What were your Episode 2 choices?

InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
edited October 2015 in Minecraft: Story Mode

Playing it now, figured I should make the thread. Man I liked the Ellegaard intro.


  • Thread: ep 2 choices

    What did u do post them here since mine didn't show up yet

    1. Shot the Ghast with arrows (should have used sword)
    2. Didn't give Calvin the amulet (I don't trust him)
    3. Stole the repeater
    4. Helped with the command block
    5. Left at night
    6. Followed Magnus' path (not sure if it will matter since it didn't show up as a big choice)
  • edited October 2015

    Wot, has ep 2 been released or Ingen is being a skrub again?


  • You beat me InGen, GG.

  • edited October 2015

    I digged that episode quite a bit despite the length

    enter image description here

    I like that the extra choices realized that I played both paths of the episode

    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    (I actually stole the repeater and crafted one, unfortunately the second repeater disappeared from my inventory after we went into the dome).

  • Ellegaard's path:
    1: I reflected fireballs with my sword
    2: I stole a repeater (At least that dancing dude has lunch now)
    3: I helped Ellie make the command block
    4: I departed at night (Seems like the best thing to do)

    Magnus's path:
    1: Sword
    2: Gave the amulet to Axel
    3: "The amulet protecter"
    4: Blah blah blah left at night

  • edited October 2015

    (Oh, sorry about the mouse cursor.)
    My Choices

    Oh, look, my extra choices. (I dunno why it mentions Petra in the choices, since i didn't save Petra, and I'm only playing on one file)

    My Extra Choices

  • My extra choices just came up:

    enter image description here

    (I actually did launch Reuben the first time but I tabbed out for a second and had to restart the section. I didn't know you could release all the bats, I pressed that button 3 times. Didn't know you could even fall into the Enderman pit)

  • edited October 2015

    How can i see mine? (I also launched Reuben, and restarted too because i felt bad)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    My extra choices just came up: (I actually did launch Reuben the first time but I tabbed out for a second and had to restart the sect

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    My Choices

    enter image description here

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