What about TWAU does "it" for you and why? :)
I recently turned 21 (on Halloween actually but I'm Australian so its not a big deal here) and got ridiculously drunk and replayed the first episode. The sense of noir and desperation of the environment got me breathless again. I've fully played the series through and through in a total of about 5 times now and still fall In love with a few particular things:
2: The colour palette, the choice of colour and lighting for the noir atmosphere is bloody brilliant mate (yes we spell colour that way)
My favourite episode would have to be episode 2, the writing and pace is just orgasmic.
So, my question is, what moment in the game took your breath away, what struck at your emotional heart strings? What connected with you on a personal level?
P.S, would any like minded fans be genuinely interested in doing a voice chat while we all play the game at the same time? just talk about the series, comics etc? details for time zones etc will be discussed if there's interest for it I would love to have a good conversation with some fellow fans.
P.S.S: This is my very first post so dont go too hard on me haha :P
I gotta say, a special feeling always goes through me when I hear Bigby talk about how he's going to break the Woodsman's "Fucking face."
Something like "Woody, I'm going to break your fucking face" in episode 1 yes? That moments good
When he says that, it shows his real aggressive side, he's tired of fucking around and warning people and being nice, time to let the inner asshole loose lol.
What struck me? The whole setting.
I brushed off TWAU for about 6 months before I relented and played the first episode. I thought the idea of fairytale characters in a modern setting was a big jump for TellTale (cuz I didn't know TWAU was based on the Fables comics) and I basically thought it was gonna be a bad game because of it.
So I played the first episode, and my jaw dropped during the Woodsman fight, cuz I adored Bigby, and I loved how these fairytale characters weren't trying to be like themselves from their stories, they were acting like normal people do! And of course the obvious hints at romance between Bigby and Snow got me hooked completely.
I've never waited with such anxiousness than when I waited for Ep.4 and Ep.5 to be released. When I finished the game I started reading the Fables comics.
I now own the entire collection including spin-offs, and I write fanfiction about Fables as well
I didn't realise Australia spell it the same way as in Britain, the more you know ^-^
When I played this game for the first time I thought it was going to be like the walking dead and I hadn't seen the comic books so when Mr Toad first spoke I was like wat.
I love the way the lighting is it really fits the atmosphere aswell as the general darkened tone of most telltale games. The scene with the ribbons is my favourite scene, and the fact that even after the game I had no idea what was going on was great
This is one of my favourite games simply because it explores stories that everyone knows but somehow turns it into a new and darker story 
(yes,I was shouting when writing this)
The whole atmosphere of the game is incredible, I can't say enough good things about it.
My favorite moment from episode 1 still has to be the "Fuck you Bigby." from Colin. Not sure why, but that whole conversation is great, and really seems to ground the setting.
My initial joy of the game came from the atmosphere and very interesting setting. As well as the action and film noir.
Then The Wolf Among Us grew in esteem for me like Star Wars: The Empire Strike Back.
I realized that I have been playing a superhero the whole time. Bigby is also a interesting protagonist. He is trying to protect his town even through not all Fables appreciate it. And he is trying to atone from his dark past.
A friend in one of my classes mentioned TWAU game. I thought it sounded ridiculous; I'm not much for the whole Fairytale setting and did not try it until my wife bought the 1st episode. I gave it a chance and fell in love. Georgie is and will always be my favorite character, so it was a joy being introduced to that asshole. XD The entire setting, raw emotions and design of the game truly won me over. I had no idea this was based off of the comics; I later read those after episode 5 and I pleased to have been introduced into this world.
It was a treat playing as the Big Bad Wolf. And Gren. Sweet, drunk, loveable Grendel.
All in all, I do recomend this to those that have yet to play it. The concept and ideas behind this character trying to protect those who once feared him is very interesting to me.
Chilling atmosphere, vibrant setting, and its (intriguingly sexy) characters are what persuaded me to buy this game for sure. It surely still feels like forever back when the first episode came out.
October 11, 2013?! Wow, didn't know it was that long. Regardless, I probably wouldn't have even made an account on here if it weren't for this game, which then led me to meet new people and have fun with a ton of users on here.
P.S. - Hell yeah, the opening credits were definitely amazing, too! Although I kind of wish they would've changed it up a bit for each episode, but...
I love it for being such a wonderful adaptation of the comics when I couldnt see how it could be done. A video game of Fables? And it turned out amazing.
I still hold out hope for a season two because Im sure that Telltale would give us something even better.
You sound like you got a bit spoiled by TFTB and their fantastic openings, lol.
Still can hardly believe Adam Harrington was doing both voices. They truly sound like two different people. I still giggle at the whole "glass him" thing too.
The opening credits (always gives me the goosebumps), the whole noir setting, my Bigby always being the badass that he is, his tender interaction with Snow, and seeing how these characters sound like in the game when previously is was now possible in the comics (started on comics before I started to play TWAU).
Oh what the hell, I love everything about TWAU. Harder question to answer would be what I don't love about it..
