Ya. Waltz just saying, "I hate you because my father committed favoritism" was just a dumb "plot twist" and really poor handling of his character. C'MON MENDES. YOU DIRECTED SKYFALL HOW COULD YOU LET THE GREAT CHRISTOPH WALTZ DOWN FOR FUCKS SAKE.
I'm pretty sure this will be the last Craig Bond movie because he stated he didn't want to be Bond anymore. Instead of going out with a bang, it went out like a small fire cracker.
i thought it was cool. I've only seen the first Star Wars so forgive me for not sounding as enthusiastic like everyone else on this planet hehe. :P
I would make that thread but I like reviewing movies more than games. I find it easier. And for that last part, did you mean you "really DON'T want to deal with the notifcations," because it sounds like you did.
i got a couple of things i have to put.
* did any of you all seen the Star Wars 7 international trailer??? man that REALLY hyped me! t… morehe official trailer didnt move too much, but this holy hype.
* this one has nothing to do with this thread, but can someone do one for 2015 Games. i was going to make one, but im kinda lazy :P lol and i really want to deal with the notifications, specially if it will get as popular as this one.
I know dude. So much stuff has come up that I forget about the movie sometimes. I'll try to find it somewhere, and when I do, you bet your ass there's gon' be a review about it!
* i thought it was cool. I've only seen the first Star Wars so forgive me for not sounding as enthusiastic like everyone else on this planet… more hehe. :P
* I would make that thread but I like reviewing movies more than games. I find it easier. And for that last part, did you mean you "really DON'T want to deal with the notifcations," because it sounds like you did.
@ChuckTheLizard@Saltlick123, I thought the movie was mediocre to be honest, Christopher Waltz was playing himself as Blofeld (rather than playing Blofeld himself), the scene where Mister Hinx appears is the ONLY memorable thing about him, the theme song has since grown on me, this could be Daniel Craig's last outing as Bond.
Taken from another forum, regarding problems behind the scenes (and it shows too!!!)
Presumably the whole demolition sequence was in response to Blofeld not doing anything at all in the original version - and apparently Q was supposed to be abducted and captured at the lair, too. That must have been changed late on. Odd to read about Bond undercover with a female CIA (double) agent, the return of Felix and ski chases. Apparently Tanner was the traitor, too!
Also Blofeld was a woman at one point... and somebody at MGM suggested Madeline could have been working for him / her the whole time. Apparently Bond even saved her from drowning at one point. Vesper 1.5.
Nobody could seem to work out if Bond quit at the end of the movie, either. Though Blofeld was executed on the bridge, not spared. Deemed "too brutal."
I thought Waltz did a great job in acting terms but character wise, they wrote him so badly but that's not his fault. They did have a lot of behind the scene problems with the SONY leaks and botched shoots, I was hoping Felix would have a cameo but he didn't -maybe in the next one if there is another with Craig. Wouldn't have been surprised if Tanner was written to be a traitor just because he doesn't really do anything even though it would have been stupid and I was afraid that Waltz wasn't going to be the main villain and they were going to pull an Iron Man 3. And Goldeneye is your favorite Bond movie? Kewl, because it's mine TOO
I agree with Saltlick. Waltz did an incredible job. They just gave him a poorly written character, so that's all he had to work with.
I was hoping they would set up a kidnapping for Q because it would've made the whole thing more intense. The dude just got lucky that he got out of there.
I have been trying to get used to the theme song, but now it's stuck in my head and it's annoying the shit out of me. :P
Everything you said in that comment you found sounded like a whole better movie in my opinion. Wish they had stuck with it.
Casino Royale is my personal favorite.
Nit-picky comment: A ski chase scene would've been helluva a lot cooler than that plane chase scene we got. I EXPECTED MORE DAMMIT
@Saltlick123@ChuckTheLizard - Aw well, each to their own, I guess. I do compare Waltz's Blofeld to Ledger's Joker & Cumberbatch's Khan in that he tried to do his own updated version of said character, but unlike Joker, has failed to live up to my expectations of the character. Next up is this little gem:
@Saltlick123 @ChuckTheLizard - Aw well, each to their own, I guess. I do compare Waltz's Blofeld to Ledger's Joker & Cumberbatch's Khan … morein that he tried to do his own updated version of said character, but unlike Joker, has failed to live up to my expectations of the character. Next up is this little gem:
Spectre Movie Review
One of my most anticipated movies of the year turned out to be quite the disappointment. Here's what I gotta say… more about the newest James Bond installment, Spectre.
