Episode 3 Waiting Thread - Out Now on PC/Mac/Xbox Live/PSN/iOS/Android, Coming Nov 26 for PS4 EU



  • There is a new image on top of where you can select which thread to go to.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    New picture? Where?

  • You mean the store page? Yeah it is different, it used to be a floating island surrounded by nothing.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    There is a new image on top of where you can select which thread to go to.

  • this one

    enter image description here

    dojo32161 posted: »

    You mean the store page? Yeah it is different, it used to be a floating island surrounded by nothing.

  • Huh, the old one's still showing up for me:

    enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    this one

  • Goes to show the superiority of us, lol.

    It should update soon, refreshing the page or logging back in I would imagine would put the new things in place. Maybe.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Huh, the old one's still showing up for me:

  • Yep thats the one.

    Green613 posted: »

    this one

  • I'll never log out, you can't stop me!

    Goes to show the superiority of us, lol. It should update soon, refreshing the page or logging back in I would imagine would put the new things in place. Maybe.

  • enter image description here

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I'll never log out, you can't stop me!

  • Yes sir!

    enter image description here

    (Also refreshing worked so I didn't have to logout).

  • For future reference, clearing your browser's cache might also work. That's the usual solution if there is a problem where you cannot see the most recent update to a website.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Yes sir! (Also refreshing worked so I didn't have to logout).

  • I'm surprised that so many are desperate for longer wait times, considering how often people are demanding for quicker releases. Telltale can't seem to win. I personally really liked episode 2, including its run time. I'd take shorter runtimes and more frequent/more episodes for each game over longer waits and longer episodes. But that's just my opinion.

  • I just think that most of us are so used to longer waits that having a faster release is like culture shock and breaking tradition.

    HLeigh0109 posted: »

    I'm surprised that so many are desperate for longer wait times, considering how often people are demanding for quicker releases. Telltale ca

  • Your profile pic... At this moment I always scream "WOMBO COMBO!!! (that aint falco) (that aint falc-) OH. OHHHH. OHHHH!"

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Yes sir! (Also refreshing worked so I didn't have to logout).

  • When we beg for the episode to come, it's usually at the 2 month period. We do not immediately say "release episode HRNG HRNG" like 2 days after release. I do not look forward to only having about 5 hours total for all 5 episodes.

    HLeigh0109 posted: »

    I'm surprised that so many are desperate for longer wait times, considering how often people are demanding for quicker releases. Telltale ca

  • Long or not, we will enjoy it. Not sure you will or not but i will. But i do rather them take their time so that we get the best experience out of the episodes.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    When we beg for the episode to come, it's usually at the 2 month period. We do not immediately say "release episode HRNG HRNG" like 2 days after release. I do not look forward to only having about 5 hours total for all 5 episodes.

  • edited November 2015

    Thread: Minecraft Story Mode (Episode updates)

    Does anyone know when episode 3, 4, and 5 are coming out for Minecraft story mode?

  • Episode 3 is coming this year, but we don't have a date yet. Here is the waiting thread.

    We don't have any news on episode 4 and 5, and probably won't have until after episode 3 is released.

  • I recall Arthur mentioning he was working on Michonne........


    Story Mode maybe?

  • Lee = Pete.

    There is no escape from the Lee man.

    I recall Arthur mentioning he was working on Michonne........ LEE CONFIRMED FOR MICHONNE.

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    Now that Thrones has wrapped for me, as of episode 3 I'm actually voice directing on Minecraft as well, for what it's worth.

    I recall Arthur mentioning he was working on Michonne........ LEE CONFIRMED FOR MICHONNE.

  • Thread: episode 3 soon??

    i mean if episode 2 is quick what is happening with episode 3 then

  • Thanks for all of your great work on Thrones, Arthur! :)

    ArthurV posted: »

    Now that Thrones has wrapped for me, as of episode 3 I'm actually voice directing on Minecraft as well, for what it's worth.

  • I got so used to seeing you on news about GoT that I got confused for a minute when reading that tweet xD

    Thanks for helping bringing these awesome characters to life. Tell Scott Porter that all his lines sound adorable.

