All in all, the episode was f'd up. They made me look at Asher's head and I was FURIOUS. I'm so happy I got to hold Gryff's.
I'd give it a 9/10 but since there's only one ending (Ironrath falls whatever you do) I'm giving it a 6.5/10.
It was really heavy. Made me shiver like 10 times during the war scene and just grab my head with my jaw on the floor. The ending was really disappointing in my opinion.
My choices with Mira didn't matter at the end which is kinda stupid in my opinion. Why have such a good character buildup and throw it away just like that?
Rodrik was a great character. Superhuman, most likely. How he tanked all those swords like a boss and survived at the end. Pretty impressive. Still happy that he lived though.
Gared was my favorite of the bunch. He was a badass. From a little, unimportant squire to a leader of a crazy group with a warg and scary minions. Loved it.
The game is a really good representation of the GoT universe and that's why my overall score of GoT is....
Yep, Rodrik... man, I was so sure he was going to die when he got stabbed. Even more when he got surrounded, but still, he fought on. An inspiration to us all, what a badass!
I had Rodrik too. I didn't defend Sera (Get rekt, bitch), my Mira is alive and will marry Morgryn, unfortunately, poor Tom died. I sacrifice… mored Cotter for this 'bloodmagic' or something, whatever. (Rip my beloved potato fucker). North Grove stays protected. (Have I mentioned how flipping cool that bear is?) I killed Gryff as Rodrik, Harys killed Elissa, Rodrik killed Harys, Lard and that whore Gwyn are alive. Elaena Glenmore died. (cough fuck you telltale cough I will never forgive you for this) Rodrik got saved by his senteniel Royland. Ryon is with Beskha. In defense of house Forrester I and 5.0% fought with cunning strategy. At first I didn't like this episode very much, but after I replayed it, I thought it was amazing. It had meaningful choices, hard decisions and was VERY emotional. I rate it 9/10, would have been 10/10, but Elaena's death was so fuc*ing stupid, I can't even.
Looking at the situation as a skeptic.. There was NO WAY IN 7 HELLS that he would've survived that.. I mean, he is the lord of the house, he's surrounded, he's defenseless.. why does no one kill him?! xD
Yep, Rodrik... man, I was so sure he was going to die when he got stabbed. Even more when he got surrounded, but still, he fought on. An inspiration to us all, what a badass!
Looking at the situation as a skeptic.. There was NO WAY IN 7 HELLS that he would've survived that.. I mean, he is the lord of the house, he's surrounded, he's defenseless.. why does no one kill him?! xD
Choice seemed to matter, I know its the last episode but still
No perfect outcomes, dont get me wrong mira and tom and the fact they didnt plan the attack on the whitehills better was a bit dumb but oh well.
All the stories were fairly decent for once, no stragglers
Most people I liked lived, Asher, Talia, Ryon, Beskha, Royland (so surprised he lived), Mira. I was sad about the mom and tom
Already said but the fact I couldnt do what I wanted was so frustrating.... Have tom run and help while you get caught, mira is the highborn one have the unseen coalboy do the plan
I wanted to fuck sera over so much more than we could
The lag on console was appalling, seriously the fight scene was nearly impossible to play.
Mira told the Truth - I'd upset Margaery so much I figured I might as well run with it.
Refused to Marry Morgryn - I felt like since it was the last episode I'd give her an honourable send off; I thought if they made a sequel it'd be a completely new house, but now if they make one it'd better be the Forresters, so much stuff needs to be cleared up.
Blood Magic Cotter - This choice annoyed me; I knew Cotter died either way and that one might help me. I didn't really understand what the difference would be doing either this late in the game and sure enough there was no payoff for it - another reason I feel if there is a sequel in a few years time then it needs to revisit House Forrester again so I can understand this North Grove stuff better. Again, because I thought the story was ending I figured I'd have Gared save the North Grove like he'd been trying to do for the whole game.
Sprung an Ambush on Ludd & Killed Gryff - Gwyn hated me for it, I can understand why. I have no excuse, red mist descended and I wanted to kill Whitehills, guess I forgot about the battering ram outside my door, or just hoped Ludd wouldn't reach it in time... silly me.
I Chose to March South - again this was done because I still don't understand the importance of the North Grove or how it's meant to help us at this point (if I'm just being dense and someone does know, feel free to tell me). It was about here that I realised that the game might not be ending the Forrester's story with this episode and I thought "Well, them marching out of the North Grove will at least look badass in the epilogue."
Instinct and Nobility - Translates as: Being Nice Doesn't Pay.
