Episode 3 Waiting Thread - Out Now on PC/Mac/Xbox Live/PSN/iOS/Android, Coming Nov 26 for PS4 EU



  • Coolify

    AngeloMC21 posted: »

    Cool beans!

  • I disagree, but alright.

    With an episode release so quick i all of the sudden don't think we will so soren or anything new just a bunch of character development and a bother fail at stopping the wither storm like how our heroes are trapped in soren's armoury now

  • Too cool.

    xValkyx posted: »


  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited November 2015

    Looks like after Game of Thrones Episode 6 releases, we'll be getting news on Minecraft Episode 3 that same week. I take that to mean it's unofficially confirmed that we get the episode the week of the 24th.

    Tweet from Telltale in response to someone asking about Episode 3:

  • "We'll have news this coming week about when you'll be playing Episode 3 this month!" Wow Telltale, don't be so mysterious, we all know it's coming 24th November. Unless you guys're planning something......

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    They are remaning mysterious at the moment due to the fact the final episode of Game of Thrones is coming out on Tuesday so they will want that to get all the media attention, once that releases they will officially announce the release date for Story Mode episode 3.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    "We'll have news this coming week about when you'll be playing Episode 3 this month!" Wow Telltale, don't be so mysterious, we all know it's coming 24th November. Unless you guys're planning something......

  • edited November 2015

    I bet its gonna release 5 hours after the finale of GoT.

  • Considering Game of Thrones is launching on the same day on all platforms. I can't see Telltale also juggling minecraft into the mix.

    I bet its gonna release 5 hours after the finale of GoT.

  • I was kidding.

    Considering Game of Thrones is launching on the same day on all platforms. I can't see Telltale also juggling minecraft into the mix.

  • I figured, sorry.

    I was kidding.

  • It's just a sudden gut feeling, now that does a fast approaching to November 24th each day makes me lose more and more hope of a good episode

    I disagree, but alright.

  • Keep your expectations low then since you could be surprised.

    It's just a sudden gut feeling, now that does a fast approaching to November 24th each day makes me lose more and more hope of a good episode

  • I really hope I am

    Keep your expectations low then since you could be surprised.

  • edited November 2015

    Seems like they're rushing this game faster than most

  • Well, they did that on Ep2, but Ep3 will be released 4 weeks after Ep2, so this episode isn't rushed like Ep2.

    Seems like they're rushing this game faster than most

  • uhh 4 weeks is a way faster wait than we're used to...

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Well, they did that on Ep2, but Ep3 will be released 4 weeks after Ep2, so this episode isn't rushed like Ep2.

  • Ok, i understand that. But if they could make Episode 2 almost "perfect" with 2 weeks, then 4 weeks is enough to make a better episode.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    uhh 4 weeks is a way faster wait than we're used to...

  • Most episodes prior to Walking Dead Season 1 were released on a monthly schedule, so it's different for modern Telltale games but not Telltale as a whole.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    uhh 4 weeks is a way faster wait than we're used to...

  • For me it's only 8 days away now it's really starting to crawl up on me this new episode

  • November 24th is a good date but since tomorrow GoT 6 is out then maybe tomorrow the TellTale will reveal the date...

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited November 2015

    I know it's pretty much confirmed for the 24th now but here is the Australian classification if anyone is interested.

    enter image description here

  • no sex, huh...

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I know it's pretty much confirmed for the 24th now but here is the Australian classification if anyone is interested.

  • If there was sex, the game would be given a rating of X18, and maybe even illegal to sell! What the heck is wrong with your mind?!

    Quiff posted: »

    no sex, huh...

  • If there was sex, the game would be given a rating of X18, and maybe even illegal to sell! What the heck is wrong with your mind?!

  • There goes my hopes of Jesse x Jesse

    Quiff posted: »

    no sex, huh...

  • I checked the Steam Page of Minecraft Story Mode, and it already has Episode 3's achievements.

  • edited November 2015

    Yep what MimoDX2 said: http://steamcommunity.com/stats/376870/achievements

    And one achievements that says "Thats Some Pig". Thats a reference from Charlotte's Web in case you don't know.

    enter image description here

  • edited November 2015

    It can always be platonic love :^)

    There goes my hopes of Jesse x Jesse

  • Well after GoT's final. I could really use some lighter stuff.

  • Then buy this game. :)

    Well after GoT's final. I could really use some lighter stuff.

  • I already got the game. :)

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Then buy this game.

  • Same...

    Well after GoT's final. I could really use some lighter stuff.

  • edited November 2015


    enter image description here

    I already got the game.

  • I wonder if we ever find out what happened with the remained Ocelots. Did they die? Survived? If it's the second one, I wonder if they will help us if we are cool with Lukas.

  • I feel like there might be a sudden encounter with one of them and we pick them up with us, I feel like one of the episodes needs to see at least a survivor which has nearly nothing to do with the order of the stone or the characters we know about now

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    I wonder if we ever find out what happened with the remained Ocelots. Did they die? Survived? If it's the second one, I wonder if they will help us if we are cool with Lukas.

  • Well, if it will be only one, I'm hoping for Gill. It would be interesting if the last episode would have something similar to TFTB. Where you have to put together a team (obviously Jesse's gang will come no matter what) from people you met during your journey. If you were nice to Luke, the Ocelots will come; if you went to Redstonia, you can bring people from there; if you went to Boom Town, then from there; you can bring the butcher if you gave him your sword and such... So you can fight the Wither Storm with their help.

    I feel like there might be a sudden encounter with one of them and we pick them up with us, I feel like one of the episodes needs to see at

  • That would be nice, I would really like gill too!

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Well, if it will be only one, I'm hoping for Gill. It would be interesting if the last episode would have something similar to TFTB. Where y

  • Dang, that was earlier than expected. Telltale Games seems to want to surprise us a lot, huh?

    OzzyUK posted: »

    First look coming on the 19th https://twitter.com/telltalegames/status/667009448280387585

  • why is the key arts for this always the slide for the episode

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