Spectre is directed by Sam Mendes - the guy who made Skyfall - and it stars Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Ralph Fiennes, and Lea Seydoux among many others. It essentially follows Bond as he tries to uncover the mystery revolving around the sinister organization, Spectre. Along the way, Bond goes through a series of events that reveal a disturbing connection between him and the head honcho of said organization.
The Positives
* The cast did a really good job as usual. Craig kills it as Bond cause he's a suave badass that can get the ladies like nothing. We've seen it in the previous films, so I don't need to say much here. Christoph Waltz, while a bit disappointing (I'll get to that later), still owned his role. His intro was great because he wa… [view original content]
It saddens me deeply to see films with so much potential crash and burn. That's how I feel Spectre went out.
EDIT: I also agree with the opening shot being great. I love it when directors manage to pull off, or make the scene seem, one take. This is one of the reasons why I really liked Birdman.
Nice review. I just saw the movie earlier today. Here are my thoughts on it:
-Action was great as always.
-Lea Sedoux's chara… morecter was the most interesting.
-The opening shot. (I dunno. Maybe I'm just a sucker for good scenes that are taken in one shot or something.)
-Cinematography was fantastic.
-Plot, while not bad, was pretty weak compared to films like Skyfall and Casino Royale.
-Villain had potential, but is dragged down by a weak backstory.
Final Verdict
While far from the best Bond film, I still think it's worth your time and money.
7/10 Good
I really liked this movie especially the ending. I love that after all this Bond still has humanity and knows when to stop. It really makes the whole anti-drone argument the movie was going with have in-universe weight. The whole 'connected' thing didn't bother me as much.
Also i REALLY hope that Blofeld doesn't brake out in 25. It would make the final scene look stupid to anyone who know what concequences it has
In one of the older scripts Q was kidnapped. It was handled horribly and abandoned immediately. I could link you to it but to save time: they caught him then in the next scene he brakes out.
I agree with Saltlick. Waltz did an incredible job. They just gave him a poorly written character, so that's all he had to work with.
I w… moreas hoping they would set up a kidnapping for Q because it would've made the whole thing more intense. The dude just got lucky that he got out of there.
I have been trying to get used to the theme song, but now it's stuck in my head and it's annoying the shit out of me. :P
Everything you said in that comment you found sounded like a whole better movie in my opinion. Wish they had stuck with it.
Casino Royale is my personal favorite.
Nit-picky comment: A ski chase scene would've been helluva a lot cooler than that plane chase scene we got. I EXPECTED MORE DAMMIT
@Saltlick123 @ChuckTheLizard - Aw well, each to their own, I guess. I do compare Waltz's Blofeld to Ledger's Joker & Cumberbatch's Khan … morein that he tried to do his own updated version of said character, but unlike Joker, has failed to live up to my expectations of the character. Next up is this little gem:
I think I'm getting WAYYY to obsessed with movie grossing. It happens daily for me. Also,
Home: D. I don't like this movie. It's melodramatic and the animation's shit. It doesn't fail, as it has some voice talent on it, but other than that, don't watch this movie.
The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water: B+. It had good animation, and was funny, and had an appealing plot, at least to me. The reason the movie gets a B+ is because ALMOST ALL OF THE MARKETING FOR THE MOVIE WENT TOWARDS THE FACT THEY WERE ON LAND, and they were only on land for like 15-25 minutes, and it didn't have the charm the old episodes have.
The Divergent Series: Insurgent: C. It was bad. It was enough like the book to identify it as it, but adds details in the movie that were nowhere near the book. Also, They spent way too much time with CGI effects, which they didn't need in the first place to make a movie adaption of the book. It would have been cheaper to make it more like the book. So, C.
Get Hard: ;_;. F. I despise this movie. I hate it so much. To the constant rape jokes to the sloppy transition to the scene where Will Ferrell almost gave a man a blowjob (Makes it hard to back and watch Elf). Avoid this movie.
