Episode 3 Waiting Thread - Out Now on PC/Mac/Xbox Live/PSN/iOS/Android, Coming Nov 26 for PS4 EU



  • Nah. Choices mattering i got 2 hours of ep2 which is cool.

    Seems like they're rushing this game faster than most

  • I don't think you want to delay the update another day just for that, do you?

    why is the key arts for this always the slide for the episode

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    The pictures for the slides are pretty good at summarising the episode so they probably didn't feel the need to create separate key art.

    why is the key arts for this always the slide for the episode

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    The episodes do seem to be coming out pretty quickly, I'm guessing the majority of the episodes where finished or being worked on before they released episode 1 which is why they are releasing them quicker than they normally do.

    IceKane posted: »

    Dang, that was earlier than expected. Telltale Games seems to want to surprise us a lot, huh?

  • How to send the 12 year olds into a panic.

    Saying the word sex.

  • K

    NicWarden posted: »

    How to send the 12 year olds into a panic. Saying the word sex.

  • LOL this was meant for the comment further up the page, this comment on it's own sounds really weird.

    zeke10 posted: »


  • edited November 2015

    So i was like guys, it's coming next week 24th november. Well, forget it, it's coming tommorrow ;P

    I just hope they had enoough time. :/

    OzzyUK posted: »

    First look coming on the 19th https://twitter.com/telltalegames/status/667009448280387585

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It's only a preview coming tomorrow, the episode release will be on Tuesday.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    So i was like guys, it's coming next week 24th november. Well, forget it, it's coming tommorrow ;P I just hope they had enoough time.

  • Sadly, Aiden is more likely to have survived. Otherwise, the "He will remember that" would be for nothing.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Well, if it will be only one, I'm hoping for Gill. It would be interesting if the last episode would have something similar to TFTB. Where y

  • facepalm i didn't read it correctly >.<

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It's only a preview coming tomorrow, the episode release will be on Tuesday.

  • I am excited for Episode 3. After that gigantic bite of GoT, I need something more sweeter and positive.

  • edited November 2015

    I like the fact that you shouldn't look into the endermen's eyes if you love living your life, yet their's would explode from how wide they are.

    Also, I hope the intro will show Lukas. (Since ep1 showed Pet, ep2 showed either Ol or Ax.)

  • Cool! In another Tweet, Job clarified to someone it was a trailer (not that there was doubt, but still), so it'll be interesting to watch that tomorrow.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    First look coming on the 19th https://twitter.com/telltalegames/status/667009448280387585

  • Nice! This episode looks like it's going to be great just by looking at the Keyart.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    First look coming on the 19th https://twitter.com/telltalegames/status/667009448280387585

  • The keyart is telling me this is going to be a good episode! Hope Telltale took their time in creating this one!!

  • ya your right

    OzzyUK posted: »

    The pictures for the slides are pretty good at summarising the episode so they probably didn't feel the need to create separate key art.

  • Wait, first I thought we'll only get the trailer tomorrow... So, the whole game?

    Jesus Mary and Joseph!

  • Nope, just a trailer.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Wait, first I thought we'll only get the trailer tomorrow... So, the whole game? Jesus Mary and Joseph!

  • We aren't getting the episode tomorrow.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Wait, first I thought we'll only get the trailer tomorrow... So, the whole game? Jesus Mary and Joseph!

  • Well, it looks like with many people, IGN read things wrong. Or I'm seeing things...

    Whew, but I'm really hyped for the game, holy cannoli!

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Wait, first I thought we'll only get the trailer tomorrow... So, the whole game? Jesus Mary and Joseph!

  • edited November 2015

    Take a lucky guess about who got Episode 3 early!

    Go ahead! Take a lucky guess!

    Mod Notes: Taking out the youtube embeds due to spoilers in the titles.

  • edited November 2015


    At least we know this episode is longer than an hour, so there's that

    Could someone contact Telltale about this? I tweeted Job Stauffer with a link but I'm not sure if that will help

  • Well they must have sent him the copy early, but is he allowed to upload it before release?

  • Cryaotic got an early copy of Tales from the Borderlands episode 4, but he only uploaded the video after the episode got released.

    CarL_J posted: »

    Well they must have sent him the copy early, but is he allowed to upload it before release?

  • Yeah I knew about that but I forgot about it. So does that mean the 2 parts available ATM might be taken down? I'm downloading them both anyway incase it gets taken down :)

    Cryaotic got an early copy of Tales from the Borderlands episode 4, but he only uploaded the video after the episode got released.

  • Well, yeah. He's breaking Embargo. Why wouldn't they get taken down.

    CarL_J posted: »

    Yeah I knew about that but I forgot about it. So does that mean the 2 parts available ATM might be taken down? I'm downloading them both anyway incase it gets taken down

  • Not too sure, but going to let Stauffer know.

    CarL_J posted: »

    Yeah I knew about that but I forgot about it. So does that mean the 2 parts available ATM might be taken down? I'm downloading them both anyway incase it gets taken down

  • Lukas kinda acts like a jerk so far... Why...? Why are you doing this to me?! But at least I saw some Ocas <3

  • Have you no shame! Your actually watching it??!!

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Lukas kinda acts like a jerk so far... Why...? Why are you doing this to me?! But at least I saw some Ocas

  • Yes, yes I do.

    enter image description here

    Have you no shame! Your actually watching it??!!

  • I was just watching his Custom Mod Adventures, and then THAT? Well, i'm not going to watch those videos until the episode gets released, unfortunately i saw both titles and miniatures. Great. -_-

  • Actually, it would be good to see him again, to give him some revenge y' know. :)

    IceKane posted: »

    Sadly, Aiden is more likely to have survived. Otherwise, the "He will remember that" would be for nothing.

  • So wait, why do a few people have it now?

  • edited November 2015

    Maybe he asked for an early LP code since he might've been busy the day it comes out. That's what happened with Cryaotic and Episode 4 of Tales, but at least he released the video's when they were supposed to be released!

    So wait, why do a few people have it now?


    enter image description here

  • enter image description here


  • I've been hearing that a few people with the Telltale Store version got it.


  • It has to be coming out tomorrow there is no way.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I've been hearing that a few people with the Telltale Store version got it.

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