Oh boy, I'm quite the cinephile so here we go. My ratings will go from C- to A+:
A+: My personal favorite of the year (so far... looking at you star wars). This film was brillant in every aspect, it mocks the stereotypes from which spy films often suffer by mimicking them while managing to still remain original on its own. The way it was filmed was absolutely incredible, the church scene is for me the best fight scene of the 2015. The actors were great too and seeing Colin Firth in a suit just adds bonus points.
C: Directly from top to worst of the year imo (so far... still looking at you star wars). Now, I missed this one at the cinema but people kept telling me it was extraordinary so I finally picked it up and watched it. I regret my decision, I feel like I've wasted both my money and time. The plot so thin I could wear it as a thong, some cheesy lines, mostly boring characters and plot holes (how did Furiosa even end up with a truck after trying to escape so many times, didn't they think that she might I dunno... ecsape again now that she has the means?) kept adding up while watching it and sure, the special effects were cool but take them away and the Mad Max has nothing else to offer. It avoids a C- for the sheer fact that it was pretty to look at. Anyways, that's just my opinion so don't flame me pls ;-;
C+:sigh Age of Ultron was trying to best the first Avengers by forcing the trait on what made it such a good film. Problem is that it became a caricature of Avengers 1. That's why it's so difficult for me to make a critic of this, there's nothing to hate in Age of Ultron, it has all the elements that made me fall in love with the serie, but there's nothing to love either because of the lack of originality. Believe me when I say I wish I could like this film but I just can't...
A: After Age of Ultron's deception, Ant-man came to the rescue to salvage Marvel's image. I'm not going to expand a lot on this one, let's just say Ant-man has what Marvel does best and made it even better:
Funny jokes
Great special effects
Lovable characters
Not the best story in cinema's history but still enjoyable. And on this point, Ant-man stepped up from other Marvel films as I found its plot better than most.
Overall, Ant-man easily comes in my top 3 Marvel films.
A-: Rogue Nation is the first Mission Impossible I've enjoyed. The lovable and funny characters with great alchemy plus nice stunts, a well led story and general special agent shenenigans made it worth to watch.
A: Dinosaurs fights. Need I say more? I could say that Jurassic World managed get out of its big bro shadow (and that's a difficult thing to do when the previous film(s) was/were huge sucesse(s) staring at you star w-... well you get the idea) not by trying to best it at its strenghs but by finding an own enjoyable style.But that doesn't matter because there are DINOSAURS.FIGHTS. and that deserve an A for me. Oh and, Chris Pratt just needed the hat to look exactly like Indiana Jones, if someone ever has to take over the role it has to be him.
A: Action films tend to be forgetable because, in the end, most of them are too similar. Fast and Furious 7 has everything you look for in an action film but what makes it so great is its characters in fact. I love seeing this big family dealing with their problems and evolving at the same time. Appart from that, it was pretty spectacular to see, thanks to the special effects and the way it was filmed. I was crying (nearly sobbing but maybe it's because I'm a crybaby) at the end too, the way they dealt with the ending was well done.
A+: Second favorite of the year. At first, I was pretty skeptical and wasn't too hyped to see it (fun fact: it was the same with Kingsman, I was litteraly dragged to the cinema to see it) but finally I'm glad I gave it a chance. With a big chunk of comedy thanks to Matt Damon's great performance, we end up with a film which could've have decided to go full serious but finally stayed pretty light and humorous while still balancing with some heavy part. I can't really give you its main strengh, it's just that all the elements of the film mix well with eachover to give a certain harmony keeping you interested and laughing for 2h22min.
B+: I laughed so much during Spy! It's, like Kingsman, a parody of well spy films focusing more on the comedic aspects. It's not the most clever humor you'll hear but it's damn effective (at least on me).
B: A spy film, another one but unfortunately not the best. What made Kingsman and Spy great were their use of stereotypes, and there are a lot of spy film stereotypes in U.N.C.L.E but the way they were shown wasn't convincing enough. I even wondered sometimes if they really were making fun of those stereotypes or if they were victim of them. Overall, the film is flawed but still, it's nice to watch.
B+: Pitch Perfect 2 is the faithfull sequel to the first one. Nice singing, funny characters (but a little overdone sometimes), jokes (even if some of the running ones were getting old by the end) and that's all I need to spend a good moment.
B+: Nice characters and actions. The cut from "peacefully talking" to "OMERGAD DISASTERS" were a little too sharp but hey, an earthquake/tsunami isn't going to wait until the end of your conversation to destroy the city so I can't really blame San Andreas for that.
There are many more films I haven't put there but I'm getting tired, maybe I'll continue this another day ^^
Sees she doesn't like Mad Max - You will suffer for your crimes. Lol I'm just kidding, each to their own. I'm still betting on Kingsman as my favorite of the year.
I'm still betting on Kingsman as my favorite of the year.
There's only Star Wars left to beat Kingsman but I'm very, very afraid. Episode VII will either be one of the greatest film of the year or a complete disaster for me, and I will be pretty pissed if it turns out to be bad because I already resereved my tickets and bought a Jedi hoodie.
Oh and I'm a girl btw, my username sounds pretty feminine to me but everyone thinks I'm a man for some reason x)
Yeyeyeye. Another cinephile.
Sees she doesn't like Mad Max - You will suffer for your crimes. Lol I'm just kidding, each to their own. I'm still betting on Kingsman as my favorite of the year.
The trailers for them are really promising, but things can still go bad so I'm not gonna say anything about it. And Kingsman is my personal favorite so far, that's why I'm betting on it.
Oh. Sorry. :P I'll edit my comment then. Just a common misconception.
I'm still betting on Kingsman as my favorite of the year.
There's only Star Wars left to beat Kingsman but I'm very, very afraid. Ep… moreisode VII will either be one of the greatest film of the year or a complete disaster for me, and I will be pretty pissed if it turns out to be bad because I already resereved my tickets and bought a Jedi hoodie.
Oh and I'm a girl btw, my username sounds pretty feminine to me but everyone thinks I'm a man for some reason x)
Well, despite a shitty Friday the 13th and people freaking out, I finally saw Mad Max: Fury Road!
My short reaction: Meh, I see why others like it but I never could get into it. I don't think there's any particular reason I didn't like it that much except for the fact that I'm just not a fan of the series: I didn't like the Mel Gibson ones that much and I didn't like this one really, I don't think they're bad movies or anything I just don't feel like they're for me.
