The Vent/Help Thread



  • Go be a turd somewhere else.

    These kind of conversations are so adorable. Especially when they involve pseudo-philosophical high school-aged people giving sage dating/relationship advice to other high school-aged people.

  • Hey, you tried at least. Better than I was at your age.

    That's another rejection from a girl...These teen girls are ruthless.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited November 2015

    I'm not explicitly disagreeing with you, but does it really matter? Live your life the way you want and let others do the same.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I am very much not trying to spike up LGBT discrimination. But I feel like most teenage girls are just going with the flow and faking being

  • Dating in college is pointless.
    I'm totally not saying it cause I could never find myself a date.

    Dating in high school is pointless.

  • Well first time posting on the vent thread so here goes I love pvp games but im tired of the amount of idiots in pvp game forums/communities some of them are the most close minded egotistic immature dudebro people i have ever seen just compare a singleplayer game forum to a pvp online community and you will see a big difference. it seems to be getting worst i feel bad for the good people in pvp communities that have to deal with those people of course all communities have them but pvp seems to be the worst

    Something else that grinds my gears is when people say "singleplayer/campaigns don't matter anymore only online multiplayer does" that has to be the most ignorant comment in gaming i have ever seen it seems to mostly apply to the younger gamers who didn't grow up with singleplayer games

    Of course all my complaints are 1st world problems but i still think they are an issue

  • Steam Fallout forums are leaked to hell. Do not go there, for some reason the moderators think spoilers are ok. A lot of things going down with me right now. Dealing with friend drama. Bob passed away on tuesday, and dealing with the drama is annoying for me. I listen to people be so petty right, and we are at a wake and people are talking about each other's dress, hair style etc. Now the arguments begin. One white woman is yelling at another, at a wake. Bob's mom is freaking out, I feel stuck there, because i don't want to just leave, but at the same time i don't want to hear it.

    So i leave eventually. I go home and fall asleep. I receive a phone call around 3 am, drunk dialed its another friend of mine, who was at the wake. She proceeds to tell me about how mad she is at the other woman. I keep saying yep, i know half asleep. I layed back down with the phone to my ear and eventually put it down, and went back to bed.

    She called me at six am the following morning, upset that i hung up on her. I never win, its always my fault. So i just apologized. As a man, you learn thiese things, that we always wrong about everything, it doesn't matter. We are always wrong.

    Well first time posting on the vent thread so here goes I love pvp games but im tired of the amount of idiots in pvp game forums/communities

  • As a person with shitty internet, singleplayer matters.

    Well first time posting on the vent thread so here goes I love pvp games but im tired of the amount of idiots in pvp game forums/communities

  • edited November 2015

    I agree i think as we're both Australians we can both agree that Australia as a whole has shitty Internet

    As a person with shitty internet, singleplayer matters.

  • Oh. My. God. Bethesda... why are you gaslighting me. So, I posted a comment on Bethesda's forum. Then I saw it posted. And I thought... 'did I say that? I don't remember saying that.... wth is wrong with me'.

    Turns out, Bethesda's censorship app literally changes your words. I said... wait for it... the 'f' word. Yes. I said... 'fanboy'. This is what I got:

    enter image description here

    I may seem mad, but I'm really not, this is actually hilarious ;) But at the same time, wtf...

  • edited November 2015

    Nah, I ain't about that life, and even if I did, it wouldn't be applicable to your situation. I was just making an observation. You'll understand my point of view one of these days, son.

    Ah, please share your wisdom then, with your attitude you must have had dozens of perfect relationships.

  • edited November 2015

    I find it adorable when high schoolers take all their nonsense drama seriously. I guess it's ironic that im saying this as I am a high schooler as well. But considering I'm already in college at my young age and ahead of most people I know, I think I have a right to say what I'm saying and actually be correct about it. As well as giving advice about relationships.

    These kind of conversations are so adorable. Especially when they involve pseudo-philosophical high school-aged people giving sage dating/relationship advice to other high school-aged people.

  • I already understand that high schoolers don't have enough experience with relationships to properly give advice. Doesn't mean I don't like getting it.

