Drent looked after Argella, who quickly rushed towards the tower. For a moment, he was tempted to follow her. He was still afraid that he actually managed to hurt her, as unlikely as it seemed, but wasn't sure if talking to her would make things better or worse. Edonia brought up a good point. After what happened with Torrence, Drent wasn't too keen on taking the risk. Perhaps he could apologize another time, once she had time to calm down a bit.
“Sure, I'm going with you”, he said and Edonia gave him a smile. “That's great to hear!”, she said. “I'm sure you're going to like it. I mean, I bet you can need a break after being the princess' bodyguard for the evening” Her smile faded as she looked back to the kitchen tent. Torrence's prayer could still be heard. “I mean, I am thankful for how she handled Torrence”, she explained and let out a sigh. “But she can be...”
“Demanding”, Drent finished her sentence and she gave him a nod. “Demanding...”, she agreed, as she and Drent walked through the nightly camp. “I mean, I can't really blame her. It can't be easy, being Argilac Durrandon's daughter” Drent quickly glanced towards the tower. “She seems to be very fond of him”, he answered and Edonia raised an eyebrow. “She does? He never striked me as a good father”, she remarked.
“It looks like she honestly loves him”, Drent answered and Edonia slightly shook her head. “Well, someone has to”, she mumbled, before turning her attention towards the campfire. Drent saw two figures sitting there and Edonia seemed to look slightly disappointed. “Looks like we missed most of the fun already, thanks to my brother”, she chuckled. “Come on, perhaps we're not too late for a good time”
As Drent and Edonia approached the campfire, Drent recognized the two figures. Sitting next to each other on a large tree trunk and without noticing them sat Argella's advisor, Lady Tariel, surprisingly close to Garen. It was Tariel who noticed them first. Immediately, she slid aside, a slightly surprised look on her face. “Drent!”, she exclaimed. “I have not seen you coming”
Garen leant back with a smirk on his face, looking from Drent to Edonia. “Long time no see, Drentie”, he greeted him. “You made a new friend?” He raised an eyebrow, looking at Edonia for a moment, who sat down on a trunk on the opposite of Garen, Drent next to her.
“Could say the same for you”, Drent answered and took a short bow in front of Tariel. “Mylady, I am surprised to see you here” Tariel chuckled, before her gaze wandered to the tower. “Where have you expected me to be, Drent?”, she asked. “Princess Argella took the tower for herself and she made it clear that I am not wanted near her”
“But the king chose you to assist her”, Drent remarked, not necessarily surprised at what he just learned. There was little love between Argella and Tariel, although he wasn't sure about the reasons behind their rivalry. A slightly bitter streak formed on Tariel's face, as she shook her head. Before she could answer, Garen cleared his throat. “It's what I tried to tell you earlier, Drentie. She dislikes Tariel for petty reasons and allows her personal feelings to get in the way of our mission”, he growled. “And that makes her a terrible leader”
Drent shook his head, already annoyed by the sellswords condescending tone. “She did a better job than I expected, a lot better actually. You have to give her credit for it”, he protested and Garen started to chuckle. “I have to give her body credit for looking very nice, but that's it”, he answered with a smirk and Tariel narrowed her eyes for a short moment.
“She spared my brother”, Edonia mumbled. “And for that, I will always be thankful” Garen raised his eyebrows and Drent wasn't sure if the sellsword was leaning forwards because he was curious, or because he wanted to continue to shamelessly stare at Edonia's chest. Perhaps it was a mixture of both. “Torrence, huh?”, he chuckled. “What kind of stupid thing has he done again”
Before Edonia could answer, a new, quickly approaching figure, coming from the princess' tower, got everyone's attention. For a moment, Drent feared that it would be Emphryus Dresfel. The knight would have been furious over what happened, perhaps even as much as Argella, but certainly more violent. To his relief, the figure turned out to be Jax Montclair. The sergeant looked agitated, but not exactly angry. A stern glare hit Drent, Edonia and Garen and Montclair's dark blue eyes widened as he saw Tariel. “Lady Tariel”, he greeted her with a stiff salute, before he looked at Drent and Edonia. “Golton. Bernile”, he continued and Edonia gave him a friendly smile. “Sergeant Montclair, is anything the matter?”, she asked.
Montclair gave her a short nod, glancing over his shoulder at the tower. “Golton, I have one question and I want you to answer me honestly... What the fuck did just happen here in the camp?”, he growled. “I have just seen something I never again want to see on the Storm Princess' face. Her lip was bleeding and the look in her eyes... what the hell have you done with her?”
Drent opened his mouth, but before he was able to answer, Edonia intervened. “Sergeant, with all due respect, but Drent is completely innocent here. My brother did something stupid, but the princess already dealt with him”, she explained. Montclair closed his eyes and let out a sigh. “What has Torrence done this time?”, he asked. “He hit her in the face. Accidentally, I guess...”, Drent quickly answered, noticing that Montclair and Tariel looked at him with a slightly horrified expression, while Garen showed surprising amusement. The sergeant gave him a nod avoiding to look at Edonia, before he sat down next to Drent. “Is he...?”, he started to say, before he cut himself off, giving Edonia an apologetic look, before he noticed her facial expression.
“Torrence is fine”, she revealed to him. “The princess was merciful. She left him alive and unharmed even though he is currently making a fool out of himself” She glanced at Garen and narrowed her eyes for a moment, obviously aware that he was ogling at her. “And for that I will be thankful”
Montclair gave her a nod, even though he looked clearly frustrated. “That wasn't the first time I got a negative opinion on Torrence”, he revealed. “He is absolutely loyal to House Durrandon, which is pretty much the best thing I can say about him. He is not very well-liked amongst the men, to put it mildly” His gaze hardened, as he looked Edonia straight in the eyes. “Are you sure you can keep him under control?”, he asked. “This time he might got lucky, but I am sure it won't be the last time he got himself in some trouble”
Edonia pressed her lips together and gave him a slight nod. “I am afraid I have to agree”, she answered. “My little brother can be a little.. difficult at times” “More like a little bastard”, Garen commented, earning himself a glare from Edonia. “Don't call my brother a bastard”, she hissed. “He has his flaws, but...”
“But nothing”, Garen cut her off. “I think I came to know Torrence Bernile quite well during my stay in Storm's End, but I failed to see any likeable qualities in him. He's rude, dismissive and his constantly bad mood really gets on my nerves”
“Which sounds exactly like you”, Edonia growled. “But at least he has his loyalty, unlike you, sellsword” Garen opened his mouth to give her an answer, but he was cut off by Tariel. “That is enough”, she hissed. “From both of you. I don't tolerate petty arguments in my presence” She looked at Edonia and gave her a kind smile. “I am sure Torrence has his positive sides as well”
To Drent's surprise, Edonia shook her head. “When he was younger, yes, but nowadays, I am not so sure anymore. At times, it feels like I don't even know him anymore. There's only the Storm King for him”, she answered, looking quite sad for a moment. “But still...”
“He's family, huh?”, Montclair remarked and smirked as Edonia looked at him in surprise. “You have family too, Sergeant?”, she asked and he gave her a nod. “Two sons, Camden and Calib”, he answered. “Unlike your brother, I get along with them very well. But the feeling is the same, so I still understand you. They mean the world for me”
“Don't take that personally, sergeant, but I never thought of you as a family man”, Drent remarked and Montclair's smirk faded. “I can see why you got that opinion, Golton”, he growled and uncomfortable silence followed. It was Tariel who broke it, by giving Drent a bright smile. “I realized I know nothing about you, Drent”, she chirped, as if to diffuse the slightly hostile situation. Edonia and Garen where still glaring at each other, while Montclair was not exactly a talkative person, so Drent was thankful for her attempt. “Do you have any family?”
