The Vent/Help Thread



  • Losing a family member is never easy, you have my sympathies.

    iHeartTWD posted: »

    I feel sick right now. My grandmother passed away and it doesn't feel real. She was such a lovely lady and seeing her gone makes me feel ver

  • Thanks you :)

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Sorry to hear it, I really dread the day when I lose my grandmother. My condolences.

  • Hahah that's a cute gif. Thank you :D

    I lost my grandpa about 2 - 3 weeks ago. It hurts for awhile, but it's life. Things will get better, I promise you.

  • Thank you :)

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    I'm sorry to hear that. I love my grandma so much, and my grandpa passed away a few years ago, so I know it must be tough. You have my condolences.

  • Thank you :D

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Very sorry for that, may she rest in peace. Stay strong.

  • Thank you :)

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Losing a family member is never easy, you have my sympathies.

  • edited November 2015

    As of yesterday, my laptop( Alienware gaming laptop..cost over 1k) has received 1 " Driver_Power_State_Failure" upon start up. On top of that, it takes literally FOREVER to start up, and sometimes it doesn't even want to. Weird thing is, even though booting takes a long time and that BSoD happened.. It works 100% fine when I actually get to desktop. Frustrating when I'm almost in Thanksgiving break and I was ready to due some major model stuff for games... On top of that I tried to see if it would start up this morning before I went to school, it didn't, but shortly after I found out updating all my drivers may fix the problem.. But I have to wait 6 hours to get home to even see if it will work, and its possible that's not even the problem. I did backup my important stuff onto a USB Drive.. So if all is lost at least I have that...EDIT After 3 hours of trying stuff, still takes years to load... It won't even system restore properly. Luckily, after like 15 mins it actually starts up.. and works fine...still afraid of losing all my stuff though. Now my 2nd 600GB Hard drive us not showing up, and computer is still slow AF starting. I think they are somehow connected though and fixing it should solve it... EDIT Welp, I have to live with long start up... can't find out whats wrong. :/

  • Girlfriend's birthday is in 2 weeks... I'm a "over the top guy" so I like doing huge surprises... but not sure what to do....

  • Two words.

    enter image description here


    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Girlfriend's birthday is in 2 weeks... I'm a "over the top guy" so I like doing huge surprises... but not sure what to do....

  • My faith in the world has been brought back by this gif.

    I lost my grandpa about 2 - 3 weeks ago. It hurts for awhile, but it's life. Things will get better, I promise you.

  • You should tell this story to anyone who thinks that the man is always the scumbag in an abusive relationship.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Things to bitch about. Spent 30 minutes in a Mcdonald's Drive thru , waiting for a number 2. WTF MCdonalds, my ptsd anger was off the c

  • Yes, indeed. I have been skydiving myself, and there is nothing quite so over the top like it.

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    Two words. SKY DIVING!


    CosmicSouls posted: »

    Two words. SKY DIVING!

  • I am always the person to blame. If something goes wrong, its always MY FAULT. I don't even argue with people anymore.

    You should tell this story to anyone who thinks that the man is always the scumbag in an abusive relationship.

  • So, fuck my Chemistry teacher.

    We were starting some stupid lab yesterday and we were supposed to prepare our notebooks for recording everything. I did do it before we had to but others in my group (Everyone in my group) didn't. When people who were ready were called into the lab, like six people went in out of 30, I could've went in but I felt like I should help my group for a few reasons 1. it's the right thing to do 2. They're my friends and I help my friends 3. We were dealing with dangerous chemicals and I don't trust myself enough to go in alone. So, once we finish preparing the teacher yells at us for not being prepared.

    Well, I wouldn't care except today she pulls a bitch move. She lets the six people from yesterday in but keeps everyone else. We all have to do an alternate assignment, which is a multi page research paper on the history of alchemy in some stupid format, for not being prepared. I find this stupid and go to her to mention how I was prepared. I went to her and told her how I was prepared but wanted to stay back to help my group prepare. She responds with a solid "No" to my request to do the lab instead. I asked her about the teamwork and she said that it doesn't matter there and I shouldn't have helped my group.

    THANKS FOR TEACHING JACK SHIT ABOUT CHEMISTRY AND INSTEAD ON HOW TO LEAVE MY FRIENDS BEHIND WHEN THEY NEED MY HELP. Fucking stupid. People even advocated for her, saying this is a life lesson to only help myself. That's even more stupid. They're my friends, my group, my peers and I won't leave them behind when I could help them easily get past a barrier. To punish me for helping my team is the dumbest thing a teacher has done to me in a while.

