A Huge Disappointment



  • Yeah, I know, right! :D

    Got is soo much better it's embarrassing...!

    Yes, that is our opinions, so why are you bashing me? Also, you cannot compare GoT with TFTB at ALL.

  • Watching this on a loop is amusing tbh

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    You just reminded me Mira's execution ;_; I cri evrytiem :'c

  • Now I'm kinda glad I made that GIF xd

    Holy shit, I make the most cruel GIFs LMAO

    Watching this on a loop is amusing tbh

  • Your Until Dawn gif...

    Those were the days lmao

    Good days

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Now I'm kinda glad I made that GIF xd Holy shit, I make the most cruel GIFs LMAO

  • edited November 2015

    And that's the most cruel GIF I've ever made in my entire life:

    enter image description here

    Although yeah... the days when I made the bitchslap GIF LMAO

    Your Until Dawn gif... Those were the days lmao Good days

  • LMFAO the way her head drops, bruh.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    And that's the most cruel GIF I've ever made in my entire life: Although yeah... the days when I made the bitchslap GIF LMAO

  • R.I.P. Elissa Forrester ;-;

    LMFAO the way her head drops, bruh.

  • Rest in piss - Wolfe 2K15

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    R.I.P. Elissa Forrester ;-;

  • Ew, what the hell.

    Rest in piss - Wolfe 2K15

  • Short-term memory eh?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Ew, what the hell.

  • No, I remember saying that.

    But none Forrester deserves to rest in piss. All of the fallen Forresters deserve to rest in peace.

    Short-term memory eh?

  • Jesus Christ lmao

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    No, I remember saying that. But none Forrester deserves to rest in piss. All of the fallen Forresters deserve to rest in peace.

  • Okay...? xd

    Jesus Christ lmao

  • I thought it was pretty well done...and I enjoyed playing the Asher version. I also let the coal kid take it in the end for Mira.

  • edited November 2015

    Did I compare them? I must have missed that part and I wrote the damn thing. I wanted to say that TTG put a lot of effort in their newer series TFTB and GoT and that they were really well done. I dont judge you for having an opinion. You think that the episode was a dissapointment? Thats okay, theres no problem but dont shit all over it because of this one negative thing you saw and stop writing about it all over the site. Thats your opinion but that doesnt mean everyone should know it.Keep it for yourself. I dont go and make threads about how much I loved the episode and how much I will miss it bla bla bla. All that negativity is pointless and it just ruins your\my day. So, yeah instead of writing this negative thing you could have done or wrote smth good instead. Then we would have been happy and not arguing about this stupid thing. :D

    Yes, that is our opinions, so why are you bashing me? Also, you cannot compare GoT with TFTB at ALL.

  • I found this ending very disappointing, too.
    Also I'm feeling less and less power in the choices I do; despite what I try to avoid, the fate is written despite my choices and I get that in the game. Too bad.
    I kinda miss the very early games by Telltales. I felt more dependencies from my choices.

  • Again, castles exist solely to fight superior numbers. The Forresters were outnumbered but didn't take advantage of Ironrath. The moment the ram hit the gate they should have ran back to the keep and held that, rather than trying to 1 on 1 every individual Whitehill soldier.

    Yes, the Whitehills had lots of men. Being a third-tier house though, that's probably ALL the men they'll have for years. They wasted a few (literal) tons of them to kill the Forresters 20-50 men. Sieges take a lot of people because they absolutely guarantee casualties. Casualties that couldn't be affored even by first-tier houses. The one person in the series that regulary sieges is Stannis, but he is desperate and has zero alternatives. I'm tired of the Forresters suffering stupid losses, I was just hoping for a loss that wasn't retarded (executed for an unprovable murder, flayed by walking plot armour, a fucking loyal man of 20+ years turning traitor because a 16 year old didn't give him a bracelet, a rescue mission with warning of an ambush being ambushed, having a false dragon queen go back on her word, and so on), I'd have been okay with Ludd just starving them out.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    Dude. First of all, there were a lot of people there. Second of all, it was established in episode fucking one why the Forrestors don't ha

  • lol, no.

    J-Master posted: »

    Insulting because of opinion only makes the other look like a petty asshole.

  • GoT was the first TTG to have a player determent character live. Compare that to TWD, which literally kills anyone you save off. So how are you going to argue that your choices mattered more in the old TTG?

    dado posted: »

    I found this ending very disappointing, too. Also I'm feeling less and less power in the choices I do; despite what I try to avoid, the fat

  • there is a forum. that talks about what you want is season 2. no negativity there.

    DillonDex posted: »

    It does seem like there's no pleasing them... I finished it and thought "Well that was good! A great balance between tragedy, revenge and

  • I hear you, but everyone is different. I don't know how you felt about the last episode, but it wasn't too bad. I can related to those who say it was good and those who say it was bad.

    I'm just sick and tired of him sh**ing on everything telltale does and I'm 100% sure I'm not the only one

  • You're so right it hurts man.

