Does Anyone Else Feel Like It Has Been Forever Sense Ethan Died?
Ethan's death was spoiled for me before I got a chance to play episode one, but I found his death shocking non the less. Any way, for me it feels like it has been forever sense Ethan died, maybe it's because no one in the game really talks about him that often. Ethan kind of reminds me of Eddard Stark, in that their deaths happened very early in the series, and no one talks about them any more.
I don't know I just felt like asking.
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Well, yeah. Episode 1 came out almost a year ago.
Ethan is coming back in episode 6 (at least his va will be)
Well... Ethan's choice in Episode 1 did have a major impact in Episode 5...
I dont see how major that was.
Not that that was a good thing, but yeah.
Maybe his choice regarding Erik will come into play too.
Which Choice? I don't remember.
Whoever Ethan didn't choose as a sentinel became a traitor.
True, true. It changed the name of the traitor, the model used and the dialogue, but in the end, the person did the exact same things in the exact same way for the exact same reason.
Oh, ok. Was thinking something less obvious, like one of his other decisions.
I still hurts
. Ethan was mentioned in every single episode so I don't know how you got the idea that they never talk about him.
Yeah, it feels like forever. I played Episode 1 on Christmas Day last year. I still miss Lord Ethan. I loved playing as that kid. He was the one TTG character who was most like me in personality.
Well since September feels like forever ago, Ethan's death feels as if it happened years ago. Time has become this weird thing to me now, some things feel like yesterday while yesterday feels like it happened months ago. :P