  • Sounds like you should be saying "Fuck your friends" for not doing work they were set, especially if your grade depends on them. I hate working in groups for that reason.

    So, fuck my Chemistry teacher. We were starting some stupid lab yesterday and we were supposed to prepare our notebooks for recording eve

  • Well, I didn't mention this in the post but one of them couldn't have done it before class. The teacher made her leave the journal at school to grade and she didn't get it until Monday. The other was lazy and I wasn't really helping him as much.

    Sounds like you should be saying "Fuck your friends" for not doing work they were set, especially if your grade depends on them. I hate working in groups for that reason.

  • saying this is a life lesson to only help myself. That's even more stupid

    lol. That is funny.

    So, fuck my Chemistry teacher. We were starting some stupid lab yesterday and we were supposed to prepare our notebooks for recording eve

  • Mind being a bit clearer?

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    saying this is a life lesson to only help myself. That's even more stupid lol. That is funny.

  • Wow, what a shitty teacher. The purpose of homework should be to help practice/memorize the material that's being taught, there shouldn't be a punishment for not doing it, since your punishment will be not scoring well on tests or not knowing the stuff you need to know when you need to know it. I hear to much about teachers punishing their students for not doing homework and it's just so ridiculous.

    So, fuck my Chemistry teacher. We were starting some stupid lab yesterday and we were supposed to prepare our notebooks for recording eve

  • She gets mad when we aren't prepared and instead of helping us get prepared then letting us do the lesson, she yells at us for the entire class period, punishes us, then yells about how we're behind.

    Green613 posted: »

    Wow, what a shitty teacher. The purpose of homework should be to help practice/memorize the material that's being taught, there shouldn't be

  • I hear to much about teachers punishing their students for not doing homework and it's just so ridiculous.

    When i was a kid, the policy was if you didn't do your homework/have it, you would get written up, given detention. 3 Times and you get a spanking.

    Green613 posted: »

    Wow, what a shitty teacher. The purpose of homework should be to help practice/memorize the material that's being taught, there shouldn't be

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited December 2015

    First time venting on here... I think. (Btw, I'm in a private religious school, so of course they're going to be extremely strict)

    Anyways, our physics teacher was out for today, so another one of the teachers that teach in my school became a sub for Mr. C. Now, Mrs. W is disliked by most of the students because she gets trigger happy with detentions. I remember seeing a classmate just rest his eyes for a whole minute in front of Mrs. W in detention. She accused my classmate of sleeping in detention, so he got another one. (The teachers can give you detention for the smallest things. For example, I once got a detention for wearing a formal shirt with a strange pattern and it made it look "unprofessional") All the teachers have their own pad full of detention sheets. I would say there's at least 100 sheets for detention in each pad, and I've heard Mrs. W gets a new one every month, but that's besides the point.

    I was sitting with my group of 4 people working on our physics project. The class became too loud, so Mrs. W made everyone sit by a table with another person. I sat next to this guy named Jerry. I don't really know the guy, so I just started studying for my English test. Two guys sat behind us, Troy and Manny. I know them a little, they like to mess around, but their intention is not to bully anyone. Manny and Troy started moving Jerry's chair around with their legs. Jerry didn't seem to mind, he just whispers "Knock it off, guys." and that's when Mrs. W noticed us and says, "Alright, you gentlemen are getting a detention." (Thinking she was talking about Manny and Troy, I didn't think much of it) 15 minutes pass, and it's the end of class. Everyone starts packing up ready to head out. When I'm walking out, Mrs. W calls me out by saying, "Excuse me, you owe me a detention.". For a moment, I stand still thinking on what to do, should I argue with this trigger happy teacher to probably get more detentions? Or should I just accept it and move on? Jerry walked by me and Mrs.W also told him he needed to sign a detention. That was my breaking point. Why the hell would you give the VICTIM a detention? It wasn't his fault his chair was being kicked around by Troy and Manny. I turned around and asked, "Why am I getting a detention?", Mrs. W stared dead at me for a moment. I spoke up again, "I wasn't in any way or form touching Jerry or anything. I was studying for my English test. Jerry and I don't deserve detentions, how can you not see this is unfair?". I turned around to get out, but she barked, " I don't care if it's unfair. You're going to obey me and you're not getting out until you sign the detention." Jerry told her that I didn't do anything to him AND even Manny said that I wasn't kicking Jerry's chair, he said he was the one who was bothering Jerry. Regardless, she just gave us a death stare not saying anything. I gave up and signed my detention, I didn't want to be late to my next class.

