French text ?? liars
I've bought the game not on internet but in a shop and it says french text on the box but it's still in english !!!! No update, no informations on the website, nothing. Thanks a lot telltale for lying to custommers !!! congrats.
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and so what? I want to play that game in my own language I don't mind about english, and yes I know how to speak and read english.![;) ;)](
then go play a french game. i cant stand it when media gets butchered through translations. art should be viewed in its original form.
ok thanks for your cooperation I appreciate.
We have the right to play this the game in our own language. You americans are so arrogant that you think your language is the only one valuable. I read and talk english, but I don't see why we couldn't have at least subtitles. We're not asking much.
i knew a french couple that forced us to watch Goodfellows with french dub and english sub.....its like GTFO and DIE.
What's the matter ? Stop being selfish other languages like French or Spanish aren't outdated just because English is the most widespread language.
Edit : also, the fact is if they promised us French subtitles, then we should have them.
not about being a widespread language or defacto language of the world. its about viewing something in its original form. I watch french movies in FRENCH because thats how the director intended for it to be viewed. Same goes with spanish movies, iranian movies, portoguise movies whatever.
Maybe you like to watch it in it's original language, but many people prefer to watch a film/series/game in their own language. You can't take that away from them.
By the way, we're not talking about voices here, only subtitles...
He bought a game that was supposed to be in French. I don't know whether he doesn't know how to turn on French subtitles or it's Telltale's fault. If it's the second one, then he has the right to complain. Also, not everyone can speak English properly, it's not that easy, especially if they're learning on their own.
then they shouldnt play games to begin with and instead use their time to learn english. if you dont speak english in this world u are a nobody.
Thanks you, (even if I didn't start this thread lol), it's good to see that someone talks with sense here.
Heh, I know plenty of people who don't speak English (not so well at least) and they're certainly not 'nobody'. Also, as I already said, he bought a game that was supposed to be in French, so he has the right to complain. If you bought a game and you were told there'd be English subtitles, and then the game was in Spanish, wouldn't you have the right to complain?
Your terrible grammar tells me you can barely speak English too, so who are you to even talk? Lmao
Terrible internet troll, whether intentional or not, AND sub-par use of English whilst telling someone they should speak English. People like him make me laugh. Regardless, it's incredibly rude what he's doing.
you should talk, english is my third language and im fluent in it and thats enough for me.
Haha, thanks, I'm not a native english speaker so I know the struggle.
I'm not so sure that you being fluent in it is entirely true, I mean, what is that ^^ even supposed to mean?
Actually there is nothing in the setting to turn on french subtitles but it really says behind the box that's why I complain. I'm waiting for a telltale answer's about that. Don't need to argue more.
That's strange. What platform are you playing on? I'll summon a mod so they might help you or move this thread to another section. @Jennifer
I'm playing on pc but I know people playing on Ps4 have the right subtitles. very strange isn't it?
Indeed. I'll try to find a solution on the forum, meanwhile let's wait for a mod to show up.