Drent shook his head. “Not anymore”, he answered flatly. “Once there were my parents and a fiancee. My parents died in a ship accident, my fiancee died after a long illness” He felt Edonia's hand on his shoulder, as she gave him a sympathetic look. “I'm sorry to hear that...”, she mumnled and he let out a sigh, forcing himself to smile at her. “That has been years ago. I'm over it, really”, he lied. Tariel gave him a gentle nod. “You're not from the Stormlands are you?”, she asked to his surprise and smirked widely when he gave her a confused look. “Small mannerisms. The way you pronounce certain words. It's not very noticeable, but I had to discard the same manners once”, she explained. “From the way you're talking, I guess you've been in the Stormlands for at least five years now”
“Seven”, Drent answered, impressed at her perception. “Originally, I come from Cider Hall. When my fiancee died, I had nothing left in the Reach. My grandfather was a Stormlander, so I left my old kingdom to find work in a new. Turned out I had a talent for fighting” Montclair gave him an approving nod. “Which I can confirm. You also impressed the right people, or else you wouldn't be here with us today” He glared at the small group, but especially at Garen. “All of you impressed someone to be here, keep that in mind”
“So, Lady Tariel, there is one thing I had to think about”, Drent remarked. Tariel looked at him and flashed him a genuinely beautiful smile as she raised an eyebrow. “I listen, Drent”, she answered. “You were born in Raylansfair, am I right?”, he asked and Tariel gave him a nod. “Is that going to be a personal question?”, she asked and Drent had to chuckle. “Somewhat”, he admitted. “I was wondering what you can tell me about the city. After all, we're basically going to occupy it soon”
“We're not going to occupy anything”, Tariel corrected him. “We come to claim King Argilac's birthright, nothing more. If anything, we drive the illegitimate current rules out of it. But as long as we don't get the order, there won't be bloodshed”
Garen smirked at this and couldn't suppress a chuckle. “Considering who leads us, I doubt we will stay peaceful for long”, he remarked. “Never spilled a Reachman's blood before. I have to say, I am honestly excited”
Tariel chuckled as if Garen had made a joke, even though Drent was sure that he had been serious. “There won't be any bloodshed, that's why I accompany you”, she assured him. “Argella might not like me, but I have still some influence in Raylansfair. I can prevent things from escalating. We're claiming Raylansfair peacefully and legally”
“How can you be so sure?”, Edonia asked and Drent noticed that she glanced at her quiver, filled with arrows. It was obvious that Edonia wasn't too keen on the thought of bloodshed, unlike Garen. Drent himself had a neutral opinion about it. He wasn't hungry for a fight and he was reasonably sure that he would never harm a civilian, but he had no problem to fight to defend his princess, if necessary. However, he seriously hoped that Tariel's plan would be enough to claim the city peacefully.
“As I said before, I still have some influence in the city”, Tariel explained. “I was born in a poor family, the people of Raylansfair looked down on me for all my life, except one person...” A distant look appeared in her eyes before she continued. “Unlike me, my friend Sherryl made it big in life far earlier than me. When we grew up, we were best friends and even now, we still write each other. She eventually caught Lord Raylan's eye, long before I first met the Storm King. On Raylan's orders, Sherryl spent years in Oldtown, supplying him with information. Now that he died, she returned to the city. We made this plan together”
Drent noticed that she glanced at Garen for a moment, looking at his well-toned body, while the hint of a smile appeared on her face. “Some men have a strong body, but a weak mind. The current ruler of Raylansfair is one of these men”, she revealed. “I still know Harris Flowers from my childhood. Back then, he had been a handsome man, although I doubt the years have been kind to him. Nonetheless, Sherryl plans to seduce him, to influence him, to see enemies everywhere, except us. If her plan works, he will be friendly to us, friendly but without real allies. Bringing him down will be easy, quick and hopefully, peaceful”
“You really thought this through, huh?”, Montclair remarked and Tariel gave him a cold glance. “You disapprove, Sergeant?”, she asked and Montclair gave her a nod. “Don't get me wrong, I appreciate peaceful ways to solve a problem if possible, but, mylady, we are foreigners to them and we have the order to take this city, by all means necessary”
“By all means the princess deems necessary”, Edonia interjected. “After seeing the way she dealt with Torrence tonight...” She paused for a moment, listening to her brothers still audible prayer. “After witnessing the way she deals with such a situation, I doubt she would approve of bloodshed”
“We're talking about a Durrandon here”, Garen remarked. “They have been warrior kings, first and foremost. Why should Argella deal with this any other than her father would do?” “Because Torrence still has both of his hands”, Edonia answered decisively. Garen shrugged indifferently. “Whatever it is she is going to do, I hope for a battle. I've been hired to kill something, not to sit around and babysit daddy's darling”
“You're out of line, Garen”, Drent remarked, utterly annoyed at the sellswords attitude. “Once again” Garen gave him a glare and was about to say something, when Tariel cut him off by putting a hand on his chest. She looked up, at Drent and Montclair, before quickly removing her hand again. “Whatever Argella is going to do, I am sure at least some of us will be satisfied with the outcome”, she summarized the situation with remarkable tactfulness.
Montclair gave her a nod, before he raised from the trunk he was sitting on. “For once, I have to agree with you, Lady Tariel”, he said, before taking a stilted bow in front of the group. “I'm afraid I have to leave you now. It has been a long day for all of us and I'll be up early in the morning. If I understood the princess correctly, she plans to leave before shortly after dawn, so I would advice you to go to sleep soon”
Before the Sergeant turned around, he leant down and grabbed Drent's shoulder. “One more thing, Golton”, he growled. “I won't hold it against you, because I know you always do your best, but Princess Argella looked horribly upset when I saw her storming into that tower. Keep that in mind next time you talk to her”
With these words, he turned around and soon vanished into the night. Only then, Drent noticed Garen's wide smirk. “Trouble in paradise?”, the sellsword asked. Tariel gave him another short glare, but stayed silent, aside from a loud yawn. “What do you mean?”, Drent asked, his voice finally showing how annoyed he was at Garen.
Before the sellsword could answer, Tariel quickly intervened. “Sergeant Montclair has been right”, she chirped. “It is a long night and we should go to bed, what do you think, Garen?” For a moment, Drent and Edonia looked at her in surprise, considering what she just implied, before she finally realized it. “I mean... I mean, I should go to my bed, but you should also go to bed. Your bed” She let out a stilted chuckle and Garen slightly rolled with his eyes. “Yes, you should do that. Good night, Lady Tariel”, he answered rather coldly. Tariel's forced chuckle ended abruptly and she gave him the hint of a nod, before raising from the trunk. “I suppose you are right”, she mumbled, before she gave Drent and Edonia a friendly smile. “Talking to you has been nice. I wish you a pleasant night” With these words, she quickly left the campfire. Garen looked after her with a grin on his face. “Women...”, he growled and shook his head, the grin still on his face. “I just don't get them”
“That I see”, Edonia mumbled, earning herself a glare from the sellsword. “Anyway, Drentie”, Garen continued. “I see you had the pleasure of spending some time in the company of our revered princess. I'm not sure if I should congratulate or pity you”
“Both would be inappropriate”, Drent answered, glancing at Edonia. The woman let out a small yawn, before she sluggishly raised from the trunk. “I think I had enough for tonight”, she mumbled. “I'll go to sleep, but before that, I'm going to talk to my stupid brother about what happened tonight” She leant down and gave Drent a light hug. “It was nice making your acquaintance, Drent”, she said. “Thank you for standing up against Torrence tonight. I am not sure how things would have ended if you wouldn't have intervened. He can be an asshole, but he's still my little brother and for that, I owe you one”
And with these words, she was gone, leaving Drent and Garen behind. “Aww, why don't I get a hug?”, Garen chuckled. “You made quite the impression on that girl” “Just like you made quite the impression on Lady Tariel”, Drent answered quickly and to his satisfaction, Garen's smile faded. “Don't talk about things you know nothing about, Drentie”, he growled.
