Ep 6 Release Date Discussion: Episode available November 17th, Trailer Out Now



  • It's weird this goes with all my choices.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It looks like Gryff.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Who is that on the horse in the key art?

  • edited November 2015

    Is this like early concept art? Or do you think it's something they made just for the finale?

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It looks like Gryff.

  • HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Head explodes)


  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I think it's just art to represent the episode but not spoil it.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Is this like early concept art? Or do you think it's something they made just for the finale?

  • I knew I'm not the only one who thinks this not looking like the in-game graphics

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Is this like early concept art? Or do you think it's something they made just for the finale?

  • All theory's of burning Highpoint to the ground have been squashed by a Whitehill horde.

  • I knew the final key art would be Ironrath. I was gonna make a mock of it :)

    MrEggplant posted: »

    I knew I'm not the only one who thinks this not looking like the in-game graphics

  • That moment when you want to click the episode 6 spoilers, probably images, but you want to be surprised next week.

    enter image description here

  • I think I will come back to the forum only when I finish Episode 6. :/ The temptation is too much for me to handle.

  • Do you think that there will be a "House Whitehill wins, Forresters die" ending if you made really bad choices?

  • Those screenshots are amazing (and coincidently go along with my choices, especially the one with Rodrik and Royland).

  • All of the pit fighters look so downbeat apart from Amaya and Bloodsong

  • but did you let Beskha fight Drogon herself?

    Those screenshots are amazing (and coincidently go along with my choices, especially the one with Rodrik and Royland).

  • If by that you mean I chose to save Malcolm over her, causing her to get burned, then yes I did.

    MrEggplant posted: »

    but did you let Beskha fight Drogon herself?

  • It screenshots form the final play test of episode 6

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Is this like early concept art? Or do you think it's something they made just for the finale?

  • Ties in with the whole army.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It looks like Gryff.

  • YOU BASTARD screams in Beskha

    If by that you mean I chose to save Malcolm over her, causing her to get burned, then yes I did.

  • Thread: Waiting isn't that hard, huh?

    Remember that day when Telltale released a date for the Game of Thrones season finale and everybody (including me) was like "omg, it's almost one month, how could you Telltale"? Now it's only 6 days before the premiere. For me those few weeks was like couple of days plus longer waiting = more satisfaction. So next time when we'll must wait far too long for Telltale game episode know that Telltale is working hard and episode will be amazing. Peace!

  • edited November 2015

    True have some bacon sir.

  • That would ruin the chances of season 2 being focused on House Forrester, so I hope not. I want to keep playing as them.

    Golthar posted: »

    Do you think that there will be a "House Whitehill wins, Forresters die" ending if you made really bad choices?

  • Bacon from Ice, Iron from Bacon

    darko22 posted: »

    True have some bacon sir.

  • Rodrik and Beskha are the best team ever. Both lost their brother and are full of anger. No one can stand in their way.

    enter image description here

  • It depends on your choices. Do you think you've been in Gryff's terms "a good little Forrester?".

    Golthar posted: »

    Do you think that there will be a "House Whitehill wins, Forresters die" ending if you made really bad choices?

  • Malcolm is family, that is why I had to save him.

    MrEggplant posted: »

    YOU BASTARD screams in Beskha

  • I really hope not

    Golthar posted: »

    Do you think that there will be a "House Whitehill wins, Forresters die" ending if you made really bad choices?

  • enter image description here

    This is a snow bear right? Not just a regular bear?

  • *Asher and Beskha

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Rodrik and Beskha are the best team ever. Both lost their brother and are full of anger. No one can stand in their way.

  • What would be the difference?

  • Meh I saw them... I could not resist ;-;

  • Same. Awesome screenshots though, am I right? ;)

    Meh I saw them... I could not resist ;-;

  • Probably, but it seems a bit small for that. Aren't snow bears supposed to be really gigantic, like four or five meters high?

  • I'm pretty sure that Gared's sword is going to be knocked away just by the way he's holding it.

  • Maybe Margery will have her released.

  • edited November 2015

    Yeah, the Gared ones are really cool.

    No Asher tho :(

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Same. Awesome screenshots though, am I right?

  • Edit: Tfw Gryff's face is still looking undamaged ;_;

    That's probably determinant from player choice. Bloodsong is in another screenshot, but that doesn't mean he survived for everybody irregardless if you killed him last episode. :P

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    AOSKANSFJNSASKMA WHAT THE HELL!? GARED FIGHTS A SNOW BEAR?! GG Edit: Tfw Gryff's face is still looking undamaged ;_;

  • What would be the point if they've got Ludd's bloated stomach to blast through those iron gates.

    MrEggplant posted: »

    that wooden thing REALLY looks like huge wooden dildo

  • edited November 2015


    Oh god... I really need to calm down :(

    And yeah... No Asher or Duncan ;__;

    Yeah, the Gared ones are really cool. No Asher tho

  • Then there's the pit fighters in the background (including Amaya and Bloodsong)

    It looks like they had more pit fighters after all, which is good. I was afraid we only had the very few that showed up at the battle during the end of Episode 5.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I shall analyse these! * Fucking snow bear! * Rodrik and Beskha chatting on horseback, I imagine this is shortly after Asher's death (

  • Also Tohrren is nowhere to be seen so great.

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