Meanwhile, I might go and see Creed when it comes out, I'll probably see Star Wars: The Force Awakens but my most anticipated for the rest of the year is the Hateful Eight which comes out at the end of the year in 70mm film or something but normally in January next year.
That's fine. It's not for everybody. While I did think it was a great action flick, I still think The Raid 2 is the best one I've ever seen. One of the best ones of the 2010's no doubt.
Call me crazy, but I wasn't impressed with The Hateful Eight trailer. There was something missing from it. I just can quite put my finger on it.
Well, despite a shitty Friday the 13th and people freaking out, I finally saw Mad Max: Fury Road!
My short reaction: Meh, I see why other… mores like it but I never could get into it. I don't think there's any particular reason I didn't like it that much except for the fact that I'm just not a fan of the series: I didn't like the Mel Gibson ones that much and I didn't like this one really, I don't think they're bad movies or anything I just don't feel like they're for me.
Meanwhile, I might go and see Creed when it comes out, I'll probably see Star Wars: The Force Awakens but my most anticipated for the rest of the year is the Hateful Eight which comes out at the end of the year in 70mm film or something but normally in January next year.
enter link description here
Call me crazy, but I wasn't impressed with The Hateful Eight trailer. There was something missing from it. I just can quite put my finger on it.
Really? Huh, it had me pretty interested but to be fair, Micheal Madsen has said that the trailer is pretty misleading and a lot more is going on so hopefully that means something good
That's fine. It's not for everybody. While I did think it was a great action flick, I still think The Raid 2 is the best one I've ever seen.… more One of the best ones of the 2010's no doubt.
Call me crazy, but I wasn't impressed with The Hateful Eight trailer. There was something missing from it. I just can quite put my finger on it.
Call me crazy, but I wasn't impressed with The Hateful Eight trailer. There was something missing from it. I just can quite put my finger on… more it.
Really? Huh, it had me pretty interested but to be fair, Micheal Madsen has said that the trailer is pretty misleading and a lot more is going on so hopefully that means something good
Im a little late, but i watched Spongebob out of the water on DVD. It was pretty good. But not my 2015 favorite. Jurassic World remains my favorite. Why? The storyline, the characters, and The Music! How can you NOT love the music! I rewatched the entire movie on DVD. (i first watched the movie in threaters and felt like i was watching my childhood all over again) And im not gonna lie, i had a tear in my eye at the end when the T-REX let out a roar as the music was playing. Because it gave me a thought that we might never see the T-rex, the park, and the music ever come back in a new movie...and that thought scares me. THE FEELZ!!! Im even listening the soundtrack on youtube right now as im typing this! XD
Ok i gotta write more about the Spongebob movie because this comment is turning into another review for Jurassic World. :P
Anyway it was cool that Spongebob and his friends went into the real world for the first time. And it was funny also...And maybe the best familly movie this year.
My graduating class watched Sponge Out of Water at the end of the year. I was miserable to be honest. ;_;
The story line for World was standard, but serviceable for the movie. All but two characters in the film I actually hated. Everyone else was just there to die if you ask me. The music will always be a staple to the franchise.
Im a little late, but i watched Spongebob out of the water on DVD. It was pretty good. But not my 2015 favorite. Jurassic World remains my f… moreavorite. Why? The storyline, the characters, and The Music! How can you NOT love the music! I rewatched the entire movie on DVD. (i first watched the movie in threaters and felt like i was watching my childhood all over again) And im not gonna lie, i had a tear in my eye at the end when the T-REX let out a roar as the music was playing. Because it gave me a thought that we might never see the T-rex, the park, and the music ever come back in a new movie...and that thought scares me. THE FEELZ!!! Im even listening the soundtrack on youtube right now as im typing this! XD
Ok i gotta write more about the Spongebob movie because this comment is turning into another review for Jurassic World. :P
Anyway it was cool that Spongebob and his friends went into the real world for the first time. And it was funny also...And maybe the best familly movie this year.
Oh man Shayamalan or whatever. Honestly, the movie doesn't look scary at all. I think he could do better than a couple of creepy ass old people. C'mon, you're telling me that those two grand daughters can't defend themselves against those old geezers?
Was it funny though because I heard it was pretty funny.
Compared to Shyamalan's recent movies, this one is pretty good. He did a great job making the grandparents creepy. And yeah, it was funny at times because of the younger brother.
Oh man Shayamalan or whatever. Honestly, the movie doesn't look scary at all. I think he could do better than a couple of creepy ass old peo… moreple. C'mon, you're telling me that those two grand daughters can't defend themselves against those old geezers?
Was it funny though because I heard it was pretty funny.
Compared to Shyamalan's recent movies, this one is pretty good. He did a great job making the grandparents creepy. And yeah, it was funny at times because of the younger brother.
Wait, let me rewrite my review for Spectre. It had fantastic Action, great directing, Daniel Craig was fantastic in that, and I LOL'd. But, I didn't really like the concept. Like, The villain going: "Oh, we fought a few years ago so I've devoted my life to ruining yours." Was a little stupid. Also, the subplot ripped off Mission: Impossible - Rouge Nation. I like this movie, but I'm changing by A- rating to a B.
I think I'm getting WAYYY to obsessed with movie grossing. It happens daily for me. Also,
Home: D. I don't like this movie. It's melodram… moreatic and the animation's shit. It doesn't fail, as it has some voice talent on it, but other than that, don't watch this movie.
The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water: B+. It had good animation, and was funny, and had an appealing plot, at least to me. The reason the movie gets a B+ is because ALMOST ALL OF THE MARKETING FOR THE MOVIE WENT TOWARDS THE FACT THEY WERE ON LAND, and they were only on land for like 15-25 minutes, and it didn't have the charm the old episodes have.
The Divergent Series: Insurgent: C. It was bad. It was enough like the book to identify it as it, but adds details in the movie that were nowhere near the book. Also, They spent way too much time with CGI effects, which they didn't need in the first place to make a movie adaption of the book. It would have been cheaper to mak… [view original content]
Wait, let me rewrite my review for Spectre. It had fantastic Action, great directing, Daniel Craig was fantastic in that, and I LOL'd. But, … moreI didn't really like the concept. Like, The villain going: "Oh, we fought a few years ago so I've devoted my life to ruining yours." Was a little stupid. Also, the subplot ripped off Mission: Impossible - Rouge Nation. I like this movie, but I'm changing by A- rating to a B.
