The people on here sure seem like a fickle lot...

edited November 2015 in Game Of Thrones

So I'm not going to pretend the game was perfect, but boy, do the comments on the forum feel overwhelmingly negative.

And I don't understand why. The best I can piece together is the following:

  1. An apparent intolerance for subtlety, ambiguity, or even the obvious fact there will be a Season 2

  2. Bad things happening mean the game is bad.

  3. The usual complaints about choices. Because people don't understand the difference between story and plot.

Again, it's not perfect, but I sure thought it was pretty damn good. I liked the north grove, I liked my new best friend the polar bear, the fall of Ironrath stuck with me, and Mira's fate was pretty damn excellent and summarizes everything about King's Landing quite nicely. It was a good choice. Your life at the cost of freedom or integrity, or an undignified, gruesome death. Ned Stark was faced with a similar decision, but at least Mira got to live with the sacrifice of her honour. So hey, TTG's writers are nicer than GRRM.

Alright, bring on the hate. My body is ready.

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  • I loved this game! I think majority of people on here don't like stories where your losing for a while.

  • Or losing in general, it would seem.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I loved this game! I think majority of people on here don't like stories where your losing for a while.

  • The finale was good in my opnion . They have their work cut out in season 2

  • Seems more like the majority that are angry/disappointing ending was because it was sequel baity/unfulfilling. I didn't have a problem with it cause I already knew right from the start that there was going to be another season due to them saying that it was a multi-year deal :p

  • edited November 2015

    Look I liked it and i love Telltale but i just think they could have done a better job with it. Though I must say I really hate knowing that all our determent characters are most likely going to die or never be seen again.

  • It is interesting that I criticized this game a lot (even here) during the season. Among this model of games, it is one TT’s that was poorly made in terms of reacting to your choices.

    Until episode 5, many times during the game you can say 3 completely different things in a conversation and the other person reaction and lines is the same, it insinuates the possibility of a course of action (like when Rodrik learns about the ambush and should be able to at least try to prevent it) and when it finally have something determined by the player it is something that should not depend on the players action and is done in a clumsily way (yes, I’m talking about the traitor stuff).

    And it is funny that now, people who argue passionately for this game and ignored all its flaws are complaining about an episode that was, in fact, very good. Is it perfect? No. But was a very good one.

    The only possible mistake about it that I point out is Mira. She could be a great character and had lot of potential, but, now, she was ruled out from a second season. This was a waste. In name of a Ned Stark moment, TT lost a good opportunity of later development. And even if it is impactful, it was unnecessary since you also have an unexpected Elissa’s death.

    It really seems that people have a problem with unhappy and open endings. That’s the only real explanation for this shift in perception that takes people from a “this game is perfect” (when it is clearly not) to “this game sucks” (right after a good episode).

  • Just because you criticize something doesn't mean you dislike it. It usually means that people are engaged and emotionally involved in the story, which means they will be vocally disappointed if the story lets them down in some way.

  • I think my only complaint is that there is a lack of closure. That's not a bad thing though depending on how a story ends. Mostly because season 2 seems like it'll just be the same story though, I would have preferred more closure.

  • I think the negative commenters are the most outspoken on forums. Maybe it's more fun to vent and complain about a game on a forum than it is to praise it (though it might be just as much fun defending the game as well).

  • The problem with Mira's fate, which would be absolutely amazing in a book or in a series finale (not season finale like this one), is that there will be a Season 2 and she won't be playable on it.

    That's all.

  • I dont even think its that. People seem pissy about mira really, I havnt seen much else bar that

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Seems more like the majority that are angry/disappointing ending was because it was sequel baity/unfulfilling. I didn't have a problem with

  • I couldn't agree more with you Demarcoa.

    The only thing I didn't really like was the ending to the episode with Asher/Rodrik, just seemed unresolved, but apart from that I thought it was a great episode!

    So people coming on here hating it and being so negative about everything is just so sad and very poor to see, I wish I'd never looked on this forum to see there opinions because it just throws mud at what was a really good episode.

  • That's a good point. It just felt like some people were bringing out hate for hates sake. Criticism is fine, especially in a series we can all agree was far from perfect.

    ranger563 posted: »

    Just because you criticize something doesn't mean you dislike it. It usually means that people are engaged and emotionally involved in the story, which means they will be vocally disappointed if the story lets them down in some way.

  • I agree completly. there is still hope in the VERY END. :)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I loved this game! I think majority of people on here don't like stories where your losing for a while.

  • edited November 2015

    I just felt that the writing was very medicore in this series. I didn't care for the characters at all. Choices don't matter in Telltale games but in previous one's
    at least they maintained the illusion. Here they didn't

    Borderlands was MUCH better. Its like they stopped caring about GoT after Episode 1 or 2.

    It seems Telltale won't reach the greatness of TWAU and TWD S1, at least not in the foreseeable future, outstanding games.