    During lunch, a bunch of people kept telling me to talk to the Dean of Students about it. I thought to myself that she was going to take Mrs.W's side. Jerry and I went to talk to the Dean after lunch. All she said that she couldn't take detentions away from the teachers, but that she would talk to Mrs. W about it. I sent the Dean an email asking if I'm indeed going to serve a detention. I'll update you guys when she replies.

    I guess to end this... Have any of you dealt with unfair teachers like this? Thanks for reading

    I got a detention for sitting.

    Late update:

    enter image description here

  • edited November 2015

    I knew a teacher similar to this. Thankfully, she is now retired. She would be over-assertive and try to control everything to the last detail. If one student so much as breathed wrong, they would recieve a detention (I kid you not, she gave someone a detention once over his heavy breathing supposedly disturbing the class. It turned out that his nose was blocked from hay-fever and she apologised thereafter, having thought it was intentional on his part. Still, the principle of it stands). Even so, this teacher you describe makes the one I speak of appear as a saint.

    "I don't care if it's unfair. You're going to obey me and you're not getting out until you sign the detention."

    Ot azoy! Did she really say that?! I have been to religious schools, and their teachers (including the one I spoke of) were never so comtrolling and authoritarian as to say that! This teacher's audacity is positively corporeal! I congratulate you on holding back from continuing the arguement. It would have only made things worse. My self-control would have been strained in such a situation, so again, good job.

    I hope it resolves in your favour.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    First time venting on here... I think. (Btw, I'm in a private religious school, so of course they're going to be extremely strict) Anyway

  • Wow, I have two stories that relate to this.

    The first is one time I was walking to class, and my middle school was really strict and we were watched going to classes most of the time. Well, they had some stupid thing against talking in the hallways. A kid was bothering me while we were going, so I just turned around and asked him to stop and immediately a teacher gave me a detention for this. It was dumb.

    The other was a time during lunch in the cafeteria. We had these long tables that were connected, kinda like a prison set up, and we all made ourselves into a system. Girls on one side, guys on the other, and whoever didn't care in the middle. I sat in the middle one day next to some friends and there was some stupid thing that day about throwing around this milk. I wasn't apart of it, I wanted to eat my lunch and move on with the day. Well the milk hit me at one point, nothing big, I just moved it aside and one of my friends threw it. Well, in the end it hit a kid and exploded. The teachers got pissed and made everyone sit out of this reward period and I was blamed for throwing it by some girls that hated me. Well, despite people defending me, I was still one of the ones being forced out. I didn't do it, so I didn't take the punishment, I did my best to have some fun in my own way.

    TL;DR: Middle school sucked.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    First time venting on here... I think. (Btw, I'm in a private religious school, so of course they're going to be extremely strict) Anyway

  • I had a TERRIBLE Science teacher earlier this year- she was new to the school, such a bitch, contradicted herself all the time, and NO ONE who had her liked her. Wanna know what happened? People started reporting some of the weird-ass shit she was doing and she's gone now- BAM we got the bitch fired and we have this awesome new guy instead, it might sound "mean" but she was really a bitch and clearly isn't qualified to be a teacher.

    What happened to you sounds like Bullshit and I hope you or your can do something about it.

    So, fuck my Chemistry teacher. We were starting some stupid lab yesterday and we were supposed to prepare our notebooks for recording eve

  • No, I know for a fact she is one of those teachers who doesn't change their mind about stuff. I'll do the punishment and I'll do it great but I will not like doing it.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I had a TERRIBLE Science teacher earlier this year- she was new to the school, such a bitch, contradicted herself all the time, and NO ONE w

  • She's power tripping. Which sucks, because in your situation, she's actaully in a position of power. Sometimes you just have to take the hit.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    First time venting on here... I think. (Btw, I'm in a private religious school, so of course they're going to be extremely strict) Anyway

  • edited November 2015

    Reminds of a teacher last year, never had him. He was a Bio teacher I think, anyway he was bipolar and got mad at his class very easily. He had ripped off a clock from the wall and had thrown it across the room. Called a student fat, commented on a girls breasts and made 3 girls sit out of the entire class because they we're late, and even locked them out. he got fired that year lol.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I had a TERRIBLE Science teacher earlier this year- she was new to the school, such a bitch, contradicted herself all the time, and NO ONE w