Wait, let me rewrite my review for Spectre. It had fantastic Action, great directing, Daniel Craig was fantastic in that, and I LOL'd. But, … moreI didn't really like the concept. Like, The villain going: "Oh, we fought a few years ago so I've devoted my life to ruining yours." Was a little stupid. Also, the subplot ripped off Mission: Impossible - Rouge Nation. I like this movie, but I'm changing by A- rating to a B.
The funny part is that Rogue Nation was originally going to come out after Spectre :P
Despite liking both, I think Rogue Nation was better if we're comparing the two.
Im a little late, but i watched Spongebob out of the water on DVD. It was pretty good. But not my 2015 favorite. Jurassic World remains my f… moreavorite. Why? The storyline, the characters, and The Music! How can you NOT love the music! I rewatched the entire movie on DVD. (i first watched the movie in threaters and felt like i was watching my childhood all over again) And im not gonna lie, i had a tear in my eye at the end when the T-REX let out a roar as the music was playing. Because it gave me a thought that we might never see the T-rex, the park, and the music ever come back in a new movie...and that thought scares me. THE FEELZ!!! Im even listening the soundtrack on youtube right now as im typing this! XD
Ok i gotta write more about the Spongebob movie because this comment is turning into another review for Jurassic World. :P
Anyway it was cool that Spongebob and his friends went into the real world for the first time. And it was funny also...And maybe the best familly movie this year.
I only remember seeing these three in Cinema, so I guess I'll rate them or something:
Antman: B+ I'm not usually a fan of Marvel movies, but this was surprisingly well done and fun. Had good characters, an ok story (especially for Marvel movies) and quite a lot of funny jokes actually. Good movie altogether.
Jurassic World: E As a giant fan of the original and The Lost World, I must say: this movie is one big pile of shit! I have no idea how it could ever become so popular. Bad/stereotype characters, non-existent (or stupid, changes from time to time) story and cringeworthy dialogue. Plus, one of the worst villains of all times. 'Let's take these raptors, and use them in a war'. I hope I don't have to dive any deeper into the matter, as I fear I might lose braincells by just thinking about it. Shit and overated movie
Spectre: C+ Ok movie, typical new Bond. A little worse than Skyfall, but better than Quantum of Solace. Don't know what else to say.
Finally. After how many months have passed, I've finally gotten a chance to see one of my most anticipated movies of the year, Straight Outta Compton.
Straight Outta Compton is a biographical pic directed by F Gary Gray (he also directed Friday, another Ice Cube film), and it tells the story on how the infamous rap group, NWA, came to be. The film establishes where each group member came from, their relationship with one another, the hardships they all went through, and the ultimate impact they had on society in the 80's and 90's.
The Positives
The cast playing each band member are new up-and-coming actors. Fresh blood, and they absolutely dominate in the movie. One role in particular that made the whole movie for me Ice Cube, who of course is played by his son, O'Shea Jackson Jr. Seriously, the resemblance between the two is just uncanny. Ice Cube's son was able to capture the demeanor and actions of his father perfectly. We've all seen the way he acts, and it is just UNCANNY. Plus, I love Ice Cube. I think he's a great rapper and has some acting chops on him. Another really big surprise in the movie was Paul Giamatti who played NWA's manager. Let's just say he's a got a pretty big secret up his sleeve.
Considering this is a film about the NWA, you would expect the soundtrack to be great. Is it? YEA IT IS! The film is filled to the brim with music made by the NWA, and other songs that were prevalent back in the time such as R & B. Because I played GTA: San Andreas as a kid, I could instantaneously recognize what songs were being played in the film, and that adds on immensely to the enjoyment.
I love how the film establishes where each member of NWA comes from. It opens with Ice Cube working on his lyrics, Dr. Dre working as a DJ. The opening really lets us see the passion each member has for the art of rap. The intro was also incredibly shot. I'm not saying that they were on the levels of Birdman's directing, but there was one scene in particular that looked beautifyl to me. It was a short scene that contained a slow motion shot of bikers riding through the streets of Compton, whilst the soundtrack played. Just a little positive I'd like to point out.
While many complain about the second half of the film to be not as energetic as its first, I actually found the mix of energy and drama to be very effective. If you know the history of NWA, more specifically its band member Eazy-E, then you know by now what happens in the end. But the way the film dramatizes this moment had a hard hitting effect on me, and I nearly cried at that moment.
Because the film did take place in the 90's, it does address the discrimination that many blacks have faced against police officers. In my opinion, I thought they brought light to this issue really well.
The Negatives
Because the film was produced by some of the members of NWA, it's pretty obvious that they tried to glorify themselves a little bit too much. It seems like they left out certain things that portrayed them in a different light. Due to this, I'm going to have to dock some points down because it would seem like they're not staying completely true to their biography. I mean, there was no mention of the abuse allegations made against Dr. Dre at the time. Instead, the film portrays him as this sort of man of honor that always took care of his baby mama.
Straight Outta Compton is an insanely entertaining biopic, filled with a lot of heart by its producers. The film contains incredibly strong performances, great music, and a very interesting history of the NWA. Is it all accurate, nah it isn't. But hey, I could care less. Out of all the films that have come out this year, I can say that Straight Outta Compton might take the top spot. To end this review, let me restate the powerful message that the NWA tries to convey: Fuck the police. Haha not really we need those guys. But fuck the police officers that were in this film. I fucking hated those guys.
I have no idea how it could ever become so popular.
Quite a bit of things in that film I greatly enjoyed, at least from my perspective. I like the original as well, so...different tastes I guess. I know there's another huge JP fan on this forum that loved JW.
I only remember seeing these three in Cinema, so I guess I'll rate them or something:
* Antman: B+ I'm not usually a fan of Marvel mov… moreies, but this was surprisingly well done and fun. Had good characters, an ok story (especially for Marvel movies) and quite a lot of funny jokes actually. Good movie altogether.
* Jurassic World: E As a giant fan of the original and The Lost World, I must say: this movie is one big pile of shit! I have no idea how it could ever become so popular. Bad/stereotype characters, non-existent (or stupid, changes from time to time) story and cringeworthy dialogue. Plus, one of the worst villains of all times. 'Let's take these raptors, and use them in a war'. I hope I don't have to dive any deeper into the matter, as I fear I might lose braincells by just thinking about it. Shit and overated movie
* Spectre: C+ Ok movie, typical new Bond. A little worse than Skyfall, but better than Quantum of Solace. Don't know what else to say.