Avengers: Age of Ultron: A. Great Action, great villain, mediocre comedy, great heroes, great dialogue, great effects. And did I mention great action?
Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2: C. I don't really think this movie was great for stuff like meh comedy, poor action, and the plot was just silly. But Kevin James was good, and I laughed a few times, so C.
Pitch Perfect 2: B+. It had a great plot, great music and I lol'd a few times. I did not like the running joke that Becca was in love with the rival female lead. She wasn't even that hot.
Tomorrowland: A. Another Brad Bird masterpiece. It does a great job telling the story, though I think they put too much money into it (it had a $190 budget). It was fantastic, I highly recommend it, to any and all.
San Andreas: B-. Good Action, good characters, but everytime they tried to develop characters, something happened to interrupt. Also, the tsunami is impossible as the bay area does not have enough water in it's oceans to produce a huge tsunami. P.S. I live near San Andreas, so I was pretty fuckin' scared XD.
Jurassic World: A+. I have no problem saying this, even though many people just thought it was ok. Had a good bad guy, the giant raptor, and Chris Pratt was great. It had great action, and was very suspenseful. It get's two thumbs up for me.
Inside Out: A+. Damn, there were good movies this year. It was extremely emotional, fantastic animation, hilarious, good adventure plot, and I feel weird for saying it, but suspenseful and had good action. I cried. I am a man about it >:(. A+.
Minions: C+. Good animation, good humor, shit plot, shit end, shit references, shit dirty references.
Ant-Man: A-, is had good action, good humor, good acting, great villain. Honestly going into the theatre I thought Ant-Man was just gonna win no problem, but when the villain pulled out his suit I was .
Smosh: The Movie: C+. Honestly I think it was funny, and had pretty good acting. I mean, the acting was good for someone who went from youtube skits to a movie. but the flaw here is that I think this is a plot they could have handled in a extra-long video, but they needlessly extended it to an hour and a half. Also, the CGI was shit.
Pixels: D-. This movie was baaaaaaaaad. It had a shit plot, shit CGI, shit dialogue, shit humor, shit EVERY FUCKING THING THAT HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH THIS FUCKING TRASH. But Peter Dinklage was good. So there's that.
Mission Impossible: Rouge Nation: A. Aw, hell yeah. We are going back to Mission Impossible. This movie was fantastic, to it's villain, to it's characters, to it's action to it's plot. This is fantastic, and I highly recommend it.
Shaun the Sheep movie: A+. Fuck it. A+. I can't believe I gave a movie that had no dialogue, about sheep going into town an A+. But it deserves it. The movie has great stop motion, and the slapstick here is awesome. It's surprisingly emotional. I've loved Shawn the Sheep growing up, and this movie tops the shorts. Still not as good as Inside out because, you know, pixar. They do almost everything right.
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials: B. This movie is nothing like the book. when I left the theatre, I was kind of pissed about that. I was expecting something else. But know that I think about it, it was an exhilarating action film, with amazing characters, side and main. I recommend it highly.
The Martian: A+. This film surprised me. It easily could have been depressing. But he decided he wasn't gonna die, so we get a surprisingly funny movie about half Marc Wattney (Played beautifully by Matt Damon, by the way) surviving, and half NASA getting him back. I also love the cinematography. This movie is great through and through.
Hotel Transylvania 2: C. This was like the first one, the animation was the same, and they used the same comedy. But, I like the comedy. The plot was, just, meh to me. I have complaints about the ending, but I'm trying to keep this spoiler-free.
Spectre: A-. This was awesome. Almost better than skyfall, but not just quite. It had amazing action, great directing, hilarious, and had a great performance by Daniel Craig to top it all off. So why is this A-? Because 1: They try to emotionalize Bond, but frankly, I don't give a fuck about that, because they keep having action scenes, and 2: The subplot and normal plot was taken straight from Mission Impossible: Rouge Nation. But this film was amazing, and I highly recommend it.
I will post more reviews here as I see more movies.
I think I'm getting WAYYY to obsessed with movie grossing. It happens daily for me. Also,
Home: D. I don't like this movie. It's melodram… moreatic and the animation's shit. It doesn't fail, as it has some voice talent on it, but other than that, don't watch this movie.