Ooh, I got one. The fact that there is no Season 2.
Well... the easier question would be what I DON'T like about it, considering there are little to no things I disliked about it. Asking a man what he loved about the Wolf Among Us is like asking Silento to stop being an annoying fuck-wad. It's hard to do, and it's probably not gonna happen for a long time. I'd love to explain why TWAU is my favorite Telltale game, and sing of it's praises, and just let the world know how my opinion is so correct because it truly is the best, etc. etc. But honestly, I'd be sitting here all night.
Here, I'll just say what I didn't like about it. The fact that Bigby and Snow didn't get a passionate PG romance scene (Where they kiss and look into each others eyes in complete wonder) That's the only thing I didn't like about it.
Ah yes, Something about Bigby threatening to disfigure one of his own kind for beating up a girl who wasn't important to him at all just makes me giddy like Yandere-Chan when Senpai notices her.
I would've appreciated more scenes set at night in the game. I think alot of us are possibly stoned when playing this game but no one has the balls to say it haha.
Playing it intoxicated takes it to a whole another level, Am I Right?
Am I the only one that would love to see Fables movie made in the style of Only God Forgives? (directed by Nicolas Winding Refn). That would be mind blowing.
Yes I have, I won't deny it.
TWAU just feels great. It was my second Telltale Game after TWD and I wasn't sure what to expect, but I had high hopes for it, knowing how TWD turned out. Our ability to portray Bigby as a legitimate detective who either goes by the books or isn't afraid to rough it up in order to get the answers he wants was so much fun.
No doubt the time since I completed the game has given me an idealized view of it, but it's a timeless experience and for me, Telltale's second best game. (Behind TFTB)
I dont know, youre description sounds about right to me.
End credits are short.
Nick Herman mentioned that originally there was an idea to change the credits and music, but alas ;-;
There are still a few different variations of the opening theme in the game files, so I guess it's true
Damn, there goes the possibility of ever seeing a Nerissa silhouette strip dance for us. ;(
So, basically even more elements that got taken out from the final game? Sucks.
The atmosphere without doubt. The moment I knew I would love this game is when Bigby returned to his apartment in the second section of Episode 1. The music, the slow throb of neon from outside, and incredible dialogue between Bigby and Colin, ugh, it was just so good. Possibly the best scene in a video game ever (for me anyway). That was the hook, and it's now one of my favourite games ever.
TWAU OST - Bigby's Place
For me it would be... Being the big bad wolf. Being a badass is great
I mean, I like getting rough and scary when I have to, but then I'm also a sweetheart to my friends and that's just what I love about ttg- you have room to make your character the way you want he/she to be.
I love how you can be either a heroic nice guy or a monster. I love the influence one could have over Bigby's character opposed to other Telltale protagonists who already have a forcibly one sided personality amd no thing really to play and have fun with Clementine COUGH COUGH
I didn't know the Fable comics existed. So when I started playing and it was Fairy tale characters in a detective noir type setting I was completely sold. Then everything else that came with it (characters, storyline, music etc..) And plus, the dialogue options were gold. Just being able to tell almost everyone to 'f*ck off' was hilarious.
Picked up the first comic the other day, excited to get into it :-)
Hahaha! If it's anything like the game I'm sure I'm going to love it. Took a look inside and I love the art too. Looks cool, man.
Kinda yes and kinda no.
Fables has a LOT less swearing than TWAU, but for the first 7 Volumes there is nudity like boobs in several issues :P
Not that violent of a series either, except for some issues.
Although, if you're a Snow x Bigby fan like me, then this comic will be perfect for you :'D
I'm just excited to get into the whole world of it and get more characters from it and some character backgrounds. The guy at the book shop who sold it to me was praising it a lot too. Sounds like some good mysteries to solve
I am a Snow x Bigby fan!! They had such good chemistry in twau. And thanks for the warning of nudity, I'll be sure not to read it on the train where people can see and judge me :')
Oh you will love it, trust me!
Btw, do you like fanfiction? I'm a fanfiction writer and I have done some Fables/TWAU works, if you're interested? They contain some very good Snigby
I hadn't read any, then I came on this community and now I've read lots haha!!
I'd love to read some dude, where can I check it out? :-)
I shall PM you da link!
The music. The game isn't half as good without that intro.
I love the art style of the game, and interacting in the whole mythos the Fables comic created. I like seeing how the Fables have adapted to the Mundy world, plus I learned about new fairytales. Plus I enjoy the whole detective genre.
Immediately off the bat, it felt like I was jumping into a comic book. That feeling stuck with me throughout my entire playthrough!
Other than that, it was a different sense of who I wanted to be than in TWD. In both season of TWD, and even Tales, I felt the need to be a good person all the time! And good choices did get me into good places in those stories. But in TWAU, I felt a lot more freedom for some reason, and I could be a brute or cold or dark or sarcastic. Looking back on it, stepping into Bigby's shoes might be the most immersion I've had in my Telltale gaming career!