everything, but can you at least make a good ad instead of that dumb hipster crap. Dumb commercial probably make people want to smoke more than quit.

  • It's taking every fiber of my being not to laugh, but...


    zeke10 posted: »

    Eh i think minecraft is one of the best TTG so far iMO

  • I never played is fallout any good?

    Cope49 posted: »

    Won't be long now .

  • Oh yes. Oh yes indeed!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I never played is fallout any good?

  • Oh fuck my life.


  • Huh?

    Oh fuck my life.

  • That gif is a mindfuck :/


  • Yes . You'll enjoy it .

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I never played is fallout any good?

  • That the guy from the YouTube commercial? Who is he? What is he selling?

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    here in my garage with my lamborghini... I despise this guy, a leech if ever I've seen one.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited October 2015

    Tai Lopez. He sells self-help bullshit for exorbitant monthly payments. He's also a day trader/investor. In my mind, he exemplifies everything wrong with capitalism.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    That the guy from the YouTube commercial? Who is he? What is he selling?

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited October 2015

    enter image description here

    Stupidity at its finest

    Over 30,000 People Think CNN’s Don Lemon Should Be Fired

    CNN’s Don Lemon

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