The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water: B+. It had good animation, and was funny, and had an appealing plot, at least to me. The reason the movie gets a B+ is because ALMOST ALL OF THE MARKETING FOR THE MOVIE WENT TOWARDS THE FACT THEY WERE ON LAND, and they were only on land for like 15-25 minutes, and it didn't have the charm the old episodes have.
The Divergent Series: Insurgent: C. It was bad. It was enough like the book to identify it as it, but adds details in the movie that were nowhere near the book. Also, They spent way too much time with CGI effects, which they didn't need in the first place to make a movie adaption of the book. It would have been cheaper to mak… [view original content]
I think I'm getting WAYYY to obsessed with movie grossing. It happens daily for me. Also,
Home: D. I don't like this movie. It's melodram… moreatic and the animation's shit. It doesn't fail, as it has some voice talent on it, but other than that, don't watch this movie.
The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water: B+. It had good animation, and was funny, and had an appealing plot, at least to me. The reason the movie gets a B+ is because ALMOST ALL OF THE MARKETING FOR THE MOVIE WENT TOWARDS THE FACT THEY WERE ON LAND, and they were only on land for like 15-25 minutes, and it didn't have the charm the old episodes have.
The Divergent Series: Insurgent: C. It was bad. It was enough like the book to identify it as it, but adds details in the movie that were nowhere near the book. Also, They spent way too much time with CGI effects, which they didn't need in the first place to make a movie adaption of the book. It would have been cheaper to mak… [view original content]
I think I saw the Steve Jobs movie earlier this year. It was on a TV channel while my family and I were at the beach, It aired between 1 AM — 4 AM. I might rewatch it again to give my own review.
Because I think before/after it was a movie about a girl who was kidnapped for 8 or so years. I forgot the name of the movie.
I agree with Saltlick. Waltz did an incredible job. They just gave him a poorly written character, so that's all he had to work with.
I w… moreas hoping they would set up a kidnapping for Q because it would've made the whole thing more intense. The dude just got lucky that he got out of there.
I have been trying to get used to the theme song, but now it's stuck in my head and it's annoying the shit out of me. :P
Everything you said in that comment you found sounded like a whole better movie in my opinion. Wish they had stuck with it.
Casino Royale is my personal favorite.
Nit-picky comment: A ski chase scene would've been helluva a lot cooler than that plane chase scene we got. I EXPECTED MORE DAMMIT
I think I saw the Steve Jobs movie earlier this year. It was on a TV channel while my family and I were at the beach, It aired between 1 AM … more— 4 AM. I might rewatch it again to give my own review.
Because I think before/after it was a movie about a girl who was kidnapped for 8 or so years. I forgot the name of the movie.
Aside from that, I watched Inside Out.
Rating: A++
Hello everyone. In a few weeks I'm going to review something a little out of the ordinary, I'll be reviewing Fallout 4! I'm getting an early copy today, so once I'm done with the game, there's gon' be a god damn review on it! I'm probably going to do this once since it's a special occasion. If anyone is willing to create the 2015 or whatever thread for games, please do because it would be epic.
Also in one of the last 3 versions is one of the worst one liners you will hear in your life:
Bond Approches the wounded Blofeld with a g… moreun in hand
(A bunch of descriptions of the scene)
Blofeld: Finish it little brother
Bond looks at Blofeld
Bond: You are my little brother
Shoots Blofeld
That would have been awfull.
Yea it was no secret that Jobs was a jerk off to his employees. I've seen it in documentaries, read stories about him, etc.
I'm not surprised since this isn't really a big movie, and not many are interested in seeing it. I did hear it was well acted, well written, and had a really good story. Ultimately though, not many gave a shit.
I saw the 2013 one with Ashton Kutcher now that you mention him.
Steve Jobs is an asshole ask the employees who previously worked for him.
The 2015 one is reportedly pulled from 2,000 theaters for poor box office results.
In one of the older scripts Q was kidnapped. It was handled horribly and abandoned immediately. I could link you to it but to save time: they caught him then in the next scene he brakes out.
Yeah. Also in that version the script Spectre's entire goal was to get ONE file that Mr Whites daughter had that would destroy THE ENTIRE ORGANISATION FOREVER. It was considered so bad and unrealistic that the entire thing was rewritten to fit the moral argument of drones. Which in comparison is basically Twilight vs Hamlet. AND THIS CHANGE TOOK PLACE IN OCTOBER OF LAST YEAR!!!!
