"Telltale should make a ____ Series": Post your ideas for a new Telltale Series here. (Unofficial)



  • I just realized: Ash was in Poker Night 2, so why not an Ash/Evil Dead story? With Telltale's good writing, humor, and ability to create sadness or fear, I think Evil Dead would be close to perfection.

  • Could Telltale make a Mad Men game?

  • Telltale should make a Breaking Bad game, I think thats a really good idea so would alot of people.

  • edited November 2015

    Breaking Bad

    Star Wars

    Marvel / DC heroes

    James Bond


    True Blood

    Dungeons and Dragons Type adventure

    Harry Potter

    HIGHLANDER, if there can be only one!

  • Thread: what do you hope to see next by telltale?

    for me it's Tales From the Borderlands season 2 and season 3 of The Walking Dead.

  • Hubs: The Video Game.

  • A good Season 3 of TWDG.

  • An entirely new game based on the CW TV show Supernatural. It has ton of fans like GoT so the game would be a great hit. It doesn't necessarily have to follow the Winchester brothers but could share the same timelines. There is so much room to operate with everything from ghosts, vampires, werewolves, shape-shifters, angels, demons, leviathan, wendigos, and basically anything that falls under the "Supernatural" category. The game could follow new set of "Hunters" traveling around the world hunting down any monsters.We could even play in the perspective of monsters factions vs factions. Maybe like "Angels vs Demons", "Vampires vs Werewolves" or playing both as "Hunters and Monsters"

    TellTale should really get in contact with CW Supernatural directors and make this happen.

  • Sam & Max Season 4.

    enter image description here

  • A firefly game needs to be a thing! And even better! Season 2 of Back to the future! Bring it back! Also maybe a second wolf among us series

  • TFTBL S2.

    And hopefully a really good TWDG S3. Like, as good as TFTBL was.

  • edited November 2015

    Why on earth hasn't Telltale already had a Hogwarts game?

  • I'd like to see them doing some Japanese-manga style game.

  • edited November 2015

    Same but I doubt anyone at telltale reads manga which is a shame since there are so, so many manga with great stories.

    I'd like to see them doing some Japanese-manga style game.

  • Telltale: Masquared from World of Darkness, now Paradox has coprights so there is a chance.
    In many ways it could be as TWAU but with vampires.
    The general vampire plot could suit telltale style, some investigation, intrigues, dark mood. A lot of talking.

    Telltale StarWars could fine as well, as long as it will be about smugglers, or some lost jedi. There is comics book Katar last jedi, about young jedi who survives order 66. Could be fun.

    Telltale: Ninjas and Pirates. Ok pirates are optional, but something about far east. Something like Jade Empire. New style. Maybe The Last Airbender universe.

  • edited November 2015

    Maybe 'The Path'? From what I have seen, not many people know this game, which is a shame, because it's very interesting. TellTale could make a good story and flesh out characters a little bit more, I can't even imagine how amazing and unique that would be.

    enter image description here

  • Thread: The Hunger Games - Telltale Games

    Since the franchise is over, what do you think of a Hunger Games Game? This one would be set in a different year of the games with a completely different character and such. Personally, I'd love something like this especially if it's by Telltale. What are your thoughts?

  • Considering the references in Tales from the Borderlands like Cowboy Bebop, I'm sure that there are people on staff that watch anime/read manga.

    Same but I doubt anyone at telltale reads manga which is a shame since there are so, so many manga with great stories.

  • edited November 2015

    I think it'd work really well. Each episode could be a day of the games of something, with the first episode the preparation and meeting all the characters.

  • Yeah! And maybe we could choose the character's gender like Minecraft story mode. I really hope they'd make a game of this. It would definitely be a winner.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I think it'd work really well. Each episode could be a day of the games of something, with the first episode the preparation and meeting all the characters.

  • Sure if there is option to actually fail at the hunger games without having a continue.

  • I think the premise, kids being forced to kill each other, might be a bit much. Might as well make a game version of Battle Royale.

  • What do you mean?

    KCohere posted: »

    I think the premise, kids being forced to kill each other, might be a bit much. Might as well make a game version of Battle Royale.

  • Im not sure they would want to make a game about kids killing each other.

    shhmoney posted: »

    What do you mean?

  • Thread: Would you Like Telltale Games to make a Emotional War Game?

    Would like it if telltale games were to Make a World War 2 Game?

  • Could be interesting for a War Story.

    Thread: Would you Like Telltale Games to make a Emotional War Game? Would like it if telltale games were to Make a World War 2 Game?

  • As long as the main character can actually die in the end, I think that would be pretty fair, perhaps even make it a double perspective game with the girl and boy from the same District?

    shhmoney posted: »

    Thread: The Hunger Games - Telltale Games Since the franchise is over, what do you think of a Hunger Games Game? This one would be set

  • I'd like to see TellTale Games make a Pirates game, where you'd get to choose who was on your Crew from a select few of a characters and depending on your actions your Crew could Mutiny.

  • Call me crazy, but I'd actually really love to see a Telltale Mortal Kombat game...yeah people would think it's weird since MK is established as a fighting game, but MK actually has a pretty good story, and has a lot of lore that Telltale could flesh out in one of their games

    My idea would be to either focus on King Jerrod as Edenia is being invaded or as The Great Kung Lao in the very first Mortal Kombat tournament

  • Since I just love "Daredevil" and "Jessica Jones" on Netflix. I would love it - if they would make not only a Marvel/TellTaleGames Cooperation. But a cooperation of Netflixs Marvel Universum.

  • Gears of war. Would love too see the world from a strandeds POV

  • Supernatural from the CW TV show!

  • I'd love it if Disney let TTG make a Star Wars game, kind of like Knights of the Old Republic, you could choose which path your character took, the decisions they make determine whether they'll walk on the path of light or darkness, or even in between or perhaps avoid all that together and become a Bounty Hunter.

  • edited November 2015

    Telltale should seriously make a game based on the CW's Arrowverse.

    Other properties to consider:

    Mad Men its a risk but if done right could prove to be quite unique.

    Attack on Titan Telltale's bleak and depressing style showcased in GoT and TWD would feel right at home with this smash hit franchise.

    Star Wars Okay, maybe its a bit cliche, considering how unbelievably expansive the SW universe is already, still Telltale could probably do it right.

    Legend of Korra Forget M Night Shymalan and let real writers have a go at adapting the Avatar franchise - Telltale should do Book 5 for Korra.

    Harry Potter/Hogwarts They could probably do a prequel of sorts - it would be interesting to meet and interact with Tom Riddle as a student.

    Powerpuff Girls because anything by Telltale will be better than whatever toned down reboot Cartoon Network is planning.Maybe they could even use the original cast (unlike CN whose replacing them with a new one).

    Indiana Jones Only Telltale can redeem Harrison Ford after Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

    The Adventures of Tintin PLEASE TELLTALE, if you actually pay attention to this sad little thread, please consider making a Tintin game!

  • Thread: do you think ?

    do you think Telltale would ever make a Harry potter game ? no Harry as the PC but set in the Harry potter Universe and you play as student in Hogwarts ?

    so do you think can this happen ?

  • I would definately go for that!

    kemeti posted: »

    Supernatural from the CW TV show!

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