  • Phew, no matter what, I would have not obeyed that lady if it was me, I would have stormed out knowing I did nothing wrong. I don't particularly like people who falsely accuse others.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    First time venting on here... I think. (Btw, I'm in a private religious school, so of course they're going to be extremely strict) Anyway

  • edited November 2015

    I lost my uncle, is more worst than losing my grandmother. He was like all the time when was coming to our home giving me something even money if he didn't buy me anything, he was a very good uncle. Condolences.

    iHeartTWD posted: »

    I feel sick right now. My grandmother passed away and it doesn't feel real. She was such a lovely lady and seeing her gone makes me feel ver

  • i know how you feel my sister never seems to do something wrong and its always my fauls my gf split up with me by text because i cared too much and i even got a job to stop my parents from moaning about me being a layabout(i did get the job because i needed one )but theyre still not happy they still treat me like a child im 19

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I am always the person to blame. If something goes wrong, its always MY FAULT. I don't even argue with people anymore.

  • from what i can read about this it is a manafacturers fault if its still under warranty then get it replaced because it shouldnt be doing that especially an alienware

    AGentlman posted: »

    As of yesterday, my laptop( Alienware gaming laptop..cost over 1k) has received 1 " Driver_Power_State_Failure" upon start up. On top of tha

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited November 2015

    I guess to end this... Have any of you dealt with unfair teachers like this? Thanks for reading

    Yeah, but you probably don't want to follow my example.

    I got detention for not looking at the TV during a Biology video. Never mind the fact that I couldn't what was on the TV. I told her that I was taking notes but she stood firm, claiming I was sleeping, despite showing her the notes. I argued that I had an IEP and that there were certain limitations and problems I have with non-verbal communication. I refused to sign the detention until she got my IEP and looked it up herself. Instead, she said I was being insubordinate and gave me another detention.

    Then I called her a bitch and got suspended.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    First time venting on here... I think. (Btw, I'm in a private religious school, so of course they're going to be extremely strict) Anyway

  • My relative has a French teacher who's an absolute DICK. He gave two kids a detention after one asked the other for a PEN. He also got a detention for explaining things to a kid who wasn't present the previous lesson :(

    Also, props to you for just ending it instead of getting into MORE trouble. I would have gone HAM all over him!

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    First time venting on here... I think. (Btw, I'm in a private religious school, so of course they're going to be extremely strict) Anyway

  • I blame windows 8

    from what i can read about this it is a manafacturers fault if its still under warranty then get it replaced because it shouldnt be doing that especially an alienware

  • My sister is the perfect one. She does everything right, she has the house, family, three kids. I live by myself with my dog. She never suffered like i have, her life has always been perfect. Her husband still with her, after 10 years. The older i get, the less emotional i get. I am a living nightmare at this point. No one thinks like me, I am too extreme. I am damaged, i am wrong, i am the bigot, i am the hateful one.

    At this point in my life. No fucks left.

    i know how you feel my sister never seems to do something wrong and its always my fauls my gf split up with me by text because i cared too m

  • Then I called her a bitch and got suspended.

    i always got in trouble for stupid things. I never was disrespectful towards a teacher, but i would get detention for not bringing my homework,/forgetting, talking in class, reading comic books, etc.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I guess to end this... Have any of you dealt with unfair teachers like this? Thanks for reading Yeah, but you probably don't want to

  • Yeah, she really did say that. I've interacted with her before the incident, and she was actually nice. I guess the power got to her head or something.

    I knew a teacher similar to this. Thankfully, she is now retired. She would be over-assertive and try to control everything to the last deta

  • This will be a hard one to write.

    I literally just found out that one of my best friends had a child last year and the child just died three days ago. He never told any of his friends and not most of his family because he was afraid of losing everyone. The child was raised with the mother's family, who was doing really well financially and he didn't have to worry about it not going without a loving home. The child unfortunately died of lung problems three days ago and now he and the mother is heartbroken.

    I can't begin to understand the emotions that begin with losing a child, much less at such a young age...For him and the child. He is only a teen and the child was only one. I told him to keep going and live the life he would've wanted for his child, to live how he wanted him to live. This is so very unfortunate.

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