The more i look into the production the more i see this movie as a miracle.
Seeing this movie later today. Oh, Happy Days!!!
Ya. Waltz just saying, "I hate you because my father committed favoritism" was just a dumb "plot twist" and really poor handling of his character. C'MON MENDES. YOU DIRECTED SKYFALL HOW COULD YOU LET THE GREAT CHRISTOPH WALTZ DOWN FOR FUCKS SAKE.
I'm pretty sure this will be the last Craig Bond movie because he stated he didn't want to be Bond anymore. Instead of going out with a bang, it went out like a small fire cracker.
Hope you have fun with it.
Tell me what you thought of it after.
i thought it was cool. I've only seen the first Star Wars so forgive me for not sounding as enthusiastic like everyone else on this planet hehe. :P
I would make that thread but I like reviewing movies more than games. I find it easier. And for that last part, did you mean you "really DON'T want to deal with the notifcations," because it sounds like you did.
Will do!!!
hell yeah lol.
lol yes. i DON'T want to deal with the truck load of notifications. like i said if it gets as popular as this one.
Hope you enjoy it
@ChuckTheLizard @Saltlick123, I thought the movie was mediocre to be honest, Christopher Waltz was playing himself as Blofeld (rather than playing Blofeld himself), the scene where Mister Hinx appears is the ONLY memorable thing about him, the theme song has since grown on me, this could be Daniel Craig's last outing as Bond.
Taken from another forum, regarding problems behind the scenes (and it shows too!!!)
In terms of favourites:
Are you commenting on IMDb? Because I am.
I thought Waltz did a great job in acting terms but character wise, they wrote him so badly but that's not his fault. They did have a lot of behind the scene problems with the SONY leaks and botched shoots, I was hoping Felix would have a cameo but he didn't -maybe in the next one if there is another with Craig. Wouldn't have been surprised if Tanner was written to be a traitor just because he doesn't really do anything even though it would have been stupid and I was afraid that Waltz wasn't going to be the main villain and they were going to pull an Iron Man 3. And Goldeneye is your favorite Bond movie? Kewl, because it's mine TOO
I agree with Saltlick. Waltz did an incredible job. They just gave him a poorly written character, so that's all he had to work with.
I was hoping they would set up a kidnapping for Q because it would've made the whole thing more intense. The dude just got lucky that he got out of there.
I have been trying to get used to the theme song, but now it's stuck in my head and it's annoying the shit out of me. :P
Everything you said in that comment you found sounded like a whole better movie in my opinion. Wish they had stuck with it.
Casino Royale is my personal favorite.
Nit-picky comment: A ski chase scene would've been helluva a lot cooler than that plane chase scene we got. I EXPECTED MORE DAMMIT
@Saltlick123 @ChuckTheLizard - Aw well, each to their own, I guess. I do compare Waltz's Blofeld to Ledger's Joker & Cumberbatch's Khan in that he tried to do his own updated version of said character, but unlike Joker, has failed to live up to my expectations of the character. Next up is this little gem:
I'm interested in Bridge of Spies. I just hope it's not too boring.
Guys, we got Spectre all wrong- watch this for the truth (I think I LOL'ed more than I should have...) 2:15-2:45 LOL
enter link description here
Alcoholism. The real villain.
Nice review. I just saw the movie earlier today. Here are my thoughts on it:
-Action was great as always.
-Lea Sedoux's character was the most interesting.
-The opening shot. (I dunno. Maybe I'm just a sucker for good scenes that are taken in one shot or something.)
-Cinematography was fantastic.
-Plot, while not bad, was pretty weak compared to films like Skyfall and Casino Royale.
-Villain had potential, but is dragged down by a weak backstory.
Final Verdict
While far from the best Bond film, I still think it's worth your time and money.
7/10 Good
It saddens me deeply to see films with so much potential crash and burn. That's how I feel Spectre went out.
EDIT: I also agree with the opening shot being great. I love it when directors manage to pull off, or make the scene seem, one take. This is one of the reasons why I really liked Birdman.
