Rodrick, Roderick, Roderik.. Whatever..

Just a random topic. I want to point out that Lord Forrester's firstborn son is named RODRIK.. Not Rodrick, not Roderik- Rodrik.. I know, I'm a dick, but it's kinda getting on my nerves for some reason.. xD



  • dont blame us his parents forgot the C

  • Even if they did, that's his name now. It's Rodrik. People have to respect that. :D

    Green613 posted: »

    dont blame us his parents forgot the C

  • Rodrik is a valid spelling in A Song of Ice and Fire. Rodrik Cassel has his name spelled without a c.

    Green613 posted: »

    dont blame us his parents forgot the C

  • Don't forget Rodrik the Reader, the one good Greyjoy. Or Balons oldest son who died during the siege of Pike was also named Rodrik if I remember correctly.

    Rodrik is a valid spelling in A Song of Ice and Fire. Rodrik Cassel has his name spelled without a c.

  • edited November 2015

    Rodrik the reader is the lord of house harlaw. And Rodrik is a normal name in westeros.

    Don't forget Rodrik the Reader, the one good Greyjoy. Or Balons oldest son who died during the siege of Pike was also named Rodrik if I remember correctly.

  • Ah shit, your right. Damn it! I finished all those books in Feburary and I'm already forgetting details. But I still remain all those talks about ripe Summer Isle wine!

    ousen posted: »

    Rodrik the reader is the lord of house harlaw. And Rodrik is a normal name in westeros.

  • I check the wiki a lot for things i don`t remember, especially about things that happend before the books start.

    Ah shit, your right. Damn it! I finished all those books in Feburary and I'm already forgetting details. But I still remain all those talks about ripe Summer Isle wine!

  • True, true. I can respect that choice, pretty sure I got the wiki bookmarked somewhere.

    ousen posted: »

    I check the wiki a lot for things i don`t remember, especially about things that happend before the books start.

  • Classic Rodrick always getting into scraps.

  • I get it that some people make mistakes. But it is really disrespectful to see that people keep misspelling his name. I keep wondering if they are intentionally doing this to troll or making an honest mistake.

  • Heh, I've seen people call Jaime "Jamie", Cersei "Circi" etc..

    I get it that some people make mistakes. But it is really disrespectful to see that people keep misspelling his name. I keep wondering if they are intentionally doing this to troll or making an honest mistake.

  • I think it's just a mistake. What I don't get is that the people that misspell his name are mostly found on GoT related videos on youtube or on these Telltale forums.. How do they NOT SEE HOW HIS NAME IS SPELLED? I was talking to this dude on youtube and he kept spelling Rodrik as "Roderik". What. The. Hell. I kept saying "Rodrik" on purpose and he just kept saying "Roderik". Just how can you misspell such a simple name?

    I get it that some people make mistakes. But it is really disrespectful to see that people keep misspelling his name. I keep wondering if they are intentionally doing this to troll or making an honest mistake.

  • Just how can you misspell such a simple name?

    I have been asking myself that a lot. I mean Rodrik is not a difficult name! Yet they make it seems like the most difficult name to spell in the world!

    I think it's just a mistake. What I don't get is that the people that misspell his name are mostly found on GoT related videos on youtube or

  • Yeah! Roderik? REALLY? RODERIK!? xD

    Just how can you misspell such a simple name? I have been asking myself that a lot. I mean Rodrik is not a difficult name! Yet they make it seems like the most difficult name to spell in the world!

  • I swear every time someone Roderik instead of Rodrik, I can't help but think of that bit from Young Frankenstein, its Fredrick, not Frodrick!

    Yeah! Roderik? REALLY? RODERIK!? xD

  • XD Everytime someone spells it wrong I want to correct them so badly but don't want to seem like a dick.

  • The worst I've seen so far was 'Roderick'. I

  • Trust me.. Even if you do correct them they'll keep making the same mistake.. I've tried..

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    XD Everytime someone spells it wrong I want to correct them so badly but don't want to seem like a dick.

  • Don't even start me on "Roderick".. xD

    The worst I've seen so far was 'Roderick'. I

  • Don't forget good ol' Kelly C.

    Nothox posted: »

    Heh, I've seen people call Jaime "Jamie", Cersei "Circi" etc..

  • Thats what it sounds like Gryff says sometimes lol

    The worst I've seen so far was 'Roderick'. I

  • OMG.. KELLY C..
    Is that supposed to be khaleesi? xD
    Just like John Snow, Peter Baelish etc. xD

    Don't forget good ol' Kelly C.

  • Rodrick The Unbroken!

  • edited November 2015

    I feel it's disrespectful too.

    I mean, if they bothered to check the codex, they'd see it's Rodrik. If they'd checked their choice screen, they'd see it's Rodrik. If they play with subtitles, they'd see it's Rodrik. If they looked online, they'd see it's Rodrik. If they paid attention on the forum, they'd see it's Rodrik. If they paid attention to the dialogue options in the game, they'd see it's Rodrik. And many of them actually saved Rodrik and claim he's their favourite character, so why so, so many people spell it: Roderick. Rodrick. Roderik. Roderic. Rodric. Rorick. I even saw Rorek the other day.