Straight Outta Compton movie review
Finally. After how many months have passed, I've finally gotten a chance to see one of my most an… moreticipated movies of the year, Straight Outta Compton.
Straight Outta Compton is a biographical pic directed by F Gary Gray (he also directed Friday, another Ice Cube film), and it tells the story on how the infamous rap group, NWA, came to be. The film establishes where each group member came from, their relationship with one another, the hardships they all went through, and the ultimate impact they had on society in the 80's and 90's.
The Positives
* The cast playing each band member are new up-and-coming actors. Fresh blood, and they absolutely dominate in the movie. One role in particular that made the whole movie for me Ice Cube, who of course is played by his son, O'Shea Jackson Jr. Seriously, the resemblance between the two is just uncanny. Ice Cube's son was able to capture the demeanor … [view original content]
Well, this movie's fantastic. This movie captures the spirit of Rocky more than 3, 4, and 5, so therefore it is a better movie. But how good is it really? Well, the story follows Ado-whatever Creed (His name is so fucking hard to remember), son on Apollo Creed, wanting to box, and he seeks guidance from Rocky. Rocky is old and doesn't really want to, but is convinced to train him, and Ado-who-gives-a-damn gets a chance to fight at the championships.
Jesus, I have a bunch to say about this movie. When I came out of the movie, I was tearing up. Not for joy or anything, but because at least to me, there was something extremely tearjerking about the ending. Also, Paulie died. Before you say 'spoiler' or whatever, they showed his grave IN THE TRAILER. So, this movie IS good, though I may talk about it like it's bad. So before you freak out, I really do think you should see it and you will love it. It works extremely well as a standalone movie AND a Rocky movie, because the movie kind of tries to do both. It is in the Rocky universe, but it's not about Rocky, as I've said before.
I have quite a few problems with this movie. The movie's first halve was comedic and playful and fun, but then with one sentence, the whole thing was changed to Sad, dramatic and inspiring. This I found sloppy, and left Rocky less time to mourn over Paulie, which could have caused more character development. A good thing about this is the fact that the fights were shot in such an ingenious way that made the fights more dramatic, intense, and overall more modern. And that's another thing, they try modernizing Rocky. Most of the comedy comes from: Oh, Rocky's old so he doesn't understand shit', now, it's funny, but still, it's a little too silly for a Rocky movie. Also, I feel like an old guy for saying this, but they didn't put much Bill Conti into it, and they filled the training scenes with fucking rap songs.
This movie was also a love story, like Rocky. The change is that this is more in your face. Like, in Rocky, the most romantic thing they did was make out, and in this movie, they had a FUCKING SEX SCENE. Because yeah, that's what I expect from one of the most inspiring and beloved movies of all time. They didn't show it, but still. Then in the second half, it turns depressing. Fast. Like, one sentence. I'd tell you, but yeah, this is a spoiler-free review. All in all, even though this movie had it's flaws, it's one of the best movies this year. Now, I have no clue wether to give this a A- or a B+. For the time being, A-, but I'm being generous. So, at the end of the day, you should watch this movie if you're a fan. I guarantee you'll enjoy it, though I still think Rocky 1 2 and 6 are better.
Let's see...I actually didn't see many movies this year but let me think about what I did see
American Sniper
Get Hard
Furious 7
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Ted 2
Straight Outta Compton
I liked most of them except Pixels...which I would have liked (I actually like Adam Sandler a lot) if they hadn't tried to make it a kids movie, the action scenes were good but the "comedy" was just terrible
I loved Ted 2 and Get Hard, but I just love Seth MacFarlane and Will Ferrell
Now there's only 2 movies left this year that I really wanna see: The Force Awakens and Daddy's Home
Just saw "Horsehead," a total disappointment. Basically, if you've seen "The Cell," you've seen this movie. While the visuals are pretty interesting to look at, there isn't really much in the name of substance. It's basically watching a 1:30hr Marilyn Manson video, with dinner conversations that hide very blatent exposition and a story based so obviously on the Elektra complex that it beats a dead horse(head).
I'm posting the trailer here - it's on Youtube so I'm sure it's okay - but not 100%, because I'm sure while ritual human sacrifice is perfectly okay with American audiences, I do warn you, the following trailer contains nipples.
Also, as to the groundskeepter - Hamid Karzai called, he wants his hat back.
Just saw "Horsehead," a total disappointment. Basically, if you've seen "The Cell," you've seen this movie. While the visuals are pretty int… moreeresting to look at, there isn't really much in the name of substance. It's basically watching a 1:30hr Marilyn Manson video, with dinner conversations that hide very blatent exposition and a story based so obviously on the Elektra complex that it beats a dead horse(head).
I'm posting the trailer here - it's on Youtube so I'm sure it's okay - but not 100%, because I'm sure while ritual human sacrifice is perfectly okay with American audiences, I do warn you, the following trailer contains nipples.
Also, as to the groundskeepter - Hamid Karzai called, he wants his hat back.
enter link description here
Just saw "Horsehead," a total disappointment. Basically, if you've seen "The Cell," you've seen this movie. While the visuals are pretty int… moreeresting to look at, there isn't really much in the name of substance. It's basically watching a 1:30hr Marilyn Manson video, with dinner conversations that hide very blatent exposition and a story based so obviously on the Elektra complex that it beats a dead horse(head).
I'm posting the trailer here - it's on Youtube so I'm sure it's okay - but not 100%, because I'm sure while ritual human sacrifice is perfectly okay with American audiences, I do warn you, the following trailer contains nipples.
Also, as to the groundskeepter - Hamid Karzai called, he wants his hat back.
enter link description here
Upon seeing the trailer for this film and seeing Jason Bateman as the star role, I immediately thought that this would be a drama that would try too hard to be clever for it's own good. A poor excuse for a thriller with an extremely cliche' plot we've seen a million times over. Boy do I love it when it turns out I'm dead wrong with this kind of stuff.
The Gift is directed by, and stars Joel Edgerton along with Jason Bateman and Rebecca Hall. The film follows Simon (Bateman), who runs into his old classmate, Gordo (Edgerton). Simon and his wife, Robyn (Hall), live a seemingly happy life in California. Gordo is constantly sending the happy couple gifts to welcome them to the neighborhood. As Gordo becomes a nuisance to the couple and constantly intrudes on ther personal life, Robyn begins to unravel the unsettling past between Simon and Gordo.
