Remember that day when Telltale released a date for the Game of Thrones season finale and everybody (including me) was like "omg, it's almost one month, how could you Telltale"? Now it's only 6 days before the premiere. For me those few weeks was like couple of days plus longer waiting = more satisfaction. So next time when we'll must wait far too long for Telltale game episode know that Telltale is working hard and episode will be amazing. Peace!
Edit: Tfw Gryff's face is still looking undamaged ;_;
That's probably determinant from player choice. Bloodsong is in another screenshot, but that doesn't mean he survived for everybody irregardless if you killed him last episode. :P
Then there's the pit fighters in the background (including Amaya and Bloodsong)
It looks like they had more pit fighters after all, which is good. I was afraid we only had the very few that showed up at the battle during the end of Episode 5.
I shall analyse these!
* Fucking snow bear!
* Rodrik and Beskha chatting on horseback, I imagine this is shortly after Asher's death (… moreor Rodrik's depending on your choice) and their headed for Ironrath. I bet this is the intro! I'm guessing Beskha will fill Rodrik in on who she was to Asher and they'd bond by mourning him. If Asher's alive I'm guessing Beskha would console him. Notice Rodrik's sword has the Forrester sygil? Maybe it's the Forrester sword. Then there's the pit fighters in the background (including Amaya and Bloodsong) and Royland as Sentinel. I'm surprised they used Rodrik for the screenshot, they didn't show screenshots of him for the other Episodes.
* Poor Mira... I hope she's okay . I'm guessing she's being thrown in the black cells for failing Cersei, (or maybe it's for Damiens murder?) she's being dragged by a Lannister guard we haven't seen before, she's dirty, possibly even beaten and other unspeakable things, we… [view original content]
It's weird this goes with all my choices.
It looks like Gryff.
Is this like early concept art? Or do you think it's something they made just for the finale?
HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Head explodes)
I think it's just art to represent the episode but not spoil it.
I knew I'm not the only one who thinks this not looking like the in-game graphics
All theory's of burning Highpoint to the ground have been squashed by a Whitehill horde.
I knew the final key art would be Ironrath. I was gonna make a mock of it
That moment when you want to click the episode 6 spoilers, probably images, but you want to be surprised next week.
I think I will come back to the forum only when I finish Episode 6.
The temptation is too much for me to handle.
Do you think that there will be a "House Whitehill wins, Forresters die" ending if you made really bad choices?
Those screenshots are amazing (and coincidently go along with my choices, especially the one with Rodrik and Royland).
All of the pit fighters look so downbeat apart from Amaya and Bloodsong
but did you let Beskha fight Drogon herself?
If by that you mean I chose to save Malcolm over her, causing her to get burned, then yes I did.
It screenshots form the final play test of episode 6
Ties in with the whole army.
YOU BASTARD screams in Beskha
Thread: Waiting isn't that hard, huh?
Remember that day when Telltale released a date for the Game of Thrones season finale and everybody (including me) was like "omg, it's almost one month, how could you Telltale"? Now it's only 6 days before the premiere. For me those few weeks was like couple of days plus longer waiting = more satisfaction. So next time when we'll must wait far too long for Telltale game episode know that Telltale is working hard and episode will be amazing. Peace!
True have some bacon sir.
That would ruin the chances of season 2 being focused on House Forrester, so I hope not. I want to keep playing as them.
Bacon from Ice, Iron from Bacon
Rodrik and Beskha are the best team ever. Both lost their brother and are full of anger. No one can stand in their way.
It depends on your choices. Do you think you've been in Gryff's terms "a good little Forrester?".
Malcolm is family, that is why I had to save him.
I really hope not
This is a snow bear right? Not just a regular bear?
*Asher and Beskha
What would be the difference?
Meh I saw them... I could not resist ;-;
Same. Awesome screenshots though, am I right?
Probably, but it seems a bit small for that. Aren't snow bears supposed to be really gigantic, like four or five meters high?
I'm pretty sure that Gared's sword is going to be knocked away just by the way he's holding it.
Maybe Margery will have her released.
Yeah, the Gared ones are really cool.
No Asher tho
That's probably determinant from player choice. Bloodsong is in another screenshot, but that doesn't mean he survived for everybody irregardless if you killed him last episode. :P
What would be the point if they've got Ludd's bloated stomach to blast through those iron gates.
Oh god... I really need to calm down
And yeah... No Asher or Duncan ;__;
It looks like they had more pit fighters after all, which is good. I was afraid we only had the very few that showed up at the battle during the end of Episode 5.
Also Tohrren is nowhere to be seen so great.