    Nah, I ain't about that life, and even if I did, it wouldn't be applicable to your situation. I was just making an observation. You'll understand my point of view one of these days, son.

  • edited November 2015

    that the amount of gay people randomly sky rocketed the last few years.

    No no, the amount of gay people coming out has skyrocketed. Not that a whole bunch of people magically became gay.

    Homosexuality is becoming more and more accepted as the years go by (thank god) like gay marriage finally being legalized, so they find it more safe and comfortable to let others know they are gay. Not that they just turned gay. So it isn't "randomly" skyrocketing, the numbers are going up for this reason.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I am very much not trying to spike up LGBT discrimination. But I feel like most teenage girls are just going with the flow and faking being

  • Don't confuse academics for maturity and life experience. You haven't scratched the surface of life yet.

    I find it adorable when high schoolers take all their nonsense drama seriously. I guess it's ironic that im saying this as I am a high scho

  • edited November 2015

    Do not claim to know that I haven't scratched the surface yet. You haven't endured my life so who are you to say what I have and haven't been through and whether it be enough for me to be considered mature? It is impossible to know the progressiveness of a life you do not live.

    And yes, my mistake for using academics to say I'm mature. I probably should have used a better example or worded it differently. But the fact that I understand the importance of academics and devote most of my time to doing useful things in my life that will set my future on a good path, instead of sleeping with everyone and bombing every test and all that bullshit everyone around me seems to be doing should be a good example.

    Don't confuse academics for maturity and life experience. You haven't scratched the surface of life yet.

  • enter image description here

    Ahh, the age old "you don't know my life" response.

    You'll look back at moments like this in the future and cringe. I promise.

    Do not claim to know that I haven't scratched the surface yet. You haven't endured my life so who are you to say what I have and haven't be

  • edited November 2015

    I guess it is overused but that does not mean it's wrong. Claiming its old as an excuse to say it's inaccurate isn't quite a good response. But if you believe every highschooler is so "immature" due to them merely not being older in age, have fun feeding off of that misconception.

    Maturity doesn't always come with age. Don't need to be old to go through life. Life halts for no one.

    Ahh, the age old "you don't know my life" response. You'll look back at moments like this in the future and cringe. I promise.

  • edited November 2015

    My point is that, while you can be more mature than your peers, you aren't mature in the grand scheme of things. True maturity and experience comes with age and time. Your ideals, your opinions, your beliefs, and your personality will all change over time and there's nothing you can do about it. Chances are, you will be the complete opposite of the person you are now in a decade's time.

    Stop trying to grow up so fast. You already seem far more miserable and bitter than someone should be at your age.

    I guess it is overused but that does not mean it's wrong. Claiming its old as an excuse to say it's inaccurate isn't quite a good response.

  • Yes. I will acknowledge that you are correct there with most of what you said. But is there really "true maturity"? I associate maturity with someone who mostly is mature. I don't believe there is such thing as someone who is 100% mature, because there will always be something someone isn't mature about. No matter how old someone may be. There is no specific age, specific time, or specific endurance that makes a person magically mature. "Oh, you're out of highschool and you're paying bills? Congratulations, you're now mature!"

    And yes, I will change a lot in the next decade. Because I will learn more things I haven't been exposed to yet, although everyone changes and is exposed to new things no matter what age they are or how mature they are.

    Oh and trust me I'm not trying to grow up so fast, hah. I just don't like to be blind about what's really going on around me and the world.

    My point is that, while you can be more mature than your peers, you aren't mature in the grand scheme of things. True maturity and experienc

  • Eh, I'd rather not keep this conversation going, I'm not sure if it's quite necessary.

    I enjoyed having this conversation with you, you brought up some interesting points. See ya around. I like your name btw, it's clever.

    My point is that, while you can be more mature than your peers, you aren't mature in the grand scheme of things. True maturity and experienc

  • Everything is my fault always. I understand.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Steam Fallout forums are leaked to hell. Do not go there, for some reason the moderators think spoilers are ok. A lot of things going dow

  • I'm not sure if you're mocking me or if you're just trying to be a joking smart ass. But you can believe whatever you want, as I'm not begging people to believe me or anything about how petty people are and always will be.

