Gwyn is right and Mira....

edited November 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Marriage would have not only have saved the House but would have gave them time.

So it's surprising that so many doomed the house instead of attempting to save it and in the end Gwyn goes against her own family to do the right thing if you, as Asher, chose to right choice and she understood that your mother ruined everything. That and Gwyn is voiced by a certain famous voice actress, you cannot deny that voice.

As for Mira... Surprised so many gave up on the game so soon. Letting Mira die means that you give up. Having Mira wed gives Mira time and a chance to grow so that she could possibly turn the tables and play the game once more. After all, Mira is a natural and it took her very little time to learn what takes others years. Sure, bedding a crazy man (who at least looks handsome) isn't all that great but eventually he'll let his guard down and Mira can act once more in the game. Not to mention that while he's clearly crazy he has played the game for many years and Mira would learn very quickly at his side until he, like Tom, is no longer useful and must be discarded for her ascent.

Yet letting her die takes that piece off the table. Not to mention that Tom chose his fate and if one is to play the game they must understand that not all assets are useful forever and Tom was a necessary sacrifice for Mira to continue to grow and become a true player of the game. Give her a few more years of practice and actual power to utilize and she could be a frighteningly skilled player for sure.


  • Agree about Mira

    Disagree about Gwyneth, her last great plan failed. Seriously she can go fuck herself,

  • edited November 2015

    Her plan was working - Your mother ruined it.

    Despite that Gwyn doesn't give up and betrays her family for Asher to find another way towards Peace.

    As we all seen, Bloodshed only makes things worse. Every single time. Heck, your Mother caused the House to fall by refusing to obey the Lord of The House because she was so blinded by hatred that she didn't see the only path that would save them all.

    The only solution is Peace at this point and Asher, a fresh face in this ongoing conflict, could bring that alongside Gwyn.

    Agree about Mira Disagree about Gwyneth, her last great plan failed. Seriously she can go fuck herself,

  • I meant her first plan where we went to the hightop

    Also her plan was just plain Disney, someone would ruin it

    SazukeEX posted: »

    Her plan was working - Your mother ruined it. Despite that Gwyn doesn't give up and betrays her family for Asher to find another way towa

  • Please don't comment on things you don't have a clue about. Gwyn beard huge risks trying to bring peace between the two houses and your mother was the one who fucked it up in the last second by slicing Ludd's face. Lady Forrester can srsly go to seven hell

    Agree about Mira Disagree about Gwyneth, her last great plan failed. Seriously she can go fuck herself,

  • I'm having a hard time believing that there would be peace between two houses, when the Whitehill gave us no reason to believe that there would be peace. Their roles have caused the death of Ethan and Rodrik/Asher, and the Forresters are supposed forgive and overlook that?

    Peace was thrown out of the window a long time ago.

    shadowmere posted: »

    Please don't comment on things you don't have a clue about. Gwyn beard huge risks trying to bring peace between the two houses and your moth

  • please don't comment on things

    Nah Im good

    shadowmere posted: »

    Please don't comment on things you don't have a clue about. Gwyn beard huge risks trying to bring peace between the two houses and your moth

  • edited November 2015

    I am the one of 15.7% players, who ended story with Gwyn om the main save, so I agree with your opinion on her. I did not expect her to help Asher after his mohter's actions and I want to believe she would become a great ally.

    However, my Mira died. I could not let Tom answer for my killing after his help in Episode 2. Yes, my Mira did a killing blow and she answered for this. But her friends will remember her as nice and dear friend, who made everything to keep her friends in good condition,

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