how long did it take you to complete both episodes??

it took me about 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete both episodes!!


  • the length of time it took me to put a bullet into a pistol and aim it against my temple

  • it took me about 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete both episodes!!

    H-how? Speedrunning episode one is still about 90 minutes long and episode 2 takes at least 50 minutes to complete if you don't even bother interacting with anything. It took me about 110 minutes for episode 1 and 77 minutes for episode 2, which is about 3 hours.

  • I speed runned it, 1 hour 67 minutes. Everybody alive... Only Petra... Looks like she died... Got a trick when you have quick time events click anything. It works for me. If you need to press Q or E then it doesn't work. SPOILER : I think i did kinda bad. Gabriel is withered. We almost killed Ivor. Eleg. and Magnus are not friends. Its really bad. I think.

  • no matter wht u do they will nether (see what i did there lol) be friends.

  • i can move very quickly (even quicker on games and stuff) my youtube subs said that theyve never seen anyone quicker than me at anything

    it took me about 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete both episodes!! H-how? Speedrunning episode one is still about 90 minutes long an

  • im guessing it took you ages then because no one would ever let u do that + wht would be the point if you were going to live

    Talimancer posted: »

    the length of time it took me to put a bullet into a pistol and aim it against my temple

  • that still doesn't make any sense. (You would had to rush episode 1 in 50 minutes and beat episode 2 in 30, which is really hard unless you went on Ellegards route since Magnus's route is almost entirely on rails and takes at least 20 minutes to get through) I can understand rushing through episode 2, but episode 1 had a lot more cutscene's and on rails QTE's that you can't just skip. Why were you even rushing anyways?

    hasi8888 posted: »

    i can move very quickly (even quicker on games and stuff) my youtube subs said that theyve never seen anyone quicker than me at anything

  • felt like it and i hacks much cutscene off

    that still doesn't make any sense. (You would had to rush episode 1 in 50 minutes and beat episode 2 in 30, which is really hard unless you

  • Episode 1: 2 hours:

    Episode 2: 1 hour 5 minutes

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