The epilogue was interesting: Asher escapes and is rescued by Talia and Duncan (who was a traitor in my one and I didn't kill him, looking back on it this could be a glitch, but I'm hoping it means he got out during the chaos and helped Talia escape meaning there's more to this whole traitor business than I thought) and then Beshka riding off with Ryon.
A lot of what I wrote makes it sound like I didn't like this episode, but that's untrue, I really did enjoy it a great deal. There was obviously lots of action and intrigue - Lord Gregor was clearly into some shady stuff with blood mage and warg bastards and I was excited to learn more - and overall it did feel like the ending of a Game of Thrones episode or chapter... absolutely dream-smashing but with just enough hope to keep you going and wanting to come back for more.
The episode did feel a bit like they're knocking down all the pieces and setting up the chess board again, sort of rearranging the places to prepare for a sequel, if it will feature the Forresters as the main characters - which after all this I hope it will. However, with all the alternate characters they'd have to manage: Rodrik/Asher, Royland/Duncan and Gryff/Ludd (, and even Tom/Mira I guess?) I'm not sure if that's the direction they'll take, they could quite easily have completely fresh characters with a few of the survivors (Talia, Ryon, Beskha, etc.) showing up to resolve Forrester plot threads on the side, but I'm sure they could continue with the Forresters if they wanted too and I'll be pleased if they do.
So thats it... I consider Ludd a demi-god, since he survided that i cut his face, throw an axe in his spin, and he fell of a horse.
The Epilogue and post scenes saved the episode for me.
I guess ill loose the Bloodmagic army, but by my decition im looking forward i added sylvi and the warg to my allies. Better to have 2 skilled and befriended fighters at my side than zomby wierdos.
Hopefully Tom can archieve something in Kings Landing... at least stop this fuck*n Mogryn.
Iron from Ice!
Has Asher as Lord. Agreed to the poisoning plan at first, though ambush sounded kinda more... Asher like, but I figured in circumstances like these, even Asher would use his head. And it was a surer way to kill Ludd. But then I changed my mind. Those WERE generous surrender terms Lord Whitehill was offering. Though it was fully within my Asher's instinct to fight, even he realized that if he does marry Gwyn, there will be more opportunities to send her old fart of a father to an early grave, and she even agreed to exile Gryff for me. Seemed like if I had her on my side, I might eventually get the Forresters on top of the Whitehills again (and Asher on top of Gwyn, hue hue... ahem, sorry, got sidetracked a bit). Anyway, so I called the plan off, but dear old mum decided to put the lives of every single one of her family members at stake and attacked Ludd. So everything went to shit faster than you can say "The Lannisters send their regards", long story short, Asher slew Gryff in a duel, we seemed to be gaining the upper hand in the courtyard, then we weren't because Harys saved Ludd's fat arse and fucked me up, before killing mum and fucking me up some more... then died. Gate went down, Royland saved me, probably went down himself. Beshka took Ryon with her somewhere. Asher survived badly hurt, got found by Gwyn and Talia. Not sure what's become of Eleana. All in all, this part of the Forrester family seems fucked, I don't see Asher recovering from those wounds- doubt they can fix guts with the medicine they have in the GoT world, but who knows. The male Forrester line survives via Ryon, but he's about useless as Rickon Stark is- it will be a while before he's old enough to really do anything about his claim, and by that time the Forresters will be in complete ruin.
As for Mira, she survived. I didn't sell out Sera. Don't even really know why I keep sticking by her. Anyway, since I told the other prisoner that I would do anything to survive and help my family... well, I remained true to my word and said "yes" to Mogryn. That leaves Mira's story rather open ended. Just as with the Asher/Gwyn scenario, there's plenty of wiggling room once you're safely married. Lord Mogryn could easily end up having an "accident", leaving Mira a young and rich widow with claim to Ironrath. What mattered was taking the only available way out at the time and get out of the deathtrap that was King's Landing. We'll see where her story goes from now, should Telltale choose to continue it.
As for Gared, not much to tell. Always played him as the honorable goody two shoes type, so not using the blood magic was an easy decision. His story is even more open ended than the others, because I still don't get exactly what this North Grove is and what the hell makes it so important. The introduction of Gregor's bastard twins (I assume? They do look pretty similar, more so than Ethan and Talia, at least) was an interesting development. But ultimately meaningless where this season is concerned.
Overall, I dunno. Given the larger than usual wait time for the episode, I was expecting more closure. And more varied endings. As I understand, from what I've read so far, the only real difference between endings is that either Ludd or Gryff dies and then you lose Ironrath anyway. I was hoping for more. The ability to push for more Whitehill deaths at the cost of more Forresters, perhaps. The ability to actually hold Ironrath. Come on, how did this supposed strongest wood in the world break so fast under that battering ram? Was hoping we'd actually be able to retake the gates, albeit at a price. Hell, when my Asher almost got killed by Harys, I thought that was it- that was the price I paid for pushing towards the gates and was gonna end up holding the keep... but down the gates went and it was over. I wasn't disappointed by the ending I got- it felt very true to Game of Thrones. But I'm rather disappointed in knowing that this is pretty the only ending I could have got. So that's that.
