The Vent/Help Thread



  • What is your record?

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I hate it when someone wants to shove parties, alcohol and sex down my throat. I will never like these things. I like all 3 of these things. I been drunk for the past 3 days, trying to go for my record.

  • When Jack Daniels calls you more than your family, fuck em.

    Not me. I get it. I've been down a long time. Can't drink anymore though, sadly.

  • month i don't know.

    What is your record?

  • That's pretty long, try to not get alcohol poisoning.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    month i don't know.

  • I love how you people infer words in my mouth.

    Its cute almost. At this point. I don't even care anymore.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    So you think that people being more tolerant of gays is something bad? Is it part of the 'liberal bullshit'?

  • edited November 2015

    Heh, I'm not inferring words in your mouth since you bring up all the time how you truly dislike the 'liberal agenda' and everything related to it. So if you think that people becoming more tolerant of gays is part of the liberal conspiracy, I don't see how I'm putting words in your mouth. My line of thought is just based on your previous comments.

    Edit: And honestly, you bring that up even when the discussion has nothing to do with it, like now. Sorry if you feel like I'm putting words in your mouth, but is it that hard not to blame the liberal agenda for everything? Being tolerant of people different from us shouldn't be considered exclusive to a certain political ideology.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I love how you people infer words in my mouth. Its cute almost. At this point. I don't even care anymore.

  • edited November 2015

    School and work have become too much. That's all I have to say. Bye y'all.

    Moderator Edit: SupernovaeHollay requested a temporary/voluntary ban to focus on school/work. We usually don't do voluntary bans as of lately, but I'm just leaving this notice to prevent confusion from people thinking this ban was from them doing something bad. - Blind Sniper

  • I hope it eases up on you. Stress isn't a fun thing (Thanks captain obvious, I know)

    School and work have become too much. That's all I have to say. Bye y'all. Moderator Edit: SupernovaeHollay requested a temporary/volunta

  • I'm not sure if you're mocking me or being genuine.

    I hope it eases up on you. Stress isn't a fun thing (Thanks captain obvious, I know)

  • Genuine.

    I might get into arguments with you but at the end of the day you're still a good person and I don't wish to see your over encumbered with stress. Plus, I do consider you a friend.

    I'm not sure if you're mocking me or being genuine.

  • I know the feeling, Hopefully things start going better for you.

    School and work have become too much. That's all I have to say. Bye y'all. Moderator Edit: SupernovaeHollay requested a temporary/volunta

  • Ever since Black Ops 3 came out, some friends on Xbox Live keep badgering me to get Black OOps 3, even though the earliest I can get it is Christmas. Fuck, it's like people forget that AAA games are expensive.

  • edited November 2015

    Well I am freaking pissed even more at Microsoft and Square Enix. So Rise Of The tomb raider reviews are coming out and it is getting 9's all across the board which I should be happy about right? And in some ways I am, but I can't help, but be pissed that Microsoft chose the worst freaking timing and decided the release it the same day as Fallout 4 and I am pissed at square Enix for making it timed exclusive as well even though I'm on xbox. Because it being Timed exclusive and coming out same day as Fallout means it isn't gonna sell for sh** and it isn't going to get any attention at all which makes me freaking mad because I love this series and I want it to continue and I want everyone else to enjoy it as well, but obviously that isn't going to happen. So thank you Microsoft and Square Enix for the worst decision ever and making it timed exclusive which isn't going to help anybody.

    I will be shocked if it even sells 100,000 copies.

  • edited November 2015

    Additional rant: I f**ing hate the gaming community. Everyone has to be a freaking douche to each other and always start console wars and always have to complain about everything. Why can't people act civilized for once. It's the worst on ign.

    It's always "xbox one sucks" or "ps4 sucks or "pc masterrace". It's all bullsh** and people need to grow up and learn to respect each other and stop trying to act like their console is so much better and stop trying to hate on other people's console just to make themselves feel better about their own console. All the systems are nice and pretty much exactly the same except slightly different graphics and a few exclusives here and there.

    I swear you never get this crap from nintendo gamers. You never hear them crapping on the other consoles because unlike the other console owners they are actually content with their consoles and are just happy with what they have and keep out of all the console war bs.

    P.S: I'd like to note I know not all PS4, Xbox one, and PC owners are fanboy idiots. Alot of them are cool, but it just seems the vocal minority out weighs the silent majority. Also I apologize for the crappy grammer. I'm an idiot that never learned proper punctuation.

