What do you think will happen in the end?

I think Olivia will learn she was the daughter of Ellegaard, Axel will learn he was the son of Magnus. Jesse will learn he was the son of Ivor. Petra will learn he was the daugther of Gabriel. And Lukas will learn he was the son of Soren. The gang will become The Order Of The Diamond!



  • I hope Telltale won't go dark on us and let Reuben get killed by the witherstorm.

  • Write what do you think will happen.

  • Noooooooo! Let Rueben be the hero!
    I'm a fan of pigs especially of Rueben!

    Smellmeh posted: »

    I hope Telltale won't go dark on us and let Reuben get killed by the witherstorm.

  • I just did. I think Telltale will go dark on us and the witherstorm will kill Reuben in the end. (Because they did that with Lee in TWD)

    starygt posted: »

    Write what do you think will happen.

  • We get an ending and credits screen.

  • HA HA HA... It's so funny and I forgot how to laugh.

    We get an ending and credits screen.

  • edited November 2015

    Petra will learn he was the daugther of Gabriel.

    This is so wrong...

  • Eat a Reuben sandwich hopefully.

  • edited November 2015

    Almost everyone dies terribly and the few that don't become hopeless and live out the remainder of their days in solitude and regret for failing their loved ones. The series ends on a dark note as the remaining people are just awful to each other, they steal from and murder one another just for the sake of cruelty.

    Jesse will be forced to kill Reuben and eat the porkchops and bacon made from him. They bacon strips will have a slight taste of betrayal on them; Jesse then realizes he/she enjoys the taste of betrayal and begins killing their friends and loved ones in order to taste more of it. Once all of the people Jesse knows are dead (s)he'll realize the error of their ways and live out the rest of their life in misery for his lost friends. Then a random griefer will pass by and flay Jesse as we are forced to watch and dwell on how the world has taken a severe turn for the worse and we failed to stop it. Everyone is dead, and it's our fault.

    That, or everything will be resolved and there'll be a happy ending.

  • I'm expecting a very cheesy ending. The witherstorm will be defeated by the power of friendship, everyone'll be okay, happy, eating cotton candy, running into the sunset x)

  • Only few who know of the Reuben sandwich will get that one!

    Eat a Reuben sandwich hopefully.

  • Is not that light. Telltale will give us a great ending to the series!

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    I'm expecting a very cheesy ending. The witherstorm will be defeated by the power of friendship, everyone'll be okay, happy, eating cotton candy, running into the sunset x)

  • You said it in the title friend. The end. I feel like the only way to stop a horrifying monster is with another horrifying monster. MegaWither Vs EnderDragon. Holy shit, SOMEBODY GET THE SYFY CHANNEL ON THE PHONE, I FOUND THEM A NEW MOVIE TO DO!

  • edited November 2015

    enter link description here

    You're a damn sadistic and disturbing mother fucker, huh?

    Almost everyone dies terribly and the few that don't become hopeless and live out the remainder of their days in solitude and regret for fai

  • Not a bad idea, that sounds awesome! Oh wait. The EnderDragon is dead remember?

    You said it in the title friend. The end. I feel like the only way to stop a horrifying monster is with another horrifying monster. MegaWither Vs EnderDragon. Holy shit, SOMEBODY GET THE SYFY CHANNEL ON THE PHONE, I FOUND THEM A NEW MOVIE TO DO!

  • Not exactly, No. Upon slaying the Ender Dragon, You receive the Ender Dragon egg. That could be this series' Ex Machina.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Not a bad idea, that sounds awesome! Oh wait. The EnderDragon is dead remember?

  • Oh so Gabriel might have an egg. (Or Soren)

    Not exactly, No. Upon slaying the Ender Dragon, You receive the Ender Dragon egg. That could be this series' Ex Machina.

  • I don't mind a darker or lighter ending, just please let it be unpredictable :D

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Is not that light. Telltale will give us a great ending to the series!

  • I think someone will die in the end. Could be Lukas, Petra, or maybe Jesse. But i really like those 3.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    I don't mind a darker or lighter ending, just please let it be unpredictable

  • edited November 2015

    Ok i have already made a lot of predictions. But heres my main prediction.