Sold out sera, wish we could have framed her for the murder
Married morgyn, its survive or die plus tom and mira were dumb
Killed cotter, that blood magic crap is just fucked up
Tried to ambush the whitehills = One dead gryff, one pissed of gwyn and one annoying to kill Ludd
Marched south - I figured gregor was pretty shit at things so far as he trusted duncan the traitor, plus these demon people dont seem like great to be around.
Beshka rode off with ryon (does this always happen)
I really can't wait to play this again, I loved that this episode gave so many choices that were so hard that I actually had to pause the game and think for a few minutes. I really want to see what happens if Rodrik is alive instead though. Originally I had Asher sacrifice himself, but I felt it was wrong and went back and changed it... I felt it was worth it and a bit more logical this episode. Also I was very glad I was given the option to try and stop Ludd from being killed, I realized this was all a big mistake and no matter how much we hated it we had to join House Whitehill in order to survive... think about it. I knew I wanted Asher to be with Gywn since she had helped us all this time, and killing Ludd would destroy it and it would end horribly. In the end though, I didn't want to fight, but Lady Forrester kinda screwed that over... and also fighting Harys was pretty cool, I honestly thought the episode would end with the death of pretty much everyone. The Gryff fight was alright, though not as good as it could have been with those sound files I found in Ep 5 (Dialogue of Asher/Rodrik and Gryff fighting pretty much, and insulting each other). There's so much in this episode I could talk about but I'd rather not type an even bigger paragraph 90% of people won't read lol
"The lag on console was appalling, seriously the fight scene was nearly impossible to play."
I'm playing on PC and experienced some small lags and several minor graphics glitches. With the time it took them to make this episode I would have hoped it would be a lot smoother.
* Choice seemed to matter, I know its the last episode but still
* No perfect outcomes, dont get me wrong mira and tom and the fact they … moredidnt plan the attack on the whitehills better was a bit dumb but oh well.
* All the stories were fairly decent for once, no stragglers
* Most people I liked lived, Asher, Talia, Ryon, Beskha, Royland (so surprised he lived), Mira. I was sad about the mom and tom
* Already said but the fact I couldnt do what I wanted was so frustrating.... Have tom run and help while you get caught, mira is the highborn one have the unseen coalboy do the plan
* I wanted to fuck sera over so much more than we could
* The lag on console was appalling, seriously the fight scene was nearly impossible to play.
"The lag on console was appalling, seriously the fight scene was nearly impossible to play."
I'm playing on PC and experienced some small… more lags and several minor graphics glitches. With the time it took them to make this episode I would have hoped it would be a lot smoother.
I would have liked the episode a lot more if the lag on PS3 hadn't made it almost impossible to play. Anyway, let's see...
Played as Asher, poisoned both Lady Forrester and Ludd, ended up getting rescued by Duncan.
Gared gave Cotter a good death and stayed to defend the North Grove.
Mira died with her head held high and her honor intact.
Basically, I'm just glad Beskha is alive and well. Her and Talia were my top priorities and I'm glad they got out safe. If we get a 2nd season with the Forresters, i suspect Beskha will have a bigger role to play. Maybe as a sort of mentor to Ryon, though I must admit that I think that's a missed opportunity right there if they go down this path, mostly because having Talia in that position would make so much more sense. She keeps being manhandled and she's obviously been hardened by the events of the season and I really believe Beskha would be perfect to teach her how to avenge her family. Asher is or will be dead and as he said, Beskha is family. She'll make sure they're ready to reclaim what's theirs in honour of her little brother.
...I just really want Beskha and Talia to strike up an unlikely friendship, I suppose. And I'm just not invested enough in Ryon to want him to have a storyline that would make much more sense for Talia.
Mercenaries/sellswords weren't unique to the late medieval era (they saw more use, certainly) professional standing armies were. The amount of mercs in Westeros isn't anywhere near the number of them found in late medieval Europe, they aren't significant in Westeros (they're an annoyance instead of significant military powers) but they are in Essos... which is an abomination but I have no idea what the hell Essos is supposed to be (it's vaguely antiquity.)