Drent raised an eyebrow. “Funny coming from you”, he snarled, before standing up as well. “Honestly, talking to you makes me tired. I'll go to bed as well” Garen gave him a nod and stood up too. “That makes two of us”, he muttered, before he apparently remembered something. “One more thing, Drentie...” He narrowed his eyes glancing from Drent to the tower. “You talked quite a long time to your princess”
“Our princess”, Drent corrected him and Garen rolled with his eyes. “Our princess”, he agreed, imitating Drent's voice. “What I want to know is, have you talked about anything in particular?” Drent pressed his lips together as he heard this, avoiding to look Garen in the eye. As much as he disliked the sellsword, he had basically betrayed his trust earlier this day and the thought slightly irked him. He had told Argella that Garen was dissatisfied with her leadership. He has seen how she dealt with Torrence and even though she had been merciful with him, he wasn't sure how good she reacted to criticism, especially after a day like this, especially coming from someone as utterly dismissive as Garen.
Part of him wanted to warn Garen, to be careful and to watch his tongue the next time he would talk to the princess. As much as he disliked him, not even Garen deserved to be the target of Argella's fury. What if she would punish him worse than she punished Torrence. Would she even punish him at all? He could warn him now, even though Garen would probably be enraged that he had breached his trust, at least at first, perhaps even forever. The question was, after being exposed to the sellswords pesky arrogance the whole evening, was Drent still willing to warn him? Perhaps he deserved to be humbled a little bit.
The Voting is closed!
Jenna is going to force Septon Corbin to accompany her to the city guard
What can I say, this was a very wise de… morecision. Leaving him behind would have resulted in his suicide, which would have only strengthened Mullendore's plans. Now, there might be the chance to inform at least Harris and Lord Tyrell, maybe even the king of what goes on in Raylansfair.
The next part will be a Drent part and I will try my best to finish it later today. The last time we saw Drent, he was very busy with being Argella's bodyguard, while the princess had the idea to sneak through her own camp, disguised as a commoner, to learn what her soldiers really think about her. This idea went as well as you probably expected, when Drent and Argella encountered a drunken soldier named Torrence, who had a pretty aggressive way of flirting with the princess. Drent got into a fight with him, Argella tried to break it up and got somewhat accidenta… [view original content]
Drent looked after Argella, who quickly rushed towards the tower. For a moment, he was tempted to follow her. He was still afraid t… morehat he actually managed to hurt her, as unlikely as it seemed, but wasn't sure if talking to her would make things better or worse. Edonia brought up a good point. After what happened with Torrence, Drent wasn't too keen on taking the risk. Perhaps he could apologize another time, once she had time to calm down a bit.
“Sure, I'm going with you”, he said and Edonia gave him a smile. “That's great to hear!”, she said. “I'm sure you're going to like it. I mean, I bet you can need a break after being the princess' bodyguard for the evening” Her smile faded as she looked back to the kitchen tent. Torrence's prayer could still be heard. “I mean, I am thankful for how she handled Torrence”, she explained and let out a sigh. “But she can be...”
“Demanding”, Drent finished her sentence and she gave him a nod… [view original content]
Drent looked after Argella, who quickly rushed towards the tower. For a moment, he was tempted to follow her. He was still afraid t… morehat he actually managed to hurt her, as unlikely as it seemed, but wasn't sure if talking to her would make things better or worse. Edonia brought up a good point. After what happened with Torrence, Drent wasn't too keen on taking the risk. Perhaps he could apologize another time, once she had time to calm down a bit.
“Sure, I'm going with you”, he said and Edonia gave him a smile. “That's great to hear!”, she said. “I'm sure you're going to like it. I mean, I bet you can need a break after being the princess' bodyguard for the evening” Her smile faded as she looked back to the kitchen tent. Torrence's prayer could still be heard. “I mean, I am thankful for how she handled Torrence”, she explained and let out a sigh. “But she can be...”
“Demanding”, Drent finished her sentence and she gave him a nod… [view original content]
Drent looked after Argella, who quickly rushed towards the tower. For a moment, he was tempted to follow her. He was still afraid t… morehat he actually managed to hurt her, as unlikely as it seemed, but wasn't sure if talking to her would make things better or worse. Edonia brought up a good point. After what happened with Torrence, Drent wasn't too keen on taking the risk. Perhaps he could apologize another time, once she had time to calm down a bit.
“Sure, I'm going with you”, he said and Edonia gave him a smile. “That's great to hear!”, she said. “I'm sure you're going to like it. I mean, I bet you can need a break after being the princess' bodyguard for the evening” Her smile faded as she looked back to the kitchen tent. Torrence's prayer could still be heard. “I mean, I am thankful for how she handled Torrence”, she explained and let out a sigh. “But she can be...”
“Demanding”, Drent finished her sentence and she gave him a nod… [view original content]
Drent looked after Argella, who quickly rushed towards the tower. For a moment, he was tempted to follow her. He was still afraid t… morehat he actually managed to hurt her, as unlikely as it seemed, but wasn't sure if talking to her would make things better or worse. Edonia brought up a good point. After what happened with Torrence, Drent wasn't too keen on taking the risk. Perhaps he could apologize another time, once she had time to calm down a bit.
“Sure, I'm going with you”, he said and Edonia gave him a smile. “That's great to hear!”, she said. “I'm sure you're going to like it. I mean, I bet you can need a break after being the princess' bodyguard for the evening” Her smile faded as she looked back to the kitchen tent. Torrence's prayer could still be heard. “I mean, I am thankful for how she handled Torrence”, she explained and let out a sigh. “But she can be...”
“Demanding”, Drent finished her sentence and she gave him a nod… [view original content]
Drent looked after Argella, who quickly rushed towards the tower. For a moment, he was tempted to follow her. He was still afraid t… morehat he actually managed to hurt her, as unlikely as it seemed, but wasn't sure if talking to her would make things better or worse. Edonia brought up a good point. After what happened with Torrence, Drent wasn't too keen on taking the risk. Perhaps he could apologize another time, once she had time to calm down a bit.
“Sure, I'm going with you”, he said and Edonia gave him a smile. “That's great to hear!”, she said. “I'm sure you're going to like it. I mean, I bet you can need a break after being the princess' bodyguard for the evening” Her smile faded as she looked back to the kitchen tent. Torrence's prayer could still be heard. “I mean, I am thankful for how she handled Torrence”, she explained and let out a sigh. “But she can be...”
“Demanding”, Drent finished her sentence and she gave him a nod… [view original content]
Drent looked after Argella, who quickly rushed towards the tower. For a moment, he was tempted to follow her. He was still afraid t… morehat he actually managed to hurt her, as unlikely as it seemed, but wasn't sure if talking to her would make things better or worse. Edonia brought up a good point. After what happened with Torrence, Drent wasn't too keen on taking the risk. Perhaps he could apologize another time, once she had time to calm down a bit.
