Most Brutal Telltale Game?
As someone who wants Telltale to be more gruesome, graphic and mature , I wanted to get people's opinions on what was the most edgy game. The knee jerk reaction would be TWD series, and why not? Hacking off people's legs and eating them, Beating someone's head in until serious brain damage and getting torn apart by zombies makes for edgy gaming. However violence isn't the only way to be gruesome, TWAU involves a darker depressing noire genre that involves determinant mutilation, heavier sexual themes, domestic violence and serial killing. I think Game of Thrones is probably the most graphic (The maggot scene in episode 1, Ramsay making Arthur's small intestine jump out like a tape worm etc.) I'd wish these scenes were made more brutal and more incorporated to have meaning behind it's possible scary- ness. Which is the most "M- Rated type game)
I'd say Game of Thrones takes the cake in terms of graphic scenes, followed by Wolf.
there was a bit of gore in tftb but twau seems to be tops i wouldnt really know as i have only seen parts of twau
Wolf wins for brutality: You can tear off someones arm with your bare hands (well....claws, but whatever).
Game of Thrones wins for graphicness: it's the most visual of the games.
TWD wins for relentlessness: everyone dies, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
Tales wins for sadism: the brutality in the game is usually meant to be seen as humorous.
If telltlae makes their every game brutal and vilent like TWD, I am quitting. TWAU was already... A little too much for me.
i think brutal and edgy can mean totally different things, i mean jurassic park was brutal to play and has hundreds of death scenes, but is not very edgy in it's themes, however TWD season one was quite brutal, but actually very edgy in terms of it's implications of what happens in the background of the game (things that were hinted at) rather than upfront brutality
You mean the bandits possibly raping Jolene's daughter? I do miss little details like that and I agree with you but I'd wish they'd elaborate on them and have it be a focal point in the story
yeah, that was one of the things i was thinking of, and her child isn't the only child death we were aware of, like how that kid in the attic came to be abandoned up there, and the circumstances of the stranger's child dying and how he ended up with his wife's head in a bag are pretty messed up, also how molly was treated and her group lived seemed kinda crazy, also the "business" the st. john's had of harvesting human meat and trading it for "protection" it's all messed up stuff that didn't actually happen in the game, but we are aware they happened
Game of thrones for sure!
Well, TWAU was surely brutal but Game of Thrones is way more brutal IMO.
It's even more brutal than the actual series xD
Oberyn would like a word
Thank you for reminding me his death
Now I want to forget it again ;-;
Something to cheer you up!
Best moment in the entire show, am I right? :'D
Joffrey should've expected that to happen to him ;3
I'm so sorry.
(?) The remaining Starks will remember that.
(?) The North Remembers!
(?) The Northreners will never forget.
"Look at what you did. Ketchup all over the floor."
"Next time, use your head."