So, I'm guessing the promised '8 different endings' are BoS/Institute/Railroad/Minutemen, and then the exact same but with a female voice-over..? Smh.
Nah, I'm not really complaining, four is good enough for me, it just makes me go a little y u always lyin at Godd Howard, though I guess he technically wasn't...
I met my first Legendary Deathclaw (shudders). It took Power Armor, Jet, Psycho, Buffet, my follower (Piper), and a fortunate distraction by… more a Bloodbug to bring the bastard down. BTW Jet is so much better in this game than it was in F3 and NV, it's the first time in a fallout game I've used anything other than Mentats.
It seems like you're right. Although you can join any faction, it does seem to me that as time goes on you will be forced to make a final choice because of how incompatible they all are.
The supply lines have me all sorts of confused. I thought they transferred all of the items from each connected settlement, turns out they don't and I'm not sure what stuff transfers and what stuff doesn't.
So that's what yall were doing before falliut came out....
It's sort of a random event. You have to wait until you witness this little guy crash his space craft into earth and then follow his blood trail to find him.
Set up Fallout 4 to install on my Xbone, but I can't play it until Tuesday, so I've got Fallout 3 downloading on Xbox 360 right now. It's halfway done.
Set up Fallout 4 to install on my Xbone, but I can't play it until Tuesday, so I've got Fallout 3 downloading on Xbox 360 right now. It's halfway done.
To everyone who complained about the small map before release I gotta say what the hell are they talking about. The map is pretty decently sized especially when you take in how big some of these abandoned towns are. I swear every step I take I discover a new location
I turned off Fallout 4 and started playing Skyrim. Nuff said. Can't wait for mods. The vanilla game is very boring. Typical with bethesda though. Modders Unite!
Edit: New Vegas and Oblivion are exceptions to what I said imo.
I turned off Fallout 4 and started playing Skyrim. Nuff said. Can't wait for mods. The vanilla game is very boring. Typical with bethesda though. Modders Unite!
Edit: New Vegas and Oblivion are exceptions to what I said imo.
Understandable I suppose, but I personally love the game. Is it the best game ever? No definetly not, but still a very good game. Though killing feral ghouls (which has to be the most common enemy) gets kind of boring.
The atmosphere is great but the RPG elements are just gone. I don't like being the hero in fallout games.
I spend hours and hours playing… more but I just got very tired of killing the same bad guys. Go here. Clear this place. Grab something. Come back.
Very tedious.
think my games bugged. on the molucular level got all machines powered up but the game still acts like they aren't working and they have the green marker on them still.
I miss the old dialogue system. Curse you, dialogue wheel and your ambiguous answer options. And, boy, this game could use a bit of humour and wit. New Vegas did so well in this regard.
think my games bugged. on the molucular level got all machines powered up but the game still acts like they aren't working and they have the green marker on them still.
I noticed that the dialogue options for the new system are more or less the same. The bottom one is a positive response, the right is negative, the left is usually sarcastic or an "I don't know" answer, and the top is usually a question.
I miss the old dialogue system. Curse you, dialogue wheel and your ambiguous answer options. And, boy, this game could use a bit of humour and wit. New Vegas did so well in this regard.

So, I'm guessing the promised '8 different endings' are BoS/Institute/Railroad/Minutemen, and then the exact same but with a female voice-over..? Smh.
Nah, I'm not really complaining, four is good enough for me, it just makes me go a little y u always lyin at Godd Howard, though I guess he technically wasn't...
Wow nice!
I'm liking Psycho and how my character screams "FUCKING DIIIIEE!" every time he takes a hit.
It seems like you're right. Although you can join any faction, it does seem to me that as time goes on you will be forced to make a final choice because of how incompatible they all are.
Head to the chem station, theres a nice upgrade for psycho.
Lol, what? Wheres that?
Guys, Todd's godly face is impossible to be made in game.
It transcends reality
I tried doing one time and my character and it ended looking like he had Downs.
So that's what yall were doing before falliut came out....
Well I have decided to stay in New Vegas, like Caesar's Legion, I lack the technology for fallout 4
I made this. I would appreciate feedback, thanks!
enter link description here
sorry for the cringe
The supply lines have me all sorts of confused. I thought they transferred all of the items from each connected settlement, turns out they don't and I'm not sure what stuff transfers and what stuff doesn't.
I guess something else came out before it.
It's sort of a random event. You have to wait until you witness this little guy crash his space craft into earth and then follow his blood trail to find him.
Mexican accent not strong enough -420/10
Set up Fallout 4 to install on my Xbone, but I can't play it until Tuesday, so I've got Fallout 3 downloading on Xbox 360 right now. It's halfway done.
Hah, clever analogy.
Oh? What is it called?
you gonna play F3on xbone?
Maybe, if I can make space for it. I still don't have an external hard drive.
Ah sux. imma try and gget the goty edition tommorow
Just gotta delete some games off your hard drive.
so i just found vault 75, not gonna spoile anything, but it was cool. but it just reminded me why i hated vaults on FO 3. pretty interesting though.
btw, does anyone think that the score/sountrack for this game is like perfect??
To everyone who complained about the small map before release I gotta say what the hell are they talking about. The map is pretty decently sized especially when you take in how big some of these abandoned towns are. I swear every step I take I discover a new location
I turned off Fallout 4 and started playing Skyrim. Nuff said. Can't wait for mods. The vanilla game is very boring. Typical with bethesda though. Modders Unite!
Edit: New Vegas and Oblivion are exceptions to what I said imo.
Man I wish down vote was here still
The atmosphere is great but the RPG elements are just gone. I don't like being the hero in fallout games.
I spend hours and hours playing but I just got very tired of killing the same bad guys. Go here. Clear this place. Grab something. Come back.
Very tedious.
Understandable I suppose, but I personally love the game. Is it the best game ever? No definetly not, but still a very good game. Though killing feral ghouls (which has to be the most common enemy) gets kind of boring.
think my games bugged. on the molucular level got all machines powered up but the game still acts like they aren't working and they have the green marker on them still.
I miss the old dialogue system. Curse you, dialogue wheel and your ambiguous answer options. And, boy, this game could use a bit of humour and wit. New Vegas did so well in this regard.
Did you connect the generators to all of the machines?
I finally completed the game. I got the ending with the Railroad as I honestly thought it was the best choice. What did everyone else get?
I noticed that the dialogue options for the new system are more or less the same. The bottom one is a positive response, the right is negative, the left is usually sarcastic or an "I don't know" answer, and the top is usually a question.
That's why I love that they added voice acting.
Yup they're all working