GTA V Discussion Thread
Since GTA V is still getting new content two years later, I figured it on it's own would warrent a thread's worth a discussion. So here, y'all can share your experiences and talk about whatever's happening with GTA V at the moment.
So today I finally tried out the Slasher mode, and holy shit is it actually kinda scary. I'm utter shit at it, but it's still really fun and I'm glad that Rockstar has just kept adding more stuff to the game for FREE.
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What's slasher mode? I've been a tad out of the loop.
New gamemode that came with the Halloween update. Basically one player is the 'slasher' who has a shotgun and flashlight and has to hunt down all the other players, who are all equipped with flashlights (also part of the update). After a few minutes, all the other players are given shotguns and, depending on how many players are left, the game can become pretty unbalanced. What makes it scary though is that the match takes place inside a building (such as the morgue, slaughterhouse, FIB building, mansion and the IAA compound with the underwater entrance) and all the lights are turned off, so you have to turn on your flashlight to see all of your surroundings, which ends up exposing you. It's actually really fun.
enter link description here
Sounds like fun! I'll have to try it out.
I got angry when the cheating happened., died once got PTSD MAD, broke my keyboard and never played it again.
Are they ever going to add story dlc? I play on console and I dont play online.
What are the people's favourite weapons? Personally, I prefer the Bullpup Rifle. I've fully modded it and applied a sick-ass, specially designed camo that looks beast in first-person!
My favorite is the carbine rifle. Its easy to use and fun to shoot with the mods. btw what camo did you use?
I got a potato PC so I can't run it ;-;
I can't remember what it's called. It can only be applied to specific weapons and isn't just a re-skin, It has some special little lines and designs. I think it was only just added so you might only be able to find it on next-gen.
There is a yacht map, but there's also a mansion one that I have left to play.
EDIT: Actually, I'm not sure if the mansion is a map or not. I think I saw it listed as a slasher mode when we were voting for a new map. I'll check later.
Is that actually happening?
You have Xbox? So do I.
I thought people were only getting insane amounts of money.
The Carbine Rifle has my most kills by far, followed by the pump shotgun.
I'm also enjoying the new machete.
It's not a mansion, it's the coroner building Michael escapes from back when he awakes in a morgue.
Both the low-rider and Halloween update were phenomenal! I've already got these 2 sweet-looking low-riders in my garage. Benny's garage was a great addition, too.
I'm also glad Rockstar finally stopped letting previous-generation consoles hold them back in terms of dlc (since according to them, the 360 and PS3 versions have reached their memory limitations anyway).
I know. I played that map. I just thought there was a mansion map, but it must have been a different game mode.
Basically me when Im playing with friends.
Im basically that guy, who when a friend pulls up to let me get in their car, I throw them off and then go "okay okay okay, for real this time I wont!" But I always do it again.
Playing Slasher mode at the moment with my friends. Some of the most fun I've had in this game in a long time.
I like the new Machine Pistol that's part of the lowrider update.
last i heard about story dlc was probably last year. my only guess its that it must be big cuz they havent said shit about it again. R* is pretty a master of not telling anything until they feel like they shoukd announce something
Heyyy it's Dunkey.
I know the feel about cheaters. So annoying. One time I got this guy's bounty, was gonna leave him alone afterwards, then he got pissed off and used his script tool to make me uncontrollable levitate all over (which was actually pretty funny by the way). The worst they do is turn your status back to level 1 and you need to get everything back, or the blow up the whole session for the "lolz".
Anyway, it's best not to play the PC version IMO, the game is full of hackers/modders. Next Gen consoles are at least remotely safe, and one Last Gen (I'm on it) I once in a while run into a modder like the ones I mentioned earlier.
I dunno. Been waiting for it for myself for a long, long time....
Marksman Pistol: Almost always one shot kill, I managed to blow up some cars with it a long time ago.
AP Pistol: High damage, very fast shooting.
Micro-SMG: Best to use it in car chases.
Combat MG: Lots of damage, big ass clip (upgraded to 200), long range (added scope and grip)? Yes please! (my current favourite)
Special Carbine: Great for long range battles (with the accuracy parts attached) when you need reach and don't wanna snipe, plus add a bigger clip. It rocks.
Gusenburg: My old favourite, mostly because it's a freaking tommy gun and shoots bullets faster than the Combat MG.