The Positives
Jason Bateman, Rebecca Hall, and Joel Edgerton absolutely kill in their roles. Joel Edgerton plays the socially awkward classmate of Bateman, who we at first perceive as a pest. We want absolutely nothing to do with him. As the film progresses, we gain an understanding of his character, and why he is the way he is. It's quite tragic actually. We don't necessarily see him as wrong now, but still are creeped out by him. Jason Bateman appears as the successful business man who is happy go lucky with life, but we get to see what kind of person he is behind closed doors. Much like how Steve Carrell disappeared in Foxcatcher, Bateman comes out in a completely different light here. Please do more of these dramatic roles Mr. Bateman, I'd like to see what a comedic man like you could muster up next. Also, Rebecca Hall, you did great.
The film's opening is quite slow, but not without good reason. It establishes where each of these characters come from, and an idea on what type of people they are. An idea however, because after the first 30 mins shit starts to get intense.
Absolutely full credit to the films plot, oh my God. The plot for this film is insanely clever and well written. If you've seen the movie Oldboy, you can see how the plotline parallels with each other. I'm not saying that the two films are exactly the same, I'm just saying that it's very similar to one another.
Directing is surprisingly good. Whenever the intense moments occur, Joel Edgerton was able to help us feel that tension going on in the scene.
Memorable ending. Very good, but with a few glaring plot holes.
The Negatives
While I do credit the film for it's reasoning behind its pacing, it doesn't deny the fact that I was kind of bored in the first half. As a matter of fact, the movie felt like it was 2 hours and 30 mins long, while in reality it was roughly an hour and 30.
A couple cheap ass jump-scares. C'mon Edgerton we didn't need them.
Other thoughts
The power of deception is strong here.
The Gift is a surprisingly smart thriller that strays away from the cliches we'd expect to see. The movie is gripping, intense, and shocking. If there's a lesson I could grasp from this movie, it's to never tell an untruthful story about someone, because that person may just make your life as bad as theirs. Literally just one little false statement could ruin someone forever.
Grade: A
If anyone would like to get into a discussion about the ending of The Gift, please put spoiler tags on it. I would love to talk about it.
I agree with some of these but disagree with some too: I thought Furious 7, the Gift, and Spy would be good and I was right but I was let down by Run All Night, and I've heard bad things about Goosebumps and Paper Towns.
I agree with some of these but disagree with some too:… more I thought Furious 7, the Gift, and Spy would be good and I was right but I was let down by Run All Night, and I've heard bad things about Goosebumps and Paper Towns.
Despite being released next year, this was supposed to have come out by now before it was delayed to May. Here's the trailer- it looks better than the reviews I've read made it to be- YOU GO LIZZY, YOU BITCHSLAP DAT LOKI -YOU BITCHSLAP HIM
EDIT: One thing I wonder is about the date that they moved it to...I've heard that they moved it to 2016 so it would have a better chance at winning some awards but why THE HELL would they move it to the same day as the release date of BATMAN VS SUPERMAN !? That is practically fucking suicide...maybe the studio is a Suicide Squad...
Despite being released next year, this was supposed to have come out by now before it was delayed to May. Here's the trailer- it looks bette… morer than the reviews I've read made it to be- YOU GO LIZZY, YOU BITCHSLAP DAT LOKI -YOU BITCHSLAP HIM
EDIT: One thing I wonder is about the date that they moved it to...I've heard that they moved it to 2016 so it would have a better chance at winning some awards but why THE HELL would they move it to the same day as the release date of BATMAN VS SUPERMAN !? That is practically fucking suicide...maybe the studio is a Suicide Squad...
enter link description here
AMEN! That's what I say about him and other ppl like Jennifer Lawrence! I'm not really gonna see this for Hiddleston but I'm kind of a Elizabeth Olsen fan-boy so I can't resist lol.
I don't mind Jennifer Lawrence at all, I actually really like her. When she tried to be funny during the Oscars I cringed but other than that no gripes about her.
Tom HIddleston feels like a discount Benedict Cumberbatch or Michael Fassbender. Every time I see him, I think of them for some reason.
AMEN! That's what I say about him and other ppl like Jennifer Lawrence! I'm not really gonna see this for Hiddleston but I'm kind of a Elizabeth Olsen fan-boy so I can't resist lol.
I don't mind Jennifer Lawrence at all, I actually really like her. When she tried to be funny during the Oscars I cringed but other than that no gripes about her.
I don't think she's "bad" and I do think she is a good actress but I think she is SO over-rated and I hate how everyone acts like she's the best actress ever and she's so perfect-simply, I think there are other actresses who are better than her and deserve more credit.
Tom HIddleston feels like a discount Benedict Cumberbatch or Michael Fassbender. Every time I see him, I think of them for some reason.
I don't mind Jennifer Lawrence at all, I actually really like her. When she tried to be funny during the Oscars I cringed but other than tha… moret no gripes about her.
Tom HIddleston feels like a discount Benedict Cumberbatch or Michael Fassbender. Every time I see him, I think of them for some reason.
Oh boy, I'm quite the cinephile so here we go. My ratings will go from C- to A+:
A+: My personal favorite of the year (so far... looking at you star wars). This film was brillant in every aspect, it mocks the stereotypes from which spy films often suffer by mimicking them while managing to still remain original on its own. The way it was filmed was absolutely incredible, the church scene is for me the best fight scene of the 2015. The actors were great too and seeing Colin Firth in a suit just adds bonus points.
C: Directly from top to worst of the year imo (so far... still looking at you star wars). Now, I missed this one at the cinema but people kept telling me it was extraordinary so I finally picked it up and watched it. I regret my decision, I feel like I've wasted both my money and time. The plot so thin I could wear it as a thong, some cheesy lines, mostly boring characters and plot holes (how did Furiosa even end up with a truck after trying to escape so many times, didn't they think that she might I dunno... ecsape again now that she has the means?) kept adding up while watching it and sure, the special effects were cool but take them away and the Mad Max has nothing else to offer. It avoids a C- for the sheer fact that it was pretty to look at. Anyways, that's just my opinion so don't flame me pls ;-;
C+: sigh Age of Ultron was trying to best the first Avengers by forcing the trait on what made it such a good film. Problem is that it became a caricature of Avengers 1. That's why it's so difficult for me to make a critic of this, there's nothing to hate in Age of Ultron, it has all the elements that made me fall in love with the serie, but there's nothing to love either because of the lack of originality. Believe me when I say I wish I could like this film but I just can't...