You're right about the knowledge thing, but religion is a dominant force in in both early and late Renaissance too, the High Sparrow for ex… moreample reminds me very much of Girolamo Savonarola, a Christian fanatic who imposed a religious dictatorship on Florence (the womb of Renaissance itself) after Lorenzo de Medici's death (1492), and there are professional soldiers in Westeros: mercenaries. They were in basically every conflict of early Renaissance, so much that Niccoló Machiavelli wrote several essays suggesting to dismiss them and form a civilian militia. Finally, there have been many arguments about when the Renaissance begins, and some of them locate it in the early modern era.
Don't be sad about the Mother. She doomed the House by going against the Marriage and Tom had to die as he was no longer a necessary piece in the Game for Mira.
* Choice seemed to matter, I know its the last episode but still
* No perfect outcomes, dont get me wrong mira and tom and the fact they … moredidnt plan the attack on the whitehills better was a bit dumb but oh well.
* All the stories were fairly decent for once, no stragglers
* Most people I liked lived, Asher, Talia, Ryon, Beskha, Royland (so surprised he lived), Mira. I was sad about the mom and tom
* Already said but the fact I couldnt do what I wanted was so frustrating.... Have tom run and help while you get caught, mira is the highborn one have the unseen coalboy do the plan
* I wanted to fuck sera over so much more than we could
* The lag on console was appalling, seriously the fight scene was nearly impossible to play.
Protected Sera and told her to sharpen up, Mira lives.
No blood magic, untied the wildling girl. She's one of my favorites. I like that whole crew. Marched south.
Asher with Reksha and his duel opponent, etc. in the final battle. Ambushed the Whitehills. I think Rodrick's fiance lived. Hope so, I like her.
Gwyn stabbed Asher, but I like her. Killed Gryff, really was hoping to get Ludd taken care of too, chose not to kill him by the nuclear option a few episodes ago, for Rodrick's romance. Really wonder how that would've played out.
Asher, Talia, and sentinel Royland in the epilogue, Reksha has Ryan.
I loved the episode. There were no nonsense plot twists this time, no Whitehill troops sneaking into my guarded Keep. That bugged me a lot in the first episode. I wanted to take Ludd out at least, if Ironrath was going down. No luck.
Great season, really hope they don't kill all the optional survivors next season. Looking forward to next season.
I really, really keep hoping Ramsay Bolton gets taken out soon on the show. Guy that plays him does an awesome job, but he's just too sadistic and too successful, character isn't in the 'love to hate 'em' category for me. Wasn't sorry to see the Lannister nut-king go, same thing. Not being able to really do anything about Ramsay in the game kinda made it worse. But it's consistent.
Technically, it was very smooth for me on PS4, and I thought it only got better looking as it went along. I liked their design choices. Played brilliantly.
I really wanted codex entries for all the major characters, not just the family.
Favorite game original characters: Rodrick and his fiance and her brother. Hope she lives. Asher and Reksha (sp, hope I got her name right, always gloss over it, lol). Gared and the wildling siblings. Talia. Mira, Sera, and Thom. Gwyn. Hope the survivors in that group have major roles again next season.
I also really enjoyed the pit fighters, Royland, and the warg from this episode, looking forward to seeing the survivors again.
Tyrian and Margaery were the best of the show cast for me. Mira's story made good use of the whole King's Landing menagerie.
Don't be sad about the Mother. She doomed the House by going against the Marriage and Tom had to die as he was no longer a necessary piece in the Game for Mira.
I lied about Sara
I agreed to marry Morgyn
I gave cotter the nightshade
I ambushed ludd and friends at the dinner party
Marched south with frozen friends
Royland the traitor and Talia helped me in the end
I told the truth to Margaery (Sera was her best friend).
I refused to marry Morgryn (Tom was her boyfriend).
I gave Cotter a merciful … moredeath (I promised Sylvi that I would and he was Gared's friend).
I let my mother drink the poison, so Ludd drank it too (at that point I knew everything will go up in flames).
I stayed to defend the North Grove (I... Just, because.)
In the end my Sentinel, Royland appeared with Talia to help Asher up and go... Because there's still time? For what...? Uhm...
Oh, and I fought with Instinct and Nobility.
I killed the traitor (Duncan), it looks like someone needs to be taken care of the Lord (Asher), and because I didn't ally with Gwyn, my Sentinel needed to be there to save me.
I did not spare my traitor (Duncan), and Sir Royland did not die in my first attempt. In my last one, I called the ambush off so keep the promise I made to Gwyn and she defended me and was there with Thalia at the end - I guess Sir Royland died then.
Abomination? It depicts the Middle East of the Late Medieval era. (Mereen for example is pretty similar to Constantinople) the Ottoman and Byzantine Empire were just like Essos, only difference is that in Essos there are many city-states. Also mercenaries are significant in Westeros, Stannis had half an army just of them. Finally, to mention an historical example, when Charles VIII king of France invaded Italy in late XIV century he relied mostly on the Italian Condottieri, who are professional mercenaries.