I really liked this movie especially the ending. I love that after all this Bond still has humanity and knows when to stop. It really makes the whole anti-drone argument the movie was going with have in-universe weight. The whole 'connected' thing didn't bother me as much.
Also i REALLY hope that Blofeld doesn't brake out in 25. It would make the final scene look stupid to anyone who know what concequences it has
In one of the older scripts Q was kidnapped. It was handled horribly and abandoned immediately. I could link you to it but to save time: they caught him then in the next scene he brakes out.
Awesome movie. Hope you enjoy
I know i probably have the minorities opinion but i really liked Specter. Its not Skyfall but to me its a good movie.
I think I'm getting WAYYY to obsessed with movie grossing. It happens daily for me. Also,
Home: D. I don't like this movie. It's melodramatic and the animation's shit. It doesn't fail, as it has some voice talent on it, but other than that, don't watch this movie.
The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water: B+. It had good animation, and was funny, and had an appealing plot, at least to me. The reason the movie gets a B+ is because ALMOST ALL OF THE MARKETING FOR THE MOVIE WENT TOWARDS THE FACT THEY WERE ON LAND, and they were only on land for like 15-25 minutes, and it didn't have the charm the old episodes have.
The Divergent Series: Insurgent: C. It was bad. It was enough like the book to identify it as it, but adds details in the movie that were nowhere near the book. Also, They spent way too much time with CGI effects, which they didn't need in the first place to make a movie adaption of the book. It would have been cheaper to make it more like the book. So, C.
Get Hard: ;_;. F. I despise this movie. I hate it so much. To the constant rape jokes to the sloppy transition to the scene where Will Ferrell almost gave a man a blowjob (Makes it hard to back and watch Elf). Avoid this movie.
Avengers: Age of Ultron: A. Great Action, great villain, mediocre comedy, great heroes, great dialogue, great effects. And did I mention great action?
Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2: C. I don't really think this movie was great for stuff like meh comedy, poor action, and the plot was just silly. But Kevin James was good, and I laughed a few times, so C.
Pitch Perfect 2: B+. It had a great plot, great music and I lol'd a few times. I did not like the running joke that Becca was in love with the rival female lead. She wasn't even that hot.
Tomorrowland: A. Another Brad Bird masterpiece. It does a great job telling the story, though I think they put too much money into it (it had a $190 budget). It was fantastic, I highly recommend it, to any and all.
San Andreas: B-. Good Action, good characters, but everytime they tried to develop characters, something happened to interrupt. Also, the tsunami is impossible as the bay area does not have enough water in it's oceans to produce a huge tsunami. P.S. I live near San Andreas, so I was pretty fuckin' scared XD.
Jurassic World: A+. I have no problem saying this, even though many people just thought it was ok. Had a good bad guy, the giant raptor, and Chris Pratt was great. It had great action, and was very suspenseful. It get's two thumbs up for me.
Inside Out: A+. Damn, there were good movies this year. It was extremely emotional, fantastic animation, hilarious, good adventure plot, and I feel weird for saying it, but suspenseful and had good action. I cried. I am a man about it >:(. A+.
Minions: C+. Good animation, good humor, shit plot, shit end, shit references, shit dirty references.
Ant-Man: A-, is had good action, good humor, good acting, great villain. Honestly going into the theatre I thought Ant-Man was just gonna win no problem, but when the villain pulled out his suit I was
Smosh: The Movie: C+. Honestly I think it was funny, and had pretty good acting. I mean, the acting was good for someone who went from youtube skits to a movie. but the flaw here is that I think this is a plot they could have handled in a extra-long video, but they needlessly extended it to an hour and a half. Also, the CGI was shit.
Pixels: D-. This movie was baaaaaaaaad. It had a shit plot, shit CGI, shit dialogue, shit humor, shit EVERY FUCKING THING THAT HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH THIS FUCKING TRASH. But Peter Dinklage was good. So there's that.
Mission Impossible: Rouge Nation: A. Aw, hell yeah. We are going back to Mission Impossible. This movie was fantastic, to it's villain, to it's characters, to it's action to it's plot. This is fantastic, and I highly recommend it.