A: After Age of Ultron's deception, Ant-man came to the rescue to salvage Marvel's image. I'm not going to expand a lot on this one, let's just say Ant-man has what Marvel does best and made it even better:
Overall, Ant-man easily comes in my top 3 Marvel films.
A-: Rogue Nation is the first Mission Impossible I've enjoyed. The lovable and funny characters with great alchemy plus nice stunts, a well led story and general special agent shenenigans made it worth to watch.
A: Dinosaurs fights. Need I say more? I could say that Jurassic World managed get out of its big bro shadow (and that's a difficult thing to do when the previous film(s) was/were huge sucesse(s) staring at you star w-... well you get the idea) not by trying to best it at its strenghs but by finding an own enjoyable style.But that doesn't matter because there are DINOSAURS.FIGHTS. and that deserve an A for me. Oh and, Chris Pratt just needed the hat to look exactly like Indiana Jones, if someone ever has to take over the role it has to be him.
A: Action films tend to be forgetable because, in the end, most of them are too similar. Fast and Furious 7 has everything you look for in an action film but what makes it so great is its characters in fact. I love seeing this big family dealing with their problems and evolving at the same time. Appart from that, it was pretty spectacular to see, thanks to the special effects and the way it was filmed. I was crying (nearly sobbing but maybe it's because I'm a crybaby) at the end too, the way they dealt with the ending was well done.
A+: Second favorite of the year. At first, I was pretty skeptical and wasn't too hyped to see it (fun fact: it was the same with Kingsman, I was litteraly dragged to the cinema to see it) but finally I'm glad I gave it a chance. With a big chunk of comedy thanks to Matt Damon's great performance, we end up with a film which could've have decided to go full serious but finally stayed pretty light and humorous while still balancing with some heavy part. I can't really give you its main strengh, it's just that all the elements of the film mix well with eachover to give a certain harmony keeping you interested and laughing for 2h22min.
B+: I laughed so much during Spy! It's, like Kingsman, a parody of well spy films focusing more on the comedic aspects. It's not the most clever humor you'll hear but it's damn effective (at least on me).
B: A spy film, another one but unfortunately not the best. What made Kingsman and Spy great were their use of stereotypes, and there are a lot of spy film stereotypes in U.N.C.L.E but the way they were shown wasn't convincing enough. I even wondered sometimes if they really were making fun of those stereotypes or if they were victim of them. Overall, the film is flawed but still, it's nice to watch.
B+: Pitch Perfect 2 is the faithfull sequel to the first one. Nice singing, funny characters (but a little overdone sometimes), jokes (even if some of the running ones were getting old by the end) and that's all I need to spend a good moment.
B+: Nice characters and actions. The cut from "peacefully talking" to "OMERGAD DISASTERS" were a little too sharp but hey, an earthquake/tsunami isn't going to wait until the end of your conversation to destroy the city so I can't really blame San Andreas for that.
There are many more films I haven't put there but I'm getting tired, maybe I'll continue this another day ^^
Yeyeyeye. Another cinephile.
Sees she doesn't like Mad Max - You will suffer for your crimes. Lol I'm just kidding, each to their own.
I'm still betting on Kingsman as my favorite of the year.
There's only Star Wars left to beat Kingsman but I'm very, very afraid. Episode VII will either be one of the greatest film of the year or a complete disaster for me, and I will be pretty pissed if it turns out to be bad because I already resereved my tickets and bought a Jedi hoodie.
Oh and I'm a girl btw, my username sounds pretty feminine to me but everyone thinks I'm a man for some reason x)
The trailers for them are really promising, but things can still go bad so I'm not gonna say anything about it. And Kingsman is my personal favorite so far, that's why I'm betting on it.
Oh. Sorry. :P I'll edit my comment then. Just a common misconception.
Well, despite a shitty Friday the 13th and people freaking out, I finally saw Mad Max: Fury Road!
My short reaction: Meh, I see why others like it but I never could get into it. I don't think there's any particular reason I didn't like it that much except for the fact that I'm just not a fan of the series: I didn't like the Mel Gibson ones that much and I didn't like this one really, I don't think they're bad movies or anything I just don't feel like they're for me.
Meanwhile, I might go and see Creed when it comes out, I'll probably see Star Wars: The Force Awakens but my most anticipated for the rest of the year is the Hateful Eight which comes out at the end of the year in 70mm film or something but normally in January next year.
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That's fine. It's not for everybody. While I did think it was a great action flick, I still think The Raid 2 is the best one I've ever seen. One of the best ones of the 2010's no doubt.
Call me crazy, but I wasn't impressed with The Hateful Eight trailer. There was something missing from it. I just can quite put my finger on it.
Really? Huh, it had me pretty interested but to be fair, Micheal Madsen has said that the trailer is pretty misleading and a lot more is going on so hopefully that means something good
There's gotta be more meat to this fine meal.
Im a little late, but i watched Spongebob out of the water on DVD. It was pretty good. But not my 2015 favorite. Jurassic World remains my favorite. Why? The storyline, the characters, and The Music! How can you NOT love the music! I rewatched the entire movie on DVD. (i first watched the movie in threaters and felt like i was watching my childhood all over again) And im not gonna lie, i had a tear in my eye at the end when the T-REX let out a roar as the music was playing. Because it gave me a thought that we might never see the T-rex, the park, and the music ever come back in a new movie...and that thought scares me. THE FEELZ!!! Im even listening the soundtrack on youtube right now as im typing this! XD
Ok i gotta write more about the Spongebob movie because this comment is turning into another review for Jurassic World. :P
Anyway it was cool that Spongebob and his friends went into the real world for the first time. And it was funny also...And maybe the best familly movie this year.
My graduating class watched Sponge Out of Water at the end of the year. I was miserable to be honest. ;_;
The story line for World was standard, but serviceable for the movie. All but two characters in the film I actually hated. Everyone else was just there to die if you ask me. The music will always be a staple to the franchise.
I recently saw the movie, The Visit. It's good. A few parts in it scared me.
Oh man Shayamalan or whatever. Honestly, the movie doesn't look scary at all. I think he could do better than a couple of creepy ass old people. C'mon, you're telling me that those two grand daughters can't defend themselves against those old geezers?
Was it funny though because I heard it was pretty funny.
Compared to Shyamalan's recent movies, this one is pretty good. He did a great job making the grandparents creepy. And yeah, it was funny at times because of the younger brother.
Guess I'll just see it for the brother then lol.