“Sure, I'm going with you”, he said and Edonia gave him a smile. “That's great to hear!”, she said. “I'm sure you're going to like it. I mean, I bet you can need a break after being the princess' bodyguard for the evening” Her smile faded as she looked back to the kitchen tent. Torrence's prayer could still be heard. “I mean, I am thankful for how she handled Torrence”, she explained and let out a sigh. “But she can be...”
“Demanding”, Drent finished her sentence and she gave him a nod… [view original content]
Drent looked after Argella, who quickly rushed towards the tower. For a moment, he was tempted to follow her. He was still afraid t… morehat he actually managed to hurt her, as unlikely as it seemed, but wasn't sure if talking to her would make things better or worse. Edonia brought up a good point. After what happened with Torrence, Drent wasn't too keen on taking the risk. Perhaps he could apologize another time, once she had time to calm down a bit.
“Sure, I'm going with you”, he said and Edonia gave him a smile. “That's great to hear!”, she said. “I'm sure you're going to like it. I mean, I bet you can need a break after being the princess' bodyguard for the evening” Her smile faded as she looked back to the kitchen tent. Torrence's prayer could still be heard. “I mean, I am thankful for how she handled Torrence”, she explained and let out a sigh. “But she can be...”
“Demanding”, Drent finished her sentence and she gave him a nod… [view original content]
Drent looked after Argella, who quickly rushed towards the tower. For a moment, he was tempted to follow her. He was still afraid t… morehat he actually managed to hurt her, as unlikely as it seemed, but wasn't sure if talking to her would make things better or worse. Edonia brought up a good point. After what happened with Torrence, Drent wasn't too keen on taking the risk. Perhaps he could apologize another time, once she had time to calm down a bit.
“Sure, I'm going with you”, he said and Edonia gave him a smile. “That's great to hear!”, she said. “I'm sure you're going to like it. I mean, I bet you can need a break after being the princess' bodyguard for the evening” Her smile faded as she looked back to the kitchen tent. Torrence's prayer could still be heard. “I mean, I am thankful for how she handled Torrence”, she explained and let out a sigh. “But she can be...”
“Demanding”, Drent finished her sentence and she gave him a nod… [view original content]
Drent looked after Argella, who quickly rushed towards the tower. For a moment, he was tempted to follow her. He was still afraid t… morehat he actually managed to hurt her, as unlikely as it seemed, but wasn't sure if talking to her would make things better or worse. Edonia brought up a good point. After what happened with Torrence, Drent wasn't too keen on taking the risk. Perhaps he could apologize another time, once she had time to calm down a bit.
“Sure, I'm going with you”, he said and Edonia gave him a smile. “That's great to hear!”, she said. “I'm sure you're going to like it. I mean, I bet you can need a break after being the princess' bodyguard for the evening” Her smile faded as she looked back to the kitchen tent. Torrence's prayer could still be heard. “I mean, I am thankful for how she handled Torrence”, she explained and let out a sigh. “But she can be...”
“Demanding”, Drent finished her sentence and she gave him a nod… [view original content]
I actually liked him at first because he was honest about how he felt about the king and I didn't like Drent because he had almost no problem with what the king did. But now he's just constantly bitching and shitting on Argella who I've grown to like, so he's slowly getting on my nerves.
Yep, I'd even be okay with him not liking Argella, but that passive aggressive moaning and bitching is just so annoying - it's like reading YouTube comment section
I actually liked him at first because he was honest about how he felt about the king and I didn't like Drent because he had almost no proble… morem with what the king did. But now he's just constantly bitching and shitting on Argella who I've grown to like, so he's slowly getting on my nerves.
Yep, I'd even be okay with him not liking Argella, but that passive aggressive moaning and bitching is just so annoying - it's like reading YouTube comment section
Damn, that's a hard comparison, even though it is definitely not undeserved XD Drent feels the same way and while he is basically okay with Garen disliking Argella, he feels that Garen is not only unfair in his criticism, but also blows it way out of proportion and that annoys him to no end. Good to see that I got the intended reaction in this situation
Yep, I'd even be okay with him not liking Argella, but that passive aggressive moaning and bitching is just so annoying - it's like reading YouTube comment section
Drent looked after Argella, who quickly rushed towards the tower. For a moment, he was tempted to follow her. He was still afraid t… morehat he actually managed to hurt her, as unlikely as it seemed, but wasn't sure if talking to her would make things better or worse. Edonia brought up a good point. After what happened with Torrence, Drent wasn't too keen on taking the risk. Perhaps he could apologize another time, once she had time to calm down a bit.
“Sure, I'm going with you”, he said and Edonia gave him a smile. “That's great to hear!”, she said. “I'm sure you're going to like it. I mean, I bet you can need a break after being the princess' bodyguard for the evening” Her smile faded as she looked back to the kitchen tent. Torrence's prayer could still be heard. “I mean, I am thankful for how she handled Torrence”, she explained and let out a sigh. “But she can be...”
“Demanding”, Drent finished her sentence and she gave him a nod… [view original content]
Drent looked after Argella, who quickly rushed towards the tower. For a moment, he was tempted to follow her. He was still afraid t… morehat he actually managed to hurt her, as unlikely as it seemed, but wasn't sure if talking to her would make things better or worse. Edonia brought up a good point. After what happened with Torrence, Drent wasn't too keen on taking the risk. Perhaps he could apologize another time, once she had time to calm down a bit.
“Sure, I'm going with you”, he said and Edonia gave him a smile. “That's great to hear!”, she said. “I'm sure you're going to like it. I mean, I bet you can need a break after being the princess' bodyguard for the evening” Her smile faded as she looked back to the kitchen tent. Torrence's prayer could still be heard. “I mean, I am thankful for how she handled Torrence”, she explained and let out a sigh. “But she can be...”
“Demanding”, Drent finished her sentence and she gave him a nod… [view original content]
Drent looked after Argella, who quickly rushed towards the tower. For a moment, he was tempted to follow her. He was still afraid t… morehat he actually managed to hurt her, as unlikely as it seemed, but wasn't sure if talking to her would make things better or worse. Edonia brought up a good point. After what happened with Torrence, Drent wasn't too keen on taking the risk. Perhaps he could apologize another time, once she had time to calm down a bit.
“Sure, I'm going with you”, he said and Edonia gave him a smile. “That's great to hear!”, she said. “I'm sure you're going to like it. I mean, I bet you can need a break after being the princess' bodyguard for the evening” Her smile faded as she looked back to the kitchen tent. Torrence's prayer could still be heard. “I mean, I am thankful for how she handled Torrence”, she explained and let out a sigh. “But she can be...”
“Demanding”, Drent finished her sentence and she gave him a nod… [view original content]
I don't really like Garen, but after seeing what Argella can do, I wouldn't want anyone to be punished like that. Besides, it's not like Garen did anything wrong in particular yet. And on a side note, Argella just had to deal with Torrence, I don't want to put her through more potential harassment.
Drent looked after Argella, who quickly rushed towards the tower. For a moment, he was tempted to follow her. He was still afraid t… morehat he actually managed to hurt her, as unlikely as it seemed, but wasn't sure if talking to her would make things better or worse. Edonia brought up a good point. After what happened with Torrence, Drent wasn't too keen on taking the risk. Perhaps he could apologize another time, once she had time to calm down a bit.
“Sure, I'm going with you”, he said and Edonia gave him a smile. “That's great to hear!”, she said. “I'm sure you're going to like it. I mean, I bet you can need a break after being the princess' bodyguard for the evening” Her smile faded as she looked back to the kitchen tent. Torrence's prayer could still be heard. “I mean, I am thankful for how she handled Torrence”, she explained and let out a sigh. “But she can be...”