Mercenaries/sellswords weren't unique to the late medieval era (they saw more use, certainly) professional standing armies were. The amount … moreof mercs in Westeros isn't anywhere near the number of them found in late medieval Europe, they aren't significant in Westeros (they're an annoyance instead of significant military powers) but they are in Essos... which is an abomination but I have no idea what the hell Essos is supposed to be (it's vaguely antiquity.)
I'll give the choices I made in my canon playthrough (I had Rodrik):
Mira: told the truth, and later died with honour rather than marry that backstabbing bastard. (I even shipped those two, I am so ashamed...Morgryn, you fooled me so well!)
Gared: performed the blood magic (I didn't really want to do that to Cotter, but he would die anyway and it looked like we were all dead too if Elsera lost control of her warriors. And if we all died I wouldn't have protected Sylvi very well like he asked of I did it) and marched South (a bit of an instinctive decision there. I guess I am just a bit tired of having Gared so disconnected from the others).
Rodrik: I saved Ryon and killed Gryff (kind of regretted that since I did it because I thought the kid would die otherwise, but apparently he doesn't...), and I was found at the end by Duncan (Sentinel) and Talia.
I'm still trying to decide on my choices. I think I'd save Asher, but I'm not sure which is the better fate for Mira. I don't want her to die, but Morgryn is not a good guy
-Told the truth to Margaery.
-Refused Morgryn.
-Used Cotter in blood magic.
-Let Ludd live to save Ryon.
-Abandoned the North Grove.
All in all, the episode was f'd up. They made me look at Asher's head and I was FURIOUS. I'm so happy I got to hold Gryff's.![:D :D](
I'd give it a 9/10 but since there's only one ending (Ironrath falls whatever you do) I'm giving it a 6.5/10.
It was really heavy. Made me shiver like 10 times during the war scene and just grab my head with my jaw on the floor. The ending was really disappointing in my opinion.
My choices with Mira didn't matter at the end which is kinda stupid in my opinion. Why have such a good character buildup and throw it away just like that?
Rodrik was a great character. Superhuman, most likely. How he tanked all those swords like a boss and survived at the end. Pretty impressive. Still happy that he lived though.
Gared was my favorite of the bunch. He was a badass. From a little, unimportant squire to a leader of a crazy group with a warg and scary minions. Loved it.
The game is a really good representation of the GoT universe and that's why my overall score of GoT is....
Good job, Telltale.![:D :D](
Yep, Rodrik... man, I was so sure he was going to die when he got stabbed. Even more when he got surrounded, but still, he fought on. An inspiration to us all, what a badass!
Didn't know that could happen. She was alive for me.
Looking at the situation as a skeptic.. There was NO WAY IN 7 HELLS that he would've survived that.. I mean, he is the lord of the house, he's surrounded, he's defenseless.. why does no one kill him?! xD
I thought Rodrik was finished when he got stabbed, but he managed to finish his opponent off and still cling on to life. That is impressive.
They probably wanted to draw it out, just like we wanted Ludd to slowly fucking die. Thank god for Duncan, or Royland if your that type of guy.
The episode was... OK. It about sums up what this series has been for me, just kind of OK.
Choice seemed to matter, I know its the last episode but still
No perfect outcomes, dont get me wrong mira and tom and the fact they didnt plan the attack on the whitehills better was a bit dumb but oh well.
All the stories were fairly decent for once, no stragglers
Most people I liked lived, Asher, Talia, Ryon, Beskha, Royland (so surprised he lived), Mira. I was sad about the mom and tom
Already said but the fact I couldnt do what I wanted was so frustrating.... Have tom run and help while you get caught, mira is the highborn one have the unseen coalboy do the plan
I wanted to fuck sera over so much more than we could
The lag on console was appalling, seriously the fight scene was nearly impossible to play.
I played as Asher:
Mira told the Truth - I'd upset Margaery so much I figured I might as well run with it.
Refused to Marry Morgryn - I felt like since it was the last episode I'd give her an honourable send off; I thought if they made a sequel it'd be a completely new house, but now if they make one it'd better be the Forresters, so much stuff needs to be cleared up.
Blood Magic Cotter - This choice annoyed me; I knew Cotter died either way and that one might help me. I didn't really understand what the difference would be doing either this late in the game and sure enough there was no payoff for it - another reason I feel if there is a sequel in a few years time then it needs to revisit House Forrester again so I can understand this North Grove stuff better. Again, because I thought the story was ending I figured I'd have Gared save the North Grove like he'd been trying to do for the whole game.