    ArthurV posted: »

    Now that Thrones has wrapped for me, as of episode 3 I'm actually voice directing on Minecraft as well, for what it's worth.

  • Who is Arthur voicing?

    Thanks for all of your great work on Thrones, Arthur!

  • He doesn't voice characters, he's the voice director for several Telltale games.

    Who is Arthur voicing?

  • I don't know seems a bit early for story mode, I would buy it if it was a few days later but episode 3 should be longer with less pre planned content with telltale to work with

    Story Mode maybe?

  • I predict episode 3 will come as an early Christmas present in a few day bracket of December 1st

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    Ha, yeah. I'm no actor. My jobs consists of:

    • Casting the actors alongside the creative leadership (though for Minecraft so far I've had the benefit of inheriting an amazing cast already)
    • Working with agents and studios to coordinate the recording sessions or promo interviews
    • Directing the performers during the voice recordings
    • Editing and picking the best takes for you guys to enjoy!

    There's a lot more to it but those are the basics. Will Beckman's our other in-house voice director and he's fantastic.

    He doesn't voice characters, he's the voice director for several Telltale games.

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    Thank YOU for playing! Feedback from players is one of the most gratifying parts of my job, along with working on great scripts with top-notch performers.

    Thanks for all of your great work on Thrones, Arthur!

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    Absolutely love working with Scott. He's amazingly passionate about getting the performance just right.

    Abeille posted: »

    I got so used to seeing you on news about GoT that I got confused for a minute when reading that tweet xD Thanks for helping bringing these awesome characters to life. Tell Scott Porter that all his lines sound adorable.

  • I feel much the same way. I was a bit anxious just looking at some let's plays total runtimes, but I felt the story fit nicely into the length for episode 2.

    HLeigh0109 posted: »

    I'm surprised that so many are desperate for longer wait times, considering how often people are demanding for quicker releases. Telltale ca

  • edited November 2015

    how come episode 1 and 2 went faster than 3,4,5 please

  • You are clearly new to Telltale. Trust me, don't get use to only waiting a couple of weeks, most Telltale episodes take 2 months to make, some have been even longer. Hell, the wait between Episodes 1 and 2 of both The Wolf Among Us and Tales From the Borderlands was 4 months long. The fact that they're releasing this as early as it has been is truly a miracle, usually we'd still be waiting for the second episode right now, but we're already seeing signs of Episode 3 being completed or close to completion, that's remarkable.

    how come episode 1 and 2 went faster than 3,4,5 please

  • Culture shock

    Did you just-

    enter image description here

    I just think that most of us are so used to longer waits that having a faster release is like culture shock and breaking tradition.

  • The main reason for them releasing them so fast is because Minecraft is recognized world wide and the potential for netting in new customers for future or even past releases (such as myself, I had no idea this company even existed before MCSM) is immeasurable, so putting all of their effort into making the game as fluid and perfect as possible, in as little time as possible, will be their winning ticket for the future.

    For us as players, our contributions through paying for the games we enjoy show them that what they're doing is making us a happy customer, which is exactly what they're doing with MCSM. Despite the fact that the animations still look simple and pixellated, there are signs that it involves heavy animations and the lighting/detail given to even the pixellated look means that they are putting a lot more effort into this than one may think when they initially see it.

    You are clearly new to Telltale. Trust me, don't get use to only waiting a couple of weeks, most Telltale episodes take 2 months to make, so

  • Thread: Release dates?

    I finished ep1&2 of MC story mode on ps4. How longs it usually take for a new episode to be made? Its my first Telltale game :p

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited November 2015

    If we don't get used to the culture shock, well find ourselves boned.


    I'll make my way out the door now.

    Culture shock Did you just-

  • Generally Telltale waits are around 2 months, but Story Mode seems like it'll be releasing a bit quicker than that, due to, as far as I can tell, simpler animations and other things like that.

    LoganG posted: »

    Thread: Release dates? I finished ep1&2 of MC story mode on ps4. How longs it usually take for a new episode to be made? Its my first Telltale game

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