    It's such a minor thing, I guess, but it's gone on for so long and it can only be accounted for by people being stupid and disrespectful. Ultimately. If you care enough to buy the game and wish to discuss it, I immediately discredit your opinion as being all that well-thought-out or credible, if, at this point, you're oblivious to how Rodrik's name is really spelled...

    58% left Rodrik to die. And yet it's the statistic of people who can't even spell his simple name, that upsets me even more. :(


    I get it that some people make mistakes. But it is really disrespectful to see that people keep misspelling his name. I keep wondering if they are intentionally doing this to troll or making an honest mistake.


    I've been telling myself the same thing and to some friends that play Game of Thrones. Okay, I admit, I was spelling his name as 'Rodrick' after episode 1 but after episode 2, I've learned my mistake. Okay, calling him 'Rodrick' is not that disrespectful, but calling him Rodric or Roderick? Wow...

    Sorry for acting like a dick but that pretty much annoys me... I mean, they think Ramsay's name is written 'Ramsey'... WHY?!

    Again, sorry for acting like a dick.

  • Hahaha, my grammar nazi instincts kick real strong whenever I see his name misspelt! Like you all said, I don't get what's so difficult about remembering the correct spelling? >.< (but yeah, I mostly let it lie because I don't want to be rude...)

    And it seems his girl shares the problem, because I also see lots of people who can't spell Elaena properly. I even read some call her Eleanor somewhere o.o

    Rodrik and Elaena, the Ship with Spelling Issues. xD

  • I think in Elaena's case, and this is just my opinion, her name is genuinely difficult, because I sometimes accidentally misspell her name as Elena or Eleana. But aye, no wonder Rodrik and Elaena are in love. They both say their names right. ^^

    Hahaha, my grammar nazi instincts kick real strong whenever I see his name misspelt! Like you all said, I don't get what's so difficult abou

  • I can totally see Lord Glenmore testing the worthiness of his daughter's suitors with a spelling challenge. xD

    (yeah I guess it's easier to misspell her name, even just by swapping the "ae" into "ea" by mistake while writing. Even in the subtitles in-game it's spelt the other way a couple of times ^^'' but I always thought funny that they both share the issue. Definitive proof they are perfect for each other :3)

    I think in Elaena's case, and this is just my opinion, her name is genuinely difficult, because I sometimes accidentally misspell her name as Elena or Eleana. But aye, no wonder Rodrik and Elaena are in love. They both say their names right. ^^

  • That bastard, I mean it was bad enough killing Asher and cutting up his corpse, messing with the lives of an entire house, and being just an absolute prick. But being the man who first said Roderick? THAT MONSTER!

    AGentlman posted: »

    Thats what it sounds like Gryff says sometimes lol

  • No wonder, they both have apparently difficult names to spell, and easy to spell brother names. It was a perfect match from day one.

    I think in Elaena's case, and this is just my opinion, her name is genuinely difficult, because I sometimes accidentally misspell her name as Elena or Eleana. But aye, no wonder Rodrik and Elaena are in love. They both say their names right. ^^

  • edited November 2015

    Rodd Rick

  • Yes.. He's literally a playable character, one of the main characters and most important ones in the game.. HOW DO YOU NOT SEE HIS NAME!? I'm so pissed..
    Another thing.. People often use the "English is not my native language." as an excuse if you correct them, but how do you even play the game if you don't understand shit!? It's a story based game! English equals everything! I'm not from an English speaking country but my English is almost flawless.. That excuse is shitty and everyone, I mean EVERYONE uses that excuse..

    DillonDex posted: »

    I feel it's disrespectful too. I mean, if they bothered to check the codex, they'd see it's Rodrik. If they'd checked their choice screen

  • He has no head in my playtrough.. xD

    That bastard, I mean it was bad enough killing Asher and cutting up his corpse, messing with the lives of an entire house, and being just an absolute prick. But being the man who first said Roderick? THAT MONSTER!

  • Rodrick The Unbrocken* xD

    Rodrick The Unbroken!

  • Everyone should act like a dick, only that can get the attention from the people that have shitty grammar! :D
    In the GoT universe there are some people with weird names. Kinda like Daenerys. It might not be weird, but it's uncommon.. It's okay if you don't spell the names right of some non-important characters but making mistakes in names of important characters like Ramsey or Ramsy.. Circi.. Kelly C.. I mean REALLY!?
    I just get FURIOUS.. I'm a Grammar Nazi at heart and I will do my best to make everyone's spelling perfect!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    THANK YOU! I've been telling myself the same thing and to some friends that play Game of Thrones. Okay, I admit, I was spelling his name

  • Rodd Rick is the man who can't be brocken! HAH! xD

    dinofire posted: »

    Rodd Rick

  • enter image description here

    Seeing all the people that agree with me.. Ahh it feels so good..

  • edited November 2015

    Yeah, and some people still think that Beskha is spelled Beshka. Even Telltale sometimes misspells her name.

  • What I don't get is that Beskha doesn't sound like "Beshka". They pronounce it like bes-kah. Mistakes like Rodrick, Ramsy are kinda understandable, but Beshka?

    Pipas posted: »

    Yeah, and some people still think that Beskha is spelled Beshka. Even Telltale sometimes misspells her name.

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