Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • Bay >>>>>>>>>>>Bae

    armis37 posted: »

    Except if you chose Bae over Bay, of course

  • Ha, I hope it's not weird to buy a game twice, as I've bought most of Telltale's games three or four times over on various consoles and on different digital distribution storefronts. ;)

    I'll probably pick up the Life is Strange Limited Edition even though I already own it on Steam. Can never go wrong with having a physical copy. :)

    Wow. I would be interested in having all that, but I already bought and downloaded the whole game. Is it weird to buy the game twice? :-/

  • If you think so :)

    Bay >>>>>>>>>>>Bae

  • Everything is messsed up. They sayed in ep5 we will know from where power comes from with who is the doe. Why devs have been spotted playing something new in lis? They're hiding a dlc from us. And i can proof this.

    I think it would be best if Max never used her powers again.

  • 3rd ending DLC, I can see it now. Just like Fire Emblem Fates.

    Everything is messsed up. They sayed in ep5 we will know from where power comes from with who is the doe. Why devs have been spotted playing something new in lis? They're hiding a dlc from us. And i can proof this.

  • I'm sure the devs has a different version of the game.

    Everything is messsed up. They sayed in ep5 we will know from where power comes from with who is the doe. Why devs have been spotted playing something new in lis? They're hiding a dlc from us. And i can proof this.

  • I wonder why they didn't give us a self-sacrifice option to avoid all the shaky explanations for 'sacrificing Chloe' = 'breaking the loop'. Getting MondayMax killed in the bathroom would create a safe timeline, one where we can be a 100 percent sure, that there will be no more messing with time. Chloe is actually, if you ignore the ending they gave us and logically develop the story after she bleeds to death, an unnecessary sacrifice because MondayMax would most likely go on with 'helping out' people (or doing some other nonsense) using her power, even if she couldn't save Chloe.

    Alternatively Max might have lost her time travel powers once Chloe meets her destiny and is irretrievably dead.

    We can assume Chloe was irretrievably dead when she got shot in the head by Jefferson and this had no effect on Max' powers. Chloe being the crux of the matter is just... forced.

    The problem with the first and second butterfly photos is essentially a plot hole. I think the game hopes you'll assume the memory that Max

  • Life Is Strange was dynamic, fantastic and beautiful.

    Did you save Chloe or Arcadia?
    Much as I love Chloe I had to save Arcadia, Kate was my favourite character in the game!

    The ending was fantastic: very emotional and tense.

  • I sacrificed Chloe. Screw her. Kate was my favorite too.

  • A lot of people were assuming that would be an option. The things is, getting MondayMax shot, but alive and in a coma until waking up on Friday, would achieve the same effect without the need to kill her. As long as she is unable to do all that time-travelling she did. Which is why I assume the game was trying to imply that Chloe dying in the bathroom would end Max's ability. Otherwise you're right, stand-in Max would still probably rewind throughout the week and cause the tornado.

    We can assume Chloe was irretrievably dead when she got shot in the head by Jefferson

    Well, no, by definition she wasn't 'irretrievably' dead when Jefferson shot her, because Max did managed to 'retrieve' her, using the photos (something MondayMax wouldn't have been able to do with MondayChloe). Also I'd assume Chloe would need to meet her 'destiny' by dying specifically in that bathroom at that point in time. If all Chloe had to do to fix things and get rid of Max's power was to die whenever and wherever (like the junkyard), then she could have just jumped off the lighthouse cliff at the end to save everybody. That fixed point in time in the bathroom was the crux of the matter, not Chloe herself. Chloe was just the sacrificial lamb. And yes, arguably, Max could have been the sacrificial lamb, too.

    rousseau posted: »

    I wonder why they didn't give us a self-sacrifice option to avoid all the shaky explanations for 'sacrificing Chloe' = 'breaking the loop'.

  • And by that explain all the dlc files.

    I'm sure the devs has a different version of the game.

  • this is how i pose in family photos

  • I think the opposite with most of Telltale's characters.

  • While having played both TWD seasons 1 & 2, I have to say that LIS did a much better job for me as far as characters depth. Not all the characters mind you, but the ones that mattered. TWD left me not caring who lived or died in that game. Clem was the only character in both who I could even get into. Different strokes I guess.

  • edited November 2015

    The feels... This ending was so powerful (also love the soundtrack).
    Chloe :(

    I sacrificed Chloe. Screw her. Kate was my favorite too.

