Playing with a Keyboard

Maybe the gameplay feels smoother with a controller, but I've been really disliking the mouse and keyboard controls. This may be due to the extremely limited amount of time you have to make choices but a few times I've misclicked the wrong choice and it's really gotten on my nerves. I would have preferred being able to select the choices with the keyboard's WASD keys at the very least.

Although.. gonna be honest here, I was really hoping this wasn't gonna use that annoying QTE kinda choice system from Walking Dead. Not been a fan of their games since they started that kinda thing. Miss the older style where you could take your time, regardless of what was going on. Especially since Minecraft appeals to younger gamers who may find themselves getting annoyed when they don't have enough time to read/make a choice.

Now, I'm only on Episode 1, so maybe they slow the timer down a little in later chapters, but so far that's my only real gripe. I don't like feeling rushed, it generally leads to an unenjoyable experience in games like these. Still, as a fan of both Minecraft and adventure games in general, the lighter tone of this really had me interested so I'm trying to be patient with it. I really love the writing and the setting and all that, I'm just getting frustrated at not having enough time to think about my choices.

I almost feel there should've been an option to allow for longer choice timers or to get rid of the timers altogether.


  • get rid of the timers

    play life is strange.

  • What does that have to do with what I'm talking about? Heck, it's not even made by TTG.

    get rid of the timers play life is strange.

  • Probably removing the timer is not a good idea. The timer gives you like that 'suspense' feeling and that 'i need to make the right choice before the timer ends' feeling.

  • edited November 2015

    I see no downside to removing the timer, the suspense will still be there if you don't know the outcome of your choice. The "suspense" feels artificial the way it is now. I'm not feeling excited or curious, I'm getting frustrated and annoyed.

    AngeloMC21 posted: »

    Probably removing the timer is not a good idea. The timer gives you like that 'suspense' feeling and that 'i need to make the right choice before the timer ends' feeling.

  • hm, okay.

    What does that have to do with what I'm talking about? Heck, it's not even made by TTG.

  • Well, it's a darn good thing I found that slightly older thread and learned that you can press space to pause the game. It's not ideal, but it works. This thread can be closed because that other one is more useful for discussing it. Mind you, if it's not present in later chapters there IS going to be a problem.

  • there IS going to be a problem.

    Dude chill out. You're one of few that complained about the timer, they won't remove it because a few people want it removed....

    Well, it's a darn good thing I found that slightly older thread and learned that you can press space to pause the game. It's not ideal, but

This discussion has been closed.