Sprung an Ambush on Ludd & Killed Gryff - Gwyn hated me for it, I can understand why. I have no excuse, red mist descended and I wanted to kill Whitehills, guess I forgot about the battering ram outside my door, or just hoped Ludd wouldn't reach it in time... silly me.
I Chose to March South - again this was done because I still don't understand the importance of the North Grove or how it's meant to help us at this point (if I'm just being dense and someone does know, feel free to tell me). It was about here that I realised that the game might not be ending the Forrester's story with this episode and I thought "Well, them marching out of the North Grove will at least look badass in the epilogue."
Instinct and Nobility - Translates as: Being Nice Doesn't Pay.
The epilogue was interesting: Asher escapes and is rescued by Talia and Duncan (who was a traitor in my one and I didn't kill him, looking back on it this could be a glitch, but I'm hoping it means he got out during the chaos and helped Talia escape meaning there's more to this whole traitor business than I thought) and then Beshka riding off with Ryon.
A lot of what I wrote makes it sound like I didn't like this episode, but that's untrue, I really did enjoy it a great deal. There was obviously lots of action and intrigue - Lord Gregor was clearly into some shady stuff with blood mage and warg bastards and I was excited to learn more - and overall it did feel like the ending of a Game of Thrones episode or chapter... absolutely dream-smashing but with just enough hope to keep you going and wanting to come back for more.
The episode did feel a bit like they're knocking down all the pieces and setting up the chess board again, sort of rearranging the places to prepare for a sequel, if it will feature the Forresters as the main characters - which after all this I hope it will. However, with all the alternate characters they'd have to manage: Rodrik/Asher, Royland/Duncan and Gryff/Ludd (, and even Tom/Mira I guess?) I'm not sure if that's the direction they'll take, they could quite easily have completely fresh characters with a few of the survivors (Talia, Ryon, Beskha, etc.) showing up to resolve Forrester plot threads on the side, but I'm sure they could continue with the Forresters if they wanted too and I'll be pleased if they do.
So thats it... I consider Ludd a demi-god, since he survided that i cut his face, throw an axe in his spin, and he fell of a horse.
The Epilogue and post scenes saved the episode for me.
I guess ill loose the Bloodmagic army, but by my decition im looking forward i added sylvi and the warg to my allies. Better to have 2 skilled and befriended fighters at my side than zomby wierdos.
Hopefully Tom can archieve something in Kings Landing... at least stop this fuck*n Mogryn.
Iron from Ice!
Duncan 4 LIFE!![:D :D](
He is a living badass..
Well, actually.. His status is now unknown..
Has Asher as Lord. Agreed to the poisoning plan at first, though ambush sounded kinda more... Asher like, but I figured in circumstances like these, even Asher would use his head. And it was a surer way to kill Ludd. But then I changed my mind. Those WERE generous surrender terms Lord Whitehill was offering. Though it was fully within my Asher's instinct to fight, even he realized that if he does marry Gwyn, there will be more opportunities to send her old fart of a father to an early grave, and she even agreed to exile Gryff for me. Seemed like if I had her on my side, I might eventually get the Forresters on top of the Whitehills again (and Asher on top of Gwyn, hue hue... ahem, sorry, got sidetracked a bit). Anyway, so I called the plan off, but dear old mum decided to put the lives of every single one of her family members at stake and attacked Ludd. So everything went to shit faster than you can say "The Lannisters send their regards", long story short, Asher slew Gryff in a duel, we seemed to be gaining the upper hand in the courtyard, then we weren't because Harys saved Ludd's fat arse and fucked me up, before killing mum and fucking me up some more... then died. Gate went down, Royland saved me, probably went down himself. Beshka took Ryon with her somewhere. Asher survived badly hurt, got found by Gwyn and Talia. Not sure what's become of Eleana. All in all, this part of the Forrester family seems fucked, I don't see Asher recovering from those wounds- doubt they can fix guts with the medicine they have in the GoT world, but who knows. The male Forrester line survives via Ryon, but he's about useless as Rickon Stark is- it will be a while before he's old enough to really do anything about his claim, and by that time the Forresters will be in complete ruin.
As for Mira, she survived. I didn't sell out Sera. Don't even really know why I keep sticking by her. Anyway, since I told the other prisoner that I would do anything to survive and help my family... well, I remained true to my word and said "yes" to Mogryn. That leaves Mira's story rather open ended. Just as with the Asher/Gwyn scenario, there's plenty of wiggling room once you're safely married. Lord Mogryn could easily end up having an "accident", leaving Mira a young and rich widow with claim to Ironrath. What mattered was taking the only available way out at the time and get out of the deathtrap that was King's Landing. We'll see where her story goes from now, should Telltale choose to continue it.