“Demanding”, Drent finished her sentence and she gave him a nod… [view original content]
Drent looked after Argella, who quickly rushed towards the tower. For a moment, he was tempted to follow her. He was still afraid t… morehat he actually managed to hurt her, as unlikely as it seemed, but wasn't sure if talking to her would make things better or worse. Edonia brought up a good point. After what happened with Torrence, Drent wasn't too keen on taking the risk. Perhaps he could apologize another time, once she had time to calm down a bit.
“Sure, I'm going with you”, he said and Edonia gave him a smile. “That's great to hear!”, she said. “I'm sure you're going to like it. I mean, I bet you can need a break after being the princess' bodyguard for the evening” Her smile faded as she looked back to the kitchen tent. Torrence's prayer could still be heard. “I mean, I am thankful for how she handled Torrence”, she explained and let out a sigh. “But she can be...”
“Demanding”, Drent finished her sentence and she gave him a nod… [view original content]
Drent looked after Argella, who quickly rushed towards the tower. For a moment, he was tempted to follow her. He was still afraid t… morehat he actually managed to hurt her, as unlikely as it seemed, but wasn't sure if talking to her would make things better or worse. Edonia brought up a good point. After what happened with Torrence, Drent wasn't too keen on taking the risk. Perhaps he could apologize another time, once she had time to calm down a bit.
“Sure, I'm going with you”, he said and Edonia gave him a smile. “That's great to hear!”, she said. “I'm sure you're going to like it. I mean, I bet you can need a break after being the princess' bodyguard for the evening” Her smile faded as she looked back to the kitchen tent. Torrence's prayer could still be heard. “I mean, I am thankful for how she handled Torrence”, she explained and let out a sigh. “But she can be...”
“Demanding”, Drent finished her sentence and she gave him a nod… [view original content]
Drent looked after Argella, who quickly rushed towards the tower. For a moment, he was tempted to follow her. He was still afraid t… morehat he actually managed to hurt her, as unlikely as it seemed, but wasn't sure if talking to her would make things better or worse. Edonia brought up a good point. After what happened with Torrence, Drent wasn't too keen on taking the risk. Perhaps he could apologize another time, once she had time to calm down a bit.
“Sure, I'm going with you”, he said and Edonia gave him a smile. “That's great to hear!”, she said. “I'm sure you're going to like it. I mean, I bet you can need a break after being the princess' bodyguard for the evening” Her smile faded as she looked back to the kitchen tent. Torrence's prayer could still be heard. “I mean, I am thankful for how she handled Torrence”, she explained and let out a sigh. “But she can be...”
“Demanding”, Drent finished her sentence and she gave him a nod… [view original content]
These are awesome drawings! Great work I think my favourite this time is either the Tom or Ser Rodrik, although all of these drawings are simply amazing.
Now that's a poll I'm very interested in Villains are always fun to write and I enjoy all of the characters on this list, although I have my clear favourite, who is even more enjoyable to write than the other villains. I'm looking forward for the results.
Of course, if Garen listens to these warnings is a completely different story. Nonetheless, this was probably a good choice, because Garen would have found out about it either way, sooner or later. For now, he will definitely be pissed at Drent, but if he would have found out on his own, it would have been a lot worse.
I also realized, I forgot to comment on the last poll, where the question was which character you'd like to turn somewhat darker in terms of personality. The end result was a firm tie between Richard, Arthur and Leonard. Some characters are already planned to turn into darker characters, but with others, it will highly depend on your choices. For example, if Jenna would have died in Chapter 3, Richard would have been a much darker character, obsessed with revenge in a way that would have endangered himself and everyone around him. Of course, future choices will hold more potential for the characters to develop darker personalities.
The next part is hopefully going to be finished later today. I am not entirely sure if I manage to finish it today, because I am invited to a small party later this evening. The next part has two PoV's, one of which is going to be Raenna's, but I am not yet sure who the second PoV will be. Currently, either Richard or John are strong contenders. The Raenna part will be her final part in this chapter. The last time we saw her, she quickly defeated a group of Butterfly's men, before she met a familiar face from her past: Terroma, also known as the Old Man, who was revealed to be a retired master assassin and the man who trained both, Raenna and Clayton. He revealed that he travelled to Oldtown in order to stop Clayton and because he wants to free Kersea's little sister. After thinking about this for a bit, Raenna decided to help him with this, which has been a very wise choice.
The Voting is closed!
Drent will warn Garen
Of course, if Garen listens to these warnings is a completely different story. Nonetheless… more, this was probably a good choice, because Garen would have found out about it either way, sooner or later. For now, he will definitely be pissed at Drent, but if he would have found out on his own, it would have been a lot worse.
I also realized, I forgot to comment on the last poll, where the question was which character you'd like to turn somewhat darker in terms of personality. The end result was a firm tie between Richard, Arthur and Leonard. Some characters are already planned to turn into darker characters, but with others, it will highly depend on your choices. For example, if Jenna would have died in Chapter 3, Richard would have been a much darker character, obsessed with revenge in a way that would have endangered himself and everyone around him. Of course, future choices will hold more pote… [view original content]
Gotta be Mullendore. He has interesting motives, he isn't evil just to be evil, he is full of surprises and so far he is clearly the main antagonist. Sure, Harren Hoare for example holds more power, but he is more or less a tertiary character in this story.
The Voting is closed!
Drent will warn Garen
Of course, if Garen listens to these warnings is a completely different story. Nonetheless… more, this was probably a good choice, because Garen would have found out about it either way, sooner or later. For now, he will definitely be pissed at Drent, but if he would have found out on his own, it would have been a lot worse.
I also realized, I forgot to comment on the last poll, where the question was which character you'd like to turn somewhat darker in terms of personality. The end result was a firm tie between Richard, Arthur and Leonard. Some characters are already planned to turn into darker characters, but with others, it will highly depend on your choices. For example, if Jenna would have died in Chapter 3, Richard would have been a much darker character, obsessed with revenge in a way that would have endangered himself and everyone around him. Of course, future choices will hold more pote… [view original content]
Alright, just a short announcement. As you see, this is not the new part. As I have said yesterday, I wasn't sure if I manage to finish the part before I had to leave. However, the reason why I haven't finished this part is because it got longer again, up to the point where I realized that there was no satisfying way of putting it into one part without rushing some important developments. And I never rush important developments. The second PoV in this part is going to be a Richard PoV, it will deal with the aftermath of his failed attack on the assassins and it is quite long. Not as long as Ilish's or Samantha's last parts, mind you, but nonetheless long. I'm going to be a bit busy in the next hours, but I will finish the part today for sure. Sorry for the longer wait, the next part should be out sooner.
The Voting is closed!
Drent will warn Garen
Of course, if Garen listens to these warnings is a completely different story. Nonetheless… more, this was probably a good choice, because Garen would have found out about it either way, sooner or later. For now, he will definitely be pissed at Drent, but if he would have found out on his own, it would have been a lot worse.
I also realized, I forgot to comment on the last poll, where the question was which character you'd like to turn somewhat darker in terms of personality. The end result was a firm tie between Richard, Arthur and Leonard. Some characters are already planned to turn into darker characters, but with others, it will highly depend on your choices. For example, if Jenna would have died in Chapter 3, Richard would have been a much darker character, obsessed with revenge in a way that would have endangered himself and everyone around him. Of course, future choices will hold more pote… [view original content]
I haven't yet told you what exactly would have happened and I can only reveal it gradually, after the next chapters are written. However, I can reveal that many characters would have died, among them some surprising characters. Terroma would have died for sure, for example, but also others whom are not yet connected with Raenna's storyline.