Heavy Sniper: With an advanced scope, and it's high damage it's great to use. I just strafe and time my shots, and often gets a quick kill depending on the player's level.
Heavy Shotgun: Quick and to the point. (although, I barely use it since many just uses longer range guns)
Grenade Launcher: Good for a quick surprise, clearing swarms.
RPG: Great for tank/kuruma-busting and clearing swarms of enemies.
Homing Launcher: It's best to use it against smuggler planes/copters.
Mini-Gun: I absolutely love this gun. I use it when I'm fighting jets while I'm on the rooftops. It surprisingly helps.
Firework Launcher: Simply for a gag.
Sticky Bombs/Mines: "WHAT THE FU--- BOOOOMMM!!!"
This is my kind of thread!
So I'm gonna make this story into a nutshell since a lot happened.
Anyway, yesterday instead of being the usual lone wolf, I decided to meet new people and hang out with them. This first came up when I saw a bounty in an alleyway, he was with a friend so I didn't shoot but they killed me, I got the guy's bounty, I got killed, I was running to my car where they placed stickies and I was like "Oh shiiiiieeetttt....." and ka-boom. Hanged around with these guys for a while, defending ourselves against players and cops (well they did went on to attacking people randomly so I just stayed out of it unless I'm attacked. I also told my partner who was in a jet killing this one player constantly to just let him be since I've been through that a lot before). We were in a helicopter and as I was accepting their friend requests they ditched the copter and the copter just hovered dangerously close to buildings and I didn't die since my character took the controls after the pilot left. lol Soon after, connection error happened so I went to a new session. I was just driving by a player, but he decided to pick me up in a copter. We spent a good 30 minutes going through all over Los Santos fighting cops. After that, in the heli-port two players came up and started shooting, my partner died and I killed them both with my Marksman Pistol. Luckily, a big fight didn't break out as we all just chilled. Two more in a Kuruma came in, I was getting shot so I thought they were attacking and I blew them up. Turns out it was cops who shot me. So we hanged out and got into the choppah, except one couldn't get in. As we flew another player in a tank attacked us and took us down. I ended up fighting it on the ground, for a bit till we all gathered up to try and get another chopper, which in turn the tank blew us up again, so I went after him who was coming to us as well, pulled the trigger. He killed me but the game lagged and blew his tank up in return. I put a bounty on him to leave us alone. The guy from earlier who I played with against cops went after him and soon left, and I hanged out with the others just fooling around. Later on, on the ground, I was this monkey guy and a bounty in a gold T20 came at us, so I grabbed my clown car "Barny" (this is my character's husband btw, they got married two months ago lol) and we chased after him, I let the guy shoot while I drive.Eventually we got the bounty and I drove through my HQ and we lost the cops, I went to the gun shop to stock up on ammo. Came back out, I learned the whole session has left.....
Killer Kate (my character btw) saw the gold T20 by her car, she realized the bounty came back for revenge before they all left. She knew there was only one thing to do... Kate went to the T20 and stood behind it, and proceeded to... well, ya know where it goes from there. And thus she cheated on Barny in front of him as he doesn't give a fuck. THE END.
I haven't even unlocked the mini-gun yet...
How do you throw them off instead of just regularly getting on?
Dude, you should make these little warrior tales of yours a regular thing.
No, i never got money but people took my cars, and made them into the worse models, so i actually lost money. Also repeated killed me, to the point i got mad.
It looks sooo goooood! >w<
Took me a while to get it, now it's much easier to face helicopters and jets. Sadly my account is shared with my brother, and he said we'll have to make separate accounts for our PS4 (once we get it), so we both have to start all over..... So I have to get back everything I worked hard for in my two years of playing the game. -_-
Looks like I'll have to buy shark cards.
Ask and you shall receive. Typing a new one now!
This was a while ago so I cannot remember accurately, but I'll do my best.
Several days ago, it was a calm Los Santos, dawn was amidst the fog. I have just completed my mission for Martin, and was taken to the neighbourhood up the hills of Vinewood. I decided to take a stroll through town. I got into my Turismo R, and went to the quickest route to town down the hill. In front of me was a player who started to approach, I sped up as he did while we approached one another, he attempted to ram me off but I quickly sped past his sports car. I decided to head to HQ to lure my pursuer into a trap, I went through the entrance and placed a mine and sped in the tunnels till I entered the mirage room, something told me to stay in there. Soon enough my pursuer drove into the mine and exploded, and I took no charge for his car, luckily it was stolen (well mine "was" but yeah lol). Soon enough I saw two players arrive on the map of my location and I wondered why. I saw one entering HQ on the far tunnel by the sewers so I decided to scoot and took the train yard route. I drove along the lower levels of the flood (was that the word?) until I noticed the one from the start and the other I saw on the map coming at me in both sides!