  • edited November 2015


    Nah, just kidding. It's true that these console wars are childlish, they just want to feel superior to eachover by bashing other systems. You pratically never hear Nintendo gamers starting a fight even though they are often mocked by other gamers. I've heard so many "true" gamers telling me that I was childlish for still playing Nintendo games, if I am a child for having fun then I'll gladly keep playing my "kid" games.

    Additional rant: I f**ing hate the gaming community. Everyone has to be a freaking douche to each other and always start console wars and al

  • Exactly and you wanna know what's funny? People will make fun of nintendo and crap on them, yet nintendo historically and typically have the highest rated games and when you look at top game of all times list or top game series of all time nintendo consistently has the most games on the list and more often than not has a number 1 spot on those very list. People can make fun of nintendo all they want, but they are legends in the gaming industry and highly successful and have arguably the best gaming developer/creator of all time in Shigeru Miyamoto. That's why I want to buy a NN3DS so I can enjoy alot of their games and just relax without someone trying to start a console war.

    CatySky posted: »

    NintendoMasterrace Nah, just kidding. It's true that these console wars are childlish, they just want to feel superior to eachover by bas

  • Don't get the point of requesting a ban. Why not just ignore the forums for awhile?

    School and work have become too much. That's all I have to say. Bye y'all. Moderator Edit: SupernovaeHollay requested a temporary/volunta

  • edited November 2015

    What I find hilarious is when they fight about who has more exclusives, seeing as Nintendo systems have dozens more exclusive games than an Xbox One and a PS4. Can't really argue with the PC gamers on this one because yeah... Steam beats all for the number of games.

    People should just chill and enjoy gaming with whatever platform they're on.

    Exactly and you wanna know what's funny? People will make fun of nintendo and crap on them, yet nintendo historically and typically have the

  • It's a different feeling of knowing that you can't do much aside from viewing topics.

    I did request a ban before during the time when I went through rehab.

    Don't get the point of requesting a ban. Why not just ignore the forums for awhile?

  • I don't see why the PS4 and the XB1 get so much competition of their overall performance is the same? It's just that the Playstation systems has a bit more focus on the graphical aspects of games thus the noticeable darker visual display (based on the comparisons). The Xbox systems focuses on smoother fps (and don't get me started with laggy games, it's most likely a system defect or the game itself).

    The PC is a good system for playing video games, but after a few years you'll have to get a newer and better rig to play latest games with the best performance.

    I feel like people just wanna feel superior with their system because they see a feature the system the own has that the other doesn't. Sadly, there's nothing we can do but hope that they learn to accept.

    Most of the time though, they're just trolling.

    (I apologize for any spelling and grammatical mistakes, I wrote this on my phone.)

    Additional rant: I f**ing hate the gaming community. Everyone has to be a freaking douche to each other and always start console wars and al

  • I've never been updated with Nintendo lately aside from the fact that they have a new Smash Bros. game.

    The last Nintendo® console I ever had was the Wii, and you betcha I had fun with Mario Kart.

    People just bash on Nintendo since their demographic (is that the right word?) is aimed for mostly pre-teens.

    I want to buy a 3DS for the latest Pokémon games, but I also want a PS4 too.

    I'm torn, please help. ;_;

    Exactly and you wanna know what's funny? People will make fun of nintendo and crap on them, yet nintendo historically and typically have the

  • enter image description here

    School and work have become too much. That's all I have to say. Bye y'all. Moderator Edit: SupernovaeHollay requested a temporary/volunta

  • edited November 2015

    Wait... why is Rise of the Tomb Raider timed exclusive? Shouldn't it be on sale permanently?

    Well I am freaking pissed even more at Microsoft and Square Enix. So Rise Of The tomb raider reviews are coming out and it is getting 9's al

  • I'm getting a new nintendo 3ds, but that's because I want to play some zelda and mario games. Not getting a WiiU though since it will be going out of style next year with the NX. Do you have any current gen console right now? If not I'd get a ps4 then. If so I'd get a 3ds

    I've never been updated with Nintendo lately aside from the fact that they have a new Smash Bros. game. The last Nintendo® console I ever

  • I was about to get mad at someone, holly is one of the nicest people on here. Don't worry so much holly, FALLOUT 4 Tomorrow. WOrk is pointless, unless you work for yourself, do as little as possible.

    School and work have become too much. That's all I have to say. Bye y'all. Moderator Edit: SupernovaeHollay requested a temporary/volunta

  • LOL that game is destined for failure, you know why? They pigeonholed it on one system, plus releasing on Fallout 4 day wasn't the smartest thing they did.

