Episode 3 Waiting Thread - Out Now on PC/Mac/Xbox Live/PSN/iOS/Android, Coming Nov 26 for PS4 EU



  • Android community, do you experience the same time out from the server error?

  • Nope, mine and I believe @NoStress downloaded fine.

    Tantan05 posted: »

    Android community, do you experience the same time out from the server error?

  • F*** The ending

  • Iron From Ice, Brother!! downloading now!!

    NoStress posted: »

    High five bruuuuuh

  • No it's out dude

    NoStress posted: »

    Are u trolling me ? XD

  • Mine doesn't say mibile

    NoStress posted: »

    Look at who's trying to be smart Before it was Episode 3 Waiting Thread - Out Today on PC/Mac/Xbox Live /PSN USA/Mobile Minor delay f

  • I don't know why episode 2 takes up so much, it's so buggy and short

    NoStress posted: »

    I didnt play the episode yet but i notice the episode is i Only 0.57G And ep 2 was 0.70G

  • from a different communtiy thread

    Tantan05 posted: »

    where you get your info for the 10am PTS time release?

  • Because there are two separate stories depending on your choice (Magnus or Ellegaard) in Episode 1?

    I don't know why episode 2 takes up so much, it's so buggy and short

  • michy_xoxmichy_xox Banned
    edited November 2015

    Thread: Episode Three STILL not working on PS3 EUROPE

    Before moderators shut down this chat (like always) I just wanted to say that this STILL doesn't work and it getting annoying, and also moderators tell tale don't do anything about it anyway.. I've sent a email and a request a looong time ago and there is still no reply so there's pretty much no point. With Playstation there is pretty much no point either. Anyone else in EU on PS3 have any idea of what to do about this?( Yes everyone gets the same blue background with 4 blue lines..) If tell tale or a support centre sent you an email back can you read it out here? Thanks. ;)

  • Exactly the same for me,game wont download on ps3.
    Seems like no help available?

  • Same at me. I spoke with Playstation and nothing. I sent an email to Telltale. I'm waiting his answer. This is annoying.
    HELP US!

  • Exactly!!

    GamerPro18 posted: »

    Same at me. I spoke with Playstation and nothing. I sent an email to Telltale. I'm waiting his answer. This is annoying. HELP US!

  • Yeah its getting annoying

    Dor1973 posted: »

    Exactly the same for me,game wont download on ps3. Seems like no help available?

  • Same here, have joined to find out for my son - he has Autism and he's getting a bit stressed! Feeling better (sorry) that it's not just us though :/

  • I have the option to download it on my ps3 and its in the ps store but when i press to download it there is nothing there

  • Yeah exactly the same here :( im so hyped for episode 3 and i realy wanna play it but it just doesn't want to work

  • Its like that for everyone in EU on Ps3 :/ its just so sad

    BoyMoonii posted: »

    I have the option to download it on my ps3 and its in the ps store but when i press to download it there is nothing there

  • Same here, but at least there is progress.

    A few minutes ago I retried and now on the Episodes menu, under Episode 3 says "Purchased. Coming soon".
    Before it said "Purchased, but not downloaded.". So they have at least acknowledged there is a problem.

    Let's hope they are quick to fix it.

  • Mhm yeah..

    cavok4x posted: »

    Same here, but at least there is progress. A few minutes ago I retried and now on the Episodes menu, under Episode 3 says "Purchased. Com

  • Damn. For a minute thought they had it fixed.

    Back to "Purchased, but not downloaded"... but then I get the same popup window with four horizontal lines...

    michyxox posted: »

    Mhm yeah..

  • Uraghhhhhhh for f*** sake!! This is stuuupppiiiddd

    cavok4x posted: »

    Damn. For a minute thought they had it fixed. Back to "Purchased, but not downloaded"... but then I get the same popup window with four horizontal lines...

  • Am really getting pissed off at this... 4 days and its still not out? Am reallt getting impatient now.. And so are the other HUNDREDS of people in the EU waiting for ep3 to be realised..

    michy_xox posted: »

    Thread: Episode Three STILL not working on PS3 EUROPE Before moderators shut down this chat (like always) I just wanted to say that thi

  • Anyone got any news with this? i can't seem to find any... like my backup is saying, it is really getting annoying..

    michy_xox posted: »

    Thread: Episode Three STILL not working on PS3 EUROPE Before moderators shut down this chat (like always) I just wanted to say that thi

  • Thread: After 4/5 Days, still cant download ep3 on PS3 EU...