Alright, just a short announcement. As you see, this is not the new part. As I have said yesterday, I wasn't sure if I manage to finish the … morepart before I had to leave. However, the reason why I haven't finished this part is because it got longer again, up to the point where I realized that there was no satisfying way of putting it into one part without rushing some important developments. And I never rush important developments. The second PoV in this part is going to be a Richard PoV, it will deal with the aftermath of his failed attack on the assassins and it is quite long. Not as long as Ilish's or Samantha's last parts, mind you, but nonetheless long. I'm going to be a bit busy in the next hours, but I will finish the part today for sure. Sorry for the longer wait, the next part should be out sooner.
Drent looked after Argella, who quickly rushed towards the tower. For a moment, he was tempted to follow her. He was still afraid that he actually managed to hurt her, as unlikely as it seemed, but wasn't sure if talking to her would make things better or worse. Edonia brought up a good point. After what happened with Torrence, Drent wasn't too keen on taking the risk. Perhaps he could apologize another time, once she had time to calm down a bit.
“Sure, I'm going with you”, he said and Edonia gave him a smile. “That's great to hear!”, she said. “I'm sure you're going to like it. I mean, I bet you can need a break after being the princess' bodyguard for the evening” Her smile faded as she looked back to the kitchen tent. Torrence's prayer could still be heard. “I mean, I am thankful for how she handled Torrence”, she explained and let out a sigh. “But she can be...”
“Demanding”, Drent finished her sentence and she gave him a nod. “Demanding...”, she agreed, as she and Drent walked through the nightly camp. “I mean, I can't really blame her. It can't be easy, being Argilac Durrandon's daughter” Drent quickly glanced towards the tower. “She seems to be very fond of him”, he answered and Edonia raised an eyebrow. “She does? He never striked me as a good father”, she remarked.
“It looks like she honestly loves him”, Drent answered and Edonia slightly shook her head. “Well, someone has to”, she mumbled, before turning her attention towards the campfire. Drent saw two figures sitting there and Edonia seemed to look slightly disappointed. “Looks like we missed most of the fun already, thanks to my brother”, she chuckled. “Come on, perhaps we're not too late for a good time”
As Drent and Edonia approached the campfire, Drent recognized the two figures. Sitting next to each other on a large tree trunk and without noticing them sat Argella's advisor, Lady Tariel, surprisingly close to Garen. It was Tariel who noticed them first. Immediately, she slid aside, a slightly surprised look on her face. “Drent!”, she exclaimed. “I have not seen you coming”
Garen leant back with a smirk on his face, looking from Drent to Edonia. “Long time no see, Drentie”, he greeted him. “You made a new friend?” He raised an eyebrow, looking at Edonia for a moment, who sat down on a trunk on the opposite of Garen, Drent next to her.
“Could say the same for you”, Drent answered and took a short bow in front of Tariel. “Mylady, I am surprised to see you here” Tariel chuckled, before her gaze wandered to the tower. “Where have you expected me to be, Drent?”, she asked. “Princess Argella took the tower for herself and she made it clear that I am not wanted near her”
“But the king chose you to assist her”, Drent remarked, not necessarily surprised at what he just learned. There was little love between Argella and Tariel, although he wasn't sure about the reasons behind their rivalry. A slightly bitter streak formed on Tariel's face, as she shook her head. Before she could answer, Garen cleared his throat. “It's what I tried to tell you earlier, Drentie. She dislikes Tariel for petty reasons and allows her personal feelings to get in the way of our mission”, he growled. “And that makes her a terrible leader”
Drent shook his head, already annoyed by the sellswords condescending tone. “She did a better job than I expected, a lot better actually. You have to give her credit for it”, he protested and Garen started to chuckle. “I have to give her body credit for looking very nice, but that's it”, he answered with a smirk and Tariel narrowed her eyes for a short moment.
“She spared my brother”, Edonia mumbled. “And for that, I will always be thankful” Garen raised his eyebrows and Drent wasn't sure if the sellsword was leaning forwards because he was curious, or because he wanted to continue to shamelessly stare at Edonia's chest. Perhaps it was a mixture of both. “Torrence, huh?”, he chuckled. “What kind of stupid thing has he done again”
Before Edonia could answer, a new, quickly approaching figure, coming from the princess' tower, got everyone's attention. For a moment, Drent feared that it would be Emphryus Dresfel. The knight would have been furious over what happened, perhaps even as much as Argella, but certainly more violent. To his relief, the figure turned out to be Jax Montclair. The sergeant looked agitated, but not exactly angry. A stern glare hit Drent, Edonia and Garen and Montclair's dark blue eyes widened as he saw Tariel. “Lady Tariel”, he greeted her with a stiff salute, before he looked at Drent and Edonia. “Golton. Bernile”, he continued and Edonia gave him a friendly smile. “Sergeant Montclair, is anything the matter?”, she asked.
Montclair gave her a short nod, glancing over his shoulder at the tower. “Golton, I have one question and I want you to answer me honestly... What the fuck did just happen here in the camp?”, he growled. “I have just seen something I never again want to see on the Storm Princess' face. Her lip was bleeding and the look in her eyes... what the hell have you done with her?”
Drent opened his mouth, but before he was able to answer, Edonia intervened. “Sergeant, with all due respect, but Drent is completely innocent here. My brother did something stupid, but the princess already dealt with him”, she explained. Montclair closed his eyes and let out a sigh. “What has Torrence done this time?”, he asked. “He hit her in the face. Accidentally, I guess...”, Drent quickly answered, noticing that Montclair and Tariel looked at him with a slightly horrified expression, while Garen showed surprising amusement. The sergeant gave him a nod avoiding to look at Edonia, before he sat down next to Drent. “Is he...?”, he started to say, before he cut himself off, giving Edonia an apologetic look, before he noticed her facial expression.
“Torrence is fine”, she revealed to him. “The princess was merciful. She left him alive and unharmed even though he is currently making a fool out of himself” She glanced at Garen and narrowed her eyes for a moment, obviously aware that he was ogling at her. “And for that I will be thankful”
Montclair gave her a nod, even though he looked clearly frustrated. “That wasn't the first time I got a negative opinion on Torrence”, he revealed. “He is absolutely loyal to House Durrandon, which is pretty much the best thing I can say about him. He is not very well-liked amongst the men, to put it mildly” His gaze hardened, as he looked Edonia straight in the eyes. “Are you sure you can keep him under control?”, he asked. “This time he might got lucky, but I am sure it won't be the last time he got himself in some trouble”
Edonia pressed her lips together and gave him a slight nod. “I am afraid I have to agree”, she answered. “My little brother can be a little.. difficult at times” “More like a little bastard”, Garen commented, earning himself a glare from Edonia. “Don't call my brother a bastard”, she hissed. “He has his flaws, but...”
“But nothing”, Garen cut her off. “I think I came to know Torrence Bernile quite well during my stay in Storm's End, but I failed to see any likeable qualities in him. He's rude, dismissive and his constantly bad mood really gets on my nerves”
“Which sounds exactly like you”, Edonia growled. “But at least he has his loyalty, unlike you, sellsword” Garen opened his mouth to give her an answer, but he was cut off by Tariel. “That is enough”, she hissed. “From both of you. I don't tolerate petty arguments in my presence” She looked at Edonia and gave her a kind smile. “I am sure Torrence has his positive sides as well”
To Drent's surprise, Edonia shook her head. “When he was younger, yes, but nowadays, I am not so sure anymore. At times, it feels like I don't even know him anymore. There's only the Storm King for him”, she answered, looking quite sad for a moment. “But still...”
