So Season 2...

Let's not kid ourselves here. Despite what we want to say, Telltale has been recently doing a pretty good job improving on how our decisions effect us.** In some cases! I understand that they still have A LOT of issues to work out with concerning how choice effects the story but this episode and The Walking Dead: Season Two prove otherwise.**

So Mira is now determinant, who Rodrick/Asher is with is also determinant, Ludd/Gryff are determinant, Tom is determinant. Gared either going to Ironrath or staying at the North Grove is similarly determinant. There are a lot of aspects that can change, so if Season 2 is to become a thing, then how is Telltale going to approach this?

Certain aspects such as Beskha being with Ryon, or Malcolm being in Essos, is not determinant. So we can safely say those two characters could be POV's. But what about the others? How will their stories change?

You know judging from how The Walking Dead: Season Two ended and how that game could have different endings and Season Three is confirmed. I'm wondering if Telltale will split into two groups only and work on both The Walking Dead: Season Three and Game of Thrones (mid-2016, so Minecraft may end), and have two smaller groups working on their Marvel project and their other IP 'Showcase'.

What do you think? How different will Season Two be?


  • This is likely to be an insanely unpopular choice, but I would be okay with no season 2. Because in my head, those survivors are going to lie low, not be able to do much. And when the North finally rises up against the Bolton's (please let it be this season please) the Whitehills will be fucked for siding with the wrong side. So in the end, the Forresters will survive. But that's just me.

  • I could understand that but they did say Telltale had a "multi-year" contract with HBO and plus I do want to see how the story ends and how they rise up. It mentions later that Forresters are loyal to Stannis Baratheon, but when does this happen? Will Asher/Rodrick go to Stannis for aid?

    This is likely to be an insanely unpopular choice, but I would be okay with no season 2. Because in my head, those survivors are going to l

  • Malcom-In Essos

    Ryon/Beshka-who knows where. My guess is you play as Beshka and die then pick up as Ryon, who makes it to King's Landing. Maybe a time jump so he is older and stronger

    Josera and Elsera-Convince Gared to stay at the North Grove. Maybe they are ambushed at they try to leave. Josera still heads to Ironrath. Roderick/Asher are not doing well and name him Lord (since the keep is gone it's just a title to give people someone to rally behind.)
    Elsera Playable at the North Grove.

  • That was the books though, not sure if that happens in the show, and you can obviously guess it doesn't end well if that really does happen. I do know about the multi year contract, but still nothing after a year, and the future is rather crowded. We shall see, but if anything comes out, it sure won't be soon.

    HarjKS posted: »

    I could understand that but they did say Telltale had a "multi-year" contract with HBO and plus I do want to see how the story ends and how

  • I am actually debating on buying season 2 . I am not satisfied at all with the way Telltale went. Episode 1, let's kill Ethan and the head of the house, some episodes later the allies and another Forrester and in the end imprison/kill one and another dead (the mother) along with tons of Forrester subjects, a nearly dead Rodrik/Asher and Ironwrath in flames. Before someone throws a ''Have you watched Game of thrones?'' question I did, but that does not make me any happier since it seems most of this season was a way of seeing ''have fun buying season 2 to see what happens next''.

  • Also in the end, Asher/Rodrik gets saved by your sentinel/traitor and they said " They may have won this battle, but they will not win this war." Hinting Season 2

    That was the books though, not sure if that happens in the show, and you can obviously guess it doesn't end well if that really does happen.

  • Yeah, i am the same. I would only buy it if Rodrick/Asher were playable characters, which they most likely will not.

    KronusX posted: »

    I am actually debating on buying season 2 . I am not satisfied at all with the way Telltale went. Episode 1, let's kill Ethan and the head o

  • Or Gwyn. She says that they would not listen to reason and will pay.

    KLVGAMING posted: »

    Also in the end, Asher/Rodrik gets saved by your sentinel/traitor and they said " They may have won this battle, but they will not win this war." Hinting Season 2

  • Gwyn against her family??? Interesting....

    reply671 posted: »

    Or Gwyn. She says that they would not listen to reason and will pay.

  • I think they will bring asher/rodrick back if they stay with this house and i hope they do....they could still find a interesting way to get them back into it and rebuild ironrath back....maybe they could go crazy and unit the north again and take the crown...They can do alot since they aren't follow the story exactly....I would be disappointed if they just started with some other random house.

  • Season 2 will be interesting because Minecraft aside that I've no interest in playing, GoT's has by far and away the most choice and actual consequence of any TT game but all the characters are in such a bad way that a quick resolution is hardly likely.

    I'm, like pretty much everyone, disappointed with Mira's ending and I guess in a play-through where she is still alive they can give her very minimal involvement so there's no real effect to the story - her screen-time in season one had zero consequence anyway - but I can't think of any character that could replace her because when he story comes to the fore, her only really ally was a young peasant kid who is her corresponding death character. I guess they could go with the cheap option of seeing Mira/Tom die very early in season two like the Walking Dead decision in the first season. Still the whole Kings Landing story was a waste of time with no other motive than adding TV actors to sell more copies.

    Gared's time was done well and you can feel something building but if you've basically agreed not to lose the north grove that becomes your mission and the rest of the clan irrelevant.

    Ryon could be interesting with Beshka but a wandering about story that could go on forever with no consequence. Imagine they'll go back across the sea

    Rodrick/Asher - with your sentinel/traitor - again in such bad shape that half a season of recovery is likely and hardly full of potential ally's

    Talia - assume she'll become a POV character. She's got to be pretty pissed.

    Malcolm story has the most potential for progress.

    Anyway, I'm not going to ramble. It took four months to do one episode - seriously TT that cannot go on when you are dealing with AAA franchises - if we get a season two it'll be bloody ages off and no doubt include more TV characters to gain further interest with no development of the story. It was a good, not perfect, season but with lack of any conclusion and big chunks of the story being completely irrelevant, certainly not an excellent one.

  • She sad they would overcome this.

    reply671 posted: »

    Or Gwyn. She says that they would not listen to reason and will pay.

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