    Damn ppl i really give up now :/ am starting to thing this was a waste of money really............

  • Still having download issue. Ingame it is availabe (payed but not downloaded). After clicking ep3 the psn store opens. After clicking download there is a blank page with four horizontal lines and a close button. The close button leads you back to the Game.
    PS3 EU. Last try today 21:00h.. Also with different ps3 accounts.
    Pleas fix it.

  • It's happening to everyone in Europe on ps3 and getting fed up though, seriously

    Cooper83 posted: »

    Still having download issue. Ingame it is availabe (payed but not downloaded). After clicking ep3 the psn store opens. After clicking downlo

  • Someone uploaded episode 3 from playstation 3 i think, but ijist tried downloading it again but its the same result-.-

  • if you here anything, can you please let me know? just reply me here, thx

    GamerPro18 posted: »

    Same at me. I spoke with Playstation and nothing. I sent an email to Telltale. I'm waiting his answer. This is annoying. HELP US!

  • My 9 year old nephew is dying to play this episode when he gets up but once again Telltale have screwed over EU PS3 customers of this pathetic port of Minecraft Story Mode. After the utter idiocy that occured with Episode 2 for it to happen AGAIN is inexcusable on every level. All EU PS3 customers of the Physical Season Pass deserve a refund.

    I've bought every Telltale game since the Walking Dead and have sung their praises to anyone who will listen, despite the bugs, despite the poor framerates etc. BUT THIS has really soured me on Telltale as a company. There is once again a long thread and from what I can tell complete silence once again from Telltale 5 days after this episode was meant to be out!

    Extremely poor customer service, I feel like a tool. How on earth this has been allowed to happen AGAIN is beyond me and sadly now I must break the news to my nephew whom I'm supposed to be buying this game for Christmas for him to replay at his leisure, again I feel like a total tool.

    Disgraceful Telltale

  • So it looks like I'me not alone in Episode 3 not downloading, just spent the last 4 days blaming everything from our new internet router to the EU but now I see it's Telltale. I think they owe us an explanation and a quick one.

  • cri lol, and yeah they do.. BIG time.. i keep refreshing youtube to see if anyone has uploaded episode 3 from ps3 buts only ps4 and the other ones

    johnj60uk posted: »

    So it looks like I'me not alone in Episode 3 not downloading, just spent the last 4 days blaming everything from our new internet router to the EU but now I see it's Telltale. I think they owe us an explanation and a quick one.

  • Thread: No se descarga el episodio 3

    No descarga los episodios

  • Hi it would be better if you spoke in Wnglish so everyone understands you

    Franklinh2 posted: »

    Thread: No se descarga el episodio 3 No descarga los episodios

  • Thread: solution Episode 3 EU Not working

    I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. We have resolved this particular issue, and you should now be able to successfully download Episode 3 using your Season Pass Disc/Digital Download. Please start the game again now while connected to the internet, and Episode 3 should update to show as available to download without purchasing it.

    Please make sure that you have completely exited/closed out of the game (You can make sure you have fully closed the game application by pressing the Options button on your controller, and then selecting Close Application from the menu.

    Then start the game, and you should receive the internal update to show Episode 3 as available to download using the Season Pass disc. You may need to close out of the game, and start the game up again while connected to the internet a few times in order for the update to take effect.

    If the issue persists, please do a search for the episode in the PlayStation Store on your console, and it should show up there as Purchased and free to download to your console, as you own the Season Pass for the game. Download and Install the episode, and then start the game while connected to the internet, and the game should update to show Episode 3 as available to start from the Play menu

  • This is the answer of Telltale. Now im trying to download it.

  • Oki ill check too! Thanks a lotttt for posting this!

    GamerPro18 posted: »

    This is the answer of Telltale. Now im trying to download it.

  • I still cant do it coz am new to ps3 and i dont know how to search up my games on psn store!! Can someone pleasee help me!

    GamerPro18 posted: »

    This is the answer of Telltale. Now im trying to download it.

  • Got the same answer on my e-mail.
    Unfortunately I have not been able to download episode 3 yet.
    I still get the same error!
    And when I try through the PSN Store the Episode is 5.99€, not free to download as it was supposed...
    I even tried deleting game data again and reinstalling the game. Downloaded Episode 2 just fine but the problem with Episode 3 remains.

    GamerPro18 posted: »

    This is the answer of Telltale. Now im trying to download it.

  • still doesn't work for us on PS3 - we are in the UK :(

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