Using my instincts to survive, I adversely drove along the slopes dodging one of the players, and I head to the motor shop near Lester's garment warehouse with two players hot on my ass. I drove onto the train rails after going through a gap from the flood path to the motor shop. In the midst of the chase I heard a train nearby, my best solution. I drove toward the train tunnels, where the train was heading, as I did I saw a jet flying in my area and realized things are going to get more dicey! Quickly as me and the train were in the tunnels, I parked a bit ahead of the train to give me time and hopped on! One of players got delayed by my parked car.
Soon enough, I saw the jet leave for some reason, and I just had those two players after me. Taking cover in the train cart, whenever they got close to me I fired. Over and over again they drove near me as we traveled across the highways and desert, and I would shoot them square in the face. Haha they were never gonna catch me! But why? Why were they after me I thought.... I pulled out my text, and realized I got a wimping 9 k bounty on me! It hit, it was from a player the other day. Well, I figured it gave me the excitement and was confident I would survive. During the chase the two separately would drive behind the train for cover but I climbed onto the gas tank and killed them over and over again. Soon enough the police were after me, but soon enough I lost them through my cover. The one player from the beginning gave up and left after many failed attempts. The other used the hills of the deserts to try and snipe me but I played the smart way, and just stayed in cover. Finally the train was crossing the bridge near the Lost Hideout, heading to the mountains. The last player chased me by car, behind the train. I realized I can get a shot on him to delay him. I went to the fuel tank to climb on..... However, my character instead of climbing on it.... JUMPED OFF THE TRAIN!
Quickly I got up and attempted to climb back on the train, however my character just jumped and hit the train, and knocked me down! I got up again and ran to it and the train got away! The player closed in on me and before I could take out my gun, he pumped me down. He parked his car and as I got up I knew it was over. With a point blank shot, he killed me and got my bounty. My body laid there, as a rotting corpse in the a humiliating end as the player drove off to the mountains. Victorious of a long winded chase. But as he drove off, I risen back up and looked around the empty fields. I dusted myself off and let the player go, he won and I walked toward Sandy Shores muttering "I need some Pisswasser and chocolate bars.".
That's why I love my up-armored Insurgent. It goes through anything. If I want to, I can circle around San Andreas with a 3 star wanted level until my arms fall off and there isn't a damn thing the cops can do to stop me.
I love it, well when I'm the one chilling in the backseat and not being the guy who's getting ran over by it. lol
So I'm in this "Parkour 90,000 RP $$$$$$" job, the usual. Clarification : I only join these things to do the parkour, I'm not falling for the 90k bs | Anyways, I'm on a map near the beach. This is important for later. When I got to the last few jumps, I started lagging. I turn and I see my worst nightmare. A guy is headed straight towards me.
SHIT I said to myself, knowing how fucked up the hand to hand combat system in this game is. I'm on the construction cement 'barriers'. I had a very small ledge, in other words. So the GTA character being the dumbass he is, I go into sneaky mode and turn around, but instead of jumping I DIVE BOMB TOWARDS THE WATER THAT'S UNDERNEATH THE MAP... Because... last gen bs. And then I respawn to get the usual spawnkill as the fucker from earlier got the guns. Not really sure why I join these things... xD
Sidenote : When I get the guns, if there's a tank and cargo bob, I fly back into the arena with the tank attached, making sure I have RPGs and grenade launcher ammo. I play a game called "Tank Rodeo" which is exactly how it sounds. I'll go in circles and basically hold R2, L3 and R3 (left and right joysticks) and whoever gets my tank wins. BUT, if they spawnkill people for no reason; unlike how I only kill the people who try to do the parkour, I'm gonna have to explode you into about 1000 pieces. Sorry bruh.
That is basically my attitude to all simulations of traffic in games.
so ive heard there is more on line DLC. this time some big ass yachts. but theyre are gonna be like apartments or some shit like that. wow, 2 years and its still getting stuff. also i saw that R* supposedly to release some new next year... and that they might have some new titles/ sequels in the works.