Wait, let me rewrite my review for Spectre. It had fantastic Action, great directing, Daniel Craig was fantastic in that, and I LOL'd. But, I didn't really like the concept. Like, The villain going: "Oh, we fought a few years ago so I've devoted my life to ruining yours." Was a little stupid. Also, the subplot ripped off Mission: Impossible - Rouge Nation. I like this movie, but I'm changing by A- rating to a B.
That's exactly what I thought!
The funny part is that Rogue Nation was originally going to come out after Spectre :P
Despite liking both, I think Rogue Nation was better if we're comparing the two.
No doubt.
If you like Jurassic world, get hyped because their making 2 MORE JURASSIC WORLDS.
I only remember seeing these three in Cinema, so I guess I'll rate them or something:
Antman: B+ I'm not usually a fan of Marvel movies, but this was surprisingly well done and fun. Had good characters, an ok story (especially for Marvel movies) and quite a lot of funny jokes actually. Good movie altogether.
Jurassic World: E As a giant fan of the original and The Lost World, I must say: this movie is one big pile of shit! I have no idea how it could ever become so popular. Bad/stereotype characters, non-existent (or stupid, changes from time to time) story and cringeworthy dialogue. Plus, one of the worst villains of all times. 'Let's take these raptors, and use them in a war'. I hope I don't have to dive any deeper into the matter, as I fear I might lose braincells by just thinking about it. Shit and overated movie
Spectre: C+ Ok movie, typical new Bond. A little worse than Skyfall, but better than Quantum of Solace. Don't know what else to say.
Straight Outta Compton movie review
Finally. After how many months have passed, I've finally gotten a chance to see one of my most anticipated movies of the year, Straight Outta Compton.
Straight Outta Compton is a biographical pic directed by F Gary Gray (he also directed Friday, another Ice Cube film), and it tells the story on how the infamous rap group, NWA, came to be. The film establishes where each group member came from, their relationship with one another, the hardships they all went through, and the ultimate impact they had on society in the 80's and 90's.
The Positives
The cast playing each band member are new up-and-coming actors. Fresh blood, and they absolutely dominate in the movie. One role in particular that made the whole movie for me Ice Cube, who of course is played by his son, O'Shea Jackson Jr. Seriously, the resemblance between the two is just uncanny. Ice Cube's son was able to capture the demeanor and actions of his father perfectly. We've all seen the way he acts, and it is just UNCANNY. Plus, I love Ice Cube. I think he's a great rapper and has some acting chops on him. Another really big surprise in the movie was Paul Giamatti who played NWA's manager. Let's just say he's a got a pretty big secret up his sleeve.
Considering this is a film about the NWA, you would expect the soundtrack to be great. Is it? YEA IT IS! The film is filled to the brim with music made by the NWA, and other songs that were prevalent back in the time such as R & B. Because I played GTA: San Andreas as a kid, I could instantaneously recognize what songs were being played in the film, and that adds on immensely to the enjoyment.
I love how the film establishes where each member of NWA comes from. It opens with Ice Cube working on his lyrics, Dr. Dre working as a DJ. The opening really lets us see the passion each member has for the art of rap. The intro was also incredibly shot. I'm not saying that they were on the levels of Birdman's directing, but there was one scene in particular that looked beautifyl to me. It was a short scene that contained a slow motion shot of bikers riding through the streets of Compton, whilst the soundtrack played. Just a little positive I'd like to point out.
While many complain about the second half of the film to be not as energetic as its first, I actually found the mix of energy and drama to be very effective. If you know the history of NWA, more specifically its band member Eazy-E, then you know by now what happens in the end. But the way the film dramatizes this moment had a hard hitting effect on me, and I nearly cried at that moment.
Because the film did take place in the 90's, it does address the discrimination that many blacks have faced against police officers. In my opinion, I thought they brought light to this issue really well.
The Negatives
Straight Outta Compton is an insanely entertaining biopic, filled with a lot of heart by its producers. The film contains incredibly strong performances, great music, and a very interesting history of the NWA. Is it all accurate, nah it isn't. But hey, I could care less. Out of all the films that have come out this year, I can say that Straight Outta Compton might take the top spot. To end this review, let me restate the powerful message that the NWA tries to convey: Fuck the police. Haha not really we need those guys. But fuck the police officers that were in this film. I fucking hated those guys.
Grade: A
Quite a bit of things in that film I greatly enjoyed, at least from my perspective. I like the original as well, so...different tastes I guess. I know there's another huge JP fan on this forum that loved JW.
IMO this is movie of the year. i love it. i think i might re watch it again.
Same here, but we'll have to see.
Enjoy lol
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Creed Movie Review
Well, this movie's fantastic. This movie captures the spirit of Rocky more than 3, 4, and 5, so therefore it is a better movie. But how good is it really? Well, the story follows Ado-whatever Creed (His name is so fucking hard to remember), son on Apollo Creed, wanting to box, and he seeks guidance from Rocky. Rocky is old and doesn't really want to, but is convinced to train him, and Ado-who-gives-a-damn gets a chance to fight at the championships.
Jesus, I have a bunch to say about this movie. When I came out of the movie, I was tearing up. Not for joy or anything, but because at least to me, there was something extremely tearjerking about the ending. Also, Paulie died. Before you say 'spoiler' or whatever, they showed his grave IN THE TRAILER. So, this movie IS good, though I may talk about it like it's bad. So before you freak out, I really do think you should see it and you will love it. It works extremely well as a standalone movie AND a Rocky movie, because the movie kind of tries to do both. It is in the Rocky universe, but it's not about Rocky, as I've said before.
I have quite a few problems with this movie. The movie's first halve was comedic and playful and fun, but then with one sentence, the whole thing was changed to Sad, dramatic and inspiring. This I found sloppy, and left Rocky less time to mourn over Paulie, which could have caused more character development. A good thing about this is the fact that the fights were shot in such an ingenious way that made the fights more dramatic, intense, and overall more modern. And that's another thing, they try modernizing Rocky. Most of the comedy comes from: Oh, Rocky's old so he doesn't understand shit', now, it's funny, but still, it's a little too silly for a Rocky movie. Also, I feel like an old guy for saying this, but they didn't put much Bill Conti into it, and they filled the training scenes with fucking rap songs.
