It's not on PSN for me. I'm German though so that might be the problem. I'll try downloading again after the store updates (which should be in half an hour)
It's not on PSN for me. I'm German though so that might be the problem. I'll try downloading again after the store updates (which should be in half an hour)
Did they really confirm the second season?
Ok, isn't that Ethan behind Gared in the North Grove at the end of the trailer or is it just me..
Nooo... But, there's always a chance, especially after the ending. The ending made me question the whole thing... It's the ending's fault.
Ending>>Hey, don't put the blame on me, because you don't have fantasy to continue the story!
Me>>Well, I mean... Everything's ended with some cliffhangers...
well there is most likely going to be a second season because of HBO and Telltales agreement
steam release tomorrow, will be available the day after....
fuck time zones >_>
I like the choice recaps they did in the trailer. It's like the old stats trailers they did for TWD S1. I kinda missed those.
Well, it's time to say farewell until after I play the finale. Iron from Ice brothers and sisters, let's hope we can make it through this intact.
This episode was awesome! I think people will be satisfied greatly.
how did you get it early?
I'd like to know too.
it is currently out in some parts of the world due to the different time zones
Only on PSN or also on PC?
Thread: Episode 6 time release ?
I live in Florida what time tomorrow should it be on the PlayStation store ?
The Waiting Game is begin for Android and Ios user
i have no idea sorry
just know quite a few people have played it already
It's currently only released on Australian PSN.
It should release tomorrow when the North American PSN update their store.
People answer
Thank you
really?? because its not on the store
Yeah.. it would be.
XBOX has GoT fan too.
Guys I can't take anymore of this I'm watching it, I've already cracked and started watching up to the opening credits. See you on the other side.
What about UAE psn ?
Where are you watching it from?
It's not on PSN for me. I'm German though so that might be the problem. I'll try downloading again after the store updates (which should be in half an hour)
My bad, it's currently only available on the Australian PSN. I edited my comment to make this clearer.
Anybody know when it will be released on PSN EU?
Ah, that's disappointing. Thanks for clearing it up though.
I won't break!!' Tomorrow is almost here! Iron from Ice brothas
Doesn't look good for the Forresters, looks like the Whitehills have quite an army. )=
I so hope at least some of House Forrester survives lol.
Any countdown for episode 6 release?
no need to say episode 6 of game of thrones since it is the only telltale game with 6 episodes hahaha.
It's out on the NZ PSN store as well
It's out for NZ users
It's a pity, I wanted to see people's reactions from the trailer. However the episode has already been released and I'm exposed to spoilers.
See you on Thursday, or after I get to play it.
No countdown?
So NOW Gryff has an eye-patch?