  • I liked Nathan, David, William and Frank. They were all a little unnecessarily angry, but the game clearly explains that they aren't bad people.

  • Working on a new render :) Texture testing with Max.

    enter image description here

  • It truly was.

    I saved Chloe, and I don't regret it ^^

  • Found an accurate fanart from March 2015, that predicted the ending for Episode 5.

    enter image description here

  • Did you play Tales from the Borderlands? If not, you should :)

    mmoblitz posted: »

    While having played both TWD seasons 1 & 2, I have to say that LIS did a much better job for me as far as characters depth. Not all the

  • wow tough stuff

    Found an accurate fanart from March 2015, that predicted the ending for Episode 5.

  • Feel like this shoulda been an ending

    enter image description here

    Found an accurate fanart from March 2015, that predicted the ending for Episode 5.

  • This is the ending I was planning to choose had it been an option :/

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Feel like this shoulda been an ending

  • This is perfect. Now Max is dead and the tornado will kill Warren and Chloe.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Feel like this shoulda been an ending

  • Which is why I assume the game was trying to imply that Chloe dying in the bathroom would end Max's ability.

    Yeah, it depends on what is the source/reason for Max’ powers. Do they depend on Chloe or not? There’s no proof for either side (I think). The time freezing ability for example manifested when Max wanted to prevent Kate’s death. The photo power on the other hand was linked to Chloe, but not to her death. So I assumed Max didn't get the powers solely for deciding about Chloe's fate that day in the bathroom.

    A lot of people were assuming that would be an option. The things is, getting MondayMax shot, but alive and in a coma until waking up on Fri

  • No I didn't. I read up on it and watched some live play vids and i just doesn't look that interesting to me.

    CarL_J posted: »

    Did you play Tales from the Borderlands? If not, you should

  • edited November 2015

    I would like to see that ending happen. ;_;

    The 3rd ending (Fan-made)

  • If any song was going to be played for it, it would have to be this.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    I would like to see that ending happen. ;_;

  • So, who were your most fave and least fave characters? I liked Kate, Nathan and Warren.

    I hated Chloe, Booke, Alissa and Jefferson.

  • edited November 2015

    Favourite Characters besides Max.

    Nathan: One of the most interesting characters in this game, You started out hating him but slowly over time you end up understanding what drove him to do the things he did and just end up wanting to help him in the end.

    enter image description here

    Chloe: Problematic, funny and caring when she wants to be, a best friend some would kill to have.

    enter image description here

    Warren: Everyone that wants Chloe and Max together hate him :( he is so underrated though.. he's just a slightly nerdy kid with good intentions that has a crush on a girl, he defends Max whenever he can and puts himself at risk for her multiple times.

    enter image description here

    Kate: Her plot was very touching and affected a lot of people, kind and caring and 2 pure for this world... If you find a Kate out there..cherish her.
    enter image description here

    Victoria: I found it interesting how the game reveals her to be the most confident person but she is in fact very insecure about herself.
    enter image description here

    Joyce: The time we spend with her in episode 3 really connected with me, the way she treats Max like her own kid and is just an awesome mum in general (also voiced by the woman who did Katjaa)

    enter image description here

    To sum it all up I think the main characters in this game are meant to be Max,Chloe,Warren,Nathan and Victoria since they are all explored the most, a lot of the other students were kind of meh.. as in don't really care about you.. didn't really hate any of them though.

    Now to the people (more like person) I fucking hated.

    MR JEFFERSON: of course he is here.... FUCK YOU! (Mainly for playing his part in the murder of Rachel, determinately Victoria, Nathan, making Kate want to die and Chloe also for kidnapping Max )

    enter image description here

    also credit to David Madsen for stepping up :)

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    So, who were your most fave and least fave characters? I liked Kate, Nathan and Warren. I hated Chloe, Booke, Alissa and Jefferson.

  • edited November 2015

    Favorite: Kate, William, David Madsen, Nathan a bit

    Least Favorite/Hated: pretty much everyone else

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    So, who were your most fave and least fave characters? I liked Kate, Nathan and Warren. I hated Chloe, Booke, Alissa and Jefferson.

  • I just realised, I don't think there's actually any specific proof in the game that Nathan was the one who drugged Kate at the Vortex Club Party.

