Just went ten rounds with Mike Tyson (spoilers)
I didn't actually fight Mike Tyson, I just finished the Game of Thrones season, which felt like the same thing.
Ultimately my gripe with this last episode in particular is that it's just a slaughter with no real redemption. Absolutely nothing goes right and that goal you had at the beginning of the season to save your House is completely derailed the whole way through. You begin the season hoping either Mira, Gared, Asher or Rodrick can save your House. By the end two of them are dead, one gets nowhere and Rodrick just gets humiliated the whole season.
With Mira, I started this episode completely disappointed in her. She did nothing to help her family and you knew it was too late for some miracle. Because of this, I really didn't care what happened to her. It was clear she'd failed miserably. The fact that she gets her head chopped off in the process left me just wondering why this subplot was even in the season.
The rest of the House gets their butts kicked too (or just gets slaughtered). Maybe they're setting up season 2, but why give us a whole season where everything goes wrong the whole time? At least give us SOME kind of victory to bring us back... have something work out. All we're left with is tragedy and loose ends.
I care about the characters that are left, but I'm left not really trusting the creators. Is it all just going to get even worse? Why play a game where you just lose the whole time?
Mira stopped the deal that would make Whitehill army bigger
Mira prevented House Whitehill from raising a sellsword army. They even comment on it in the Asher ending. You're still grossly outnumbered but you would have been outnumbered another twice again if not for Mira's actions.
Also, the Whitehills STILL don't have a contract with the crown for Ironwood.
I would say Gared accomplished his goal. The whole season he was trying to make it to the North Grove, and he did. So that's a victory. A small one, but still a victory, none the less.
Is everyone forgetting in the play through with Asher at the end if u spared Duncon when Royland is Sentinal you don't die! TellTale wouldn't ahi you he lives at the end of this season to kill him in the beginning of Season 2
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Not ahi you
I came here expecting Mike Tyson
god damn it
Mike Tyson would make a great GoT character.
We shouldn't have to.
Mike Tyson huh
? Rodrik would beat that shit easily.