I want to purchased your game but....

...the way your game is represented on xbox.com is horrible and I lose value by purchasing the "saving bundle".

I purchased the season pass thinking "ok there we go I have all the episodes at the cheapest price possible." oh wait lets do some math

Xbox 360 version
Step 1
Purchase season pass (actually only episodes 2 -5) $19.99
Step 2
Receive email saying I was charged $23.99
Step 3
Check the price of single episodes $4.99
Step 4
Do simple math and realize you are getting swindled.
$4.99 X 5 = $24.95
Bundle 23.99 + Episode 1 $4.99 = $28.98 for an amazing saving of $ -4.03 dollars
Bundle what they should have charged me $19.99 + Episode 1 $4.99 = 24.98 for an amazing saving of $ -0.03

Luckily I was able to call Microsoft and get a refund on my "season pass" purchase. However, I am debating if I want to go through this ordeal again trying to figure out how to purchase a darn season pass for my best value. I thought I would bring this to your attention as it looks bad for both Telltale Games as well as Microsoft.


  • edited October 2015

    Just thought I would add that if you search Minecraft on xbox.com it says individual games are $4.99 but if you search on the xbox marketplace it shows $5.99 Which explains why I was charged 23.99 instead of $19.99 as previously advertised.

    Just so you know I am also complaining to Microsoft about this but I thought I would inform you guys as well since your game is getting a horrible representation/reputation right now due to this horrible purchasing plan.

    Kinda sad that it has come to this but I am waiting for a response from Telltale on "How to buy your game without it costing me more than it should." Until then I won't be purchasing your game.

  • edited October 2015

    Wait, you have to buy both the season pass and the first episode on xbox? Like, you don't get the first episode with the season pass?

    Legit question, I only ever got TellTale games on Steam and they are not sold per episode there so I don't know.

  • That's how it's always been on Xbox. Though you can buy complete seasons now but I think it costs more, I'm not certain so don't quote me on that.

    Abeille posted: »

    Wait, you have to buy both the season pass and the first episode on xbox? Like, you don't get the first episode with the season pass? Legit question, I only ever got TellTale games on Steam and they are not sold per episode there so I don't know.

  • Yeah, you have to purchase the first episode on it's own and then the season pass. I am ok with that if the season pass were to be a bundled value. But it isn't. It ends up costing you more... Unless they meant the bundle is the best deal for them lol

  • I thought the first episode was $4.99? Just checked a few hours ago.

  • i am confused , how much do you think it costs on steam? Same price.

  • On Xbox One it's $9:35 (at least in Australia, I'm not sure if prices are different in other countries. Normally Telltale Episodes are $6:65, which is one of the reasons why I haven't bought it yet.

    I thought the first episode was $4.99? Just checked a few hours ago.

  • Video games sold in Australia are alot more expensive than what they are originally priced to be.

    I'm sure countries outside Australia has $4.99 as the usual price for episodes.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    On Xbox One it's $9:35 (at least in Australia, I'm not sure if prices are different in other countries. Normally Telltale Episodes are $6:65, which is one of the reasons why I haven't bought it yet.

  • im sorry for this but....


    I don't mean to belittle you or anything.

    I did my own computation with the prices:

    • Buying episodes seperately:
      $4.99 x 5 = $24.95

    • Buying 1st episode + season pass:
      $4.99 + $19.99 = $24.98

    So, you save $0.03 if you buy each episode in a seperate manner, which erases the need of a season pass (which is supposedly advertised to be cheaper)

    It would've been better if there wasn't a need to purchase Episode 1 then a season pass, but for the season pass to include the first episode instead.

  • My only confusion is why in the PSN store is the season pass 25 dollars..?

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