  • yup.. there will be another.. and i think that is what people don't seem to understand.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Seems more like the majority that are angry/disappointing ending was because it was sequel baity/unfulfilling. I didn't have a problem with

  • Welcome to the life of game of thrones my friend.

    Walker99 posted: »

    Look I liked it and i love Telltale but i just think they could have done a better job with it. Though I must say I really hate knowing that all our determent characters are most likely going to die or never be seen again.

  • you can keep Mira alive if you choose to marry morayn.

    TMLC posted: »

    It is interesting that I criticized this game a lot (even here) during the season. Among this model of games, it is one TT’s that was poorly

  • you can keep her alive.

    Abeille posted: »

    The problem with Mira's fate, which would be absolutely amazing in a book or in a series finale (not season finale like this one), is that there will be a Season 2 and she won't be playable on it. That's all.

  • That's a pretty big assumption. Even if it were true, you'll never convince me that somehow makes the whole season bad.

    Abeille posted: »

    The problem with Mira's fate, which would be absolutely amazing in a book or in a series finale (not season finale like this one), is that there will be a Season 2 and she won't be playable on it. That's all.

  • edited November 2015

    I felt the other way around. If you want to get a ton of thumbs ups and pats on the back you just say some fanboy thing like

    Greatest game I ever played in my entire life, OMG I cant wait for season 2!

    Look at every I love this game post and you will see, just like this one, everyone sits around giving each other thumbs up and reach arounds.

    If you want to argue with 20 people like you stumbled into a GOT comicon wearing an I love Joffery Tshirt and are insulting Ned Starks honor, you just need to say something negative like point out some of the many plot holes in the game. Those posts are lucky to get 3-4 people giving it the thumbs up even if what they are saying is dead on accurate. Don't think I have ever been on a forum with more dedicated fanboys.

  • I loved this finale. I thought the graphics looked great (for a telltale game), I thought the story was very well written, I felt like I was watching the show, or reading the books the whole time I was playing, great work telltale writers, I also thought the choices were very good a lot of hard choices to make, and most of the choices both past and present, made a huge difference on the story. But I have my complaints, first off I played it on ps3 so you might know where I am going with this. The frame rate was not too bad I never really mind the frame rate in telltale games that much, but when it freezes up so bad that I miss things that are important, it make me mad. One minute a person is alive but then my screen freezes up for a few seconds and then they are dead, I missed what happened to them. And the audio during the final battle with the Whitehills, it was bad, every time I play it the audio stops, all I here are grunts and swords clanging together. I had to go back to the menu and restart from my check point, which doesn't sound like much work but when the loading screens take minutes to get done I get a little frustrated. And add on the fact that I have to go back to the menu every 30sec-1 min b/c the audio keeps stopping. But sense the frame rate issues and audio issues only really bothered the fight scenes I was fine with it. And I heard that the PS4 and x box one versions don't have that much trouble with it, so maybe I just need to buy it one PS4 instead. I still thought the episode was great, one of TellTales best.

  • edited November 2015

    I thought it was pretty great, I didn't like ep5 has much though, lotta story was screwed up there. Every other episode besides 5 was pretty solid, there was some plot holes but not big enough ones to create to much of a problem, definitely way better then TWDS2 plot holes I can say. As for the choices, its kinda hard to create a game in a few months and have incredibly different branching paths. If we did want something like that, we would have to wait the same or maybe even longer amount of time that it took for Episode 6 to come out. (which was the longest Telltale game episode we had to wait for ever.) I can honestly say though it was worth the wait.

  • Well, I think we can all agree Tales was much better.

    Journey95 posted: »

    I just felt that the writing was very medicore in this series. I didn't care for the characters at all. Choices don't matter in Telltale gam

  • The season is not bad. in my view.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    That's a pretty big assumption. Even if it were true, you'll never convince me that somehow makes the whole season bad.

  • My main issue wasn't that bad things happened to the forresters ,of course we knew that was gonna happen it's game of thrones, but my issue was as some other people have pointed out. The lack of closure. I get it they're setting up for another season but so far in every other telltale game, we got at least some satisfying closure and then they usually drop a big cliffhanger for the possibility of another season. Like TWD season 1 had a very sad ending and a cliffhanger but we got some closure with characters or events, not all but some, so I felt rather satisfied and ready for another season. While GOT finale left me kinda annoyed because it feels like we should at least be getting one more episode but instead we gotta wait who knows how long for another season. Which I don't see happening for awhile considering they're working on MCSM, TWD Michonne, I assume the early stages of pre production of The Marvel Project in 2017, and I'm pretty confident they're already doing things for TWD season 3. So there schedule is packed. I know they have different people working on each but Telltale isn't a massive company so I think they're rather jammed up right now, however I could be wrong.

