Rueben or lucas?

I was just wondering if, at any point, we had to save Lucas or Rueben.....which one?



  • Is closing the game and never opening it again a valid option?

    If not... I would save Lukas. He is on the top of my list of "characters to protect", and Reuben is only the third on that list.

    I make a list like that for every choice-based game I play, just in case I have to make a decision like that.

  • edited November 2015

    I hate saying it, but most likely Lukas. Sorry Rueben...

  • Reuben cause he will never say anything against me... Because he is a pig, and pigs can't talk! :P

  • Reuben is my best friend.

    But Lukas is the key to the OTP JessexLukas. In other words, Me/HumanityXLukas

    So Lukas

  • Reuben because he's one of Jesse's Best Friends, Lukas and Jesse aren't exactly Best Friends, at least not yet, as much as I ship Lukas and Jesse, I still love Reuben.

  • The way it's going Lukas doesn't deserved to be saved as much as Reuben in my main palythrough

  • edited November 2015

    It depends. You see, on some playthroughs, Reuben hates you and on others, he doesn't. Same with Lukas.

    But as for what I'd choose on my current playthrough? Probably Reuben. I love the little interactions with him and Jesse would be heartbroken. It'd be too depressing to watch. But then again... am I really valuing the life of a pig over that of a human? I could always get another Reuben.

    There aren't any more Lukas'.

  • Reuben, so we can continue the "Scott Porter's character dies in every Telltale game" campaign

  • Reuben, he is always my best buddy.

  • He could become the Sean Bean of Telltale Games.

    Deltino posted: »

    Reuben, so we can continue the "Scott Porter's character dies in every Telltale game" campaign

  • Lukas, Im kinda hoping for a choice to eat Reuben.

  • Another pig isn't the same!! Reuben can't be replaced

    It depends. You see, on some playthroughs, Reuben hates you and on others, he doesn't. Same with Lukas. But as for what I'd choose on my

  • Silence so they both die.

    But if that can't be chosen, Lukas, because at least Reuben will drop some pork for me to remember him.

  • Lukas will give us his Ocelot jacket like the guy gave his Tunnel Snakes jacket to us in Fallout 3.

    Tunnel Snakes rule!

    enter image description here

    Silence so they both die. But if that can't be chosen, Lukas, because at least Reuben will drop some pork for me to remember him.

  • Lukas, because I would always come back for him. Always.

  • Yes it is and yes he can. That's why I hate the pig so much

    wishwash posted: »

    Another pig isn't the same!! Reuben can't be replaced

  • His character (Rhys) didn't die in Tales from the Borderlands.

    Deltino posted: »

    Reuben, so we can continue the "Scott Porter's character dies in every Telltale game" campaign

  • Troy Baker voiced Rhys, not Scott Porter.

    watsaba posted: »

    His character (Rhys) didn't die in Tales from the Borderlands.

  • I would save Lukas. As much as I like Reuben, he's not an actual person.

  • What kind of question is this? Is Reuben, duh. :P

  • ....I'd rather actually save Lukas whispers: Sorry Reuben but tis true

  • I'd try to save them both. If that wouldn't work and they wouldn't come back two episodes later than I'd delete the game from my computer and erase it from my memory forever.


    enter image description here

  • Lukas would have to do something terrible and the world would have to be back to normal for me to save a useless animal over him.

  • That actually hurt my feelings :(

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    Lukas would have to do something terrible and the world would have to be back to normal for me to save a useless animal over him.

  • Reuben. Lukas is acting like a jerk and Reuben is awesome

  • edited November 2015

    Would you really eat this little guy?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Lukas, Im kinda hoping for a choice to eat Reuben.

  • Would you really eat this little guy? (It wouldn't show the image description so I just replied...)

  • No. But he's a pig, with an actual personality.

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    I would save Lukas. As much as I like Reuben, he's not an actual person.

  • Well, am not really sure, it just depends what situation it is, and how they were acting before, so basically idek.

  • edited December 2015

    This is hard. It is like choosing between Loader Bot and Vaughn...

    Ultimately I am choosing Reuben. I am sorry, Lukas, but Reuben is my friend.

    Lukas: "So was I..." :(

    ((I suddenly felt the need to reference Captain America: Civil War.))

  • I never said he didn't have a personality, I said he wasn't a person. My dog has a personality, but I wouldn't save her over a friend. Now this game does blur the line, because it's intended for children, and in children's games animals are basically human, but, based on everyone else's (Olivia, the butcher, Soren, etc.) view of Reuben, there is still a difference.

    No. But he's a pig, with an actual personality.

  • Lukas pissed me off so many times, i tried giving him the benefit of the doubt but at this point he can go.

  • Rueben or Lukas?

    Is Reuben, not Rueben! Get it right guys! :P

  • Well, when you put it that way, I've never met this Rueben. Although he's probably a cool dude, I'd probably go with Lukas, since I've known him longer. :P

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Rueben or Lukas? Is Reuben, not Rueben! Get it right guys! :P

  • edited December 2015

    Rueben is a sandwich. :P

    Tohabath posted: »

    Well, when you put it that way, I've never met this Rueben. Although he's probably a cool dude, I'd probably go with Lukas, since I've known him longer. :P

  • REUBEN SANDWICH! I know what it actually is

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Rueben is a sandwich. :P

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