As for Gared, not much to tell. Always played him as the honorable goody two shoes type, so not using the blood magic was an easy decision. His story is even more open ended than the others, because I still don't get exactly what this North Grove is and what the hell makes it so important. The introduction of Gregor's bastard twins (I assume? They do look pretty similar, more so than Ethan and Talia, at least) was an interesting development. But ultimately meaningless where this season is concerned.
Overall, I dunno. Given the larger than usual wait time for the episode, I was expecting more closure. And more varied endings. As I understand, from what I've read so far, the only real difference between endings is that either Ludd or Gryff dies and then you lose Ironrath anyway. I was hoping for more. The ability to push for more Whitehill deaths at the cost of more Forresters, perhaps. The ability to actually hold Ironrath. Come on, how did this supposed strongest wood in the world break so fast under that battering ram? Was hoping we'd actually be able to retake the gates, albeit at a price. Hell, when my Asher almost got killed by Harys, I thought that was it- that was the price I paid for pushing towards the gates and was gonna end up holding the keep... but down the gates went and it was over. I wasn't disappointed by the ending I got- it felt very true to Game of Thrones. But I'm rather disappointed in knowing that this is pretty the only ending I could have got. So that's that.
Had asher
Sold out sera, wish we could have framed her for the murder
Married morgyn, its survive or die plus tom and mira were dumb
Killed cotter, that blood magic crap is just fucked up
Tried to ambush the whitehills = One dead gryff, one pissed of gwyn and one annoying to kill Ludd
Marched south - I figured gregor was pretty shit at things so far as he trusted duncan the traitor, plus these demon people dont seem like great to be around.
Beshka rode off with ryon (does this always happen)
Asher was found by royland (sentinal) and talia
gared is marching south
Mira is alive but a slave
Elissa and gryff are dead
Gwyn and ludd are alive
Eleana is alive I think?
I really can't wait to play this again, I loved that this episode gave so many choices that were so hard that I actually had to pause the game and think for a few minutes. I really want to see what happens if Rodrik is alive instead though. Originally I had Asher sacrifice himself, but I felt it was wrong and went back and changed it... I felt it was worth it and a bit more logical this episode. Also I was very glad I was given the option to try and stop Ludd from being killed, I realized this was all a big mistake and no matter how much we hated it we had to join House Whitehill in order to survive... think about it. I knew I wanted Asher to be with Gywn since she had helped us all this time, and killing Ludd would destroy it and it would end horribly. In the end though, I didn't want to fight, but Lady Forrester kinda screwed that over... and also fighting Harys was pretty cool, I honestly thought the episode would end with the death of pretty much everyone. The Gryff fight was alright, though not as good as it could have been with those sound files I found in Ep 5 (Dialogue of Asher/Rodrik and Gryff fighting pretty much, and insulting each other). There's so much in this episode I could talk about but I'd rather not type an even bigger paragraph 90% of people won't read lol
Damn right! True hero.
"The lag on console was appalling, seriously the fight scene was nearly impossible to play."
I'm playing on PC and experienced some small lags and several minor graphics glitches. With the time it took them to make this episode I would have hoped it would be a lot smoother.
I have to agree, especially the audio, it completely ruined the scene for me
I would have liked the episode a lot more if the lag on PS3 hadn't made it almost impossible to play. Anyway, let's see...
Played as Asher, poisoned both Lady Forrester and Ludd, ended up getting rescued by Duncan.
Gared gave Cotter a good death and stayed to defend the North Grove.
Mira died with her head held high and her honor intact.
Basically, I'm just glad Beskha is alive and well. Her and Talia were my top priorities and I'm glad they got out safe. If we get a 2nd season with the Forresters, i suspect Beskha will have a bigger role to play. Maybe as a sort of mentor to Ryon, though I must admit that I think that's a missed opportunity right there if they go down this path, mostly because having Talia in that position would make so much more sense. She keeps being manhandled and she's obviously been hardened by the events of the season and I really believe Beskha would be perfect to teach her how to avenge her family. Asher is or will be dead and as he said, Beskha is family. She'll make sure they're ready to reclaim what's theirs in honour of her little brother.
...I just really want Beskha and Talia to strike up an unlikely friendship, I suppose. And I'm just not invested enough in Ryon to want him to have a storyline that would make much more sense for Talia.
It says I fought with Fierce Passion. I suppose I'd do it again.
I told the truth to Margaery (Sera was her best friend).
I refused to marry Morgryn (Tom was her boyfriend).
I gave Cotter a merciful death (I promised Sylvi that I would and he was Gared's friend).
I let my mother drink the poison, so Ludd drank it too (at that point I knew everything will go up in flames).
I stayed to defend the North Grove (I... Just, because.)