  • Welp this community is doomed. Goodbye everybody!!!!!

    flies away

  • That doesn't really matter. She is determinant, and unlike Rodrik and Asher, Tom doesn't share Mira's role in King's Landing, so TellTale would have to make chapters for the ~20% of us who kept her alive for her to be playable. I don't think this is going to happen.

  • I just don't get how people are still throwing around the choices don't matter complaint when they mattered a shitton this episode. I mean, sure they didn't matter that much in previous episodes but I think choices mattered enough in this one that the complaint is invalid for the series.

  • I believe I never tried to convince you of that, I only pointed out the problem with Mira's fate in a game. As I said, it would be great in the books, because when faced with the choice she would either live and keep having POVs or she would die and not have any other POV. Feel free to point out when I tried to convince you that that made the whole season bad.

    And... How is assuming that a determinant character will not be playable in season 2 a big assumption? It is a pretty safe assumption given TTG's history with determinant characters. Mira is at the same time alive and dead because she is determinant (Schrodinger's Mira?), and for her to be playable, TellTale would have to make chapters for us who kept her alive, and we are not many. Or, of course, they can pull some Red Priest magic on the last second and say Mira was replaced with someone else (like the woman in the cell in front of Mira's cell) for the execution, which would be horribly forced. Not to mention that, for us that let her live, all they have to do is say Mira didn't behave and Morgryn actually locked her up, literally, which made it impossible for her to keep playing the game. It is a shame, since it is actually a situation that I would love to play as Mira, as it is much like Sansa's situation with Littlefinger (although I suspect Morgryn would be violent with Mira, while Littlefinger is pretty protective of Sansa in the books).

    Demarcoa posted: »

    That's a pretty big assumption. Even if it were true, you'll never convince me that somehow makes the whole season bad.

  • edited November 2015

    The entire Mira storyline came down to a yes/no choice where whatever you did beforehand didn't matter.

    Edit: Also, whilst it was fun chopping down Ludd as Rodrik, it was supposed to decapitate the Whitehill army and change the course of battle.
    It was a massive risk to take, but made zero difference. The Whitehills weren't even momentarily disrupted.

    I just don't get how people are still throwing around the choices don't matter complaint when they mattered a shitton this episode. I mean,

  • I know, but that doesn’t change what I said.

    Since she is a determinant character without a counterpart (like Rodrik and Asher), it is very unlikely that she will be developed in the next season. So, dead or alive, her story arc is dead and a great opportunity was wasted by TT. That’s my point.

  • I was pretty impressed by the impact of our choices, but I don't know if they'll be as impactful in season 2 (we could begin with Talia and Ryon as the only Forresters alive afaik, but damn would it be disappointing).

    The problem is, the whole story was so depressing. The Forresters were bashed from the beginning until the very end, with no possibility to get revenge. You either get butchered or bending the knee to everyone. In both cases you're just humiliated into oblivion and, just, powerless.

  • Because he has an insane son who can replace him immediately. The army wont leave until Both whitehills and they're commander (Harys) are dead.

    asanque posted: »

    The entire Mira storyline came down to a yes/no choice where whatever you did beforehand didn't matter. Edit: Also, whilst it was fun cho

  • Well thats how GOT is. The Forresters suffer the same fate as all other nothern houses under the boltons.

    FlyingPony posted: »

    I was pretty impressed by the impact of our choices, but I don't know if they'll be as impactful in season 2 (we could begin with Talia and

  • edited November 2015

    100% agree. I loved this season and can't wait for a season 2. Final 2 episodes gave me a lot of choices were I had trouble clicking any option.

    The Mira choice was definitely the hardest choice in the game. Die or live in an invisible cage. Too bad her fate may lead to her not being playable anymore..

  • I totaly agree with you Demarcoa. It was the same with LiS finale. but someone posted a video there. It was about Wishfulfillment. I think it matches here way better than in LiS

  • I wouldnt compare Tales and GoT becuase they have nothing in common except the fact that they were made by Telltale. One is comedy and one is dark fantasy. Also I see that people sure are very nostalgic. TWAU and TWD are good but Tales beat them alredy after the episode 2.

    Journey95 posted: »

    I just felt that the writing was very medicore in this series. I didn't care for the characters at all. Choices don't matter in Telltale gam

  • lol no. Tales was good and fun but never as great as TWD or TWAU (in terms of story, characters and atmosphere).
    And it didn't need too since it was just a fun comedy game.

    And why wouldn't you compare Tales with GoT? Its made by the same developer, both are episodic games, came out at the same time etc.
    From a quality perspective they can definitely be compared and Tales just shits on GoT in that regard

    I wouldnt compare Tales and GoT becuase they have nothing in common except the fact that they were made by Telltale. One is comedy and one i

  • I think this may be the only place where some are actually liking GoT S1. Everywhere else people are shitting on the game and rightfully so

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