Shaun the Sheep movie: A+. Fuck it. A+. I can't believe I gave a movie that had no dialogue, about sheep going into town an A+. But it deserves it. The movie has great stop motion, and the slapstick here is awesome. It's surprisingly emotional. I've loved Shawn the Sheep growing up, and this movie tops the shorts. Still not as good as Inside out because, you know, pixar. They do almost everything right.
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials: B. This movie is nothing like the book. when I left the theatre, I was kind of pissed about that. I was expecting something else. But know that I think about it, it was an exhilarating action film, with amazing characters, side and main. I recommend it highly.
The Martian: A+. This film surprised me. It easily could have been depressing. But he decided he wasn't gonna die, so we get a surprisingly funny movie about half Marc Wattney (Played beautifully by Matt Damon, by the way) surviving, and half NASA getting him back. I also love the cinematography. This movie is great through and through.
Hotel Transylvania 2: C. This was like the first one, the animation was the same, and they used the same comedy. But, I like the comedy. The plot was, just, meh to me. I have complaints about the ending, but I'm trying to keep this spoiler-free.
Spectre: A-. This was awesome. Almost better than skyfall, but not just quite. It had amazing action, great directing, hilarious, and had a great performance by Daniel Craig to top it all off. So why is this A-? Because 1: They try to emotionalize Bond, but frankly, I don't give a fuck about that, because they keep having action scenes, and 2: The subplot and normal plot was taken straight from Mission Impossible: Rouge Nation. But this film was amazing, and I highly recommend it.
I will post more reviews here as I see more movies.
Nice! Great to see you back here.
I also have it a 8 on IMDb, it has a lot of flaws but I still like it.
. I think its awesome but it's very divisive
The movie Home is baaaad.
What puts me off is the bad grammar such as:
“Can I go in to the outside now?”
I think I saw the Steve Jobs movie earlier this year. It was on a TV channel while my family and I were at the beach, It aired between 1 AM — 4 AM. I might rewatch it again to give my own review.
Because I think before/after it was a movie about a girl who was kidnapped for 8 or so years. I forgot the name of the movie.
Aside from that, I watched Inside Out.
Rating: A++
Also in one of the last 3 versions is one of the worst one liners you will hear in your life:
Bond Approches the wounded Blofeld with a gun in hand
(A bunch of descriptions of the scene)
Blofeld: Finish it little brother
Bond looks at Blofeld
Bond: You are my little brother
Shoots Blofeld
That would have been awfull.
I heard Steve Jobs was loads better than Jobs with Ashton whatever.
INSIDE OUT. A+ Movie for sure,
Hello everyone. In a few weeks I'm going to review something a little out of the ordinary, I'll be reviewing Fallout 4! I'm getting an early copy today, so once I'm done with the game, there's gon' be a god damn review on it! I'm probably going to do this once since it's a special occasion. If anyone is willing to create the 2015 or whatever thread for games, please do because it would be epic.
Ugh. So god damn cheesy.
Edit: Oh wait, he shoots him! Wtf that's retarded lol.
I saw the 2013 one with Ashton Kutcher now that you mention him.
Steve Jobs is an asshole ask the employees who previously worked for him.
The 2015 one is reportedly pulled from 2,000 theaters for poor box office results.
Yea it was no secret that Jobs was a jerk off to his employees. I've seen it in documentaries, read stories about him, etc.
I'm not surprised since this isn't really a big movie, and not many are interested in seeing it. I did hear it was well acted, well written, and had a really good story. Ultimately though, not many gave a shit.
Yes. That was one of the FINAL scripts. You get it right? 'Im the bigger 'man'
Sorry dude, didn't see this comment until now.
Oh, if that's the case then forget about it hehe.
"My hands are in the air like I just do not care."
Man get the fuck outta here with that shit you dumb ass alien.
Yeah. Also in that version the script Spectre's entire goal was to get ONE file that Mr Whites daughter had that would destroy THE ENTIRE ORGANISATION FOREVER. It was considered so bad and unrealistic that the entire thing was rewritten to fit the moral argument of drones. Which in comparison is basically Twilight vs Hamlet. AND THIS CHANGE TOOK PLACE IN OCTOBER OF LAST YEAR!!!!
The more i look into the production the more i see this movie as a miracle.
Yeah it was one of the first scenes to be completely rewritten, and thank god for that.