“He's family, huh?”, Montclair remarked and smirked as Edonia looked at him in surprise. “You have family too, Sergeant?”, she asked and he gave her a nod. “Two sons, Camden and Calib”, he answered. “Unlike your brother, I get along with them very well. But the feeling is the same, so I still understand you. They mean the world for me”
“Don't take that personally, sergeant, but I never thought of you as a family man”, Drent remarked and Montclair's smirk faded. “I can see why you got that opinion, Golton”, he growled and uncomfortable silence followed. It was Tariel who broke it, by giving Drent a bright smile. “I realized I know nothing about you, Drent”, she chirped, as if to diffuse the slightly hostile situation. Edonia and Garen where still glaring at each other, while Montclair was not exactly a talkative person, so Drent was thankful for her attempt. “Do you have any family?”
Drent shook his head. “Not anymore”, he answered flatly. “Once there were my parents and a fiancee. My parents died in a ship accident, my fiancee died after a long illness” He felt Edonia's hand on his shoulder, as she gave him a sympathetic look. “I'm sorry to hear that...”, she mumnled and he let out a sigh, forcing himself to smile at her. “That has been years ago. I'm over it, really”, he lied. Tariel gave him a gentle nod. “You're not from the Stormlands are you?”, she asked to his surprise and smirked widely when he gave her a confused look. “Small mannerisms. The way you pronounce certain words. It's not very noticeable, but I had to discard the same manners once”, she explained. “From the way you're talking, I guess you've been in the Stormlands for at least five years now”
“Seven”, Drent answered, impressed at her perception. “Originally, I come from Cider Hall. When my fiancee died, I had nothing left in the Reach. My grandfather was a Stormlander, so I left my old kingdom to find work in a new. Turned out I had a talent for fighting” Montclair gave him an approving nod. “Which I can confirm. You also impressed the right people, or else you wouldn't be here with us today” He glared at the small group, but especially at Garen. “All of you impressed someone to be here, keep that in mind”
“So, Lady Tariel, there is one thing I had to think about”, Drent remarked. Tariel looked at him and flashed him a genuinely beautiful smile as she raised an eyebrow. “I listen, Drent”, she answered. “You were born in Raylansfair, am I right?”, he asked and Tariel gave him a nod. “Is that going to be a personal question?”, she asked and Drent had to chuckle. “Somewhat”, he admitted. “I was wondering what you can tell me about the city. After all, we're basically going to occupy it soon”
“We're not going to occupy anything”, Tariel corrected him. “We come to claim King Argilac's birthright, nothing more. If anything, we drive the illegitimate current rules out of it. But as long as we don't get the order, there won't be bloodshed”
Garen smirked at this and couldn't suppress a chuckle. “Considering who leads us, I doubt we will stay peaceful for long”, he remarked. “Never spilled a Reachman's blood before. I have to say, I am honestly excited”
Tariel chuckled as if Garen had made a joke, even though Drent was sure that he had been serious. “There won't be any bloodshed, that's why I accompany you”, she assured him. “Argella might not like me, but I have still some influence in Raylansfair. I can prevent things from escalating. We're claiming Raylansfair peacefully and legally”
“How can you be so sure?”, Edonia asked and Drent noticed that she glanced at her quiver, filled with arrows. It was obvious that Edonia wasn't too keen on the thought of bloodshed, unlike Garen. Drent himself had a neutral opinion about it. He wasn't hungry for a fight and he was reasonably sure that he would never harm a civilian, but he had no problem to fight to defend his princess, if necessary. However, he seriously hoped that Tariel's plan would be enough to claim the city peacefully.
“As I said before, I still have some influence in the city”, Tariel explained. “I was born in a poor family, the people of Raylansfair looked down on me for all my life, except one person...” A distant look appeared in her eyes before she continued. “Unlike me, my friend Sherryl made it big in life far earlier than me. When we grew up, we were best friends and even now, we still write each other. She eventually caught Lord Raylan's eye, long before I first met the Storm King. On Raylan's orders, Sherryl spent years in Oldtown, supplying him with information. Now that he died, she returned to the city. We made this plan together”
Drent noticed that she glanced at Garen for a moment, looking at his well-toned body, while the hint of a smile appeared on her face. “Some men have a strong body, but a weak mind. The current ruler of Raylansfair is one of these men”, she revealed. “I still know Harris Flowers from my childhood. Back then, he had been a handsome man, although I doubt the years have been kind to him. Nonetheless, Sherryl plans to seduce him, to influence him, to see enemies everywhere, except us. If her plan works, he will be friendly to us, friendly but without real allies. Bringing him down will be easy, quick and hopefully, peaceful”
“You really thought this through, huh?”, Montclair remarked and Tariel gave him a cold glance. “You disapprove, Sergeant?”, she asked and Montclair gave her a nod. “Don't get me wrong, I appreciate peaceful ways to solve a problem if possible, but, mylady, we are foreigners to them and we have the order to take this city, by all means necessary”
“By all means the princess deems necessary”, Edonia interjected. “After seeing the way she dealt with Torrence tonight...” She paused for a moment, listening to her brothers still audible prayer. “After witnessing the way she deals with such a situation, I doubt she would approve of bloodshed”
“We're talking about a Durrandon here”, Garen remarked. “They have been warrior kings, first and foremost. Why should Argella deal with this any other than her father would do?” “Because Torrence still has both of his hands”, Edonia answered decisively. Garen shrugged indifferently. “Whatever it is she is going to do, I hope for a battle. I've been hired to kill something, not to sit around and babysit daddy's darling”
“You're out of line, Garen”, Drent remarked, utterly annoyed at the sellswords attitude. “Once again” Garen gave him a glare and was about to say something, when Tariel cut him off by putting a hand on his chest. She looked up, at Drent and Montclair, before quickly removing her hand again. “Whatever Argella is going to do, I am sure at least some of us will be satisfied with the outcome”, she summarized the situation with remarkable tactfulness.
Montclair gave her a nod, before he raised from the trunk he was sitting on. “For once, I have to agree with you, Lady Tariel”, he said, before taking a stilted bow in front of the group. “I'm afraid I have to leave you now. It has been a long day for all of us and I'll be up early in the morning. If I understood the princess correctly, she plans to leave before shortly after dawn, so I would advice you to go to sleep soon”
Before the Sergeant turned around, he leant down and grabbed Drent's shoulder. “One more thing, Golton”, he growled. “I won't hold it against you, because I know you always do your best, but Princess Argella looked horribly upset when I saw her storming into that tower. Keep that in mind next time you talk to her”
With these words, he turned around and soon vanished into the night. Only then, Drent noticed Garen's wide smirk. “Trouble in paradise?”, the sellsword asked. Tariel gave him another short glare, but stayed silent, aside from a loud yawn. “What do you mean?”, Drent asked, his voice finally showing how annoyed he was at Garen.