    These things definitely happened.

  • I know that feeling all to well....

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    Looks like I'm a 100% girl repellent.

  • Gotta go for the older ladies man.

    That's another rejection from a girl...These teen girls are ruthless.

  • Dating at all is pointless in my opinion. Mostly say this because I ruined every relationship I've been in.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    Dating in college is pointless. I'm totally not saying it cause I could never find myself a date. Naaahhh...

  • I hate it when someone wants to shove parties, alchohol and sex down my throat. I will never like these things. We're not all the same. I'm not weird because I don't like it. I do love being around people, but not in ways like this.
    It's especially annoying when the professors at my college condone the same behaviour and act like we all do it. Yeah, right.

  • They just are influenced by the Liberal Agenda, i been talking talking about for the last 12 years, but no one listens to me. What do i know? Nothing.

    that the amount of gay people randomly sky rocketed the last few years. No no, the amount of gay people coming out has skyrocketed.

  • People wonder why i drink and have mental problems.

    Everything is my fault always. I understand.

  • I hate it when someone wants to shove parties, alcohol and sex down my throat. I will never like these things.

    I like all 3 of these things. I been drunk for the past 3 days, trying to go for my record.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    I hate it when someone wants to shove parties, alchohol and sex down my throat. I will never like these things. We're not all the same. I'm

  • edited November 2015

    Not me. I get it. I've been down a long time. Can't drink anymore though, sadly.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    People wonder why i drink and have mental problems.

  • So you think that people being more tolerant of gays is something bad? Is it part of the 'liberal bullshit'?

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    They just are influenced by the Liberal Agenda, i been talking talking about for the last 12 years, but no one listens to me. What do i know? Nothing.

  • You sure about that? According to one of your posts earlier in this page,

    Dating in college is pointless. I'm totally not saying it cause I could never find myself a date. Naaahhh...

    I think I found your problem.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    I hate it when someone wants to shove parties, alchohol and sex down my throat. I will never like these things. We're not all the same. I'm

  • You're not alone, I believe it's called being "An introverted extrovert.". I don't mind a good party with friends and some alcohol every now and then, but some people act like that's all there is to do at this age. No thanks for me, I'll be working on my art business and writing my books on the weekends thank you very much. That's where I get my fulfillment.

    Yeah, sometimes professors make those broad statements because they know that the majority are doing that, and I know a few of my university professors whom openly talk about their drinking and experiences like they were 19 year olds again.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    I hate it when someone wants to shove parties, alchohol and sex down my throat. I will never like these things. We're not all the same. I'm

  • If the liberal agenda means the government stops acting like a theocracy, sign me the fuck up.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    They just are influenced by the Liberal Agenda, i been talking talking about for the last 12 years, but no one listens to me. What do i know? Nothing.

  • Eh, I like some good-old hedonism sometimes, but people in college tend to binge drink and party a lot more than is advisable. I don't really have a problem with it though. Their livers, their grades, their consequences.

    I never had professors like that though. Seems pretty irresponsible.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    I hate it when someone wants to shove parties, alchohol and sex down my throat. I will never like these things. We're not all the same. I'm

  • My coffee machine broke today ;-;

  • Liberal agenda? Haha, I know right? Screw us for wanting other human beings to be treated like humans! Hahahahaha silly equality amirite?

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    They just are influenced by the Liberal Agenda, i been talking talking about for the last 12 years, but no one listens to me. What do i know? Nothing.

  • Oh man, I'm glad mine works. I'ma a very unpleasant person without my coffee.

    Quiff posted: »

    My coffee machine broke today ;-;

  • My reviews on Amazon are usually well-received but on IMDb they are disliked and down voted so much...

  • I've noticed a pattern on IMDb, where they downvote a review because it doesn't match the opinion of others.
    For example, everybody loved the new episode of Supernatural, but me, and my review got a lot of downvotes just because I have a different opinion. I didn't bash the episode in any manner.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    My reviews on Amazon are usually well-received but on IMDb they are disliked and down voted so much...

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