Xbox One Backwards Compatibility

edited November 2015 in General Chat

I updated my Xbox One this morning and I checked games "Ready to Install" and I didn't see any of the Xbox 360 games I digitally purchased that were available to play on the Xbox One. Does anybody know how I can play Xbox 360 games on Xbox one? Does anyone else have this problem?


  • As it turns out, the feature isn't turned on. It's supposed to be enabled at 3:00 PM EST today.

  • And there's only 104 (?) games at launch, so hopefully they add more later. I really wanna play GTA San Andreas on Xbox One.

  • They will be adding more. Just takes time. Gotta get permission from the publishers and all that. As long as they eventually bing Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3, and all the dlc over I will be happy. In the mean time I will just keep playing Fallout, Tomb Raider, and Mass Effect.

    And there's only 104 (?) games at launch, so hopefully they add more later. I really wanna play GTA San Andreas on Xbox One.

  • Fallout 4 and Tomb Raider are the two games I'm most wanting to get. I've even been thinking about getting the original Fallout on Steam and giving it a go.

    They will be adding more. Just takes time. Gotta get permission from the publishers and all that. As long as they eventually bing Mass Effec

  • Yes! Finally able to download it.

    TomXP411 posted: »

    As it turns out, the feature isn't turned on. It's supposed to be enabled at 3:00 PM EST today.

  • the original fallout is worth getting its a great game

    Fallout 4 and Tomb Raider are the two games I'm most wanting to get. I've even been thinking about getting the original Fallout on Steam and giving it a go.

  • How does the BC work anyway?

  • edited November 2015

    Highly recommend both games. Both Tomb raider and Fallout are serious contenders for my GOTY

    Fallout 4 and Tomb Raider are the two games I'm most wanting to get. I've even been thinking about getting the original Fallout on Steam and giving it a go.

  • If you own the digital title on 360 it automatically shows up on Xbox one as ready to install. If you own the disc version of the 360 game then just put it in the xbox one and it will start installing. Hope that makes sense. I suck at explaining.

    zeke10 posted: »

    How does the BC work anyway?

  • Need to save to cloud as well and now my 360 won't start up so can't get my saves damnit

    If you own the digital title on 360 it automatically shows up on Xbox one as ready to install. If you own the disc version of the 360 game then just put it in the xbox one and it will start installing. Hope that makes sense. I suck at explaining.

  • Does anyone know that if certain games have HD remasters, we get those instead? Or the 360 version? Example, Tomb Raider was Free With Gold and I downloaded it, so will I get the Definitive Edition (the One's version) when I upgrade? Or are they bothering to put the old versions back on.

  • I just downloaded Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes :D

  • Yeah that's the one negative. Cloud saves.... I don't play on xbox gold so I don't have my saves, but I guess that isn't a big deal. I'll just start over and create a fresh new Shepard in Mass Effect maybe I will finally play a femshep lol

    zeke10 posted: »

    Need to save to cloud as well and now my 360 won't start up so can't get my saves damnit

  • Same bit annoyed i gotta lvl my borderlands character and get my legendarys back

    Yeah that's the one negative. Cloud saves.... I don't play on xbox gold so I don't have my saves, but I guess that isn't a big deal. I'll just start over and create a fresh new Shepard in Mass Effect maybe I will finally play a femshep lol

  • Installed Condemned: Criminal Origins on my Xbone yesterday. Felt so good to play a classic again. :)

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