    Again, castles exist solely to fight superior numbers. The Forresters were outnumbered but didn't take advantage of Ironrath. The moment the

  • lol, great response.

    lol, no.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited November 2015

    I still wish I knew why that guy isn't permanently banned yet

    Someone tell me, what does that guy contribute to this place, seriously

    Seriously, when is the last time he's actually done anything besides dredge up quality posts like "Everything telltale does besides TWD S1 is shit" "TWD S2 writers deserve to die" and other inane hate-fueled drivel that serves no positive purpose whatsoever

    And every time Telltale makes any form of a mistake, no matter the size, this fucking guy is just standing by, waiting to swoop in like a vulture and tear TT five new assholes over it, in what I assume is an attempt to validate and justify all the other stupid shit he's posted

    Why even keep a guy like that around, when the only thing he accomplishes is spewing shit all over the place, like someone hooked a sprinkler up to a septic tank

    I'm just sick and tired of him sh**ing on everything telltale does and I'm 100% sure I'm not the only one

  • Is there even a permanent ban? I know at least one incredibly toxic member got banned at least six or five times with no permanent ban in sight.

    Deltino posted: »

    I still wish I knew why that guy isn't permanently banned yet Someone tell me, what does that guy contribute to this place, seriously

  • If there isn't, then god help me do they have a good reason to make one

    J-Master posted: »

    Is there even a permanent ban? I know at least one incredibly toxic member got banned at least six or five times with no permanent ban in sight.

  • Try playing through the whole of GOT again and it will be better for you.

    GOT was my favourite game on my list. But after E5 and E6? I told myself "Nah, that ain't happening" and I look at TFtB.

  • Agree so much.
    The entire "siege" was just a perfect example of bad directing.As soon as the Whitehills ram through the gate(which was reinforced with,I assume Ironwood)they get their archers on the walls,hmmmm...Forresters had whole day to prepare and not 1 barrel with hot oil on the wall hmmm....The magic of Tv series is that you dont feel the low budget when you watch it,in the game...well...

    *This episode showed a severe misunderstanding of what GoT is. It's not "oh bad guys win, git rekt good guys! wow, many edge much plot!" It's actions and consequences. *

    Exactly,no matter what i do,I feel like being humped in the bottom,without a shadow of mercy.

    Very dissapointed.

    This ending sucked. I was okay with Mira's ending because her plot was ultimately pointless, the only choice of hers that had any effect on

  • Well execep forma TWAU bit they barely affected things.

    GoT was the first TTG to have a player determent character live. Compare that to TWD, which literally kills anyone you save off. So how are you going to argue that your choices mattered more in the old TTG?

  • Nah, they did that in TWAU and TFTB, GOT was not the first.

    GoT was the first TTG to have a player determent character live. Compare that to TWD, which literally kills anyone you save off. So how are you going to argue that your choices mattered more in the old TTG?

  • a player determent character live

    I think he meant playable or something.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Nah, they did that in TWAU and TFTB, GOT was not the first.

  • That makes a lot more sense now, I was thinking he meant a character the player saved.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    a player determent character live I think he meant playable or something.

  • Well. many people are saying that the ending was unsatisfying. And they are not wrong. But in this case "unsatisfying" should not be matched with "Bad" in terms of Quality. Was the Red wedding unsatisfying? Yes. was it bad in terms of quality? no. And about claiming that Choices dont matter because you always lose...Dont be so close minded about it. We are playing the Long-game here. "It doesnt matter if you kill ludd or gryff". Really? Do you really think, that Gryff is as competent as ludd? He fucking cried like a baby when Rodrik was about to kill him. And if you let Mira die, Morgryn has nothing. but he wants ironrath no matter what. I would bet that there are going to be problems between Gryff and Morgryn. But i agree that miras part was rather small.

  • This is something telltale calls "feedback", telltale reads their fan feedbacks and improve themsekves.

    FetchWalker posted: »

    Did I compare them? I must have missed that part and I wrote the damn thing. I wanted to say that TTG put a lot of effort in their newer ser

  • rofl

    DillonDex posted: »

    Yeah, I know, right! Got is soo much better it's embarrassing...!

  • In that case Jurassic Park did that first at the very end lols

    dojo32161 posted: »

    That makes a lot more sense now, I was thinking he meant a character the player saved.

  • Why should you worry who gets banned or not? Rather than coming to this thread and complaining about the person...you might as well mind your own business, yes?

    Deltino posted: »

    I still wish I knew why that guy isn't permanently banned yet Someone tell me, what does that guy contribute to this place, seriously

  • And..why exactly are you in his thread?

    Green613 posted: »

    You're on a streak of making negative posts as always too, I see.

  • I want to say thank you. :D

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Now I'm kinda glad I made that GIF xd Holy shit, I make the most cruel GIFs LMAO

  • What about it? She just had......a chest pain. LOL.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    And that's the most cruel GIF I've ever made in my entire life: Although yeah... the days when I made the bitchslap GIF LMAO

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