Should we tell the others of Gabriel Disease

Well I love Gabriel and we will need him and the others of the order of the stone to defeat the wither storm but Gabriel made us promise to not tell or if you choose something else whatever should we tell the others because it could end up being telling everyone, Gabriel is some how cured but now hates you or does not trust you which could end up in his fate or you could not tell anyone and maybe he gets cured and likes you but lets say he then dies he will maybe tell you something because he thinks your trustworthy

So when episode 3 comes out there's a chance that we will be able to tell everyone of Gabriel disease to help him the question i would like answered by you guys is should we do it or will it end up badly?


  • No, because Petra has the disease in my game.

  • enter image description here

    dojo32161 posted: »

    No, because Petra has the disease in my game.

  • Or Petra. :P

    And yes. Is not something your suppose to keep quiet about. If your infected, you gotta tell your group. Even if is wither sickness and not a zombie bite.

  • I will surely tell everyone about it, if not for the sake of the group then for the sick person's. Maybe it will pay off later, peope who know about Pet's/Gabe's sickness might help them later on. Also hiding it is really shady, I now Ol noticed something was suspicious in episode 2.

  • Yes, it affects someones health so it's neccesary to not be afraid to get help, the others are going to find out some time might as well tell them.

  • Some disease can have side effects which make you not want to cooperate and seek help from other, even have distrust for others! This could really advance the plot!

  • We should tell everybody, absolutely. They are your friends, and they are going to find out eventually anyway. It is better for them to find out through Jesse, who is someone they trust.

    Besides, they seem to be good people. They wouldn't do something mean like trying to leave Petra/Gabriel behind because of their sickness, they would try to help. I see no reason to keep this information from them.

  • but what if Gabriel or petra gets mad at you? I don't think im going to tell them

  • I'd indeed love it tell them, but as Tantan05 said, they may get mad at you.

  • Also, in episode 4 it's gonna be more obvious that something is not right with our sick person. Fainting and everything.

    Abeille posted: »

    We should tell everybody, absolutely. They are your friends, and they are going to find out eventually anyway. It is better for them to find

  • what does it matter ... its way better than letting them die O_o

    Tantan05 posted: »

    but what if Gabriel or petra gets mad at you? I don't think im going to tell them

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