In the end my Sentinel, Royland appeared with Talia to help Asher up and go... Because there's still time? For what...? Uhm...
Oh, and I fought with Instinct and Nobility.
Told the truth
Refused to marry
Gave cotter nightshade
Ambushed the whitehills in the hall
Marched south
in the end, Duncan and Talia saved me.
I also fought with cunning strategy.
Mercenaries/sellswords weren't unique to the late medieval era (they saw more use, certainly) professional standing armies were. The amount of mercs in Westeros isn't anywhere near the number of them found in late medieval Europe, they aren't significant in Westeros (they're an annoyance instead of significant military powers) but they are in Essos... which is an abomination but I have no idea what the hell Essos is supposed to be (it's vaguely antiquity.)
Dang. Should've used poison then. With Gryff as Lord the Whitehills are done for.
Don't be sad about the Mother. She doomed the House by going against the Marriage and Tom had to die as he was no longer a necessary piece in the Game for Mira.
Hmm, try to remember everything..
Protected Sera and told her to sharpen up, Mira lives.
No blood magic, untied the wildling girl. She's one of my favorites. I like that whole crew. Marched south.
Asher with Reksha and his duel opponent, etc. in the final battle. Ambushed the Whitehills. I think Rodrick's fiance lived. Hope so, I like her.
Gwyn stabbed Asher, but I like her. Killed Gryff, really was hoping to get Ludd taken care of too, chose not to kill him by the nuclear option a few episodes ago, for Rodrick's romance. Really wonder how that would've played out.
Asher, Talia, and sentinel Royland in the epilogue, Reksha has Ryan.
I loved the episode. There were no nonsense plot twists this time, no Whitehill troops sneaking into my guarded Keep. That bugged me a lot in the first episode. I wanted to take Ludd out at least, if Ironrath was going down. No luck.
Great season, really hope they don't kill all the optional survivors next season. Looking forward to next season.
I really, really keep hoping Ramsay Bolton gets taken out soon on the show. Guy that plays him does an awesome job, but he's just too sadistic and too successful, character isn't in the 'love to hate 'em' category for me. Wasn't sorry to see the Lannister nut-king go, same thing. Not being able to really do anything about Ramsay in the game kinda made it worse. But it's consistent.
Technically, it was very smooth for me on PS4, and I thought it only got better looking as it went along. I liked their design choices. Played brilliantly.
I really wanted codex entries for all the major characters, not just the family.
Favorite game original characters: Rodrick and his fiance and her brother. Hope she lives. Asher and Reksha (sp, hope I got her name right, always gloss over it, lol). Gared and the wildling siblings. Talia. Mira, Sera, and Thom. Gwyn. Hope the survivors in that group have major roles again next season.
I also really enjoyed the pit fighters, Royland, and the warg from this episode, looking forward to seeing the survivors again.
Tyrian and Margaery were the best of the show cast for me. Mira's story made good use of the whole King's Landing menagerie.
:-) God bless, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
I'm sorry, but WHAT? Don't be sad? It doesn't matter what she did, she is still a mother.
He saved Mira's life more times than he should and you call him "unnecessary piece", really?
I had Asher alive,
I lied about Sara
I agreed to marry Morgyn
I gave cotter the nightshade
I ambushed ludd and friends at the dinner party
Marched south with frozen friends
Royland the traitor and Talia helped me in the end
I got 'unwavering conviction.'
How did your Sentinel appear? My Sentinel died in battle.
If your Traitor was spared, he takes the place of your Sentinel who dies in the battle at Ironrath.
I killed the traitor (Duncan), it looks like someone needs to be taken care of the Lord (Asher), and because I didn't ally with Gwyn, my Sentinel needed to be there to save me.
I did not spare my traitor (Duncan), and Sir Royland did not die in my first attempt. In my last one, I called the ambush off so keep the promise I made to Gwyn and she defended me and was there with Thalia at the end - I guess Sir Royland died then.
Abomination? It depicts the Middle East of the Late Medieval era. (Mereen for example is pretty similar to Constantinople) the Ottoman and Byzantine Empire were just like Essos, only difference is that in Essos there are many city-states. Also mercenaries are significant in Westeros, Stannis had half an army just of them. Finally, to mention an historical example, when Charles VIII king of France invaded Italy in late XIV century he relied mostly on the Italian Condottieri, who are professional mercenaries.
I'll give the choices I made in my canon playthrough (I had Rodrik):
How do you access the choices, and how you fought pages please???
I'm still trying to decide on my choices. I think I'd save Asher, but I'm not sure which is the better fate for Mira. I don't want her to die, but Morgryn is not a good guy
I have to admit, the choices in Game of Thrones are still hard. I'm still not sure what are the right choices.