This movie was also a love story, like Rocky. The change is that this is more in your face. Like, in Rocky, the most romantic thing they did was make out, and in this movie, they had a FUCKING SEX SCENE. Because yeah, that's what I expect from one of the most inspiring and beloved movies of all time. They didn't show it, but still. Then in the second half, it turns depressing. Fast. Like, one sentence. I'd tell you, but yeah, this is a spoiler-free review. All in all, even though this movie had it's flaws, it's one of the best movies this year. Now, I have no clue wether to give this a A- or a B+. For the time being, A-, but I'm being generous. So, at the end of the day, you should watch this movie if you're a fan. I guarantee you'll enjoy it, though I still think Rocky 1 2 and 6 are better.
Let's see...I actually didn't see many movies this year but let me think about what I did see
American Sniper
Get Hard
Furious 7
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Ted 2
Straight Outta Compton
I liked most of them except Pixels...which I would have liked (I actually like Adam Sandler a lot) if they hadn't tried to make it a kids movie, the action scenes were good but the "comedy" was just terrible
I loved Ted 2 and Get Hard, but I just love Seth MacFarlane and Will Ferrell
Now there's only 2 movies left this year that I really wanna see: The Force Awakens and Daddy's Home
Just saw "Horsehead," a total disappointment. Basically, if you've seen "The Cell," you've seen this movie. While the visuals are pretty interesting to look at, there isn't really much in the name of substance. It's basically watching a 1:30hr Marilyn Manson video, with dinner conversations that hide very blatent exposition and a story based so obviously on the Elektra complex that it beats a dead horse(head).
I'm posting the trailer here - it's on Youtube so I'm sure it's okay - but not 100%, because I'm sure while ritual human sacrifice is perfectly okay with American audiences, I do warn you, the following trailer contains nipples.
Also, as to the groundskeepter - Hamid Karzai called, he wants his hat back.
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Oh no man I can't watch that. I mean I'm alright with a dude's head being decapitated in 100% graphic violence, but I can't handle a nipple no way.
I am a sucker for stupid movies but jesus christ, even I wouldn't fall for this... probably would just watch the nipple scenes :P
The Gift movie review
Upon seeing the trailer for this film and seeing Jason Bateman as the star role, I immediately thought that this would be a drama that would try too hard to be clever for it's own good. A poor excuse for a thriller with an extremely cliche' plot we've seen a million times over. Boy do I love it when it turns out I'm dead wrong with this kind of stuff.
The Gift is directed by, and stars Joel Edgerton along with Jason Bateman and Rebecca Hall. The film follows Simon (Bateman), who runs into his old classmate, Gordo (Edgerton). Simon and his wife, Robyn (Hall), live a seemingly happy life in California. Gordo is constantly sending the happy couple gifts to welcome them to the neighborhood. As Gordo becomes a nuisance to the couple and constantly intrudes on ther personal life, Robyn begins to unravel the unsettling past between Simon and Gordo.
The Positives
Jason Bateman, Rebecca Hall, and Joel Edgerton absolutely kill in their roles. Joel Edgerton plays the socially awkward classmate of Bateman, who we at first perceive as a pest. We want absolutely nothing to do with him. As the film progresses, we gain an understanding of his character, and why he is the way he is. It's quite tragic actually. We don't necessarily see him as wrong now, but still are creeped out by him. Jason Bateman appears as the successful business man who is happy go lucky with life, but we get to see what kind of person he is behind closed doors. Much like how Steve Carrell disappeared in Foxcatcher, Bateman comes out in a completely different light here. Please do more of these dramatic roles Mr. Bateman, I'd like to see what a comedic man like you could muster up next. Also, Rebecca Hall, you did great.
The film's opening is quite slow, but not without good reason. It establishes where each of these characters come from, and an idea on what type of people they are. An idea however, because after the first 30 mins shit starts to get intense.
Absolutely full credit to the films plot, oh my God. The plot for this film is insanely clever and well written. If you've seen the movie Oldboy, you can see how the plotline parallels with each other. I'm not saying that the two films are exactly the same, I'm just saying that it's very similar to one another.
Directing is surprisingly good. Whenever the intense moments occur, Joel Edgerton was able to help us feel that tension going on in the scene.
Memorable ending. Very good, but with a few glaring plot holes.
The Negatives
While I do credit the film for it's reasoning behind its pacing, it doesn't deny the fact that I was kind of bored in the first half. As a matter of fact, the movie felt like it was 2 hours and 30 mins long, while in reality it was roughly an hour and 30.
A couple cheap ass jump-scares. C'mon Edgerton we didn't need them.
Other thoughts
The Gift is a surprisingly smart thriller that strays away from the cliches we'd expect to see. The movie is gripping, intense, and shocking. If there's a lesson I could grasp from this movie, it's to never tell an untruthful story about someone, because that person may just make your life as bad as theirs. Literally just one little false statement could ruin someone forever.
Grade: A
If anyone would like to get into a discussion about the ending of The Gift, please put spoiler tags on it. I would love to talk about it.
I agree with some of these but disagree with some too: I thought Furious 7, the Gift, and Spy would be good and I was right but I was let down by Run All Night, and I've heard bad things about Goosebumps and Paper Towns.
I had a feeling The Gift was going to suck ass because its trailer sucked ass. But holy shit that movie blew me outta the water!
Despite being released next year, this was supposed to have come out by now before it was delayed to May. Here's the trailer- it looks better than the reviews I've read made it to be- YOU GO LIZZY, YOU BITCHSLAP DAT LOKI -YOU BITCHSLAP HIM
EDIT: One thing I wonder is about the date that they moved it to...I've heard that they moved it to 2016 so it would have a better chance at winning some awards but why THE HELL would they move it to the same day as the release date of BATMAN VS SUPERMAN !? That is practically fucking suicide...maybe the studio is a Suicide Squad...
enter link description here
I don't know. Something about Hiddleston I dislike. I'm sure he's a fine actor, but he's severely overrated in my eyes.
AMEN! That's what I say about him and other ppl like Jennifer Lawrence! I'm not really gonna see this for Hiddleston but I'm kind of a Elizabeth Olsen fan-boy so I can't resist lol.
I don't mind Jennifer Lawrence at all, I actually really like her. When she tried to be funny during the Oscars I cringed but other than that no gripes about her.
Tom HIddleston feels like a discount Benedict Cumberbatch or Michael Fassbender. Every time I see him, I think of them for some reason.
I don't think she's "bad" and I do think she is a good actress but I think she is SO over-rated and I hate how everyone acts like she's the best actress ever and she's so perfect-simply, I think there are other actresses who are better than her and deserve more credit.
I can understand that.