    Well I am freaking pissed even more at Microsoft and Square Enix. So Rise Of The tomb raider reviews are coming out and it is getting 9's al

  • I'm leaning forward to a PS4, since it has exclusives that I like.

    I'm getting a new nintendo 3ds, but that's because I want to play some zelda and mario games. Not getting a WiiU though since it will be goi

  • I'm 100% psyched. Already got two days of vacation time lined up.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I was about to get mad at someone, holly is one of the nicest people on here. Don't worry so much holly, FALLOUT 4 Tomorrow. WOrk is pointless, unless you work for yourself, do as little as possible.

  • People been doing this stuff since i was a child. Back then it was Nintendo vs Sega. Nothing new. It's just children copying what they see.

    Additional rant: I f**ing hate the gaming community. Everyone has to be a freaking douche to each other and always start console wars and al

  • edited November 2015

    During Microsoft's Gamescom 2014, they announced ROTTR as a timed-exclusive for Xbox platforms.

    It will release for Windows PC on Q1 2016 and the PS4 on Q4 2016.

    Edit: This doesn't mean that the game will stop selling copies, it's just that the Xbox platforms get it earlier before it being releaesed to other platoforms.

    So yes, it will still be sold in stores by 2016.

    Wait... why is Rise of the Tomb Raider timed exclusive? Shouldn't it be on sale permanently?

  • enter image description here

    That's...... rather idiotic...

    During Microsoft's Gamescom 2014, they announced ROTTR as a timed-exclusive for Xbox platforms. It will release for Windows PC on Q1 2016

  • edited November 2015

    I concur.

    That's the new trend in AAA games now aside from microtransactions.

    A game will be exclusive to a console while the competing console has to wait for the timed deal to run out.

    It's rather pathetic.

    That's...... rather idiotic...

  • hi guys i have a BIG dilema.
    I finally got the money to buy one of two games:
    Alien Isolation(Watched on youtube) I already watched it on youtube
    Tomb raider Definitive Edition(played tomb raider 2013 on ps3 4 times but havent tried definitive edition(it the same game but with all dlc and better fps and graphics)
    so which one?
    P.S.and Oh! if you are wondering why i want to play Tomb raider again but on PS4 this time it because it has all dlc and better fps and graphics 1080p and i want to have all 3 games when it comes out(second one is rise of tomb raider for xbox one limited exclusive) but it will come out for ps4 next year :)
    so which one please tell me your opinio it means A LOT to me
    thx you

  • I don't get it either. It's pretty much all the same to me, it's more just about preference then people think they need to justify why one is better than the other and they're not always nice about it.

    The only big difference I see is the console exclusives, which drove me to finally get a PlayStation (and will be getting a PS4 for Christmas finally) but other than that I always had an Xbox growing up. And I'll be getting a Nintendo DS for their games too (Zelda, Pokemon etc...) because I will ALWAYS love those games no matter what others say.

    I don't see the point in people having to be such massive assholes about which console is better. Part of it gives the gaming community a bad reputation. I just try to ignore the crappy negativity surrounding it.

    Additional rant: I f**ing hate the gaming community. Everyone has to be a freaking douche to each other and always start console wars and al

  • I've been there, I'm sure we all have! Try not to put too much pressure on yourself dude, I hope things get better soon. :-)

    School and work have become too much. That's all I have to say. Bye y'all. Moderator Edit: SupernovaeHollay requested a temporary/volunta

  • Well, I would go with a new game. I've bought stuff just to get all the DLC too but that will never compare to a full fledged new game. Also, Alien Isolation looks amazing.

    hi guys i have a BIG dilema. I finally got the money to buy one of two games: Alien Isolation(Watched on youtube) I already watched it on

  • Yeah, brand loyalty has to be the stupidest thing ever. Like Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo give two shits about their keyboard warriors.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    People been doing this stuff since i was a child. Back then it was Nintendo vs Sega. Nothing new. It's just children copying what they see.

  • edited November 2015

    I agree with your rant except for one thing - have you ever seen a comments page on a youtube video criticizing nintendo? They are about as defensive and shrill as any gamer. I'm not saying they are worse, they are all just the same. There's shitty people everywhere, is all I'm saying.

    Additional rant: I f**ing hate the gaming community. Everyone has to be a freaking douche to each other and always start console wars and al

  • Wait a minute...

    4TH QUARTER 2016!!!

    During Microsoft's Gamescom 2014, they announced ROTTR as a timed-exclusive for Xbox platforms. It will release for Windows PC on Q1 2016

  • edited December 2021


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