    All Kate remembers is Nathan offering to take her to the hospital when she felt sick (perhaps he originally intended to). Then Nathan obviously drove her to the Dark Room, because David tracked his car to there that night. Then Kate heard Nathan later, before someone (Jefferson) stuck a needle in her neck. So he's definitely part of it. But that's it. Victoria seems to believe incorrectly that Nathan 'hooked Kate up' (as in Kate asked him for drugs voluntarily) and we know Nathan has been buying the drugs for Jefferson from Frank, but there's nothing to prove Nathan was the one who actually spiked Kate's wine that night. Nathan never admits to drugging her either, he just says he never wanted to hurt Kate.

    What's the bet that, after Nathan accidentally overdosed Rachel last time, Jefferson wasn't willing to let him administer the drugs anymore, and so Jefferson dosed Kate himself, then left after manipulating Nathan to watch over her and then bring her to the Dark Room later on. What if Jefferson also spiked Warren's half-a-beer at the 'End of the World' party (which is why Warren was so out of it). If Jefferson knew Warren had helped Max and Chloe earlier by beating Nathan up, he'd see Warren as a liability to his plan, and as such, would be better off incapacitated, so that he couldn't interfere and help them again.

    Now I know at this point, it doesn't really matter whether Nathan did it or not. But if Max's accusation in the principal's office that 'Nathan dosed Kate' was actually inaccurate, despite the majority of players automatically selecting that option, then that makes me sympathise for Nathan even more.

    That all being said, Nathan definitely did dose Chloe in his dorm room a couple of weeks earlier. So he's hardly an angel, but still.

  • Even Chloe? :(

    Favorite: Kate, William, David Madsen, Nathan a bit Least Favorite/Hated: pretty much everyone else

  • Especially Chloe.

    armis37 posted: »

    Even Chloe?

  • Haven't you looked at any of his previous posts? He clearly loves her a lot.

    armis37 posted: »

    Even Chloe?

  • That's, like, hella not cool, man :(

    Especially Chloe.

  • I loved Max, Chloe (especially her), Warren, Kate, Victoria (when she stopped acting like a jerk of course).

    And I hated only Mr Jefferson I guess. Could've been a great villain but ended up being a generic-douche villain.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    So, who were your most fave and least fave characters? I liked Kate, Nathan and Warren. I hated Chloe, Booke, Alissa and Jefferson.

  • Definitely! It would fit the moment perfectly.

    If any song was going to be played for it, it would have to be this.

  • edited November 2015

    My Favorites:

    Max - Not just because of her being the main protagonist, but because of how she slowly goes from being the shy, reluctant and timid girl everyone refers her as, to being a more confident, protective and wise girl with a great power that she can use to be a hero by saving lives, a detective by getting info from people through conversations and then rewind without them knowing they told her, and a ninja by sneaking past people while rewinding without being noticed.

    Chloe - The relationship between her and Max is cute and I do see them as more than best friends. I do like how she supports Max on being a cool photographer and encourages her to have more confidence, and how she looks out for Max like she is looking out for her with her rewind. Also, I like how more protective she was of Max in episode 4. And since I chose to sacrifice Arcadia Bay, I do hope that she starts living a much better life with Max by her side.

    Kate - She's a sweet girl, and deserves to have a better life than what Blackwell can offer. I also love her bunny, Alice.

    Warren - I like how he's always willing help to Max with whatever problem she has, with time-travel research, pipe bomb, and being her white knight against Nathan.

    Least Favorite:

    Jefferson - I trusted this guy and he turns out to be psychotic serial killer. I would've loved to see Max bash his fancy camera on his face after the beatdown David gave him. And he deserves a fate far worse than burning in Hell.

    Nathan - I've always hated him for how he acts like he do whatever he wants just because his family owns Blackwell academy and acting like a mean bastard towards everyone around him, but then I felt bad for him after hearing his voice message. I know that he's been manipulated by Jefferson and his dad pushed into who he is, but I can't forgive him for the things he did.

    Victoria - Even though I didn't make fun of her in being covered in paint, her queen bitch attitude has always irritated me to no end. And the one time I try to help her, it gets her killed. Why does being nice have to be wrong?

    David - I mentioned before that he's never really given me any reason to be nice to him. Mainly because how he treated Max, Kate and Chloe. It wasn't until Ep.4 when he left after I sided with Chloe and Joyce kicked him out that I actually felt remorse for him and in Ep.5 where I was so glad to see him.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    So, who were your most fave and least fave characters? I liked Kate, Nathan and Warren. I hated Chloe, Booke, Alissa and Jefferson.

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