Before the sellsword could answer, Tariel quickly intervened. “Sergeant Montclair has been right”, she chirped. “It is a long night and we should go to bed, what do you think, Garen?” For a moment, Drent and Edonia looked at her in surprise, considering what she just implied, before she finally realized it. “I mean... I mean, I should go to my bed, but you should also go to bed. Your bed” She let out a stilted chuckle and Garen slightly rolled with his eyes. “Yes, you should do that. Good night, Lady Tariel”, he answered rather coldly. Tariel's forced chuckle ended abruptly and she gave him the hint of a nod, before raising from the trunk. “I suppose you are right”, she mumbled, before she gave Drent and Edonia a friendly smile. “Talking to you has been nice. I wish you a pleasant night” With these words, she quickly left the campfire. Garen looked after her with a grin on his face. “Women...”, he growled and shook his head, the grin still on his face. “I just don't get them”
“That I see”, Edonia mumbled, earning herself a glare from the sellsword. “Anyway, Drentie”, Garen continued. “I see you had the pleasure of spending some time in the company of our revered princess. I'm not sure if I should congratulate or pity you”
“Both would be inappropriate”, Drent answered, glancing at Edonia. The woman let out a small yawn, before she sluggishly raised from the trunk. “I think I had enough for tonight”, she mumbled. “I'll go to sleep, but before that, I'm going to talk to my stupid brother about what happened tonight” She leant down and gave Drent a light hug. “It was nice making your acquaintance, Drent”, she said. “Thank you for standing up against Torrence tonight. I am not sure how things would have ended if you wouldn't have intervened. He can be an asshole, but he's still my little brother and for that, I owe you one”
And with these words, she was gone, leaving Drent and Garen behind. “Aww, why don't I get a hug?”, Garen chuckled. “You made quite the impression on that girl” “Just like you made quite the impression on Lady Tariel”, Drent answered quickly and to his satisfaction, Garen's smile faded. “Don't talk about things you know nothing about, Drentie”, he growled.
Drent raised an eyebrow. “Funny coming from you”, he snarled, before standing up as well. “Honestly, talking to you makes me tired. I'll go to bed as well” Garen gave him a nod and stood up too. “That makes two of us”, he muttered, before he apparently remembered something. “One more thing, Drentie...” He narrowed his eyes glancing from Drent to the tower. “You talked quite a long time to your princess”
“Our princess”, Drent corrected him and Garen rolled with his eyes. “Our princess”, he agreed, imitating Drent's voice. “What I want to know is, have you talked about anything in particular?” Drent pressed his lips together as he heard this, avoiding to look Garen in the eye. As much as he disliked the sellsword, he had basically betrayed his trust earlier this day and the thought slightly irked him. He had told Argella that Garen was dissatisfied with her leadership. He has seen how she dealt with Torrence and even though she had been merciful with him, he wasn't sure how good she reacted to criticism, especially after a day like this, especially coming from someone as utterly dismissive as Garen.
Part of him wanted to warn Garen, to be careful and to watch his tongue the next time he would talk to the princess. As much as he disliked him, not even Garen deserved to be the target of Argella's fury. What if she would punish him worse than she punished Torrence. Would she even punish him at all? He could warn him now, even though Garen would probably be enraged that he had breached his trust, at least at first, perhaps even forever. The question was, after being exposed to the sellswords pesky arrogance the whole evening, was Drent still willing to warn him? Perhaps he deserved to be humbled a little bit.
[Warn Garen] [Don't warn Garen]
Hey I was right about the suicide thing.
[Warn Garen] Interesting stuff about Sherryl.
[Warn Garen]
[Don't warn Garen]
[Don't warn Garen]
[Don't warn Garen]
[Warn Garen]
[Warn Garen] Because why the hell not?
[Warn Garen]
[Don't warn Garen] Nope, he is so damn annoying
I actually liked him at first because he was honest about how he felt about the king and I didn't like Drent because he had almost no problem with what the king did. But now he's just constantly bitching and shitting on Argella who I've grown to like, so he's slowly getting on my nerves.
Yep, I'd even be okay with him not liking Argella, but that passive aggressive moaning and bitching is just so annoying - it's like reading YouTube comment section
Don't even get me started on the YouTube comment section.
Damn, that's a hard comparison, even though it is definitely not undeserved XD Drent feels the same way and while he is basically okay with Garen disliking Argella, he feels that Garen is not only unfair in his criticism, but also blows it way out of proportion and that annoys him to no end. Good to see that I got the intended reaction in this situation
[Don't warn Garen]
Nah... just nah. I don't like him so much.
[Warn Garen]
[dont Warn garen]
[Warn Garen]
I don't really like Garen, but after seeing what Argella can do, I wouldn't want anyone to be punished like that. Besides, it's not like Garen did anything wrong in particular yet. And on a side note, Argella just had to deal with Torrence, I don't want to put her through more potential harassment.
[Don't warn Garen]
[Warn Garen]
Heeey, after a little break I once again have illustrations for you! And these certainly are interesting characters
I hope you like them! 
(Warn Garen)
Who is Moggy?
One of Buttterfly's main enforcers, a mountain of a person. Caused Dairon's death, was with the Tom.
I didn't expect the Moggy to be so... white XD
These are great though!
[Don't warn Garen]
Yeah, he is albino
And thanks! 
Never cease to impress when it comes to your drawings. Nice work man!
These are awesome drawings! Great work
I think my favourite this time is either the Tom or Ser Rodrik, although all of these drawings are simply amazing.
Now that's a poll I'm very interested in
Villains are always fun to write and I enjoy all of the characters on this list, although I have my clear favourite, who is even more enjoyable to write than the other villains. I'm looking forward for the results.
The Voting is closed!
Drent will warn Garen
Of course, if Garen listens to these warnings is a completely different story. Nonetheless, this was probably a good choice, because Garen would have found out about it either way, sooner or later. For now, he will definitely be pissed at Drent, but if he would have found out on his own, it would have been a lot worse.
I also realized, I forgot to comment on the last poll, where the question was which character you'd like to turn somewhat darker in terms of personality. The end result was a firm tie between Richard, Arthur and Leonard. Some characters are already planned to turn into darker characters, but with others, it will highly depend on your choices. For example, if Jenna would have died in Chapter 3, Richard would have been a much darker character, obsessed with revenge in a way that would have endangered himself and everyone around him. Of course, future choices will hold more potential for the characters to develop darker personalities.
The next part is hopefully going to be finished later today. I am not entirely sure if I manage to finish it today, because I am invited to a small party later this evening. The next part has two PoV's, one of which is going to be Raenna's, but I am not yet sure who the second PoV will be. Currently, either Richard or John are strong contenders. The Raenna part will be her final part in this chapter. The last time we saw her, she quickly defeated a group of Butterfly's men, before she met a familiar face from her past: Terroma, also known as the Old Man, who was revealed to be a retired master assassin and the man who trained both, Raenna and Clayton. He revealed that he travelled to Oldtown in order to stop Clayton and because he wants to free Kersea's little sister. After thinking about this for a bit, Raenna decided to help him with this, which has been a very wise choice.
Raenna!? Yes! She is so awesome, I don't know what it is about her but I fell in love with her immediately.
Gotta be Mullendore. He has interesting motives, he isn't evil just to be evil, he is full of surprises and so far he is clearly the main antagonist. Sure, Harren Hoare for example holds more power, but he is more or less a tertiary character in this story.
I forget what was the super horrible thing that would have happened if she didn't help?
Alright, just a short announcement. As you see, this is not the new part. As I have said yesterday, I wasn't sure if I manage to finish the part before I had to leave. However, the reason why I haven't finished this part is because it got longer again, up to the point where I realized that there was no satisfying way of putting it into one part without rushing some important developments. And I never rush important developments. The second PoV in this part is going to be a Richard PoV, it will deal with the aftermath of his failed attack on the assassins and it is quite long. Not as long as Ilish's or Samantha's last parts, mind you, but nonetheless long. I'm going to be a bit busy in the next hours, but I will finish the part today for sure. Sorry for the longer wait, the next part should be out sooner.
I haven't yet told you what exactly would have happened and I can only reveal it gradually, after the next chapters are written. However, I can reveal that many characters would have died, among them some surprising characters. Terroma would have died for sure, for example, but also others whom are not yet connected with Raenna's storyline.
Time to see how bad Richard and friend's plan is.
I like those votings^^