    In episode 5. Jesse, The gang, The order of the stone, gathers weopens, TNT, Sorens Super TNT. (If it is still a plan in episode 5) And then they march to a field full of zombies, spiders, bow skletons, creepers, and of course The Witherstorm. Jesse pulls out his sword and raises it skyward! And then a battle for the world starts and Jesse fights The Witherstorm with help from The Order. It starts raining hard while The gang fights for their world. Reuben attacks a zombie the same way he attacked the butcher in episode 1. Lukas uses a bow and shoots creepers. And Petra/Gabriel with her/his arm all cured, she/he gets on top of the Witherstorm and starts stabbing the middle head. Axel and Oliva helped Reuben to make sure he doesn't get another black eye. Then Lukas gets shot 3 times with arrrows. Jesse sees he is injured. He/she runs to him. He says "Don't worry about me Jesse, you gotta destroy that Witherstorm or we are all gonna die." Jesse says "Don't say that Lukas, i can save you." Lukas hands Jesse the last of his arrows. Lukas then says "You gotta do this." Then the gang comes to get Lukas to safety. With the Witherstorm weaken by the damage of Sorens Super TNT and has no abillity to fight anymore. Jesse puts fire on his/her last arrow and shoots the arrow into the middle and The Witherstorm disappears. Jesse stands on mountain and raises his/her sword and says "Victory!" The gang returns to town and everyone cheers their team name! (The name you choosed for the building thing)
    And Lukas is there with bandages. And he smiles at Jesse and says "You did it Jesse" Jesse says "No Lukas...We did it." Then everyone in the world of Minecraft now knows Jesse and their gang as...The New Order Of The Stone! And then the credits starts playing.

    So ya this might be a cheesy and a bit dramatic. But hey, who says i can't have fun writing a short prediction story. :P

  • Olvia the Redstone Engineer.
    Jesse the architect [leader of the order of the stone]
    Axel the griefer
    Lukas the warrior..
    and Petra, i am not sure but Gabriel/Petra dies soo, i think when Petra is alive she doesnt want it or gets to be a fifth member...

    And Reuben, the enderdragon! yusss

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Ok i have already made a lot of predictions. But heres my main prediction. In episode 5. Jesse, The gang, The order of the stone, gathers

  • And when one story ends another one begins (Season 2)

    And then boom we got ourselves an ending!

    Olvia the Redstone Engineer. Jesse the architect [leader of the order of the stone] Axel the griefer Lukas the warrior.. and Petra, i am

  • All the foresters die because Asher brought back 20-25 men (of which 3 died already) while Whitehill's have over 500 men. We start season 2 with a new family, with mention of house forrestor destruction and get another chance to stop Whitehill bullying.

  • edited November 2015

    And he smiles at Jesse and says "You did it Jesse" Jesse says "No Lukas...We did it."

    enter image description here

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Ok i have already made a lot of predictions. But heres my main prediction. In episode 5. Jesse, The gang, The order of the stone, gathers

  • Reuben betrays everyone and destroys humanity and the whole world by taking control of the wither creature. Then he travels the galaxy enslaving every planet in his reach.

  • One of the characters die, and it's Petra. She takes a mortal wound, and as she lays dying, Lukas unveils a special potion that she always wants it and gave it to her. It then raises her towards the heaven before dropping her causing her to die by fall damage and disappear.

  • enter image description here

    Abeille posted: »

    And he smiles at Jesse and says "You did it Jesse" Jesse says "No Lukas...We did it."

  • im sorry my lady but you re on the wrong part of the forum

    All the foresters die because Asher brought back 20-25 men (of which 3 died already) while Whitehill's have over 500 men. We start season 2

  • This is the minecraft forum mannnn.

    All the foresters die because Asher brought back 20-25 men (of which 3 died already) while Whitehill's have over 500 men. We start season 2

  • enter image description here

    Reuben betrays everyone and destroys humanity and the whole world by taking control of the wither creature. Then he travels the galaxy enslaving every planet in his reach.

  • Jesse And Petra Now Than Are Brother and sisters

  • enter image description here

    One of the characters die, and it's Petra. She takes a mortal wound, and as she lays dying, Lukas unveils a special potion that she always w

  • I feel like Gabriel will ride the ender dragon into battle shouting "ARE YOU WITH ME!"

    Not exactly, No. Upon slaying the Ender Dragon, You receive the Ender Dragon egg. That could be this series' Ex Machina.

  • I actually feel like Gabriel is all around boned. He won't be making it to a final battle Imho.

    I feel like Gabriel will ride the ender dragon into battle shouting "ARE YOU WITH ME!"

  • Yes. I mean, it'd be great if that happened between Oliva and Jesse instead, but that is all around 8 million times better.

    Abeille posted: »

    And he smiles at Jesse and says "You did it Jesse" Jesse says "No Lukas...We did it."

  • I do have a theory that Gabreil/Petra will get killed off but I would love if what I said could happen

    I actually feel like Gabriel is all around boned. He won't be making it to a final battle Imho.

  • How did you get the female Jesse avatar?

    Olvia the Redstone Engineer. Jesse the architect [leader of the order of the stone] Axel the griefer Lukas the warrior.. and Petra, i am

  • edited November 2015


    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Petra will learn he was the daugther of Gabriel. This is so wrong...

  • With Gravatar, if you make an account and connect it with telltale it will copy the profile picture

    How did you get the female Jesse avatar?

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